995 resultados para prostate carcinoma


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Objective: this study aimed to develop a nondecalcified bone sample processing technique enabling immunohistochemical labeling of proteins by kappa-beta nuclear factor (NF-kB) utilizing the Technovit 7200 VCR (R) in adult male Wistar rats. Study Method: A 1.8 mm diameter defect was performed 0.5mm from the femur proximal joint by means of a round bur. Experimental groups were divided according to fixing solution prior to histologic processing: Group 1- ethanol 70%; Group 2-10% buffered formalin; and Group 3- Glycerol diluted in 70% ethanol at a 70/30 ratio + 10% buffered formalin. The post-surgical periods ranged from 01 to 24 hours. Control groups included a nonsurgical procedure group (NSPG) and surgical procedures where bone exposure was performed (SPBE) without drilling. Prostate carcinoma was the positive control (PC) and samples subjected to incomplete immunohistochemistry protocol were the negative control (NC). Following euthanization, all samples were kept at 4 degrees C for 7 days, and were dehydrated in a series of alcohols at -20 degrees C. The polymer embedding procedure was performed at ethanol/polymer ratios of 70%-30%, 50%-50%, 30%-70%, 100%, and 100% for 72 hours at -20 degrees C. Polymerization followed the manufacturer`s recommendation. The samples were grounded and polished to 10-15 mu m thickness, and were deacrylated. The sections were rehydrated and were submitted to the primary polyclonal antibody anti-NF-kB on a 1:75 dilution for 12 hours at room temperature. Results: Microscopy showed that the Group 2 presented positive reaction to NF-kB, diffuse reactions for NSPG and SPBE, and no reaction for the NC group. Conclusion: The results obtained support the feasibility of the developed immunohistochemistry technique.


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Here we introduce a new adenoviral vector where transgene expression is driven by p53. We first developed a synthetic promoter, referred to as PGTx beta containing a p53-responsive element, a minimal promoter and the first intron of the rabbit P-globin gene. Initial assays using plasmid-based vectors indicated that expression was tightly controlled by p53 and was 5-fold stronger than the constitutive CMV immediate early promoter/enhancer. The adenoviral vector, AdPG, was also shown to offer p53-responsive expression in prostate carcinoma cells LNCaP (wt p53), DU-145 (temperature sensitive mutant of p53) and PC3 (p53-null, but engineered to express temperature-sensitive p53 mutants). AdPG served as a sensor of p53 activity in LNCaP cells treated with chemotherapeutic agents. Since p53 can be induced by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, this new vector could be further developed for use in combination with conventional therapies to bring about cooperation between the genetic and pharmacologic treatment modalities. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The present study focuses on establishing patterns of collagen fibers distribution in prostatic nodular hyperplasia and adenocarcinomas, in comparison with the normal tissue. Sections of prostatic transurethral resection were subjected to Gömöri's method for collagen fibers and reticulin and analyzed under ordinary and polarized light microscopy. Controls and hyperplastic regions present collagen fibers with variable thickness that run in different directions, establishing a tridimensional network. These fibers exhibit birefringence and dichroism thus demonstrating their fibrillar integrity. On the other hand, increased variability in collagen fiber distribution and anisotropical properties occur in adenocarcinomas evaluated in accordance with the Gleason's score. In some of their areas, a well-defined collagen network delimitates the base of transformed epithelial cells whereas in other areas the collagen fibers are disorganized and do not establish a boundary between the epithelial structures and the stroma. In these areas, collagen is found in the stroma. It was also observed that adenocarcinoma tumor cells rest on a scaffold of thin and dendritic collagen fibers. Collagen fibers of the prostatic stroma of the adenocarcinomas may show a modification in arrangement and fibrillar compactness. In prostatic nodular hyperplasia, there is no change in collagen molecular integrity, since collagen affinity for silver and collagen birefringence are similar to controls. In adenocarcinoma with high dedifferentiation degree, thin and branched strongly argyrophilic and birefringent collagen fibers are detected in regions of cell proliferation. In the adjacent stroma, hyaline plaques are indicative of matrix degradation or remodellation.


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This paper intend to review recent advances in our understanding of programmed cell death, or apoptosis, and discuss implications of these basic science advances in the development of causes and potential treatments of a variety of diseases of the head and neck. Conclusions: apoptosis is now understood to be important in the normal development and survival of all multicellular organism. Deregulation of this normally tighly controlled process underlies a variety of disease states, including neoplasia, autoimmune disease, and disorders of the central nervous system. A better understanding of this process and regulation may help otolaryngologists better understand diseases relevant to this specialty and will lead to improved therapeutic interventions.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the country. Due to this factor, the interest of showing what relationship exists between vasectomy surgery and the incidence of prostate carcinoma has started. Some epidemiological studies showed an increased risk of prostate cancer in vasectomized men (Emard et al., 2001). On the other hand other authors have argued that there is no correlation (Patel et al., 2005) and there are those who said that vasectomy is linked to reduced risk of prostate cancer (Ross, 1983). Faced with an analysis of published works, such discussion remains today. The vasectomy, or deferentectomia, is a contraceptive male method, which is the section of the vas deferens of man by preventing the sperm from being expelled along with the seminal fluid during ejaculation, and is one of the most simple, economical, uncomplicated post- operative. This study aims to evaluate the process of cell proliferation and to evaluate immuno-histochemically the expression of specific markers of PCNA (Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen) and Ki-67, in the prostate of the gerbil after chemical induction by intraperitoneal injection of the carcinogen N-methyl -N-nitrosourea (MNU), because the regulation of the functional balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis is associated with hyperplasia and prostatic carcinoma. The experimental procedure was performed at the Laboratory of the Department of Anatomy, along with collecting the data for later analysis


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Abstract Background The CHD7 (Chromodomain Helicase DNA binding protein 7) gene encodes a member of the chromodomain family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes. Mutations in the CHD7 gene are found in individuals with CHARGE, a syndrome characterized by multiple birth malformations in several tissues. CHD7 was identified as a binding partner of PBAF complex (Polybromo and BRG Associated Factor containing complex) playing a central role in the transcriptional reprogramming process associated to the formation of multipotent migratory neural crest, a transient cell population associated with the genesis of various tissues. CHD7 is a large gene containing 38 annotated exons and spanning 200 kb of genomic sequence. Although genes containing such number of exons are expected to have several alternative transcripts, there are very few evidences of alternative transcripts associated to CHD7 to date indicating that alternative splicing associated to this gene is poorly characterized. Findings Here, we report the cloning and characterization by experimental and computational studies of a novel alternative transcript of the human CHD7 (named CHD7 CRA_e), which lacks most of its coding exons. We confirmed by overexpression of CHD7 CRA_e alternative transcript that it is translated into a protein isoform lacking most of the domains displayed by the canonical isoform. Expression of the CHD7 CRA_e transcript was detected in normal liver, in addition to the DU145 human prostate carcinoma cell line from which it was originally isolated. Conclusions Our findings indicate that the splicing event associated to the CHD7 CRA_e alternative transcript is functional. The characterization of the CHD7 CRA_e novel isoform presented here not only sets the basis for more detailed functional studies of this isoform, but, also, contributes to the alternative splicing annotation of the CHD7 gene and the design of future functional studies aimed at the elucidation of the molecular functions of its gene products.


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Untersuchungen zur Charakterisierung der Bystander-Effekte bei einer in vivo Therapie mit Suizidgenen Bei Tumoren eines syngenen Prostatakarzinoms der Ratte (Dunning R3327 AT-1), die zuvor ex vivo mit einem Fusionsgen aus Cytosin Deaminase und Tymidinkinase (AT-1/CDglyTK) transfiziert wurden, konnte durch Kombinationsbehandlung mit Ganciclovir (GCV) und 5-Fluorocytosin (5-FC) komplette Remission und Langzeitüberleben erzielt werden. Dagegen ergaben sich bei Applikation nur einer Pro-Drug lediglich lokale Tumorkontrollraten von 83% (GCV) und 57% (5-FC). Noch geringere therapeutische Effekte einer Kombinationstherapie mit GCV und 5-FC wurden beobachtet, wenn in Anlehnung an die klinische Situation der Anteil suizidgen-tragender Zellen in den Tumoren auf < 20% abgesenkt wurde. Molekularbiologische Analysen dieser Mischtumore zeigen eine Verminderung membranständiger Connexinproteine, welche für den interzellulären Transport phosphorylierter GCV-Metabolite über Gap-junctions erforderlich sind. Pharmakodynamische Untersuchungen mittels 19F-NMR belegen eine effiziente Metabolisierung von 5-FC zu 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) und den anschließenden Einbau der F-Nukleotide in die DNA. Dennoch sind die intrazellulären und sezernierten 5-FU Konzentrationen für eine Inaktivierung benachbarter Zellen im Sinne eines „lokalen-Bystander-Effektes“ nicht ausreichend. Bei gleichzeitiger Therapie von AT-1 und AT-1/CDglyTK Tumoren, kommt es nicht zur Regression des AT-1 Tumors und damit nicht zu einem „Distalen-Bystander-Effekt“. Dagegen führt die Induktion eines immunologischen Gedächtnisses zu deutlich verminderten Angehraten bei später injizierten AT-1 Tumoren. Die Suizidgen-Therapie ist ein erfolgversprechender Ansatz zur Behandlung maligner Erkrankungen, bei dem die lokalen und distalen Bystander-Effekte individueller Tumoren den therapeutischen Erfolg maßgeblich mitbestimmen.


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In this paper, we investigated whether bcl-xL can be involved in the modulation of the angiogenic phenotype of human tumor cells. Using the ADF human glioblastoma and the M14 melanoma lines, and their derivative bcl-xL-overexpressing clones, we showed that the conditioned medium of bcl-xL transfectants increased in vitro endothelial cell functions, such as proliferation and morphogenesis, and in vivo vessel formation in Matrigel plugs, compared with the conditioned medium of control cells. Moreover, the overexpression of bcl-xL induced an increased expression of the proangiogenic interleukin-8 (CXCL8), both at the protein and mRNA levels, and an enhanced CXCL8 promoter activity. The role of CXCL8 on bcl-xL-induced angiogenesis was validated using CXCL8-neutralizing antibodies, whereas down-regulation of bcl-xL through antisense oligonucleotide or RNA interference strategies confirmed the involvement of bcl-xL on CXCL8 expression. Transient overexpression of bcl-xL led to extend this observation to other tumor cell lines with different origin, such as colon and prostate carcinoma. In conclusion, our results showed that CXCL8 modulation by bcl-xL regulates tumor angiogenesis, and they point to elucidate an additional function of bcl-xL protein.


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OPN is a secreted phosphate containing protein which is expressed by osteoblasts and a variety of other cells in vivo. Data from in vitro studies has accumulated which relates OPN to cellular transformation. We hypothesize that OPN expression is associated with neoplastic disease in humans as suggested by cell culture models. The overall objective of the current study was to determine the tissue distribution of OPN in human malignancy and to determine whether or not a correlation exists between OPN serum levels and malignancy. At the inception of this project, no study had been made demonstrating the relevance of OPN expression with naturally occurring neoplastic disease in humans. To date, few studies have reported OPN distribution in human neoplasia and are limited by either the number of specimens analyzed or the technique used in analysis. In this dissertation study, OPN was purified from human milk and $\alpha$-OPN antiserum developed and characterized. Following antibody development, the distribution and prevalence of OPN in human oral squamous cell carcinoma and human prostate carcinoma was evaluated using immunohistochemical localization. OPN immunolocalization was found in a high percentage of oral epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma in humans. One oral squamous cell carcinoma cells line, UMSCC-1, was found to express OPN mRNA using Northern blotting. OPN localized to a high percentage of primary prostate adenocarcinomas. OPN localized to 52% of androgen dependent cases and 100% of androgen independent cases. Androgen dependent cell lines such as LNCap and NbE showed minimal OPN mRNA expression while the androgen independent lines C4-2 and PC3 produced ample OPN mRNA. An OPN sandwich assay was developed and used to determine the serum level of OPN in normal males, patients with BPH (benign prostate hypertrophy), and patients with prostate carcinoma. No statistically significant difference was found in OPN serum levels among the three groups. However, a trend of increasing OPN in the serum was noted in patients with BPH and prostate cancer. ^


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The relationship between serum cholesterol and cancer incidence was investigated in the population of the Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program (HDFP). The HDFP was a multi-center trial designed to test the effectiveness of a stepped program of medication in reducing mortality associated with hypertension. Over 10,000 participants, ages 30-69, were followed with clinic and home visits for a minimum of five years. Cancer incidence was ascertained from existing study documents, which included hospitalization records, autopsy reports and death certificates. During the five years of follow-up, 286 new cancer cases were documented. The distribution of sites and total number of cases were similar to those predicted using rates from the Third National Cancer Survey. A non-fasting baseline serum cholesterol level was available for most participants. Age, sex, and race specific five-year cancer incidence rates were computed for each cholesterol quartile. Rates were also computed by smoking status, education status, and percent ideal weight quartiles. In addition, these and other factors were investigated with the use of the multiple logistic model.^ For all cancers combined, a significant inverse relationship existed between baseline serum cholesterol levels and cancer incidence. Previously documented associations between smoking, education and cancer were also demonstrated but did not account for the relationship between serum cholesterol and cancer. The relationship was more evident in males than females but this was felt to represent the different distribution of occurrence of specific cancer sites in the two sexes. The inverse relationship existed for all specific sites investigated (except breast) although a level of statistical significance was reached only for prostate carcinoma. Analyses after exclusion of cases diagnosed during the first two years of follow-up still yielded an inverse relationship. Life table analysis indicated that competing risks during the period of follow-up did not account for the existence of an inverse relationship. It is concluded that a weak inverse relationship does exist between serum cholesterol for many but not all cancer sites. This relationship is not due to confounding by other known cancer risk factors, competing risks or persons entering the study with undiagnosed cancer. Not enough information is available at the present time to determine whether this relationship is causal and further research is suggested. ^


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Angiostatin, a potent naturally occurring inhibitor of angiogenesis and growth of tumor metastases, is generated by cancer-mediated proteolysis of plasminogen. Human prostate carcinoma cells (PC-3) release enzymatic activity that converts plasminogen to angiostatin. We have now identified two components released by PC-3 cells, urokinase (uPA) and free sulfhydryl donors (FSDs), that are sufficient for angiostatin generation. Furthermore, in a defined cell-free system, plasminogen activators [uPA, tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), or streptokinase], in combination with one of a series of FSDs (N-acetyl-l-cysteine, d-penicillamine, captopril, l-cysteine, or reduced glutathione] generate angiostatin from plasminogen. An essential role of plasmin catalytic activity for angiostatin generation was identified by using recombinant mutant plasminogens as substrates. The wild-type recombinant plasminogen was converted to angiostatin in the setting of uPA/FSD; however, a plasminogen activation site mutant and a catalytically inactive mutant failed to generate angiostatin. Cell-free derived angiostatin inhibited angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo and suppressed the growth of Lewis lung carcinoma metastases. These findings define a direct mechanism for cancer-cell-mediated angiostatin generation and permit large-scale production of bioactive angiostatin for investigation and potential therapeutic application.


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Replication-competent, attenuated herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) derivatives that contain engineered mutations into the viral γ34.5 virulence gene have been used as oncolytic agents. However, as attenuated mutants often grow poorly, they may not completely destroy some tumors and surviving cancer cells simply regrow. Thus, although HSV-1 γ34.5 mutants can reduce the growth of human tumor xenografts in mice and have passed phase I safety studies, their efficacy is limited because they replicate poorly in many human tumor cells. Previously, we selected for a γ34.5 deletion mutant variant that regained the ability to replicate efficiently in tumor cells. Although this virus contains an extragenic suppressor mutation that confers enhanced growth in tumor cells, it remains attenuated. Here, we demonstrate that the suppressor virus replicates to greater levels in prostate carcinoma cells and, importantly, is a more potent inhibitor of tumor growth in an animal model of human prostate cancer than the γ34.5 parent virus. Thus, genetic selection in cancer cells can be used as a tool to enhance the antitumor activity of a replication-competent virus. The increased therapeutic potency of this oncolytic virus may be useful in the treatment of a wide variety of cancers.