895 resultados para psychological research


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When people monitor a visual stream of rapidly presented stimuli for two targets (T1 and T2), they often miss T2 if it falls into a time window of about half a second after T1 onset-the attentional blink (AB). We provide an overview of recent neuroscientific studies devoted to analyze the neural processes underlying the AB and their temporal dynamics. The available evidence points to an attentional network involving temporal, right-parietal and frontal cortex, and suggests that the components of this neural network interact by means of synchronization and stimulus-induced desynchronization in the beta frequency range. We set up a neurocognitive scenario describing how the AB might emerge and why it depends on the presence of masks and the other event(s) the targets are embedded in. The scenario supports the idea that the AB arises from "biased competition", with the top-down bias being generated by parietal-frontal interactions and the competition taking place between stimulus codes in temporal cortex.


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There is evidence that automatic visual attention favors the right side. This study investigated whether this lateral asymmetry interacts with the right hemisphere dominance for visual location processing and left hemisphere dominance for visual shape processing. Volunteers were tested in a location discrimination task and a shape discrimination task. The target stimuli (S2) could occur in the left or right hemifield. They were preceded by an ipsilateral, contralateral or bilateral prime stimulus (S1). The attentional effect produced by the right S1 was larger than that produced by the left S1. This lateral asymmetry was similar between the two tasks suggesting that the hemispheric asymmetries of visual mechanisms do not contribute to it. The finding that it was basically due to a longer reaction time to the left S2 than to the right S2 for the contralateral S1 condition suggests that the inhibitory component of attention is laterally asymmetric.


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Decision makers often use ‘rules of thumb’, or heuristics, to help them handling decision situations (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979b). Those cognitive shortcuts are taken by the brain to cope with complexity and time limitation of decisions, by reducing the burden of information processing (Hodgkinson et al, 1999; Newell and Simon, 1972). Although crucial for decision-making, heuristics come at the cost of occasionally sending us off course, that is, make us fall into judgment traps (Tversky and Kahneman, 1974). Over fifty years of psychological research has shown that heuristics can lead to systematic errors, or biases, in decision-making. This study focuses on two particularly impactful biases to decision-making – the overconfidence and confirmation biases. A specific group – top management school students and recent graduates - were subject to classic experiments to measure their level of susceptibility to those biases. This population is bound to take decision positions at companies, and eventually make decisions that will impact not only their companies but society at large. The results show that this population is strongly biased by overconfidence, but less so to the confirmation bias. No significant relationship between the level of susceptibility to the overconfidence and to the confirmation bias was found.


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Com menos de cinco décadas de regulamentação, o sistema de pós-graduação no Brasil pode ser considerado bem sucedido do ponto de vista de suas realizações,embora inacabado quanto a algumas de suas feições fundamentais. Na área de Psicologia, o sistema compreende 64 Programas, 42 deles com o nível de Doutorado. Para responder de modo eficiente às demandas dirigidas à pós-graduação no Brasil,a área de Psicologia precisará enfrentar um conjunto de desafios, dentre os quais destacamos: a expansão da abrangência geográfica e temática, de modo a vencer assimetrias regionais e desequilíbrios na cobertura das subáreas e temas de pesquisa em Psicologia; o aperfeiçoamento do sistema de avaliação, a fim de contemplar a diversidade das estratégias de formação e da produção de conhecimento nas subáreas da Psicologia; a articulação dos diferentes resultados possíveis da pós-graduação em Psicologia, a partir do reconhecimento de que as bases para a produção de conhecimento na área variam quanto à imposição de demandas adicionais e à possibilidade de associar produção de conhecimento ao desenvolvimento de tecnologias de intervenção; e a formulação de políticas voltadas à qualificação do sistema, por exemplo, por meio do incremento das redes de pesquisa, da internacionalização dos grupos, da divulgação da produção científica e da formação metodológica mais sólida e ampla. Um diagnóstico mais cuidadoso desses e de outros desafios, em suas múltiplas dimensões, poderá conduzir a um aproveitamento mais eficiente das potencialidades dos grupos brasileiros de pesquisa em Psicologia, na formação de novos pesquisadores e na produção de conhecimento.


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Present research investigated how morality has been developed from kinder garten through care relationships established between the nursery assistants, caregivers calls, and children aged 0-2 years old in order to identify if there the action of caring expressions of generosity, considered one of the virtues that are the genesis of human morality, as well as to analyze the conceptions of these nursery assistants about care as a possibility for the moral development of children. The research was based on theoretical studies of Jean Piaget (1932), a pioneer in psychological research on the development of moral judgment in children, and others who own research in the field of moral psychology related to the educational context as well as the care relationship with morality in order to support the research. The results show that the understanding of care in early child hood education is still superficial and based on concepts related to welfare, including caring in a limited way, just as an action aimed at the physical integrity of children. Unable to note concerns and moral development of children, taking care as a support. We hope this research instigate reflections on the importance of care in day care and their contributions to the moral awakening the children they serve


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A carência de instrumentos de mensuração confiáveis tem atrasado o desenvolvimento da pesquisa psicológica sobre dinheiro e fenômenos relacionados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e validar uma Escala de Significado do Dinheiro. Para desenvolver a escala, dados preliminares foram coletados com amostra heterogênea de 61 sujeitos e organizados através de procedimento incluindo análises de conteúdo, combinatória, semântica e de juízes. A compreensão teórica baseou-se em referencial das ciências sociais, resultando em um modelo hipotético com 10 fatores. A escala foi validada em amostra heterogênea com 1.464 sujeitos de todas as regiões brasileiras. Os resultados apontaram uma estrutura multifatorial ortogonal, confirmada separadamente para homens e mulheres, e constituída por 9 componentes: os alpha de Cronbach variaram entre 0,70 e 0,88 para 6 componentes; os demais foram 0,66, 0,67 e 0,57. Comparada aos estudos anteriores, esta escala apresenta avanços e abre novas possibilidades para pesquisas psicológicas em temas relacionados a dinheiro.


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The aim of the present work is a historical survey on Gestalt trends in psychological research between late 19th and the first half of 20th century with privileged reference to sound and musical perception by means of a reconsideration of experimental and theoretical literature. Ernst Mach and Christian von Ehrenfels gave rise to the debate about Gestaltqualität which notably grew thanks to the ‘Graz School’ (Alexius Meinong, Stephan Witasek, Anton Faist, Vittorio Benussi), where the object theory and the production theory of perception were worked out. Stumpf’s research on Tonpsychologie and Franz Brentano’s tradition of ‘act psychology’ were directly involved in this debate, opposing to Wilhelm Wundt’s conception of the discipline; this clearly came to light in Stumpf’s controversy with Carl Lorenz and Wundt on Tondistanzen. Stumpf’s concept of Verschmelzung and his views about consonance and concordance led him to some disputes with Theodor Lipps and Felix Krueger, lasting more than two decades. Carl Stumpf was responsible for education of a new generation of scholars during his teaching at the Berlin University: his pupils Wolfgang Köhler, Kurt Koffka and Max Wertheimer established the so-called ‘Berlin School’ and promoted the official Gestalt theory since the 1910s. After 1922 until 1938 they gave life and led together with other distinguished scientists the «Psychologische Forschung», a scientific journal in which ‘Gestalt laws’ and many other acoustical studies on different themes (such as sound localization, successive comparison, phonetic phenomena) were exposed. During the 1920s Erich Moritz von Hornbostel gave important contributions towards the definition of an organic Tonsystem in which sound phenomena could find adequate arrangement. Last section of the work contains descriptions of Albert Wellek’s studies, Kurt Huber’s vowel researches and aspects of melody perception, apparent movement and phi-phenomenon in acoustical field. The work contains also some considerations on the relationships among tone psychology, musical psychology, Gestalt psychology, musical aesthetics and musical theory. Finally, the way Gestalt psychology changed earlier interpretations is exemplified by the decisive renewal of perception theory, the abandon of Konstanzannahme, some repercussions on theory of meaning as organization and on feelings in musical experience.


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In this work we conduct an experimental analysis on different behavioral models of economic choice. In particular, we analyze the role of overconfidence in shaping the beliefs of economics agents about the future path of their consumption or investment. We discuss the relevance of this bias in expectation formation both from a static and from a dynamic point of view and we analyze the effect of possible interventions aimed to achieve some policy goals. The methodology we follow is both theoretical and empirical. In particular, we make large use of controlled economic field experiments in order to test the predictions of the theoretical models we propose. In the second part of the thesis we discuss the role of cognition and personality in affecting economic preferences and choices. In this way we make a bridge between established psychological research and novel findings in economics. Finally, we conduct a field study on the role of incentives on education. We design different incentive schemes and we test, on randomized groups of students, their effectiveness in improving academic performance.


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In four experiments we investigated whether incidental task sequence learning occurs when no instructional task cues are available (i.e. with univalent stimuli). We manipulated task sequence by presenting three simple binary-choice tasks (colour, form or letter case decisions) in regular repeated or random order. Participants were required to use the same two response keys for each of the tasks. We manipulated response sequence by ordering the stimuli so as to produce either a regular or a random order of left versus right-hand key presses. When sequencing in both, or either, separate stream (i.e. task sequence and/or response sequence) was changed to random, only those participants who had processed both sequences together showed evidence of sequence learning in terms of significant response time disruption (Experiments 1-3). This effect disappeared when the sequences were uncorrelated (Experiment 4). The results indicate that only the correlated integration of task sequence and response sequence produced a reliable incidental learning effect. As this effect depends on the predictable ordering of stimulus categories, it suggests that task sequence learning is perceptual rather than conceptual in nature.


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