997 resultados para protocolo de Kyoto
Após a entrada em vigor do Protocolo de Kyoto em 2005 e a divulgação dos relatórios do IPCC sobre as mudanças climáticas, em 2007, muitos países passaram a buscar formas de produzir fontes alternativas de energia na tentativa de diminuir suas emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Por outro lado, a tentativa de alguns países de serem menos dependentes do petróleo e consolidarem políticas de segurança energética foi também um fator que contribuiu significativamente para a produção e consumo de fontes renováveis. Assim, a produção e a demanda de biocombustíveis apresentam-se como alternativa para o cumprimento de ambos os objetivos: redução de emissões e segurança energética. Quando analisamos custo de produção, produção por hectare, balanço energético e redução na emissão de gases de efeito estufa, a cana-de-açúcar apresenta-se como a matéria-prima mais competitiva para a produção de etanol. Entretanto, nem todos os países possuem tecnologia, condições agroclimáticas, estabilidade política para a produção dessa cultura. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de identificar as condições climáticas, socioeconômicas e políticas de países e sub-regiões localizados na zona intertropical, de modo a facilitar a disseminação da produção de etanol por meio da cooperação internacional. No entanto, havendo condições agroclimáticas em um país, isso seria suficiente para implementar sistemas de produção de cana-de-açúcar? Conforme veremos na hipótese apresentada, uma análise política e socioeconômica é necessária a fim de avaliar a situação do Estado de Direito dos Estados pretendentes à produção de cana. Para aqueles países em condições do seu cultivo, a pesquisa demonstra cooperação internacional como um dos meios para adquirir assistência técnica, transferência de tecnologia e disseminar os benefícios socioeconômicos e ambientais do etanol em outros países. Tornar o etanol uma commodity também é uma das maneiras de difundir o mercado do produto no mundo. Entretanto, como veremos, a commoditização do etanol está, adicionalmente, sujeita a fatores técnicos, políticos e econômicos. Por fim, pretende-se demonstrar que a disseminação global do etanol não depende apenas da produção em diversos países e da commoditização do produto, mas também da eliminação de barreiras tarifárias e não tarifárias impostas no comércio internacional.
The recent insertion of biodiesel derived from oily vegetables in the Brazilian energetic matrix calls for the study of some aspects that belong to it. The analysis of the carbonized energetic pattern concerns the paradigm of economic development that is constitutionally enshrined sustainable development which make environmental protection compatible with the needs of the economic rationality. This text is structured according to the ideas of modern hermeneutic that sees substantial value in the principles capable of create a harmonious relationship between law and society. The study of the constitutional principles to conduct a legal analysis about the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel - PNPB. The aim of the research is the study of PNPB ahead with the constitutional principles governing the economic order. To achieve this end we studied the sustainable development as a constitutional principle. We start with the notion that the thematic principles, and fundamental to understanding the dimension of sustainable development institute, since its concept is closely related to the applications of the principles enshrined in virtually all the constitutional order of the Western world. Then this was the National Energy Policy, initiating the approach by guiding principles of the National Energy Policy to develop the theme of public policy in the energy sector. Therefore, we studied the National Program of Biodiesel Production and Use - PNPB. From a technical introduction to the concept of biodiesel and a brief historical background, analyzing their advantages compared to fossil fuels predominantly used. Then it became a regulatory overview of the Brazilian legislation on the subject, central to understanding the plans and objectives pursued by the Brazilian government with encouraging the production of biodiesel. Finally discussed the tax incentives for production and use of biodiesel in Brazil. From the idea of federalism, characterized the tax as an instrument of state intervention in the economy. And finally it brought the tax incentives of Law No. 11.116/2005 in the face of the constitutional principles of economy and tax, and tax incentives from projects related to the Kyoto Protocol
From what was stated in the Montreal Protocol, the researchers and refrigeration industry seek substitutes for synthetic refrigerants -chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and HCFCs (HCFC) - that contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer. The phase-out of these substances was started using as one of the replacement alternatives the synthetic fluids based on hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs) that have zero potential depletion of the ozone layer. However, contribute to the process of global warming. HFC refrigerants are greenhouse gases and are part of the group of gases whose emissions must be reduced as the Kyoto Protocol says. The hydrocarbons (HC's), for not contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer, because they have very low global warming potential, and are found abundantly in nature, has been presented as an alternative, and therefore, are being used in new home refrigeration equipment in several countries. In Brazil, due to incipient production of domestic refrigerators using HC's, the transition refrigerants remain on the scene for some years. This dissertation deals with an experimental evaluation of the conduct of a drinking fountain designed to work with HFC (R-134a), operating with a mixture of HC's or isobutane (R-600a) without any modification to the system or the lubricating oil. In the refrigeration laboratory of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte were installed, in a drinking fountain, temperature and pressure sensors at strategic points in the refrigeration cycle, connected to an acquisition system of computerized data, to enable the mapping and thermodynamics analysis of the device operating with R-134a or with a mixture of HC's or with R-600a. The refrigerator-test operating with the natural fluids (mixture of HC's or R-600a) had a coefficient of performance (COP) lower than the R-134a
After the Protocol of Kyoto and of the ECHO 92 - Rio de Janeiro, the attentions of the world focus to the preservation of the environment and of the maintainable use of the natural resources. People were looking for preserving environment for the future generations. Ever since, solutions are looked for the supply of energy in its more acquaintances forms and the substitution of the use of fossil fuels for the such alternative forms as: Photovoltaics, solar heat systems for water, wind , bio-diesel, etc. and in this context the Company of Engineering of the State of Bahia - Cerb changed a diesel pumping system by an wind one, It´s the first community system of this nature in Bahia. Facing problems with the model, a Cerb involved the academic segment of the Federal Center of Technological Education of Bahia Cefetba looking for a solution. This work intends to demonstrate the possibilities of optimization of the pumping communit system that supply water to approximately 50 people in the place of Romão, municipal district of São Gabriel-Ba. Technical reports were published in AGRENERGD2004-Unicamp SP and Scientific Magazine ETC,Cefetba, 2005. A simulation of the increase of energy is presented for heights of 15 and 20m, considering the eletromecanical balance from the pumping energy to the wind turbine. From the accomplished bibliographical revision, we emphasized the mechanical aspects of the engineering once in UFRN, those studies concentrate on the Department of Mechanical Engineering while, in others eletroelectronic are more emphasized. Finally, documents that we judged important were enclosed for the perfect understanding of this work
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