976 resultados para procedural justice


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The movement for restorative justice (RJ) has struggled with marginalization on the soft end of the criminal justice system where the threat of net widening and iatrogenesis looms large. To realize the full potential of RJ as an alternative philosophy of justice, restorative practices need to expand beyond the world of adolescent and small-level offences into the deeper end of the justice system. Disciplinary hearings inside of adult prisons may be a strategic space to advance this expansion. This paper presents findings from a study of prison discipline in four UK prisons. The findings strongly suggest that in their current form, such disciplinary proceedings are viewed by prisoners as lacking in legitimacy. Although modelled after the adversarial system of the criminal court, the adjudications were instead universally derided as ‘kangaroo courts’, lacking in the basic elements of procedural justice. Based on these findings, we argue that restorative justice interventions may offer a viable redress to these problems of legitimacy which, if successful, would have ramifications that extend well beyond the prison walls.


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Les violations aux droits humains causent des milliers de victimes chaque année, des mécanismes de justice sont élaborés afin de répondre à ces crimes, mais les victimes demeurent peu consultées. Par le biais d’entretiens semi-directifs, cette étude présente le point de vue et les attentes des victimes de crimes contre l’humanité du Cambodge et du Rwanda sur la justice. La justice sociale constitue le cadre théorique de cette étude. Les résultats montrent que la justice pénale est centrale à la définition de la justice. La réparation et la vérité en constituent aussi les éléments essentiels. Toutefois, la capacité des tribunaux à rendre compte de la vérité est critiquée par les répondants créant un écart entre ce qu’elles veulent et ce qu’elles obtiennent. La qualité de la prise de décision et du traitement interpersonnel favorise aussi la perception de justice du point de vue des victimes. Les différentes composantes de la justice perçues, comme la punition, la réparation et la procédure, varient toutefois en fonction du contexte social et historique de la victimisation.


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Ciblant la réduction des inégalités sociales de santé, le Québec a établi une stratégie de soutien au développement des communautés en santé publique. Or, un usage ambigu du terme de « communauté » est identifiable dans les documents officiels de santé publique au Québec, ce qui pose des questions d’équité et de justice sociale. D'abord, cette imprécision permet mal l’application du soutien au développement des communautés et laisse présager la même difficulté quant à l’objectif de réduction des inégalités sociales de santé qui s’y rattache. Aussi, cette situation pose un problème d’équité, puisqu’elle mène difficilement à la justification des choix des communautés qui seront soutenues pour leur développement. Le premier Chapitre de ce mémoire confirme alors l’hypothèse selon laquelle on ne s’efforce pas suffisamment pour rendre compréhensible la notion de « communauté » en santé publique, à l’aide d’une analyse de contenu des documents de santé publique québécois. Le deuxième chapitre explore diverses compréhensions du terme à travers les sciences sociales. On propose alors la typologie de Vibert pour démontrer la richesse sociohistorique du concept de « communauté » et ses enjeux et pour permettre d’éclairer les professionnels de santé quant aux choix des communautés qu’ils soutiendront dans leur pratique. Enfin, si plusieurs acceptations du terme de « communauté » sont justifiables en santé publique, alors sous quels critères sont sélectionnées les communautés soutenues? Le troisième chapitre y réfléchit, en s’appuyant sur le modèle de justice procédurale développé par Daniels et Sabin pour répondre équitablement aux désaccords liés aux rationnements en santé.


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L’objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre l’impact de la justice organisationnelle sur l’engagement organisationnel des travailleurs du secteur des technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC). Afin d’étudier ce sujet, trois hypothèses de recherche ont été formulés à partir des théories suivantes : 1- la théorie des attentes d’Adams (1965), 2- la théorie de l’échange social de Blau (1964) et 3- la théorie de Leventhal (1980). La première hypothèse stipule que, toutes choses étant égales par ailleurs, la justice distributive fait augmenter l’engagement affectif des travailleurs du secteur des TIC. La seconde hypothèse indique que toutes choses étant égales par ailleurs, la justice procédurale fait augmenter l’engagement affectif des travailleurs du secteur des TIC. La dernière hypothèse énonce que toutes choses étant égales par ailleurs, la justice procédurale a un impact plus important sur l’engagement affectif des travailleurs du secteur des TIC que la justice distributive. Les données utilisées proviennent d’une enquête par questionnaires électroniques auprès de l’ensemble des nouveaux employés d’une entreprise d’envergure internationale du secteur des TIC ayant un établissement à Montréal. Les employés ont été sondés à trois reprises. Les résultats indiquent que la justice distributive fait augmenter l’engagement affectif auprès des travailleurs, ce qui appuie la première hypothèse. Ils démontrent également qu’il n’existe aucune relation statistiquement significative entre la justice procédurale et l’engagement affectif. Seule la justice distributive a un effet sur l’engagement affectif du travailleur. Les résultats montrent l’existence de relations significatives et positives entre trois des variables de contrôle et l’engagement affectif. Il s’agit de : 1- travail sous supervision, 2- soutien organisationnel perçu et 3- satisfaction intrinsèque.


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Ce mémoire a pour objectif de comprendre l'impact de la justice distributive et de la justice procédurale sur l'intention de rester via l'effet médiateur de l'engagement organisationnel. Pour étudier cette question, nous avons émis trois hypothèses basées sur les études empiriques et certaines théories. La première hypothèse stipule que la justice distributive est positivement et indirectement liée à l'intention de rester via l'engagement organisationnel. La deuxième hypothèse suggère que la justice procédurale est positivement et indirectement associée à l'intention de rester en passant par l'engagement organisationnel. La dernière hypothèse indique que la justice procédurale a un impact plus important sur l'intention de rester que la justice distributive via l'engagement organisationnel. Les données utilisées pour cette étude longitudinale ont été colligées dans le cadre d'une enquête portant sur « les liens entre la rémunération, la formation et le développement des compétences avec l’attraction et la rétention des employés clés ». Ces données proviennent d'une entreprise internationale du secteur des technologies de l'information et des communications (TIC) à Montréal. Les participants de l'étude sont les travailleurs nouvellement embauchés durant la période du 1er avril 2009 au 30 septembre 2010. À la suite de l'analyse des données, les résultats confirment toutes les hypothèses. Ces résultats indiquent que la justice distributive et la justice procédurale sont indirectement et positivement associées à l'intention de rester par l'effet médiateur de l'engagement organisationnel. De plus, les résultats des analyses multivariées longitudinales montrent que la justice procédurale affecte davantage l'intention de rester que la justice distributive via l'engagement organisationnel. Le travail sous supervision et le soutien organisationnel perçu ont également un impact considérable sur l'intention de rester des travailleurs. Finalement, la conclusion du mémoire indique en quoi cette recherche permet de guider les gestionnaires dans l'insertion de pratiques de fidélisation du personnel.


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Distributive, procedural, interpersonal and informational justices were included in this study of gender differences in in-role and extra-role behavior. Distributive justice predicted performance, organizational commitment and OCB for men but only performance and job satisfaction for women. Procedural justice predicted job satisfaction for men and did not predict any outcomes for women. Informational justice predicted job satisfaction for both male and female respondents. Informational justice predicted female but not male organizational commitment and in-role performance. Interpersonal justice predicted male but not female organizational citizenship behavior. The study demonstrates important distinctions between the four organizational justice types and how men and women respond differently to those distinctions. The differences in the drivers of in-role performance between men and women may also have practical implications for managers. For example, distributive justice was a direct in-role performance driver for both genders, but informational justice provides an incremental direct effect for women.


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All four types of organizational justice – distributive, procedural, interpersonal and informational – were included in this study of gender differences. Both male and female respondents perceived the distributive-procedural justice and interpersonal-informational justice pairings similarly and weakly. Females consistently discriminated more clearly across the pairings, however. The effect of the four justices was also found to be gender-dependent. Males’ perception of distributive justice directly predicted their turnover intentions and commitment to the organization, while females’ perception of distributive justice predicted only job satisfaction. Males’ perceptions of procedural and information justice both predicted job satisfaction. Females’ informational justice perceptions predicted job satisfaction and commitment to the organization. The paper contributes to the literature by presenting results from all four justice types and the simultaneous use of the three outcomes of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and intention to quit. Overall, the males had a diffuse set of relationships between the justice types and the outcomes, whereas the relationships between the justice types and
the outcomes for females tended more to follow a limited number of pathways. The study was validated with data collected on two separate occasions.


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Research focusing on the relationship between organizational justice and health suggests that perceptions of fairness can make significant contributions to employee wellbeing. However, studies examining the justice–health relationship are only just emerging and there are several areas where further research is required, in particular, the uniqueness of the contributions made by justice and the extent to which the health effects can be explained by linear, non-linear and/or interaction models. The primary aim of the current study was to determine the main, curvilinear and interaction effects of work characteristics and organizational justice perceptions on employee wellbeing (as measured by psychological health and job satisfaction). Work characteristics were measured using the demand–control–support (DCS) model (Karasek and Theorell, 1990) and Colquitt's (2001) four justice dimensions (distributive, procedural, interpersonal and informational) assessed organizational justice (Colquitt, 2001). Hierarchical regression analyses found that in relation to psychological health, perceptions of justice added little to the explanatory power of the DCS model. In contrast, organizational justice did account for unique variance in job satisfaction, the second measure of employee wellbeing. The results supported linear relationships between the psychosocial working conditions and the outcome measures. A significant two-way interaction effect (control x support at work) was found for the psychological health outcome and the procedural justice by distributive justice interaction was significant for the job satisfaction outcome. Notably, the findings indicate that in addition to traditional job stressors, health promotion strategies should also address organizational justice.


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This study used the four factor model of organizational justice to investigate gender differences in the employee outcome cognitive variables of job satisfaction,commitment and turnover intentions. Survey respondents were 301 male and 147 female currently working employees in a variety of occupations. Structural equation modeling was used for the analyses. There were significant relationships from distributive justice to job satisfaction and commitment for both men and women. Informational justice significantly predicted job satisfaction. For women, informational justice predicted commitment and turnover intentions. Procedural justice predicted turnover intentions and interpersonal justice predicted commitment for men. Gender differences were found for procedural, interpersonal and informational justices. Men and women gave differing responses to justice perceptions, implying consideration of a range of views when allocation decisions are made and communicated. For both genders, distributive and informational justices play a central role in predicting employee outcomes, although the other justice types also have an effect for males. Justice had a diffuse effect for males, but not females.


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The unprecedented success of social networking sites (SNSs) has been recently overshadowed by concerns about privacy risks. As SNS users grow weary of privacy breaches and thus develop distrust, they may restrict or even terminate their platform activities. In the long run, these developments endanger SNS platforms’ financial viability and undermine their ability to create individual and social value. By applying a justice perspective, this study aims to understand the means at the disposal of SNS providers to leverage the privacy concerns and trusting beliefs of their users—two important determinants of user participation on SNSs. Considering that SNSs have a global appeal, empirical tests assess the effectiveness of justice measures for three culturally distinct countries: Germany, Russia and Morocco. The results indicate that these measures are particularly suited to address trusting beliefs of SNS audience. Specifically, in all examined countries, procedural justice and the awareness dimension of informational justice improve perceptions of trust in the SNS provider. Privacy concerns, however, are not as easy to manage, because the impact of justice-based measures on privacy concerns is not universal. Beyond theoretical value, this research offers valuable practical insights into the use of justice-based measures to promote trust and mitigate privacy concerns in a cross-cultural setting.


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This study proposes a marketing approach to service recovery (SR) models in order to help to explain what factors affect cumulative satisfaction, loyalty and word-of-mouth following complaint behavior. The model has its base on the definition of perceived justice and its influence on satisfaction with service recovery (SSR) and on emotions (positive and negative). Trust acts as a central construct in the model, receiving influence from the affective and cognitive aspect and mediating the relationship between SSR and cumulative satisfaction and between positive/negative emotions and loyalty. The sample for this study consists of 303 Spanish B2C-EC users who made a complaint after an electronic transaction. Results from the analysis show the influence of perceived justice ?mainly interactional justice and procedural justice? on SSR, and the relevance of positive emotions as a key factor in SSR processes, in contrast to the major role which negative emotions have traditionally played in these models. Furthermore, trust mediates the relation between SSR and cumulative satisfaction, and is the factor which has a higher influence on loyalty, whilst cumulative satisfaction becomes the more relevant factor affecting WOM.


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This study proposes a marketing approach to service recovery (SR) models to explain what factors affect cumulative satisfaction, loyalty and word-of-mouth (WOM) following complaint behaviour. The model has its base on the definition of perceived justice and its influence on satisfaction with service recovery (SSR) and on emotions (positive and negative). Trust acts as a central construct in the model, receiving influence from the affective and cognitive aspect. The sample for this study consists of 303 Spanish business-to-consumer e-commerce (B2C-EC) users who made a complaint after an electronic transaction. Results from the analysis show the influence of perceived justice ? mainly interactional justice and procedural justice ? on SSR and the relevance of positive emotions as a key factor in SSR processes, in contrast to the major role that negative emotions have traditionally played in these models.


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Data obtained from full-time employees of a public sector organization in India were used to test a social exchange model of employee work attitudes and behaviors. LISREL results revealed that whereas the three organizational justice dimensions (distributive, procedural and interactional) were related to trust in organization only interactional justice was related to trust in supervisor. The results further revealed that relative to the hypothesized fully mediated model a partially mediated model better fitted the data. Trust in organization partially mediated the relationship between distributive and procedural justice and the work attitudes of job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and organizational commitment but fully mediated the relationship between interactional justice and these work attitudes. In contrast, trust in supervisor fully mediated the relationship between interactional justice and the work behaviors of task performance and the individually- and organizationally-oriented dimensions of citizenship behavior.


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Purpose – This paper aims to explore the antecedents of careerist orientations to work. Hypotheses are drawn from referent cognitions theory. First, it is proposed that trust mediates the relationship between an individual's perceptions of procedural justice and their careerist orientations to work. Second, perceptions of distributive justice, regarding the allocation of career development opportunities, will moderate the relationship between trust and careerist orientations to work. Design/methodology/approach – A total of 325 employees of a large UK financial institution completed a structured questionnaire. Regression analysis (using SPSS version 11) was used to test the presented hypotheses. Findings – All hypotheses were confirmed. However, the interaction effect observed was different from that hypothesised. It appears that trust only matters, in terms of the development of careerist orientations to work, when individuals feel that they are receiving equitable career development opportunities. Research limitations/implications – Much more research is required in different organisational contexts if one is to fully confirm and understand these relationships. However, these findings suggest that employers will only reduce the development of careerist attitudes in their workforce if they ensure the fair distribution of career development opportunities and engender trusting relations through the implementation of fair decision-making procedures. Originality/value – This paper adds much needed empirical research to the literature on new career realities and careerist orientations to work. Moreover, referent cognitions theory is presented as a new theoretical framework for understanding the cognitive processes involved in an individual's development of careerist attitudes.


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In this study three chronicles from national newspapers (one generalist and two sport press) were analyzed. The chronicles belong to Spain’s soccer final of the King’s Cup in 2014. The aim of the study was to know if there was any influence on the readers’ perception of justice and consequently if this influence could cause a particular predisposition to participate in acts of protest. 462 university students participated. The results showed that different chronicles caused differences in the perception of justice depending on the chronicle read. However, a clear influence on the willingness to participate in acts of protest was not obtained. These results should make us think about the impact of sport press and its influence, and to be aware of the indirect responsibility of every sector on the antisocial behaviors generated by soccer in our country.