51 resultados para proprionibacterium acnes
The aim of this study was to investigate the rheological properties and antibacterial efficacy of chitosan/ alpha-hydroxy acids (lactic acid and glycolic acid) and cellulose polymers, both in hydrogels, in order to produce a formulation with improved activity against Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus aureus, which can potentially be used in the treatment of acne. The rheological characterisation of the hydrogels was examined using continuous shear and viscoelastic creep. The antibacterial activities of formulations were performed by the well diffusion and broth microdilution. The hydrogels formulated with only chitosan showed pseudoplastic behavior while the chitosan hydrogels with cellulose polymers presented viscoelastic properties. The antibacterial activity was proportional to AHA and chitosan concentration. It was enhanced at low pH values and with high molecular weight chitosan and did not change with the incorporation of two cellulose polymers. The antibacterial mechanism of chitosan has currently been hypothesized as being related to surface interference. The results show that chitosan - based hydrogels containing AHA and cellulose polymers are viscoelastic,indicating good applicability onto the skin, and they present bacterial activity under various experimental conditions.
Introduction: Knowing the microbiota that colonizes orthodontic appliances is important for planning strategies and implementing specific preventive measures during treatment. The purpose of this clinical trial was to evaluate in vivo the contamination of metallic orthodontic brackets with 40 DNA probes for different bacterial species by using the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization (CDDH) technique. Methods: Eighteen patients, 11 to 29 years of age having fixed orthodontic treatment, were enrolled in the study. Each subject had 2 new metallic brackets bonded to different premolars in a randomized manner. After 30 days, the brackets were removed and processed for analysis by CDDH. Data on bacterial contamination were analyzed descriptively and with the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn post tests (alpha = 0.05). Forty microbial species (cariogenic microorganisms, bacteria of the purple, yellow, green, orange complexes, "red complex + Treponema socranskii," and the cluster of Actinomyces) were assessed. Results: Most bacterial species were present in all subjects, except for Streptococcus constellatus, Campylobacter rectus, Tannerella forsythia, T socranskii, and Lactobacillus acidophillus (94.4%), Propionibacterium acnes I and Eubacterium nodatum (88.9%), and Treponema denticola (77.8%). Among the cariogenic microorganisms, Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus were found in larger numbers than L acidophillus and Lactobacillus casei (P < 0.001). The periodontal pathogens of the orange complex were detected in larger numbers than those of the "red complex + T socranskii" (P < 0.0001). Among the bacteria not associated with specific pathologies, Veillonella parvula (purple complex) was the most frequently detected strain (P < 0.0001). The numbers of yellow and green complex bacteria and the cluster of Actinomyces were similar (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Metallic brackets in use for 1 month were multi-colonized by several bacterial species, including cariogenic microorganisms and periodontal pathogens, reinforcing the need for meticulous oral hygiene and additional preventive measures to maintain oral health in orthodontic patients. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012;141:24-9)
A acne vulgar é uma das doenças cutâneas mais comuns, apresentando como um de seus fatores fisiopatológicos primários a colonização pelo microrganismo Propionibacterium acnes. Atualmente, têm-se buscado terapias alternativas para o combate ao P. acnes, destacando-se alguns ácidos graxos, como o ácido laúrico (LA). O LA é uma molécula pouco solúvel em água, sendo possível sua incorporação em lipossomas. Os lipossomas apresentam capacidade de encapsulação/ liberação de ativos e impedem a desidratação da pele, tornando-se ingredientes inovadores na área de cosméticos. Foram preparados lipossomas de dipalmitoilfosfatidilcolina (DPPC) contendo diferentes concentrações de LA, que variaram de 0 a 50% da concentração total em mol, em quatro pHs: 9,0, 7,4, 5,0 e 3,0. Nestes pHs o estado de protonação do LA muda variando de 0 a -1. Os lipossomas foram extrusados por filtros com poros de 100 nm de diâmetro visando à obtenção de vesículas unilamelares grandes (LUV). As LUV foram caracterizadas quanto a sua estabilidade em condições de prateleira, temperatura de transição de fase da bicamada, encapsulamento no interior aquoso, liberação do LA, difusão das vesículas na pele e seus aspectos morfológicos foram caracterizados por espalhamento de raios-X a baixo ângulo (SAXS) e crio-microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Estudos de estabilidade mostraram que independentemente da concentração de LA, as formulações são mais estáveis em pHs mais altos, quando LA está em sua maioria na forma de laurato. Os experimentos de DSC revelaram que em pHs 3,0 e 5,0 e concentrações maiores de LA, a interação deste ácido graxo com as bicamadas é favorecida, havendo um aumento da temperatura de transição de fase (Tm) e diminuição da cooperatividade. Análises de taxa de incorporação de sondas hidrofílicas confirmaram a presença de um compartimento aquoso interno para as vesículas de DPPC:LA. O LA conseguiu permear a pele no período avaliado e pouco LA foi liberado das vesículas em condições de temperatura ambiente. A morfologia das LUV se mostrou bem diferente da esperada e se observaram vesículas com mais de uma bicamada e outros formatos que não o esférico. Estes resultados podem auxiliar na otimização das condições para uma formulação que poderá ser usada no tratamento da acne, aumentando a eficácia do LA no sítio alvo.
Purpose To investigate the prevalence of infected herniated nucleus material in lumbar disc herniations and to determine if patients with an anaerobic infected disc are more likely to develop Modic change (MC) (bone oedema) in the adjacent vertebrae after the disc herniation. MCs (bone oedema) in vertebrae are observed in 6 % of the general population and in 35-40 % of people with low back pain. These changes are strongly associated with low back pain. There are probably a mechanical cause and an infective cause that causes MC. Several studies on nuclear tissue from herniated discs have demonstrated the presence of low virulent anaerobic microorganisms, predominantly Propionibacterium acnes, in 7-53 % of patients. At the time of a herniation these low virulent anaerobic bacteria may enter the disc and give rise to an insidious infection. Local inflammation in the adjacent bone may be a secondary effect due to cytokine and propionic acid production. Methods Patients undergoing primary surgery at a single spinal level for lumbar disc herniation with an MRI-confirmed lumbar disc herniation, where the annular fibres were penetrated by visible nuclear tissue, had the nucleus material removed. Stringent antiseptic sterile protocols were followed. Results Sixty-one patients were included, mean age 46.4 years (SD 9.7), 27 % female. All patients were immunocompetent. No patient had received a previous epidural steroid injection or undergone previous back surgery. In total, microbiological cultures were positive in 28 (46 %) patients. Anaerobic cultures were positive in 26 (43 %) patients, and of these 4 (7 %) had dual microbial infections, containing both one aerobic and one anaerobic culture. No tissue specimens had more than two types of bacteria identified. Two (3 %) cultures only had aerobic bacteria isolated. In the discs with a nucleus with anaerobic bacteria, 80 % developed new MC in the vertebrae adjacent to the previous disc herniation. In contrast, none of those with aerobic bacteria and only 44 % of patients with negative cultures developed new MC. The association between an anaerobic culture and new MCs is highly statistically significant (P = 0.0038), with an odds ratio of 5.60 (95 % CI 1.51-21.95). Conclusion These findings support the theory that the occurrence of MCs Type 1 in the vertebrae adjacent to a previously herniated disc may be due to oedema surrounding an infected disc. The discs infected with anaerobic bacteria were more likely (P<0.0038) to develop MCs in the adjacent vertebrae than those in which no bacteria were found or those in which aerobic bacteria were found. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.
The coagulase-negative staphylococci are the most frequent cause of sepsis associated with indwelling intravascular catheters. Current microbiological investigations to support the diagnosis of catheter-related sepsis (CRS) include the culture of blood and catheter tips, however positive results may reflect specimen contamination, or colonisation of the catheter rather than true sepsis. Previous serological approaches to assist in the diagnosis of CRS based on cellular staphylococcal antigens have been of limited value. In this current study, the serodiagnostic potential of an exocellular antigen produced by 7 strains of coagulase-negative staphylococci cultured in brain heart infusion broth was investigated. Antigenic material isolated by gel permeation from liquid culture was characterised by immunological techniques and chemical analysis. Characterisation of the exocellular antigen revealed a novel glycerophosphoglycolipid, termed lipid S. which shared antigenic determinants with lipoteichoic acid, but differed by comprising a glycerophosphate chain length of only 6 units. In addition, lipid S was immunologically distinct from diphosphatidyl glycerol, a constituent cell membrane phospho lipid. An indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on lipid S was subsequently developed and used to determine serum antibody levels (IgM and IgG) in 67 patients with CRS due to staphylococci, and 67 patients with a central venous catheter (CVC) in situ who exhibited no evidence of sepsis. The sensitivity and specificity of the lipid S IgG ELISA was 75% and 90% respectively whilst the IgM assay had sensitivity and specificity of 52% and 85%. The addition of GullSORereagent to the EL1SA procedure to remove competing serum IgG and rheumatoid factor did not significantly improve the performance of the IgM assay. The serological response in serial serum samples of 13 patients with CRS due to staphylococci was investigated. Elevated levels of antibody were detected at an early stage of infection, prior to the isolation of microorganisms by standard culture methods, and before the clinical presentation of sepsis in 3 patients. The lipid S ELISA was later optimised and a rapid 4-hour assay developed for the serodiagnosis of CRS. Serum IgG levels were determined in 40 patients with CRS due to staphylococci and 40 patients with a CVC in situ who exhibited no evidence of sepsis. The sensitivity and specificity of the rapid IgG assay was 70% and 100% respectively. Elevated serum antibody levels in patients with endocarditis, prosthetic joint infection and pyogenic spondylodiscitis due to Gram-positive cocci were also detected with the lipid S ELISA suggesting that the assay may facilitate the diagnosis of these infections. Unexpected increased levels of anti-lipid S IgG in 31% of control patients with sciatica suggested a possible microbial aetiology of this condition. Further investigation of some of these patients by culture of microdiscectomy tissue removed at operation, revealed the presence of low-virulent microorganisms in 37% of patients of which Propionibacterium aeries accounted for 85% of the positive culture isolates. The results suggested a previously unrecognised association between P. acnes and sciatica, which may have implications for the future management of the condition.
Current evidence-based guidelines recommend that 2% (w/v) chlorhexidine digluconate (CHG), preferentially in 70% (v/v) isopropyl alcohol (IIPA), is used for skin antisepsis prior to incision of the skin. In this current study, the antimicrobial efficacy of CHG, six essential oils [tea tree oil (TTO), thymol, eucalyptus oil (EO), juniper oil, lavender oil and citronella] and novel benzylidenecarboxamidrazone and thiosemicarbazone compounds were determined against a panel of microorganisms commonly associated with skin infection (Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aureus, meticillin-resistant S. aureus, Propionibacterium acnes, Acinetobacter spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans) The results demonstrated synergistic activity of CHG in combination with EO against biofilm cultures of S. epidermidis, with significantly reduced concentrations of CHG and EO required to inhibit biofilm growth compared to CHG or EO alone. Skin permeation of CHG was subsequently investigated using an in vitro human skin model (Franz cell) and the penetration profile was determined by serial sectioning of the full thickness human skin. Two percent (w/v) CHG in aqueous solution and in 70% (v/v) IPA demonstrated poor skin permeation; however, the skin permeation was significantly enhanced in combination with 5% - 50% (v/v) EO. Detectable levels of CHG did not permeate through full thickness skin in 24 h. Skin permeation of 2% (w/v) CHG in 70% (v/v) IPA in the presence of 10% (v/v) EO was subsequently studied. The results demonstrated a significantly enhanced skin penetration of CHG after a 2 min application, with CHG detected at significant levels to a depth of 600 m with CHG in combination with EO and IPA compared to 100 m with IPA alone. Combination antisepsis comprising CHG and EO may be beneficial for skin antisepsis prior to invasive procedures to reduce the number of microorganisms on and within the skin due to enhanced skin penetration of CHG and improved efficacy against S. epidermidis in a biofilm mode of growth.