950 resultados para pot experiment


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Estimativas sobre alterações climáticas globais têm aumentando a demanda por estudos sobre propriedades dos solos relativamente secos e limitações impostas à absorção de água pelas plantas em condições de escassez hídrica. Neste estudo, fatores que influenciam a retenção da água no solo e o murchamento de plantas foram avaliados com base no conceito de equilíbrio da água no solo. Objetivou-se com este estudo: (i) avaliar a confiabilidade de medições do conteúdo de água no solo sob altas sucções matriciais em câmaras de pressão, usando como referência a técnica de ponto de orvalho (ii) avaliar as interações entre espécies de plantas e solos com diferentes classes texturais no ponto de murcha permanente (iii) investigar as relações entre equilíbrio hidráulico da água no solo e murchamento de plantas a partir do conceito de corte hidráulico. Para tanto, um experimento para avaliar a influência dos tipos de solos e espécies de plantas, no ponto de murcha permanente foi conduzido em casa de vegetação da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" da Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, São Paulo. Avaliou-se o murchamento de plantas de girassol (Helianthus annuus L.), milho (Zea mays L.) e soja (Glycine max L.). Os solos utilizados no estudo foram coletados na camada superficial (0-10 cm) em quatro áreas, selecionadas com o objetivo de obter classes texturais contrastantes, localizadas no município de Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brasil. Sub-amostras foram utilizadas para determinação da distribuição do tamanho de partículas e atributos químicos. Amostras indeformadas foram coletadas para a determinação da curva de retenção da água no solo pela técnica de câmaras de pressão. Adicionalmente, amostras deformadas foram utilizadas para determinação das características de retenção da água no solo pela técnica do ponto de orvalho em altos valores de sucções matriciais. Os dados de retenção de água no solo foram ajustados a modelos empíricos para estimativas da sucção matricial e conteúdo de água relacionada à água em equilíbrio hidráulico (água residual). Foram observadas similaridades nas determinações das características de retenção da água no solo entre as técnicas de câmaras de pressão e ponto de orvalho, sugerindo a boa drenagem das amostras de solo em câmaras de pressão. Interações significativas foram observadas entre os tipos de solos e espécies de plantas no ponto de murcha permanente, indicando que o movimento de água no contínuo solo-planta-atmosfera foi dependente de resistências relacionadas tanto ao solo quanto às plantas. Ou seja, tanto à capacidade do solo em transportar água até raízes, quanto à habilidade das plantas em absorver a água transportada, assim como, aos processos de regulação de água que ocorrem nas plantas. A abordagem baseada no conteúdo de água residual para o intervalo de sucções matriciais de 0 a 15.000 hPa não foi adequada para ilustrar a condição de equilíbrio hidráulico da água no solo, definidos pelo corte hidráulico, e relações com as sucções matriciais em ocorre o murchamento de plantas.


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As áreas destinadas à cultura de cana-de-açúcar estão concentradas em áreas de Cerrado, que são solos ácidos, com elevada saturação por alumínio e baixa saturação por bases. Para correção destas características, faz-se o uso de corretivos e fertilizantes no momento da implantação da cultura. Embora a toxidez por alumínio seja uma das mais sérias limitações ao crescimento de plantas em solos ácidos, há uma carência de estudos relacionando-a com a cultura de cana-de-açúcar. Com base nisto, o objeto deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de calcário e gesso sobre o estado nutricional de quatro cultivares de cana-de-açúcar, distintas quanto à exigência nutricional, na fase de perfilhamento da cultura. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se experimento em casa de vegetação com vasos contendo 4 kg de amostra de solo, com saturação por alumínio de 29%, como substrato, com os seguintes tratamentos: 1) aplicação de calcário, 2) aplicação de gesso, e 3) controle, sem adição de calcário e gesso. Os cultivares utilizados foram: IACSP95-5000, IACSP94-2094, SP80-3280 e IAC95-3028. Após adição dos tratamentos, as amostras de solo foram incubadas por 45 dias. Para os materiais vegetais, mini-toletes de gema única das cultivares foram pré-brotados, crescidos por 90 dias e transplantados para os vasos, para os respectivos tratamentos. As plantas foram adubadas com macro e micronutrientes e cultivadas por 60 dias. Os tratamentos foram caracterizados quanto aos atributos químicos para avaliação da fertilidade após a incubação e após a coleta das plantas. Nas plantas, foram feitas avaliações de: clorofila, flavonoides, índice de balanço do nitrogênio (NBI), concentração de alumínio e dos nutrientes e produção de matéria seca de folha, colmo e raiz. Enquanto o tratamento gesso não diferiu do controle, o tratamento calcário foi efetivo para correção da reação da amostra de solo, com elevação dos valores de pH e saturação por bases, e redução da saturação por alumínio e acidez total, além do aumento nos teores de Ca e Mg. A adubação NPK+micro foi efetiva para aumentar os teores de P e K dos substratos de todos os tratamentos. Nas plantas, para todos os cultivares, os índices de clorofila, flavonoides e NBI foram mais adequados no tratamento calcário, em relação ao controle e ao gesso. A produção de matéria seca total e das partes das plantas, de modo geral, foi maior para a IACSP95-5000, intermediaria para a IACSP35-3028 e menor para a IACSP94-2094 e SP80-3280. Quanto aos tratamentos, não houve efeito do calcário e gesso sobre a produção de matéria seca de folha, contudo, houve aumento de produção de matéria seca de colmo e raiz pelo calcário, na cultivar IACSP95-5000. Independente do tratamento, as cultivares apresentaram concentração de alumínio superior a 5000 mg kg-1 nas raízes e inferiores a 360 e 160 mg kg-1 nas folhas e colmos, respectivamente, evidenciando que o Al foi acúmulo nas raízes das plantas. De modo geral, as concentrações de macro e micronutrientes variaram com os tratamentos e cultivares, porém sem valores altos e baixos extremos. Concluiu-se que a cultivar IACSP95-5000 tem maior potencial de produção em resposta à aplicação de calcário e que a saturação de alumínio de 29% não apresenta efeito negativo sobre a produção de matéria seca, exceto da cultivar IACSP95-5000, e estado nutricional das cultivares de cana-de-açúcar


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Organic farming does not allow using certain inputs, such as N, which differ in nutrient release rates and dynamics. To evaluate the effect of different organic fertilizers on the vegetative, nutritional, and productive parameters of blueberries ( Vaccinium corymbosum L.), a pot experiment was conducted in three consecutive seasons in a sandy soil of south-central Chile using ‘Corona’, ‘Legacy’ and ‘Liberty’. The following fertilizers were evaluated: compost (CM), Purely Grow (PG), Purely Lysine (PL), Fertil (F), blood meal (BM), lupine meal (LM), along with a control treatment without fertilization (C) and two conventional treatments with urea (CF) and sodium nitrate (S). Results indicate that vegetative growth and leaf N concentration prior to senescence were different among cultivars in the three evaluated seasons. The highest leaf N concentration was recorded in ‘Corona’ followed by ‘Legacy’ and ‘Liberty’ while levels tended to increase in the seasons. Quick-release N sources had greater effects on these parameters but with differences among cultivars. Fruit yield and weight were higher in ‘Corona’ followed by ‘Legacy’ and ‘Liberty’. Fruit yield was generally higher when using LM and F and showed no effect on fruit weight. Leaf chlorophyll content was higher in ‘Corona’ followed by ‘Legacy’ and ‘Liberty’, which increased when using CF, LM, BM, and PG. Finally, the organic fertilizer and blueberry cultivar that obtained the highest values for most of the evaluated parameters were LM and Corona, respectively.


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The effect of charcoal feeding on manure quality and its subsequent application to enhance soil productivity has received little attention. The objectives of the present study therefore were to investigate the effects of (i) charcoal feeding on manure composition, and (ii) charcoal-enriched manure application on soil fertility parameters and growth of millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.). To this end, two experiments were conducted: First, a goat feeding trial where goats were fed increasing levels of activated charcoal (AC; 0, 3, 5, 7, and 9% of total ration); second, a greenhouse pot experiment using the manure from the feeding trial as an amendment for a sandy soil from northern Oman. We measured manure C, N, P, and K concentrations, soil fertility parameters and microbial biomass indices, as well as plant yield and nutrient concentrations. Manure C concentration increased significantly (P<0.001) from 45.2% (0% AC) to 60.2% (9% AC) with increasing dietary AC, whereas manure N, P, and K concentrations decreased (P<0.001) from 0% AC (N: 2.5%, P: 1.5%, K: 0.8%) to 9% AC (N: 1.7%, P: 0.8%, K: 0.4%). Soil organic carbon, pH, and microbial biomass N showed a response to AC-enriched manure. Yield of millet decreased slightly with AC enrichment, whereas K uptake was improved with increasing AC. We conclude that AC effects on manure quality and soil productivity depend on dosage of manure and AC, properties of AC, trial duration, and soil type.


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The TOTEM collaboration has developed and tested the first prototype of its Roman Pots to be operated in the LHC. TOTEM Roman Pots contain stacks of 10 silicon detectors with strips oriented in two orthogonal directions. To measure proton scattering angles of a few microradians, the detectors will approach the beam centre to a distance of 10 sigma + 0.5 mm (= 1.3 mm). Dead space near the detector edge is minimised by using two novel "edgeless" detector technologies. The silicon detectors are used both for precise track reconstruction and for triggering. The first full-sized prototypes of both detector technologies as well as their read-out electronics have been developed, built and operated. The tests took place first in a fixed-target muon beam at CERN's SPS, and then in the proton beam-line of the SPS accelerator ring. We present the test beam results demonstrating the successful functionality of the system despite slight technical shortcomings to be improved in the near future.


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The establishment of experimental populations of scarab larvae using eggs and early instar larvae has proven to be difficult for many researchers. Despite this, little work has been published examining ways to optimise establishment under artificial conditions. In this experiment, we examined the effect of shade and irrigation on the establishment of Heteronyx piceus Blanchard larvae introduced into pots as eggs and first-, second- and third-instar larvae to optimise artificial infestation techniques. The most important factor affecting larval establishment was the life stage introduced. Establishment of eggs and first instars was very low, with only 21% of eggs and 11% of first-instar larvae establishing. In contrast, 82% of second-instar larvae and 84% of third-instar larvae established successfully. The addition of shade marginally improved overall survival from 45% in the unshaded pots to 53% in the shaded pots. However, most of this increase was in the eggs and first instars. Irrigation did not improve survival. These results suggest that when introducing scarab larvae to field or pot experiments, second- or thirdinstar larvae should be used to maximise establishment. The provision of shade and supplementary irrigation is optional.


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Based on the findings and diagnostic survey, a new fishing trap, christened Lege trap was designed and fabricated, and the performance evaluated. The 8-valve Lege trap was assessed concurrently with Malian and Ndurutu traps by the fishermen in the study area. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with one factor each replicated three times. Data collected on fish diversity number, biomass and size were subjected to descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The results showed that 22 fish species belonging to thirteen families were caught. The prototype (Lege) trap recorded higher species diversity index (0.90) than the Malian (0.50) and Ndurutu (0.50) traps. The Lege trap also accounted for the largest number (55%) and biomass (63%) of fish caught which was significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of the Malian and Nduutu traps were. The mean length (15.03~c5.70cm), weight (60.43~c48.61g) and girth (4.77~c1.65cm) of fishes caught in the Lege trap were also significantly (P0.05) higher than those caught in the other two traps. These results demonstrated better performance of the new trap than the two conventional traps, even though the sizes of some of the fish species caught in all the traps were below those allowed by the Sokoto State Fisheries Edict where the study was conducted. Therefore, since it is desirable to develop conservation-oriented trap at a least cost, it is necessary to research further on the number of valves and mesh size of the new trap


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Three types of prototype (Lege) traps with different numbers of entrance valves were evaluated in River Rima, north western Nigeria. The traps contained 4,6 and 8 valves, tagged 4-V, 6-V and 8-V respectively. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with one factor each replicated three times. Data collected on fish diversity, number biomass and sizes were subjected to descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The results of the catch composition showed close diversity index of 0.86 for 6-V, 0.80 for 8-V and 0.60 for 4-V Lege traps. However, the number (41%) and biomass 48%) of fish caught in the 6-V Lege trap were significantly (P0.05) higher than those caught in the other traps. There was no definite trend in the sizes (length and girth) of fish caught in the traps. On the basis of species diversity, and the number and biomass of fish caught, the 6-V Lege showed preference for adoption than the other two traps. However, further studies are recommended on the appropriate mesh size net for the trap in line with the provisions of fisheries edicts


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Three types of prototype (Lege) traps with different numbers of entrance valves were evaluated in River Rima, north western Nigeria. The traps contained 4,6 and 8 valves, tagged 4-V, 6-V and 8-V respectively. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with one factor each replicated three times. Data collected on fish diversity, number, biomass and sizes were subjected to descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The results of the catch composition showed close diversity index of 0.86 for 6-V, 0.80 for 8-V and 0.60 for 4-V Lege traps. However, the number (41%) and biomass (48%) of fish caught in the 6-V Lege trap were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those caught in the other traps. There was no definite trend in the sizes (length and girth) of fish caught in the traps. On the basis of species diversity, and the number and biomass of fish caught, the 6-V Lege showed preference for adoption than the other two traps. However, further studies are recommended on the appropriate mesh size net for the trap in line with the provisions of fisheries edicts


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Water shortage is one of the major constraints for production of horticultural crops in arid and semiarid regions. A field experiment was conducted to determine irrigation water and fertilizer use efficiency, growth and yield of tomato under clay pot irrigation at the experimental site of Sekota Dryland Agricultural Research Center, Lalibela, Ethiopia in 2009/10. The experiment comprised of five treatments including furrow irrigated control and clay pot irrigation with different plant population and fertilization methods, which were arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The highest total and marketable fruit yields were obtained from clay pot irrigation combined with application of nitrogen fertilizer with irrigation water irrespective of difference in plant population. The clay pot irrigation had seasonal water use of up to 143.71 mm, which resulted in significantly higher water use efficiency (33.62 kg m^-3) as compared to the furrow irrigation, which had a seasonal water use of 485.50 mm, and a water use efficiency of 6.67 kg m^-3. Application of nitrogen fertilizer with irrigation water in clay pots improved fertilizer use efficiency of tomato by up to 52% than band application with furrow or clay pot irrigation. Thus, clay pot irrigation with 33,333 plants ha^-1 and nitrogen fertilizer application with irrigation water in clay pots was the best method for increasing the yield of tomato while economizing the use of water and nitrogen fertilizer in a semiarid environment.


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Four foliar and two stem-base pathogens were inoculated onto wheat plants grown in different substrates in pot experiments. Soils from four different UK locations were each treated in three ways: (i) straw incorporated in the field at 10 t ha−1 several months previously; (ii) silicon fertilization at 100 mg L−1 during the experiment; and (iii) no amendments. A sand and vermiculite mix was used with and without silicon amendment. The silicon treatment increased plant silica concentrations in all experiments, but incorporating straw was not associated with raised plant silica concentrations. Blumeria graminis and Puccinia recondita were inoculated by shaking infected plants over the test plants, followed by suitable humid periods. The silicon treatment reduced powdery mildew (B. graminis) substantially in sand and vermiculite and in two of the soils, but there were no effects on the slight infection by brown rust (P. recondita). Phaeosphaeria nodorum and Mycosphaerella graminicola were inoculated as conidial suspensions. Leaf spot caused by P. nodorum was reduced in silicon-amended sand and vermiculite; soil was not tested. Symptoms of septoria leaf blotch caused by M. graminicola were reduced by silicon amendment in a severely infected sand and vermiculite experiment but not in soil or a slightly infected sand and vermiculite experiment. Oculimacula yallundae (eyespot) and Fusarium culmorum (brown foot rot) were inoculated as agar plugs on the stem base. Severity of O. yallundae was reduced by silicon amendment of two of the soils but not sand and vermiculite; brown foot rot symptoms caused by F. culmorum were unaffected by silicon amendment. The straw treatment reduced severity of powdery mildew but did not detectably affect the other pathogens. Both straw and silicon treatments appeared to increase plant resistance to all diseases only under high disease pressure.


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In recent years a large body of research has investigated the various factors affecting child development and the consequent impact of child development on future educational and labour market outcomes. In this article we contribute to this literature by investigating the effect of handedness on a child and given recent research demonstrating that child development strongly affects adult outcomes. Using a large nationally representative sample of young children we find that the probability of a child being left-handed is not significantly related to child health at birth, family composition, parental employment or household income. We also find robust evidence that left-handed (and mixed handed) children perform significantly worse in nearly all measures of development than right-handed children with the relative disadvantage being larger for boys than girls. Importantly these differentials cannot be explained by different socioeconomic characteristics of the household, parental attitudes or investments in learning resources.


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One of the classic forms of intermediate representation used for communication between compiler front-ends and back-ends are those based on abstract stack machines. It is possible to compile the stack machine instructions into machine code by means of an interpretive code generator, or to simulate the stack machine at runtime using an interpreter. This paper describes an approach intermediate between these two extremes. The front-end for a commercial Modula 2 compiler was ported to the "industry standard PC", and a partially compiling back-end written. The object code runs with the assistance of an interpreter, but may be linked with libraries which are fully compiled. The intent was to provide a programming environment on the PC which is identical to that of the same compilers on 32-bit UNIX machines. This objective has been met, and the compiler is available to educational institutions as free-ware. The design basis of the new compiler is described, and the performance critically evaluated.


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Our working hypotheses is that cross-cultural differences in tax compliance behaviour have foundations in the institutions of tax administration and citizen assessment of the quality of governance. Tax compliance being a complex behavioural issue. Its investigation requires use of a variety of methods and data sources. Results from artefactual field experiments conducted in countries with substantially different political histories and records of governance quality demondtrate that observed differences in tax compliance levels persist over alternative levels of enforcement. The experimental results are shown to be robust by replicating them for the same countries using survey response measures of tax compliance.