976 resultados para protein thiol oxidation


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Metal-catalyzed oxidation may result in structural damage to proteins and has been implicated in aging and disease, including neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The selective modification of specific amino acid residues with high metal ion affinity leads to subtle structural changes that are not easy to detect but may have dramatic consequences on physical and functional properties of the oxidized protein molecules. PrP contains a histidine-rich octarepeat domain that binds copper. Because copper-binding histidine residues are particularly prone to metal-catalyzed oxidation, we investigated the effect of this reaction on the recombinant prion protein SHaPrP(29–231). Using Cu2+/ascorbate, we oxidized SHaPrP(29–231) in vitro. Oxidation was demonstrated by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, which showed the appearance of protein species of higher mass, including increases in multiples of 16, characteristic of oxygen incorporation. Digestion studies using Lys C indicate that the 29–101 region, which includes the histidine-containing octarepeats, is particularly affected by oxidation. Oxidation was time- and copper concentration-dependent and was evident with copper concentrations as low as 1 μM. Concomitant with oxidation, SHaPrP(29–231) suffered aggregation and precipitation, which was nearly complete after 15 min, when the prion protein was incubated at 37°C with a 6-fold molar excess of Cu2+. These findings indicate that PrP, a copper-binding protein, may be particularly susceptible to metal-catalyzed oxidation and that oxidation triggers an extensive structural transition leading to aggregation.


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One of the hallmarks of Alzheimer disease is the pathological aggregation of tau protein into paired helical filaments (PHFs) and neurofibrillary tangles. Here we describe the in vitro assembly of recombinant tau protein and constructs derived from it into PHFs. Though whole tau assembled poorly, constructs containing three internal repeats (corresponding to the fetal tau isoform) formed PHFs reproducibly. This ability depended on intermolecular disulfide bridges formed by the single Cys-322. Blocking the SH group, mutating Cys for Ala, or keeping tau in a reducing environment all inhibited assembly. With constructs derived from four-repeat tau (having the additional repeat no. 2 and a second Cys-291), PHF assembly was blocked because Cys-291 and Cys-322 interact within the molecule. PHF assembly was enabled again by mutating Cys-291 for Ala. The synthetic PHFs bound the dye thioflavin S used in Alzheimer disease diagnostics. The data imply that the redox potential in the neuron is crucial for PHF assembly, independently or in addition to pathological phosphorylation reactions.


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Experiments were conducted to investigate physiological mechanisms of solid matrix priming (SMP) on germination enhancement of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) seeds. During SMP, osmotic potential in the embryo decreased by 0.65 MPa, concentration of crystalloid proteins decreased to 62% and concentrations of buffer soluble proteins and free amino acids increased by 22% and by 166%, respectively. Observations under an electron microscope demonstrated protein bodies in the embryo were mobilized. Inhibitor analysis indicated thiol protease was the dominant enzyme among endopiptidases to degrade the reserved proteins. A fragment of thiol protease was cloned from the primed seed embryos and it has high identities to those thiol proteases responsive to water stress. RNA get blot analysis showed a 1.5 kb thiol protease gene was up-regulated by SMP. Treatment with E64, a thiol protease inhibitor, negated SMP effects on germination performance, water potentials and protein profiles. Based on the experimental results, reserve protein mobilization induced by SMP in the embryo before radicle emergence might be one of the mechanisms to enhance germination in loblolly pine seeds.


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Proteins are susceptible to oxidation by reactive oxygen species, where the type of damage induced is characteristic of the denaturing species. The induction of protein carbonyls is a widely applied biomarker, arising from primary oxidative insult. However, when applied to complex biological and pathological conditions it can be subject to interference from lipid, carbohydrate and DNA oxidation products. More recently, interest has focused on the analysis of specific protein bound oxidised amino acids. Of the 22 amino acids, aromatic and sulphydryl containing residues have been regarded as being particularly susceptible to oxidative modification, with L-DOPA from tyrosine, ortho-tyrosine from phenylalanine; sulphoxides and disulphides from methionine and cysteine respectively; and kynurenines from tryptophan. Latterly, the identification of valine and leucine hydroxides, reduced from hydroperoxide intermediates, has been described and applied. In order to examine the nature of oxidative damage and protective efficacy of antioxidants the markers must be thoroughly evaluated for dosimetry in vitro following damage by specific radical species. Antioxidant protection against formation of the biomarker should be demonstrated in vitro. Quantification of biomarkers in proteins from normal subjects should be within the limits of detection of any analytical procedure. Further to this, the techniques for isolation and hydrolysis of specific proteins should demonstrate that in vitro oxidation is minimised. There is a need for the development of standards for quality assurance material to standardise procedures between laboratories. At present, antioxidant effects on protein oxidation in vivo are limited to animal studies, where dietary antioxidants have been reported to reduce dityrosine formation during rat exercise training. Two studies on humans have been reported last year. The further application of these methods to human studies is indicated, where the quality of the determinations will be enhanced through inter-laboratory validation.


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We have investigated vitamin C supplementation effects on immunoglobulin oxidation (carbonyls) and total plasma protein sulfhydryls in healthy human volunteers. After receiving placebo, plasma ascorbate and oxidation markers were unchanged. Following 5 weeks supplementation with vitamin C (400 mg/day), plasma ascorbate increased but no significant effect on protein oxidation was observed. At 10 and 15 weeks supplementation, carbonyl levels were significantly reduced (P < 0.01) in subjects with low baseline ascorbate (29.51 ± 5.3 μM) but not in those with normal baseline ascorbate (51.81 ± 2.3 μM). To eliminate any effect from seasonal variation in dietary antioxidant intake, a second phase was undertaken. Subjects on vitamin C for 15 weeks were randomly assigned to receive either placebo or vitamin C. No difference in plasma sulfhydryl content was observed. Subjects withdrawn from supplementation showed an increase in immunoglobulin carbonyl content (P < 0.01). This demonstrates that dietary vitamin C supplementation can reduce certain types of oxidative protein damage in subjects with low basal antioxidant. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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Background: A large body of evidence supports a role of oxidative stress in Alzheimer disease (AD) and in cerebrovascular disease. A vascular component might be critical in the pathophysiology of AD. Objective(s): To evaluate the simultaneous behavior of a broad spectrum of peripheral antioxidants and biomarkers of oxidative stress in AD and vascular dementia (VaD). Methods: Sixty-three AD patients, 23 VaD patients and 55 controls were included in the study. We measured plasma levels of water-soluble (vitamin C and uric acid) and lipophilic (vitamin E, vitamin A, carotenoids including lutein, zeaxanthin, [3-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, c~- and [3-carotene) antioxidant micronutrients as well as levels of biomarkers of lipid peroxidation [malondialdehyde (MDA)] and of protein oxidation [immunoglobniin G (Ig G) levels of protein carbonyls and dityrosine] in patients and controls. Results: AD and VaD patients showed significantly decreased plasma levels of the water-soluble vitamin C and uric acid, of the lipophilic vitamin Eand vitamin A, and of the carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin, 13-cryptoxanthin, lycopene and (x-carotene as compared to controls; among biomarkers of oxidative stress, only the content of dityrosine in Ig G was found to be significantly higher (p < 0.01) in AD patients as compared to controls; although a trend towards higher levels of dityrosine was also observed in VaD subjects compared to controls (6.3 4- 1.7 ~M in VaD patients vs. 5.1 4- 1.6 IxM in controls; p = 0.06), it did not reach statistical significance. In a cumulative analysis of all patient samples, a significant inverse association was found between plasma lycopene and MDA levels (r = -0.53, p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Independent of its nature-vascular or degenerativedementia is associated with the depletion of a large spectrum of antioxidant micronutrients and with increased protein oxidative modification. This might be relevant to the pathophysiology of dementing disorders, particularly in light of the recently suggested importance of the vascular component in AD development.


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Generation of neoepitopes on apolipoprotein B within oxidised low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is important in the unregulated uptake of LDL by monocytic scavenger receptors (CD36, SR-AI, LOX-1). Freshly isolated LDL was oxidised by peroxyl radicals generated from the thermal decomposition of an aqueous azo-compound. We describe that formation of carbonyl groups on the protein component is early as protein oxidation was seen after 90min. This is associated with an increased propensity for LDL uptake by U937 monocytes. Three classes of antioxidants (quercetin, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and ascorbic acid) have been examined for their capacity to inhibit AAPH-induced protein oxidation, (protein carbonyls, Δ electrophoretic mobility and LDL uptake by U937 monocytes). CD36 expression was assessed by flow cytometry and was seen to be unaltered by oxidised LDL uptake. All three classes were effective antioxidants, quercetin (P<0.01), ascorbic acid (P<0.01), DHEA (P<0.05). As LDL protein is the control point for LDL metabolism, the degree of oxidation and protection by antioxidants is likely to be of great importance for (patho)-physiological uptake of LDL by monocytes. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is now recognised that redox control of proteins plays an important role in many signalling pathways both in health and disease. Proteins can undergo a wide variety of oxidative post-translational modifications (oxPTM); while the reversible modifications are thought to be most important in physiological processes, non-reversible oxPTM may contribute to pathological situations and disease. The oxidant is also important in determining the type of oxPTM (chlorination, nitration, etc.), and the susceptibilities of residues vary depending on their structural location. The best characterized oxPTMs involved in signalling modulation are partial oxidations of cysteine to the disulfide, glutathionylated or sulfenic acid forms, but there is increasing evidence that specific oxidations of methionine and tyrosine may have some biological roles. Well understood examples of oxidative regulation include protein tyrosine phosphatases, e.g. PTP1B/C, and members of the MAPK pathways such as MEKK1 and ASK1. Transcription factors such as NFkB and Nrf-2 are also regulated by redox-active cysteines. Improved methods for analysing specific oxPTMs in biological samples are critical for understanding the physiological and pathological roles of these changes, and tandem or MS3 mass spectrometry techniques interfaced with nano-LC separation are being now used. MS3 fragmentation markers for a variety of oxidized residues including tyrosine, tryptophan and proline have been identified, and a precursor ion scanning method that allows the selective identification of these oxPTMs in complex samples has been developed. Such advances in technology offer potential for biomarker development, disease diagnosis and understanding pathology.


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Chronically haemodialysed end-stage renal disease patients are at high risk of morbidity arising from complications of dialysis, the underlying pathology that has led to renal disease and the complex pathology of chronic kidney disease. Anaemia is commonplace and its origins are multifactorial, involving reduced renal erythropoietin production, accumulation of uremic toxins and an increase in erythrocyte fragility. Oxidative damage is a common risk factor in renal disease and its co-morbidities and is known to cause erythrocyte fragility. Therefore, we have investigated the hypothesis that specific erythrocyte membrane proteins are more oxidised in end-stage renal disease patients and that vitamin C supplementation can ameliorate membrane protein oxidation. Eleven patients and 15 control subjects were recruited to the study. Patients were supplemented with 2 × 500 mg vitamin C per day for 4 weeks. Erythrocyte membrane proteins were prepared pre- and post-vitamin C supplementation for determination of protein oxidation. Total protein carbonyls were reduced by vitamin C supplementation but not by dialysis when investigated by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Using a western blot to detect oxidised proteins, one protein band, later identified as containing ankyrin, was found to be oxidised in patients but not controls and was reduced significantly by 60% in all patients after dialysis and by 20% after vitamin C treatment pre-dialysis. Ankyrin oxidation analysis may be useful in a stratified medicines approach as a possible marker to identify requirements for intervention in dialysis patients.


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Phospholipid oxidation can generate reactive and electrophilic products that are capable of modifying proteins, especially at cysteine, lysine and histidine residues. Such lipoxidation reactions are known to alter protein structure and function, both with gain of function and loss of activity effects. As well as potential importance in the redox regulation of cell behaviour, lipoxidation products in plasma could also be useful biomarkers for stress conditions. Although studies with antibodies suggested the occurrence of lipoxidation adducts on ApoB-100, these products had not previously been characterized at a molecular level. We have developed new mass spectrometry-based approaches to detect and locate adducts of oxidized phospholipids in plasma proteins, as well as direct oxidation modifications of proteins, which avoid some of the problems typically encountered with database search engines leading to erroneous identifications of oxidative PTMs. This approach uses accurate mass extracted ion chromatograms (XICs) of fragment ions from peptides containing oxPTMs, and allows multiple modifications to be examined regardless of the protein that contains them. For example, a reporter ion at 184.074 Da/e corresponding to phosphocholine indicated the presence of oxidized phosphatidylcholine adducts, while 2 reporter ions at 100.078 and 82.025 Da/e were selective for allysine. ApoB-100-oxidized phospholipid adducts were detected even in healthy human samples, as well as LDL from patients with inflammatory disease. Lipidomic studies showed that more than 350 different species of lipid were present in LDL, and were altered in disease conditions. LDL clearly represents a very complex carrier system and one that offers a rich source of information about systemic conditions, with potential as indicators of oxidative damage in ageing or inflammatory diseases.


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Oxidised biomolecules in aged tissue could potentially be used as biomarkers for age-related diseases; however, it is still unclear whether they causatively contribute to ageing or are consequences of the ageing process. To assess the potential of using protein oxidation as markers of ageing, mass spectrometry (MS) was employed for the identification and quantification of oxidative modifications in obese (ob/ob) mice. Lean muscle mass and strength is reduced in obesity, representing a sarcopenic model in which the levels of oxidation can be evaluated for different muscular systems including calcium homeostasis, metabolism and contractility. Several oxidised residues were identified by tandem MS (MS/MS) in both muscle homogenate and isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), an organelle that regulates intracellular calcium levels in muscle. These modifications include oxidation of methionine, cysteine, tyrosine, and tryptophan in several proteins such as sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA), glycogen phosphorylase, and myosin. Once modifications had been identified, multiple reaction monitoring MS (MRM) was used to quantify the percentage modification of oxidised residues within the samples. Preliminary data suggests proteins in ob/ob mice are more oxidised than the controls. For example SERCA, which constitutes 60-70% of the SR, had approximately a 2-fold increase in cysteine trioxidation of Cys561 in the obese model when compared to the control. Other obese muscle proteins have also shown a similar increase in oxidation for various residues. Further analysis with complex protein mixtures will determine the potential diagnostic use of MRM experiments for analysing protein oxidation in small biological samples such as muscle needle biopsies.


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The research described in this PhD thesis focuses on proteomics approaches to study the effect of oxidation on the modification status and protein-protein interactions of PTEN, a redox-sensitive phosphatase involved in a number of cellular processes including metabolism, apoptosis, cell proliferation, and survival. While direct evidence of a redox regulation of PTEN and its downstream signaling has been reported, the effect of cellular oxidative stress or direct PTEN oxidation on PTEN structure and interactome is still poorly defined. In a first study, GST-tagged PTEN was directly oxidized over a range of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) concentration, assayed for phosphatase activity, and oxidative post-translational modifications (oxPTMs) were quantified using LC-MS/MS-based label-free methods. In a second study, GSTtagged PTEN was prepared in a reduced and reversibly H2O2-oxidized form, immobilized on a resin support and incubated with HCT116 cell lysate to capture PTEN interacting proteins, which were analyzed by LC-MS/MS and comparatively quantified using label-free methods. In parallel experiments, HCT116 cells transfected with a GFP-tagged PTEN were treated with H2O2 and PTENinteracting proteins immunoprecipitated using standard methods. Several high abundance HOCl-induced oxPTMs were mapped, including those taking place at amino acids known to be important for PTEN phosphatase activity and protein-protein interactions, such as Met35, Tyr155, Tyr240 and Tyr315. A PTEN redox interactome was also characterized, which identified a number of PTEN-interacting proteins that vary with the reversible inactivation of PTEN caused by H2O2 oxidation. These included new PTEN interactors as well as the redox proteins peroxiredoxin-1 (Prdx1) and thioredoxin (Trx), which are known to be involved in the recycling of PTEN active site following H2O2-induced reversible inactivation. The results suggest that the oxidative modification of PTEN causes functional alterations in PTEN structure and interactome, with fundamental implications for the PTEN signaling role in many cellular processes, such as those involved in the pathophysiology of disease and ageing.