844 resultados para program development


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Introduction: Interprofessional collaborative practices are increasingly recognized as an effective way to deal with complex health problems. However, health sciences students continue to be trained in specialized programs and have little occasion for learning in interdisciplinary contexts. Program Development: The project's purpose was to develop content and an educational design for new prelicensure interfaculty courses on interprofessional collaboration in patient and family-centered care which embedded interprofessional education principles where participants learn with, from and about each other. Implementation: Intensive training was part of a 45-hour program, offered each semester, which was divided into three 15-hour courses given on weekends, to enhance accessibility. Evaluation: A total of 215 students completed questionnaires following the courses, to assess their satisfaction with the educational content. Pre/post measures assessed perception of skills acquisition and perceived benefits of interprofessional collaboration training. Results showed a significant increase from the students' point of view in the knowledge and benefits to be gained from interprofessional collaboration training.


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In 1980 the World Health Organization declared that smallpox was eradicated from the world, and routine smallpox vaccination was discontinued. Nevertheless, samples of the smallpox virus (variola virus) were retained for research purposes, not least because of fears that terrorist groups or rogue states might also have kept samples in order to develop a bioweapon. Variola virus represents an effective bioweapon because it is associated with high morbidity and mortality and is highly contagious. Since September 11, 2001, countries around the world have begun to develop policies and preparedness programs to deal with a bioterror attack, including stockpiling of smallpox vaccine. Smallpox vaccine itself may be associated with a number of serious adverse events, which can often be managed with vaccinia immune globulin (VIG). VIG may also be needed as prophylaxis in patients for whom pre-exposure smallpox vaccine is contraindicated (such as those with eczema or pregnant women), although it is currently not licensed in these cases. Two intravenous formulations of VIG (VIGIV Cangene and VIGIV Dynport) have been licensed by the FDA for the management of patients with progressive vaccinia, eczema vaccinatum, severe generalized vaccinia, and extensive body surface involvement or periocular implantation following inadvertent inoculation.


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Training is a crucial tool for building the capacity necessary for prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in developing countries. This paper summarizes some features of a 2-week workshop aimed at enabling local health professionals to initiate a comprehensive CVD prevention and control program in a context of limited resources. The workshops have been organized in the regions where CVD prevention programs are being contemplated, in cooperation with health authorities of the concerned regions. The workshop's content includes a broad variety of issues related to CVD prevention and control, and to program development. Strong emphasis is placed on "learning by doing," and groups of 5-6 participants conduct a small-scale epidemiological study during the first week; during the second week, they draft a virtual program of CVD prevention and control adapted to the local situation. This practice-oriented workshop focuses on building expertise among anticipated key players, strengthening networks among relevant health professionals, and advocating the urgent need to tackle the emerging CVD epidemic in developing countries.


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This article reviews the different steps taken during the past 20 years for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the Seychelles. National surveys revealed high levels of several cardiovascular risk factors and prompted an organized response, starting with the creation of an NCD unit in the Ministry of Health. Information campaigns and nationwide activities raised awareness and rallied increasingly broad and high-level support. Significant policy was developed including comprehensive tobacco legislation and a School Nutrition Policy that bans soft drinks in schools. NCD guidelines were developed and specialized 'NCD nurses' were trained to complement doctors in district health centers. Decreasing smoking prevalence is evidence of success, but the raising so-called diabesity epidemic calls for an integrated multi-sector policy to mould an environment conducive to healthy behaviors. Essential components of these efforts include: effective surveillance mechanisms supplemented by focused research; generating broad interest and consensus; mobilizing leadership and commitment at all levels; involving local and international expertise; building on existing efforts; and seeking integrated, multi-disciplinary and multi-sector approaches.


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El programa de mentoría propuesto, toma como punto de partida la actual situación académica y social de jóvenes peruanos residentes en Barcelona y cercanías. Diversos estudios señalan la existencia de un alto índice de abandono escolar en Catalunya, así como un bajo rendimiento escolar que afecta principalmente a estudiantes extranjeros. El objetivo general es fomentar y optimizar la adecuada escolarización de jóvenes peruanos de entre 12 y 20 años. A través de procesos de mentoría y voluntariado se pretenden mejorar sus competencias escolares y sociales favoreciendo la creación de modelos de referencia positivos para los jóvenes en riesgo, así como espacios de aprendizaje, intercambio y acercamiento que fomenten la integración y la cohesión social entre las comunidades extranjera y autóctona. Para la realización del programa se prevé optimizar los recursos ya existentes, como los puntos de información juvenil y los centros de Asesoramiento Académica para jóvenes (CAAJ) y por otro lado se cuenta con la colaboración del Consulado General del Perú en Barcelona y de la escuela Virolai de Barcelona


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Many assays to evaluate the nature, breadth, and quality of antigen-specific T cell responses are currently applied in human medicine. In most cases, assay-related protocols are developed on an individual laboratory basis, resulting in a large number of different protocols being applied worldwide. Together with the inherent complexity of cellular assays, this leads to unnecessary limitations in the ability to compare results generated across institutions. Over the past few years a number of critical assay parameters have been identified which influence test performance irrespective of protocol, material, and reagents used. Describing these critical factors as an integral part of any published report will both facilitate the comparison of data generated across institutions and lead to improvements in the assays themselves. To this end, the Minimal Information About T Cell Assays (MIATA) project was initiated. The objective of MIATA is to achieve a broad consensus on which T cell assay parameters should be reported in scientific publications and to propose a mechanism for reporting these in a systematic manner. To add maximum value for the scientific community, a step-wise, open, and field-spanning approach has been taken to achieve technical precision, user-friendliness, adequate incorporation of concerns, and high acceptance among peers. Here, we describe the past, present, and future perspectives of the MIATA project. We suggest that the approach taken can be generically applied to projects in which a broad consensus has to be reached among scientists working in fragmented fields, such as immunology. An additional objective of this undertaking is to engage the broader scientific community to comment on MIATA and to become an active participant in the project.


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Diplomityö on tehty osana ETX-tutkimushanketta: 'Volyymiteholähteen suunnittelumetodien kehitys ja optimointi DFM-viitekehyksessä'. Työssä suunnitellaan hakkuriteholähteelle säätäjä. Tähän suunnittelun sektoriin syventyminen on teollisuudessa jäänyt monesti vähälle. Säätö on tavallisesti ajan puutteen ja apuvälineiden käytön osaamattomuuden tai puuttumisen takia suunniteltu kokeilemalla. Työssä muodostetaan jännitemuotoisesti säädetylle hakkurille piensignaalimallilla linearisoidut siirtofunktiot, joiden perusteella voidaan tarkastella hakkurin stabiilisuutta takaisinkytketyssä säätösilmukassa. Stabiiliustarkastelu tehdään taajuustasossa käyttäen Bode-kuvaajia. Näiden kuvaajien perusteella viritetään järjestelmään säätäjä. Säätäjän toimintaa aikatasossa tarkastellaan simuloimalla ja reaalisen laitteen toimimista laboratorioprototyypin avulla. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että jännitemuotoisella säädöllä flyback-hakkuri saadaan nopeaksi epäjatkuvalla käämivirralla. Mikäli halutaan hakkurin toimivan jatkuvalla käämivirralla, on syytä käyttää muita säätömenetelmiä, esimerkiksi huippuvirtasäätöä.


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Human biomonitoring (HBM) is an effective tool for assessing actual exposure to chemicals that takes into account all routes of intake. Although hair analysis is considered to be an optimal biomarker for assessing mercury exposure, the lack of harmonization as regards sampling and analytical procedures has often limited the comparison of data at national and international level. The European-funded projects COPHES and DEMOCOPHES developed and tested a harmonized European approach to Human Biomonitoring in response to the European Environment and Health Action Plan. Herein we describe the quality assurance program (QAP) for assessing mercury levels in hair samples from more than 1800 mother-child pairs recruited in 17 European countries. To ensure the comparability of the results, standard operating procedures (SOPs) for sampling and for mercury analysis were drafted and distributed to participating laboratories. Training sessions were organized for field workers and four external quality-assessment exercises (ICI/EQUAS), followed by the corresponding web conferences, were organized between March 2011 and February 2012. ICI/EQUAS used native hair samples at two mercury concentration ranges (0.20-0.71 and 0.80-1.63) per exercise. The results revealed relative standard deviations of 7.87-13.55% and 4.04-11.31% for the low and high mercury concentration ranges, respectively. A total of 16 out of 18 participating laboratories the QAP requirements and were allowed to analyze samples from the DEMOCOPHES pilot study. Web conferences after each ICI/EQUAS revealed this to be a new and effective tool for improving analytical performance and increasing capacity building. The procedure developed and tested in COPHES/DEMOCOPHES would be optimal for application on a global scale as regards implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.


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BACKGROUND: Clinical guidelines are essential in implementing and maintaining nationwide stage-specific diagnostic and therapeutic standards. In 2011, the first German expert consensus guideline defined the evidence for diagnosis and treatment of early and locally advanced esophagogastric cancers. Here, we compare this guideline with other national guidelines as well as current literature. METHODS: The German S3-guideline used an approved development process with de novo literature research, international guideline adaptation, or good clinical practice. Other recent evidence-based national guidelines and current references were compared with German recommendations. RESULTS: In the German S3 and other Western guidelines, adenocarcinomas of the esophagogastric junction (AEG) are classified according to formerly defined AEG I-III subgroups due to the high surgical impact. To stage local disease, computed tomography of the chest and abdomen and endosonography are reinforced. In contrast, laparoscopy is optional for staging. Mucosal cancers (T1a) should be endoscopically resected "en-bloc" to allow complete histological evaluation of lateral and basal margins. For locally advanced cancers of the stomach or esophagogastric junction (≥T3N+), preferred treatment is preoperative and postoperative chemotherapy. Preoperative radiochemotherapy is an evidence-based alternative for large AEG type I-II tumors (≥T3N+). Additionally, some experts recommend treating T2 tumors with a similar approach, mainly because pretherapeutic staging is often considered to be unreliable. CONCLUSIONS: The German S3 guideline represents an up-to-date European position with regard to diagnosis, staging, and treatment recommendations for patients with locally advanced esophagogastric cancer. Effects of perioperative chemotherapy versus chemoradiotherapy are still to be investigated for adenocarcinoma of the cardia and the lower esophagus.


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Background: Previous work examining differences in hypertension across ethnic groups employ race as the principal variable. While differences in hypertension have been identified across racial groups, there is great variation between ethnic groups amongst racial groupings that could mask differences in hypertension and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. In light of Canada's ethnic diversity, research aimed at identifying specific groups that are at a health disadvantage is essential for understanding the health of the overall population. In addition, this research would be beneficial for creating programs and policies aimed at reducing or eliminating these disparities. Since CVD is the leading cause of mortality in Canada and hypertension is one of the most significant and modifiable risk factors for CVD, it is important to move past crude classifications based on race and examine ethnic group differences. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between ethnicity and hypertension in Canada, while employing more narrow classifications for ethnicity than previous studies. In addition, because ethnicity has been shown to be representative of an individual's social experience, this study also aims to investigate whether this relationship can be explained by one or all of the following variable: socioeconomic status, physical activity, body mass index, smoking status, daily alcohol consumption or acculturation. Methods. This study used the 2004 Canadian Community Health Survey, cycle 2.1 to compare 29 different ethnic groups in Canada on whether they had high blood pressure that had been diagnosed by a health professional. Associations were examined using logistic regression. Subsequent logistic regression analyses included socioeconomic status, physical activity, body mass index, smoking status, daily alcohol consumption and acculturation to test for the effect of each of these variables on the relationship between ethnicity and hypertension. Results. Ukrainians, Chinese, Portuguese, South Asians, Aboriginals, Blacks, Filipinos and South East Asians were found to have significantly higher odds of having high blood pressure than Canadians (OR's = 1.50, 1.56, 2.72, 1.38, 1.36, 1.66, 2.21 & 2.24 respectively, p<.001). In addition, the only significant mediating effects were between SES and Aboriginals as well as obesity and Aboriginals. None of the other independent variables accounted for >10% of the risk experienced by the ethnic groups that were significantly associated with hypertension. Interpretation: The odds of having high blood pressure in Canada varies considerably across ethnic groups within racial groups indicating previous research is not specific enough to inform policy and program development. Because this study was not able to explain this relationship using the sociodemographic and lifestyle factors mentioned above, future research should be done to determine what places certain ethnic groups at a greater risk in order to tailor interventions aimed at reducing high blood pressure that are suited to the specific needs of each cultural group.


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This is a study which examines the roles and responsibilities of Deans, specifically focussing on the Deans in the Faculties of Education at three Ontario Universities - Brock University, the University of Western Ontario, and the University of Windsor. This study examines the roles of Deans in the context of leadership and as a management position. The initial belief of the researcher was that Deans acted as middle managers at their institution besides being role models, scholars and leaders. Data were collected through interviews with the various participants and through the examination of the official job descriptions at each institution. Concepts such as leadership, motivation, empowerment, and management are discussed in relation to the position of Dean. The research concludes that a Dean is a leader in higher education who is responsible for a variety of issues. Besides academic related responsibilities such as faculty development, program development and research, a Dean is also responsible for a wide range of administrative tasks including financial management and obligations to external groups. As a role model and scholar, the Dean must ensure that all areas have sufficient energies devoted to them. This creates a heavy burden on Deans as they have a great deal of responsibilities to manage while still maintaining their role as a scholar. The researcher concludes that the position of Dean requires additional support from the institution. This support could be in an Associate Dean or an Executive Assistant with training and support mechanisms on an ongoing basis.


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Ne pas citer. Version pour diffusion uniquement. Citer l'article une fois publié. / Not to be cited. For distribution only. Cite article once published.


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El giro que el sistema internacional dio tras los atentados perpetrados el 11 de septiembre de 2001 fue de enorme importancia para la política exterior de Irán y su posicionamiento en el sistema internacional. En efecto, la lucha guerra contra el terrorismo que Estados Unidos inició y que finalmente desembocaría en las incursiones armadas a Afganistán e Irak -ambos países limítrofes de Irán, en 2001 y 2003 respectivamente, así como la inclusión de Irán por parte de la administración Bush en 2002 como parte del denominado Eje del mal, generaron en el imaginario iraní una idea de amenaza internacional y por lo mismo, la necesidad de hacerse fuerte con el fin de mantener su integridad territorial y gubernamental. Así pues, una compleja situación económica y social sumada a una fuerte coalición del partido conservador iraní -uno de los más fuertes del país, soportado por el Ayatolá Alí Jamenei, autoridad suprema de la nueva República, un nuevo líder de corte conservador, llegaría a la presidencia: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, un líder controversial y problemático que desde su primera campaña presidencial en 2002 defendería el derecho de la República a desarrollar armas nucleares para fines pacíficos. El verdadero inconveniente surge cuando occidente, en cabeza de los Estados Unidos –en compañía de algunas potencias europeas como lo son Alemania, Francia y Gran Bretaña, duda sobre esta última afirmación. Esta investigación pretende profundizar cada uno de los elementos anteriormente mencionados así como establecer la forma en la cual China y Rusia –países que ven de forma diferenciada el manejo de arsenal nuclear, logran configurarse y acreditar este desafío ante la comunidad internacional.


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Esta monografía se interroga sobre los factores que, en el caso del Programa de Desarrollo y Paz del Magdalena Medio (PDPMM), llevaron a la emergencia de una forma de diplomacia paralela. Dicho análisis se hará tomando como referencia el periodo de formulación y entrada en vigencia del Plan Colombia. Los propósitos particulares de este trabajo son los siguientes. En primer lugar, caracterizar al Programa de Desarrollo y Paz teniendo en cuenta el contexto nacional y regional en el cual emerge esta iniciativa, con el objeto de explicar por qué esta tiene desde el comienzo una conexión muy fuerte con el ámbito internacional. En segundo lugar, analizar las posiciones del programa frente al Plan Colombia y explicar de qué manera y por qué razones en un momento específico sus dirigentes decidieron lanzar una iniciativa de diplomacia paralela, tratando así de contrarrestar los efectos negativos que le traería al Magdalena Medio la entrada en vigencia del Plan Colombia.