966 resultados para preventive health


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BACKGROUND: Many families rely on child care outside the home, making these settings important influences on child development. Nearly 1.5 million children in the U.S. spend time in family child care homes (FCCHs), where providers care for children in their own residences. There is some evidence that children in FCCHs are heavier than those cared for in centers. However, few interventions have targeted FCCHs for obesity prevention. This paper will describe the application of the Intervention Mapping (IM) framework to the development of a childhood obesity prevention intervention for FCCHs METHODS: Following the IM protocol, six steps were completed in the planning and development of an intervention targeting FCCHs: needs assessment, formulation of change objectives matrices, selection of theory-based methods and strategies, creation of intervention components and materials, adoption and implementation planning, and evaluation planning RESULTS: Application of the IM process resulted in the creation of the Keys to Healthy Family Child Care Homes program (Keys), which includes three modules: Healthy You, Healthy Home, and Healthy Business. Delivery of each module includes a workshop, educational binder and tool-kit resources, and four coaching contacts. Social Cognitive Theory and Self-Determination Theory helped guide development of change objective matrices, selection of behavior change strategies, and identification of outcome measures. The Keys program is currently being evaluated through a cluster-randomized controlled trial CONCLUSIONS: The IM process, while time-consuming, enabled rigorous and systematic development of intervention components that are directly tied to behavior change theory and may increase the potential for behavior change within the FCCHs.


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Research has shown that individuals with a current religious affiliation are more likely to use preventive health services. The aim of this study was to determine whether breast screening uptake in Northern Ireland is higher amongst women with a current affiliation to an organised religion and, for those with no current affiliation, to examine whether their religion of upbringing is associated with uptake of breast screening. The Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS) was used to link Census and national breast screening data for 37,211 women invited for routine breast screening between 2001 and 2004. Current religious affiliation, religion of upbringing and other demographic and socio-economic characteristics were as defined on the Census form. Multivariate logistic regression was used to determine the relationship between religion affiliation and attendance. Uptake of breast screening is about 25% lower for those without a current religious affiliation. There are modest differences between Catholics and Protestants, with the latter about 11% more likely to attend for screening. For those with no current religion, the religion of upbringing appears to positively influence attendance rates. These differences remain after adjustment for all of the socio-demographic and socio-economic factors that have been shown to influence uptake rates of breast screening in the UK to date. Record linkage is an efficient way to examine equity across demographic characteristics that are not routinely available. The lower uptake amongst those with no religious affiliation may mean that screening services may find it difficult to maintain or improve uptake rate in an increasingly secularised society.


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To quantify how much of the coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality decline in Northern Ireland between 1987 and 2007 could be attributed to medical and surgical treatments and how much to changes in population cardiovascular risk factors.


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Objective: To examine the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and the use of medical and preventive health services. Research Methods and Procedures: This study involved secondary analysis of weighted data from the Australian 1995 National Health Survey. The study was a population survey designed to obtain national benchmark information about a range of health-related issues. Data were available from 17,033 men and 17,174 women, 20 years or age. BMI, based on self-reported weight and height, was analyzed in relation to the use of medical services and preventive health services. Results: A positive relationship was found between BMI and medical service use, such as medication use, visits to hospital accident and emergency departments (for women only); doctor visits, visits to a hospital outpatient clinics; and visits to other health professionals (for women only). A negative relationship was found in women between BMI and preventive health services. Underweight women were found to be significantly less likely to have Papanicolaou smear tests, breast examinations, and mammograms. Discussion: This research shows that people who fall outside the healthy weight range are more likely to use a range of medical services. Given that the BMI of industrialized populations appears to be increasing, this has important ramifications for health service planning and reinforces the need for obesity prevention strategies at a population level.


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Efforts to increase fruit and vegetable consump­tion are a significant aspect of national approaches to preventive health. However, policy frameworks for increasing fruit and vegetable consumption rarely take an integrated food-systems approach that includes a focus on production. In this policy analysis and commentary we examine fruit and vegetable production in peri-urban areas of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia, and highlight the significance of emerging environmental and eco­nomic pressures on fruit and vegetable production. This examination will be of interest to other locations around the world also experiencing pressure on their peri-urban agriculture. These pressures suggest that the availability and afforda­bility of fruit and vegetable supplies cannot be taken for granted, and that future initiatives to increase fruit and vegetable consumption should include a focus on sustainable production. Threats to production that include environmental pressures, together with the loss and cost of peri-urban agri­cultural land and a cost-price squeeze due to rising input costs and low farm-gate prices, act in combi­nation to threaten the viability of the Victorian fruit and vegetable industries. We pro­pose that policy initiatives to increase fruit and vegetable consumption should include measures to address the pressures facing production, and that the most effective policy responses are likely to be integrated approaches that aim to increase fruit and vegetable availability and affordability through innovative solutions to problems of production and distribu­tion. Some brief examples of potential integrated policy solutions are identified to illu­strate the possibilities and stimulate discussion.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Depression in childhood and adolescence is common and often persists into adulthood. This study assessed the population-level cost-effectiveness of a preventive intervention that screens children and adolescents for symptoms of depression in schools and the subsequent provision of a psychological intervention to those showing elevated signs of depression. The target population for screening comprised 11- to 17-year-old children and adolescents in the 2003 Australian population.

METHODS: Economic modeling techniques were used to assess the incremental cost-effectiveness of the intervention compared with no intervention. The perspective was that of the health sector, and outcomes were measured by using disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs). Multivariate probabilistic and univariate sensitivity testing was applied to quantify variations in the model parameters.

The modeled psychological intervention had an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $5400 per DALY averted, with just 2% of iterations falling above a $50 000 per DALY value-for-money threshold. Results were robust to model assumptions.

After school screening, screening and the psychological intervention represent good value-for-money. Such an intervention needs to be seriously considered in any national package of preventive health services. Acceptability issues, particularly to intervention providers, including schools and mental health professionals, need to be considered before wide-scale adoption.


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Evidence for age-related variation in the relationship between obesity-related behaviours and socioeconomic position may assist in the targeting of dietary and physical activity interventions among children.

To investigate the relationship between different indicators of socioeconomic position and obesity-related behaviours across childhood and adolescence.

Data were from 4487 children aged 2 to 16 years participating in the cross-sectional 2007 Australian National Children's Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey. Socioeconomic position was defined by the highest education of the primary or secondary carer and parental income. Activity was assessed using recall methods with physical activity also assessed using pedometers. Intake of energy-dense drinks and snack foods, fruits and vegetables was assessed using 2 × 24-h dietary recalls.

A socioeconomic gradient was evident for each dietary measure (although in age-specific analyses, not for energy-dense snacks in older children), as well as television viewing, but not physical activity. Whether each behaviour was most strongly related to parental income or education of the primary or secondary carer was age and sex dependent. The socioeconomic gradient was strongest for television viewing time and consumption of fruit and energy-dense drinks.

A strong socioeconomic gradient in eating behaviours and television viewing time was observed. Relationships for particular behaviours differed by age, sex and how socioeconomic position was defined. Socioeconomic indicators define different population groups and represent different components of socioeconomic position. These findings may provide insights into who should be targeted in preventive health efforts at different life stages.


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Over time, the definition of prevention has expanded so that its meaning in the context of health services is now unclear. As risk factors are increasingly considered to be the equivalent of “diseases” for purposes of intervention, the concept of prevention has lost all practical meaning. This paper reviews the inconsistencies in its utility, and suggests principles that it should follow in the future: a population orientation with explicit consideration of attributable risk, the setting of priorities based on reduction in illness and avoidance of adverse effects, and the imperative to reduce inequities in health.


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Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in males and the second in females throughout the developed world. Population screening using fecal occult blood tests (FOBTs) facilitates early detection and greater chance of survival, but participation rates are low. We developed a Web-based decision tool to provide information tailored to an individual’s decision stage for CRC screening and attitude toward screening utilizing the Preventive Health Model (PHM) and Precaution Adoption Process Model (PAPM) as theoretical frameworks for screening behavior. We describe the practical steps employed in the tool’s design and the subsequent conduct of an exploratory study.
Objective: To design a decision tool for CRC screening and conduct an exploratory study among average-risk men and women to (1) test the impact of message type (tailored vs non-tailored) and message delivery modality (Web-based vs paper-based) on attitudes toward screening and screening uptake, and (2) investigate the acceptability of the decision tool and relevance of materials.
Methods: Participants (n = 100), recruited from a population sample of men and women aged 50-76 residing in urban Adelaide, Australia, were randomly assigned to a control group or one of 4 interventions: (1) Web-based and tailored information, (2) paper-based and tailored information, (3) Web-based and non-tailored (generic) information, or (4) paper-based and non-tailored information. Participation was augmented by snowball recruitment (n = 19). Questionnaires based on PHM variables were administered pre- and post-intervention. Participants were given the opportunity to request an FOBT. Following the intervention, participants discussed the acceptability of the tool.
Results: Full data were available for 87.4% (104/119) of participants. Post-intervention, perceived susceptibility scores for individuals receiving tailored information increased from mean 10.6 (SD 2.1) to mean 11.8 (SD 2.2). Scores on self-efficacy increased in the tailored group from mean 11.7 (SD 2.0) to mean 12.6 (SD 1.8). There were significant time x modality x message effects for social influence and salience and coherence, reflecting an increase in these scores for tailored Web-based participants only; social influence scores increased from mean 11.7 (SD 2.6) to mean 14.9 (SD 2.3), and salience and coherence scores increased from mean 16.0 (SD 2.2) to mean 17.7 (SD 2.1). There was no greater influence of modality or message type on movement toward a decision to screen or screening uptake, indicating that neither tailored messages nor a Web modality had superior effect. Overall, participants regarded tailored messages positively, but thought that the Web tool lacked “media richness.”
Conclusions: This exploratory study confirms that tailoring on PHM predictors of CRC screening has the potential to positively address attitudes toward screening. However, tailoring on these variables did not result in significantly increased screening uptake. Future research should consider other possible psychosocial influences. Mode of delivery did not affect outcomes, but as a delivery medium, the Web has economic and logistical advantages over paper.


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The lessons learned from over 20 years of obesity prevention efforts in Australia and New Zealand are presented. The obesity epidemic started in the 1980s but poor monitoring systems meant the rise in obesity prevalence initially went undetected. In the 1990s, experts started advocating for government action; however, it was the rapid increase in media reports on obesity in the early 2000s which created the pressure for action. Several, comprehensive reports produced some programme investment but no regulatory policies were implemented. The powerful food industry lobby ensured this lack of policies on front-of-pack food labelling, restrictions on unhealthy food marketing to children, or taxes on unhealthy foods. The New Zealand government even backpedalled by rescinding healthy school food guidelines and withdrawing funding for the comprehensive national obesity strategy. In 2007, Australian Governments started a major long term-investment in preventive health in order to improve economic productivity. Other positive initiatives, especially in Australia, were: the establishment of several advocacy organizations; successful, long-term, whole-of-community projects reducing childhood obesity; a national knowledge exchange system for practitioners; and some innovative programmes and social marketing. However, despite multiple reports and strong advocacy, key recommended regulatory policies remain unimplemented, largely due to the private sector interests dominating public policy development.


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Previous research suggests that lifestyle intervention for the prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) are effective, however little is known about factors affecting participation in such programs. This study aims to explore factors influencing levels of participation in a lifestyle modification program conducted as part of a cluster randomized controlled trial of CVD prevention in primary care.

This concurrent mixed methods study used data from the intervention arm of a cluster RCT which recruited 30 practices through two rural and three urban primary care organizations. Practices were randomly allocated to intervention (n = 16) and control (n = 14) groups. In each practice up to 160 eligible patients aged between 40 and 64 years old, were invited to participate. Intervention practice staff were trained in lifestyle assessment and counseling and referred high risk patients to a lifestyle modification program (LMP) consisting of two individual and six group sessions over a nine month period. Data included a patient survey, clinical audit, practice survey on capacity for preventive care, referral and attendance records at the LMP and qualitative interviews with Intervention Officers facilitating the LMP. Multi-level logistic regression modelling was used to examine independent predictors of attendance at the LMP, supplemented with qualitative data from interviews with Intervention Officers facilitating the program.


A total of 197 individuals were referred to the LMP (63% of those eligible). Over a third of patients (36.5%) referred to the LMP did not attend any sessions, with 59.4% attending at least half of the planned sessions. The only independent predictors of attendance at the program were employment status - not working (OR: 2.39 95% CI 1.15-4.94) and having high psychological distress (OR: 2.17 95% CI: 1.10-4.30). Qualitative data revealed that physical access to the program was a barrier, while GP/practice endorsement of the program and flexibility in program delivery facilitated attendance.


Barriers to attendance at a LMP for CVD prevention related mainly to external factors including work commitments and poor physical access to the programs rather than an individuals’ health risk profile or readiness to change. Improving physical access and offering flexibility in program delivery may enhance future attendance. Finally, associations between psychological distress and attendance rates warrant further investigation.


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Cardiovascular disease accounts for a large burden of disease, but is amenable to prevention through lifestyle modification. This paper examines patient and practice predictors of referral to a lifestyle modification program (LMP) offered as part of a cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT) of prevention of vascular disease in primary care.


Data from the intervention arm of a cluster RCT which recruited 36 practices through two rural and three urban primary care organisations were used. In each practice, 160 eligible high risk patients were invited to participate. Practices were randomly allocated to intervention or control groups. Intervention practice staff were trained in screening, motivational interviewing and counselling and encouraged to refer high risk patients to a LMP involving individual and group sessions. Data include patient surveys; clinical audit; practice survey on capacity for preventive care; referral records from the LMP. Predictors of referral were examined using multi-level logistic regression modelling after adjustment for confounding factors.


Of 301 eligible patients, 190 (63.1%) were referred to the LMP. Independent predictors of referral were baseline BMI ≥ 25 (OR 2.87 95%CI:1.10, 7.47), physical inactivity (OR 2.90 95%CI:1.36,6.14), contemplation/preparation/action stage of change for physical activity (OR 2.75 95%CI:1.07, 7.03), rural location (OR 12.50 95%CI:1.43, 109.7) and smaller practice size (1–3 GPs) (OR 16.05 95%CI:2.74, 94.24).


Providing a well-structured evidence-based lifestyle intervention, free of charge to patients, with coordination and support for referral processes resulted in over 60% of participating high risk patients being referred for disease prevention. Contrary to expectations, referrals were more frequent from rural and smaller practices suggesting that these practices may be more ready to engage with these programs.


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Este trabalho procura analisar um Projeto-piloto de educação de adultos com trabalhadores rurais lumpem-proletarizados pelo violento e acelerado processo de modernização da agro-indústria sucro-alcooleira do município de Campos dos Goytacazes. Expropriados de seus meios de trabalho, 50% destas populações foram expulsas do meio rural durante o período de 1950-91, sendo que 25% delas foram obrigadas a se mudar para a cidade de Campos durante a década de 80, multiplicando o número de favelas de 13 para 30, em áreas insalubres e perigosas. Dados do mGE/IPEA apontam uma população atual de 26.000 famílias vivendo na indigência, o que representa 130.000 pessoas ou 33% do total de residentes do município de Campos que demandam a criação urgente de programas habitacionais, de saúde preventiva, educação, lazer, reciclagem profissional, empregos, etc. Dada a brutalidade e intensidade do processo de lumpem-proletarização destes trabalhadores rurais, a partir da década de 80, toma-se necessário que o Poder Público Municipal defina como prioridade de ação a criação de Programas específicos, e com metodologias adequadas, para o atendimento a estas populações. O Projeto de Geração de Renda através da Metodologia da Educação de Rua, realizado pela Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento e Promoção Social-SMDPS, da Prefeitura Municipal de Campos dos Goytacazes, durante os anos de 1991-92, mostrou-se uma alternativa adequada para estimular a conquista da cidadania por parte das populações com elevado nível de empobrecimento. Realizado no meio-ambiente destas populações e tendo como principal pressuposto pedagógico o resgate de seus saberes e a identificação de seus principais problemas, necessidades, interesses e desejos, este projeto conseguiu mobilizar e envolver as populações atendidas por ele promovendo a elevação de seus níveis de participação, de auto-estima e auto-confiança, assim como a melhoria dos níves de relacionamento entre os participantes do projeto, tanto entre técnicos- educadores e populações, quanto destas populações com suas vizinhanças. Esta melhoria dos níveis de relacionamento entre os participantes do projeto pôde ser observada através do aumento da capacidade de tolerância, diálogo, respeito, reconhecimento e valorização dos aspectos positivos de cada um.


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Contexto: O diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma causa importante de morbimortalidade nas sociedades ocidentais devido à carga de sofrimento, incapacidade, perda de produtividade e morte prematura que provoca. No Brasil, seu impacto econômico é desconhecido. Objetivos: Dimensionar a participação do DM nas hospitalizações da rede pública brasileira (1999-2001), colaborando na avaliação dos custos diretos. Especificamente, analisar as hospitalizações (327.800) e os óbitos hospitalares (17.760) por DM como diagnóstico principal (CID-10 E10-E14 e procedimento realizado) e estimar as hospitalizações atribuíveis ao DM, incluindo as anteriores e aquelas por complicações crônicas (CC) e condições médicas gerais (CMG). Métodos: A partir de dados do Sistema de Informação Hospitalar do Sistema Único de Saúde (SIH/SUS) (37 milhões de hospitalizações), foram calculados indicadores por região de residência do paciente e sexo (ajustados por idade pelo método direto, com intervalos de confiança de 95%), faixas etárias, médias de permanência e de gastos por internação e populacional em US$. Realizou-se regressão logística múltipla para o desfecho óbito. As prevalências de DM foram combinadas aos riscos relativos de hospitalização por CC e CMG (metodologia do risco atribuível) e somadas às internações por DM como diagnóstico principal. Utilizou-se análise de sensibilidade para diferentes prevalências e riscos relativos. Resultados: Os coeficientes de hospitalizações e de óbitos hospitalares e a letalidade por DM como diagnóstico principal atingiram respectivamente 6,4/104hab., 34,9/106hab. e 5,4%. As mulheres apresentaram os coeficientes mais elevados, porém os homens predominaram na letalidade em todas as regiões. O gasto médio (US$ 150,59) diferiu significativamente entre as internações com e sem óbito, mas a média de permanência (6,4 dias) foi semelhante. O gasto populacional equivaleu a US$ 969,09/104hab. As razões de chances de óbito foram maiores para homens, pacientes ≥75 anos, e habitantes das regiões Nordeste e Sudeste. As hospitalizações atribuíveis ao DM foram estimadas em 836,3 mil/ano (49,3/104hab.), atingindo US$ 243,9 milhões/ano (US$ 14,4 mil/104hab.). DM como diagnóstico principal (13,1%), CC (41,5%) e CMG (45,4%) responderam por 6,7%, 51,4% e 41,9% respectivamente dos gastos. O valor médio das internações atribuíveis (US$ 292) situou-se 36% acima das não-atribuíveis. As doenças vasculares periféricas apresentaram a maior diferença no valor médio entre hospitalizações atribuíveis e não-atribuíveis (24%), porém as cardiovasculares destacaram-se em quantidade (27%) e envolveram os maiores gastos (37%). Os homens internaram menos (48%) que as mulheres, porém com gasto total maior (53%). As internações de pacientes entre 45-64 anos constituíram o maior grupo (45%) e gastos (48%) enquanto os pacientes com ≥75, os maiores coeficientes de hospitalização (350/104hab.) e de despesa (US$ 93,4 mil/104hab.). As regiões mais desenvolvidas gastaram o dobro (/104hab.) em relação às demais. Considerações Finais e Recomendações: As configurações no consumo de serviços hospitalares foram semelhantes às de países mais desenvolvidos, com importantes desigualdades regionais e de sexo. O gasto governamental exclusivamente com hospitalizações atribuíveis ao DM foi expressivo (2,2% do orçamento do Ministério da Saúde). A ampliação de atividades preventivas poderia diminuir a incidência do DM, reduzir a necessidade de internações, minimizar as complicações e minorar a severidade de outras condições médicas mais gerais.


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The companies are part of an important segment of the society, besides, it exercises a significant contribution, being also responsible for helping in the improvement of the quality of life of the population. Like this being, to present research looked for to investigate the perception that the entrepreneurs of the building site of Aracaju/SE have concerning the theme Business Social Responsibility (RSE). besides the perceptions, it was part also of the research, to know the entrepreneur's of the building site social construction and the possible practices of Social Responsibility. The research grew in two different moments. The first looked for the theoretical embasamento, trying to study the economical sociology, understanding the effects provoked by the economy, understanding to you reason them that you/they took to the appearance of the perceptions that you/they permeate the historicity among the market, the nascedouro of the associations as company and his/her dynamics in the society. It was also researched, the concept of social responsibility in national and local extent, as well as, the contextualização of the state of Sergipe, detaching the municipal district of Aracaju, and describing how it happened his/her development starting from what is considered urbanization. In the second moment, the accomplishment of interviews in five companies, allowed to notice the entrepreneurs' perception concerning business social responsibility, as well as, actions of different characteristics in four of the samples. In these actions, they are patronage in cultural events, donations of projects for charity institutions, the concern with the preservation of the environment in the use of work materials ecologically correct, preventive health and employees' training. Concluding the research, I introduce the conclusions which it allowed to arrive me, and I point some suggestions for future researches that enlarge the reflection on this theme