924 resultados para precipitation and temperature


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The variations in certain spin-Hamiltonian parameters of the Cu++ ion in dibarium copper formate tetrahydrate with temperature have been studied. Optical absorption investigations on single crystals of the salt at room temperature and 90° K. are reported. The results are discussed in terms of a model in which vibronic mixing of certain electron levels of the Cu++ ion play an important role.


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A semitheoretical equation for latent heat of vaporization has been derived and tested. The average error in predicting the value at the normal boiling point in the case of about 90 compounds, which includes polar and nonpolar liquids, is about 1.8%. A relation between latent heat of vaporization and surface tension is also derived and is shown to lead to Watson's empirical relation which gives the change of latent heat of vaporization with temperature. This gives a physico-chemical justification for Watson's empirical relation and provides a rapid method of determining latent heats by measuring surface tension.


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Strain and temperature sensitivities of a type I Bragg grating inscribed in a germania doped silica fiber, fabricated under normal conditions and zero strain, are compared with that of a Bragg grating inscribed under pre-strained condition. The results obtained reveal that the strain and temperature sensitivities of the two gratings are different. Based on these results, we demonstrate a technique which enables discrimination of strain and temperature in a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) with a linear response. The present technique allows for an easy implementation of the sensor by providing a direct access to the grating region in the fiber and demands only a simple interrogation system.


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Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have shown great promise in modeling circuit parameters for computer aided design applications. Leakage currents, which depend on process parameters, supply voltage and temperature can be modeled accurately with ANNs. However, the complex nature of the ANN model, with the standard sigmoidal activation functions, does not allow analytical expressions for its mean and variance. We propose the use of a new activation function that allows us to derive an analytical expression for the mean and a semi-analytical expression for the variance of the ANN-based leakage model. To the best of our knowledge this is the first result in this direction. Our neural network model also includes the voltage and temperature as input parameters, thereby enabling voltage and temperature aware statistical leakage analysis (SLA). All existing SLA frameworks are closely tied to the exponential polynomial leakage model and hence fail to work with sophisticated ANN models. In this paper, we also set up an SLA framework that can efficiently work with these ANN models. Results show that the cumulative distribution function of leakage current of ISCAS'85 circuits can be predicted accurately with the error in mean and standard deviation, compared to Monte Carlo-based simulations, being less than 1% and 2% respectively across a range of voltage and temperature values.


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A novel approach for simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature with a single tapered fiber Bragg grating is proposed. This method is based on the fact that the reflectivity at central wavelength of FBG reflection changes with chirp (strain gradient). A diode laser is locked to the central wavelength of FBG reflection. Central wavelength of the FBG shifts with temperature. Change in reflectivity & wavelength of the diode laser were used to measure strain and temperature on the FBG respectively.


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A novel approach for simultaneous measurement of static/dynamic strain and temperature with a pair of matched fiber Bragg grating(FBG)s is proposed. When a diode laser locked to the mid reflection frequency of reference FBG is used to illuminate the sensor FBG, reflected intensity changes with strain on sensor FBG. Reference FBG responds with temperature on sensor FBG and is immune to strain, hence, wavelength of the diode laser acts as a signature for temperature measurement. Theoretical sensitivity limit for static strain and temperature are 1.2n epsilon / root Hz and 0.0011 degrees C respectively. Proposed sensor shows a great potential in high sensitive strain measurements with a simplified experimental setup.


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A study of the linear electro?optic effect in single crystals of the organic compound, 4?nitro�4??methylbenzylidene aniline is reported. The reduced half?wave voltages have been found to have values 2.8, 1.3, and 1.1 kV at 632.8, 514.5, and 488.0 nm, respectively and the corresponding values of the largest linear electro?optic coefficient have been calculated. The thermal variation of the birefringence has also been investigated and the temperature variation of the refractive index difference is found to have the value, d?n/dT = 15.8 × 10?5 K?1.


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Temperature and magnetic field studies of the elastic constants of the chromium spinel CdCr2O4 show pronounced anomalies related to strong spin-phonon coupling in this frustrated antiferromagnet. A detailed comparison of the longitudinal acoustic mode propagating along the 111] direction with a theory based on an exchange-striction mechanism leads to an estimate of the strength of the magnetoelastic interaction. The derived spin-phonon coupling constant is in good agreement with previous determinations based on infrared absorption. Further insight is gained from intermediate and high magnetic field experiments in the field regime of the magnetization plateau. The role of the antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is discussed.


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Atomistic simulation of Ag, Al, Au, Cu, Ni, Pd, and Pt FCC metallic nanowires show a universal FCC -> HCP phase transformation below a critical cross-sectional size, which is reported for the first time in this paper. The newly observed HCP structure is also confirmed from previous experimental results. Above the critical cross-sectional size, initial < 100 >/{100} FCC metallic nanowires are found to be metastable. External thermal heating shows the transformation of metastable < 100 >/{100} FCC nanowires into < 110 >/{111} stable configuration. Size dependent metastability/instability is also correlated with initial residual stresses of the nanowire by use of molecular static simulation using the conjugant gradient method at a temperature of 0 K. It is found that a smaller cross-sectional dimension of an initial FCC nanowire shows instability due to higher initial residual stresses, and the nanowire is transformed into the novel HCP structure. The initial residual stress shows reduction with an increase in the cross-sectional size of the nanowires. A size dependent critical temperature is also reported for metastable FCC nanowires using molecular dynamic, to capture the < 110 >/{111} to < 100 >/{100} shape memory and pseudoelasticity.


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The oscillating flow and temperature field in an open tube subjected to cryogenic temperature at the cold end and ambient temperature at the hot end is studied numerically. The flow is driven by a time-wise sinusoidally varying pressure at the cold end. The conjugate problem takes into account the interaction of oscillatory flow with the heat conduction in the tube wall. The full set of compressible flow equations with axisymmetry assumption are solved with a pressure correction algorithm. Parametric studies are conducted with frequencies of 5-15 Hz, with one end maintained at 100 K and other end at 300 K. The flow and temperature distributions and the cooldown characteristics are obtained. The frequency and pressure amplitude have negligible effect on the time averaged Nusselt number. Pressure amplitude is an important factor determining the enthalpy flow through the solid wall. The frequency of operation has considerable effect on penetration of temperature into the tube. The density variation has strong influence on property profiles during cooldown. The present study is expected to be of interest in applications such as pulse tube refrigerators and other cryocoolers, where oscillatory flows occur in open tubes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nanoparticle synthesis in a microemulsion route is typically controlled by changing the water to surfactant ratio, concentration of precursors, and/or concentration of micelles. The experiments carried out in this work with chloroauric acid and hydrazine hydrate as precursors in water/AOT-Brij30/isooctane microemulsions show that the reagent addition rate can also be used to tune the size of stable spherical gold nanoparticles to some extent. The particle size goes through a minimum with variation in feed addition rate. The increase in particle size with an increase in reaction temperature is in agreement with an earlier report. A population balance model is used to interpret the experimental findings. The reduced extent of nucleation at low feed addition rates and suppression of nucleation due to the finite rate of mixing at higher addition rates produce a minimum in particle size. The increase in particle size at higher reaction temperatures is explained through an increase in fusion efficiency of micelles which dissipates supersaturation; increase in solubility is shown to play an insignificant role. The moderate polydispersity of the synthesized particles is due to the continued nucleation and growth of particles. The polydispersity of micelle sizes by itself plays a minor role.


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This paper presents concepts, designs, and working prototypes of enhanced laparoscopic surgical tools. The enhancements are in equipping the tool with force and temperature sensing as well as image acquisition for stereo vision. Just as the pupils of our eyes are adequately spaced out and the distance between them is adjustable, two minute cameras mounted on a mechanism in our design can be moved closer or farther apart inside the inflated abdomen during the surgery. The cameras are fitted to a deployable mechanism consisting of flexural joints so that they can be inserted through a small incision and then deployed and moved as needed.A temperature sensor and a force sensor are mounted on either of the gripping faces of the surgical grasping tool to measure the temperature and gripping force, which need to be controlled for safe laparoscopic surgery. The sensors are small enough and hence they do not cause interference during surgery and insertion.Prototyping and working of the enhanced laparoscopic tool are presented with details


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We present insightful results on the kinetics of photodarkening (PD) in Ge(x)As(45-x)Se(55) glasses at the ambient and liquid helium temperatures when the network rigidity is increased by varying x from 0 to 16. We observe a many fold change in PD and its kinetics with decreasing network flexibility and temperature. Moreover, temporal evolution of PD shows a dramatic change with increasing x. (C)2011 Optical Society of America


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With extensive use of dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) there is increasing need for voltage scalable models. Similarly, leakage being very sensitive to temperature motivates the need for a temperature scalable model as well. We characterize standard cell libraries for statistical leakage analysis based on models for transistor stacks. Modeling stacks has the advantage of using a single model across many gates there by reducing the number of models that need to be characterized. Our experiments on 15 different gates show that we needed only 23 models to predict the leakage across 126 input vector combinations. We investigate the use of neural networks for the combined PVT model, for the stacks, which can capture the effect of inter die, intra gate variations, supply voltage(0.6-1.2 V) and temperature (0 - 100degC) on leakage. Results show that neural network based stack models can predict the PDF of leakage current across supply voltage and temperature accurately with the average error in mean being less than 2% and that in standard deviation being less than 5% across a range of voltage, temperature.