996 resultados para populaarikulttuuri - camp


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Estudi del camp de golf PGA Catalunya de Caldes de Malavella, l’aigua de reg, ús de models nòrdics poc adequats al clima mediterrani, tipus de gespa i integració del camp al medi. Es proposen una sèrie de mesures per tal de millorar l’eficiència dels diferents processos i obtenir així un benefici ambiental i econòmic


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Aquest treball es proposa analitzar els diferents mètodes existents en el camp assistencial per resoldre problemàtiques ètiques, per després proposar un mètode (nou o existent) de deliberació de problemàtiques ètiques, adreçat a professionals del camp del treball social. En el primer apartat de l’estudi s’exposa la definició del concepte de problema ètic en el camp del treball social. Seguidament es presenta una reflexió sobre la presència de problemes ètics en la professió de treball social. Posteriorment es realitza una justificació de la necessitat d’un mètode de resolució de problemes ètics per a professionals del treball social i d’una nova proposta, per exposar tot seguit els objectius del treball, amb les hipòtesis corresponents. En el segon apartat es realitza un repàs de les condicions necessàries per a la deliberació, entenent aquest concepte com a base per a aplicar qualsevol mètode d’anàlisi i/o resolució de problemes ètics. En el tercer apartat s’exposen i analitzen els mètodes de deliberació ètica més rellevants en medicina i treball social, després de dissenyar i aplicar ítems de valoració dels mateixos. En el quart apartat es proposa un mètode de deliberació sobre problemàtiques ètiques per a professionals del camp del treball social i es planteja una segona fase de l’estudi per implementar el mètode i aplicar-lo a casos pràctics. Per últim es presenten les conclusions del treball, i a continuació la bibliografia


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Growing Green Communities is strongly committed to improving the quality of Camp Creek and its watershed by reducing soil loss, which will benefit landowners by preserving their topsoil and improve the water quality of Camp Creek by reducing sediment loading of the creek. To accomplish the goal of reducing soil loss and improving water quality, Growing Green Communities has worked with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to identify areas of concentrated flow paths (CFPs) within the Camp Creek Watershed using LiDAR topographic mapping technology. A goal of this project is to identify sites expected to have the greatest impact in reducing soil loss and to install Best Management Practices (BMPs) at these sites. Landowners and other project partners will work to develop the most effective BMPs for each site. After the BMPs are designed and constructed, a conservation easement will be recorded to protect the BMPs. GGC plans to record 40 acres as easements. The easements will be purchased by Growing Green Communities and donated to a qualified conservation organization for long term management and maintenance.


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We have recently reported that the inhibition of endothelial cell COX-2 by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs suppresses alpha(V)beta(3)- (but not alpha(5)beta(1)-) dependent Rac activation, endothelial cell spreading, migration, and angiogenesis (Dormond, O., Foletti, A., Paroz, C., and Ruegg, C. (2001) Nat. Med. 7, 1041-1047). Here we investigated the role of the COX-2 metabolites PGE(2) and TXA2 in regulating human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) adhesion and spreading. We report that PGE(2) accelerated alpha(V)beta(3)-mediated HUVEC adhesion and promoted Rac activation and cell spreading, whereas the TXA2 agonist retarded adhesion and inhibited spreading. We show that the cAMP level and the cAMP-regulated protein kinase A (PKA) activity are critical mediators of these PGE(2) effects. alpha(V)beta(3)-mediated adhesion induced a transient COX-2-dependent rise in cAMP levels, whereas the cell-permeable cAMP analogue 8-brcAMP accelerated adhesion, promoted Rac activation, and cell spreading in the presence of the COX-2 inhibitor NS-398. Pharmacological inhibition of PKA completely blocked alpha(V)beta(3)-mediated adhesion. A constitutively active Rac mutant (L61Rac) rescued alpha(V)beta(3)-dependent spreading in the presence of NS398 or, but did not accelerate adhesion, whereas a dominant negative Rac mutant (N17Rac) suppressed spreading without affecting adhesion. alpha(5)beta(1)-mediated HUVEC adhesion, Rac activation, and spreading were not affected by PGE(2), 8-brcAMP, or the inhibition of PKA. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that PGE(2) accelerates alpha(V)beta(3)-mediated endothelial cell adhesion through cAMP-dependent PKA activation and induces alpha(V)beta(3)-dependent spreading via cAMP- and PKA-dependent Rac activation and may contribute to the further understanding of the regulation of vascular integrins alpha(V)beta(3) by COX-2/PGE(2) during tumor angiogenesis and inflammation.


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Angiogenesis, the development of new blood vessels from preexisting vessels, is a key step in tumor growth, invasion and metastasis formation. Inhibition of tumor angiogenesis is considered as an attractive approach to suppress cancer progression and spreading. Adhesion receptors of the integrin family promote tumor angiogenesis by mediating cell migration, proliferation and survival of angiogenic endothelial cells. Integrins up regulated and highly expressed on neovascular endothelial cells, such as alphaVbeta3 and alpha5beta1, have been considered as relevant targets for anti-angiogenic therapies. Small molecular integrin antagonists or blocking antibodies suppress angiogenesis and tumor progression in many animal models, and some of them are currently being tested in cancer clinical trials as anti-angiogenic agents. COX-2 inhibitors exert anti-cancer effects, at least in part, by inhibiting tumor angiogenesis. We have recently shown that COX-2 inhibitors suppress endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis by preventing alphaVbeta3-mediated and cAMP/PKA-dependent activation of the small GTPases Rac and Cdc42. Here we will review the evidence for the involvement of vascular integrins in mediating angiogenesis and the role of COX-2 metabolites in modulating the cAMP/Protein Kinase A pathway and alphaVbeta3-dependent Rac activation in endothelial cells.


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Report on a special investigation of the Assistant Director of the Camp Adventure program at the University of Northern Iowa for the period January 1, 2006 through March 31, 2008


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Polycystic kidney diseases result from disruption of the genetically defined program that controls the size and geometry of renal tubules. Cysts which frequently arise from the collecting duct (CD) result from cell proliferation and fluid secretion. From mCCD(cl1) cells, a differentiated mouse CD cell line, we isolated a clonal subpopulation (mCCD-N21) that retains morphogenetic capacity. When grown in three-dimensional gels, mCCD-N21 cells formed highly organized tubular structures consisting of a palisade of polarized epithelial cells surrounding a cylindrical lumen. Subsequent addition of cAMP-elevating agents (forskolin or cholera toxin) or of membrane-permeable cAMP analogs (CPT-cAMP) resulted in rapid and progressive dilatation of existing tubules, leading to the formation of cystlike structures. When grown on filters, mCCD-N21 cells exhibited a high transepithelial resistance as well as aldosterone- and/or vasopressin-induced amiloride-sensitive and -insensitive current. The latter was in part inhibited by Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporter (bumetanide) and chloride channel (NPPB) inhibitors. Real-time PCR analysis confirmed the expression of NKCC1, the ubiquitous Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporter and cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) in mCCD-N21 cells. Tubule enlargement and cyst formation were prevented by inhibitors of Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporters (bumetanide or ethacrynic acid) or CFTR (NPPB or CFTR inhibitor-172). These results further support the notion that cAMP signaling plays a key role in renal cyst formation, at least in part by promoting chloride-driven fluid secretion. This new in vitro model of tubule-to-cyst conversion affords a unique opportunity for investigating the molecular mechanisms that govern the architecture of epithelial tubes, as well as for dissecting the pathophysiological processes underlying cystic kidney diseases.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2010. La recerca duta a terme pretén donar veu a persones que, essent infants, van patir el tancament en els camps de concentració del sud de França, i especialment el de Rivesaltes, a la fi de la Guerra Civil espanyola. S'intenta esbrinar si la situació traumàtica viscuda per aquests infants els hi ha permès, posteriorment, portar una vida satisfactòria, si han estat capaços de superar el record dur del seu tancament. L’objectiu és posar de manifest que els nens són les principals víctimes dels conflictes d'abans i d'ara i aquests conflictes poden deixar seqüeles que els dificultin dur una vida plena.


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L’arròs és el conreu amb més rellevància mediambiental, econòmica i social en el nostre territori. Aquesta jornada de camp ens ofereix l’oportunitat d’estar al dia dels avanços que es van introduint, a més de ser un lloc de trobada i intercanvi d’experiències entre tots els assistents. Enguany, com a novetat, presentem el programa Origens de Kellogg’s i els assajos d’estrès hídric de la Comunitat de Regants de la Dreta. A més, la vitrina tecnològica s’està consolidant com a eina per a difondre noves tecnologies. La visita als diferents assajos es durà a terme simultàniament, però amb grups reduïts. La jornada va adreçada a tots aquells arrossers i tècnics vinculats al món de l’arròs.


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Ancien possesseur : Argenson, Antoine-René de Voyer (1722-1787 ; marquis de Paulmy d')


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Report on a special investigation of the University of Northern Iowa, Camp Adventure Youth Services program for the period April 1, 2007 through March 31, 2008


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Es descriu la morfologia i els dipòsits del volcà inèdit del camp dels Ninots (Caldes de Malavella)