997 resultados para radio wave


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A substantial amount of important scientific information is contained within astronomical data at the submillimeter and far-infrared (FIR) wavelengths, including information regarding dusty galaxies, galaxy clusters, and star-forming regions; however, these wavelengths are among the least-explored fields in astronomy because of the technological difficulties involved in such research. Over the past 20 years, considerable efforts have been devoted to developing submillimeter- and millimeter-wavelength astronomical instruments and telescopes.

The number of detectors is an important property of such instruments and is the subject of the current study. Future telescopes will require as many as hundreds of thousands of detectors to meet the necessary requirements in terms of the field of view, scan speed, and resolution. A large pixel count is one benefit of the development of multiplexable detectors that use kinetic inductance detector (KID) technology.

This dissertation presents the development of a KID-based instrument including a portion of the millimeter-wave bandpass filters and all aspects of the readout electronics, which together enabled one of the largest detector counts achieved to date in submillimeter-/millimeter-wavelength imaging arrays: a total of 2304 detectors. The work presented in this dissertation has been implemented in the MUltiwavelength Submillimeter Inductance Camera (MUSIC), a new instrument for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO).


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A novel scheme is proposed to transform a Gaussian pulse to a millimeter-wave frequency modulation pulse by using an apodized Moire fiber Bragg grating in radio-over-fiber system. The relation between the input and output pulses is analyzed theoretically by Fourier transformation method and the requirements for the proposed fiber grating are presented. An apodized Moire fiber Bragg grating is designed and its characteristics are studied. It is shown that the proposed device is feasible, and the new scheme is believed to be an effective solution for the generation of millimeter-wave sub-carrier in future radio-over-fiber systems. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The development of transparent radio-frequency electronics has been limited, until recently, by the lack of suitable materials. Naturally thin and transparent graphene may lead to disruptive innovations in such applications. Here, we realize optically transparent broadband absorbers operating in the millimetre wave regime achieved by stacking graphene bearing quartz substrates on a ground plate. Broadband absorption is a result of mutually coupled Fabry-Perot resonators represented by each graphene-quartz substrate. An analytical model has been developed to predict the absorption performance and the angular dependence of the absorber. Using a repeated transfer-and-etch process, multilayer graphene was processed to control its surface resistivity. Millimetre wave reflectometer measurements of the stacked graphene-quartz absorbers demonstrated excellent broadband absorption of 90% with a 28% fractional bandwidth from 125-165 GHz. Our data suggests that the absorbers' operation can also be extended to microwave and low-terahertz bands with negligible loss in performance.


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Time- and space-resolved magnetic (B-dot) probe measurements in combination with measurements of the plasma parameters were carried out to investigate the relationship between the formation and propagation of helicon modes and the radio frequency (rf) power deposition in the core of a helicon plasma. The Poynting flux and the absorbed power density are deduced from the measured rf magnetic field distribution in amplitude and phase. Special attention is devoted to the helicon absorption under linear and nonlinear conditions. The present investigations are attached to recent observations in which the nonlinear nature of the helicon wave absorption has been demonstrated by showing that the strong absorption of helicon waves is correlated with parametric excitation of electrostatic fluctuations.


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Mobile ad hoc networking of dismounted combat personnel is expected to play an important role in the future of network-centric operations. High-speed, short-range, soldier-to-soldier wireless communications will be required to relay information on situational awareness, tactical instructions, and covert surveillance related data during special operations reconnaissance and other missions. This article presents some of the work commissioned by the U. K. Ministry of Defence to assess the feasibility of using 60 GHz millimeter-wave smart antenna technology to provide covert communications capable of meeting these stringent networking needs. Recent advances in RF front-end technology, alongside physical layer transmission schemes that could be employed in millimeter-wave soldier-mounted radio, are discussed. The introduction of covert communications between soldiers will require the development of a bespoke directive medium access layer. A number of adjustments to the IEEE 802.11 distribution coordination function that will enable directional communications are suggested. The successful implementation of future smart antenna technologies and direction of arrival-based protocols will be highly dependent on thorough knowledge of transmission channel characteristics prior to deployment. A novel approach to simulating dynamic soldier-to-soldier signal propagation using state-of-the-art animation-based technology developed for computer game design is described, and important channel metrics such as root mean square angle and delay spread for a team of four networked infantry soldiers over a range of indoor and outdoor environments is reported.


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One of the most important factors that affects the performance of energy detection (ED) is the fading channel between the wireless nodes. This article investigates the performance of ED-based spectrum sensing, for cognitive radio (CR), over two-wave with diffuse power (TWDP) fading channels. The TWDP fading model characterizes a variety of fading channels, including well-known canonical fading distributions, such as Rayleigh and Rician, as well as worse than Rayleigh fading conditions modeled by the two-ray fading model. Novel analytic expressions for the average probability of detection over TWDP fading that account for single-user and cooperative spectrum sensing as well as square law selection diversity reception are derived. These expressions are used to analyze the behavior of ED-based spectrum sensing over moderate, severe and extreme fading conditions, and to investigate the use of cooperation and diversity as a means of mitigating the fading effects. Our results indicate that TWDP fading conditions can significantly degrade the sensing performance; however, it is shown that detection performance can be improved when cooperation and diversity are employed. The presented outcomes enable us to identify the limits of ED-based spectrum sensing and quantify the trade-offs between detection performance and energy efficiency for cognitive radio systems deployed within confined environments such as in-vehicular wireless networks.


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In this work physical and behavioral models for a bulk Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (RSOA) modulator in Radio over Fiber (RoF) links are proposed. The transmission performance of the RSOA modulator is predicted under broadband signal drive. At first, the simplified physical model for the RSOA modulator in RoF links is proposed, which is based on the rate equation and traveling-wave equations with several assumptions. The model is implemented with the Symbolically Defined Devices (SDD) in Advanced Design System (ADS) and validated with experimental results. Detailed analysis regarding optical gain, harmonic and intermodulation distortions, and transmission performance is performed. The distribution of the carrier and Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) is also demonstrated. Behavioral modeling of the RSOA modulator is to enable us to investigate the nonlinear distortion of the RSOA modulator from another perspective in system level. The Amplitude-to-Amplitude Conversion (AM-AM) and Amplitude-to-Phase Conversion (AM-PM) distortions of the RSOA modulator are demonstrated based on an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and a generalized polynomial model. Another behavioral model based on Xparameters was obtained from the physical model. Compensation of the nonlinearity of the RSOA modulator is carried out based on a memory polynomial model. The nonlinear distortion of the RSOA modulator is reduced successfully. The improvement of the 3rd order intermodulation distortion is up to 17 dB. The Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) is improved from 6.1% to 2.0%. In the last part of this work, the performance of Fibre Optic Networks for Distributed and Extendible Heterogeneous Radio Architectures and Service Provisioning (FUTON) systems, which is the four-channel virtual Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO), is predicted by using the developed physical model. Based on Subcarrier Multiplexing (SCM) techniques, four-channel signals with 100 MHz bandwidth per channel are generated and used to drive the RSOA modulator. The transmission performance of the RSOA modulator under the broadband multi channels is depicted with the figure of merit, EVM under di erent adrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) level of 64 and 254 for various number of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) subcarriers of 64, 512, 1024 and 2048.


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This paper deals with the impact of several antenna chices on the radio transmission performance within a cellular Mobile Broaband System (MBS) currently under research in Europe. Several antenna types are considered, namely switchable-beam antennas and adaptive antennas employing a phased array approach.


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This paper deals with the impact of several antenna choices on the radio transmission performance within a cellular Mobile Broaband System (MBS) currently under research in Europe. Several antenna types are considered, namely switchble-beam antennas and adaptive antennas employing a phased array approach.


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The recent remarkable growth in bandwidth of both wired optical and wireless access networks supports a burst of new high bandwidth Internet applications such as: peer-topeer file sharing, cloud storage, on-line gaming, video streaming, etc. Within this scenario, the convergence of fixed and wireless access networks offers significant opportunities for network operators to satisfy user demands, and simultaneously reduce the cost of implementing and running separated wireless and wired networks. The integration of wired and wireless network can be accomplished within several scenarios and at several levels. In this thesis we will focus on converged radio over fiber architectures, particularly on two application scenarios: converged optical 60 GHz wireless networks and wireless overlay backhauling over bidirectional colorless wavelength division multiplexing passive optical networks (WDM-PONs). In the first application scenario, optical 60 GHz signal generation using external modulation of an optical carrier by means of lithium niobate (LiNbO3) Mach- Zehnder modulators (MZM) is considered. The performance of different optical modulation techniques, robust against fiber dispersion is assessed and dispersion mitigation strategies are identified. The study is extended to 60 GHz carriers digitally modulated with data and to systems employing subcarrier multiplexed (SCM) mm-wave channels. In the second application scenario, the performance of WDM-PONs employing reflective semiconductor optical amplifiers (RSOAs), transmitting an overlay orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) wireless signal is assessed analytically and experimentally, with the relevant system impairments being identified. It is demonstrated that the intermodulation due to the beating of the baseband signal and wireless signal at the receiver can seriously impair the wireless channel. Performance degradation of the wireless channel caused by the RSOA gain modulation owing to the downstream baseband data is also assessed, and system design guidelines are provided.


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The people of Iraq have also endured bombings but on a larger scale. There are media reports saying up to thirty-one people were killed in dozens of separate explosions across different Iraqi provinces including two blasts at a checkpoint at Baghdad international airport.

This comes just days before provincial elections across Iraq, the first ballot since the withdrawal of US troops at the end of 2011. Although it is unclear who carried out the attacks different factions are increasingly stoking the fire as they vie for political power in the upcoming elections. Tawar Razaghi spoke to Senior Research Fellow, Dr Benjamin Isakhan, at the Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation at Deakin University.