997 resultados para plasma sputtering


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En lien avec l’avancée rapide de la réduction de la taille des motifs en microfabrication, des processus physiques négligeables à plus grande échelle deviennent dominants lorsque cette taille s’approche de l’échelle nanométrique. L’identification et une meilleure compréhension de ces différents processus sont essentielles pour améliorer le contrôle des procédés et poursuivre la «nanométrisation» des composantes électroniques. Un simulateur cellulaire à l’échelle du motif en deux dimensions s’appuyant sur les méthodes Monte-Carlo a été développé pour étudier l’évolution du profil lors de procédés de microfabrication. Le domaine de gravure est discrétisé en cellules carrées représentant la géométrie initiale du système masque-substrat. On insère les particules neutres et ioniques à l’interface du domaine de simulation en prenant compte des fonctions de distribution en énergie et en angle respectives de chacune des espèces. Le transport des particules est effectué jusqu’à la surface en tenant compte des probabilités de réflexion des ions énergétiques sur les parois ou de la réémission des particules neutres. Le modèle d’interaction particule-surface tient compte des différents mécanismes de gravure sèche telle que la pulvérisation, la gravure chimique réactive et la gravure réactive ionique. Le transport des produits de gravure est pris en compte ainsi que le dépôt menant à la croissance d’une couche mince. La validité du simulateur est vérifiée par comparaison entre les profils simulés et les observations expérimentales issues de la gravure par pulvérisation du platine par une source de plasma d’argon.


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Une étape cruciale dans la fabrication des MEMS de haute fréquence est la gravure par plasma de la couche mince d’AlN de structure colonnaire agissant comme matériau piézoélectrique. Réalisé en collaboration étroite avec les chercheurs de Teledyne Dalsa, ce mémoire de maîtrise vise à mieux comprendre les mécanismes physico-chimiques gouvernant la cinétique ainsi que la formation de dommages lors de la gravure de l’AlN dans des plasmas Ar/Cl2/BCl3. Dans un premier temps, nous avons effectué une étude de l’influence des conditions opératoires d’un plasma à couplage inductif sur la densité des principales espèces actives de la gravure, à savoir, les ions positifs et les atomes de Cl. Ces mesures ont ensuite été corrélées aux caractéristiques de gravure, en particulier la vitesse de gravure, la rugosité de surface et les propriétés chimiques de la couche mince. Dans les plasmas Ar/Cl2, nos travaux ont notamment mis en évidence l’effet inhibiteur de l’AlO, un composé formé au cours de la croissance de l’AlN par pulvérisation magnétron réactive et non issu des interactions plasmas-parois ou encore de l’incorporation d’humidité dans la structure colonnaire de l’AlN. En présence de faibles traces de BCl3 dans le plasma Ar/Cl2, nous avons observé une amélioration significative du rendement de gravure de l’AlN dû à la formation de composés volatils BOCl. Par ailleurs, selon nos travaux, il y aurait deux niveaux de rugosité post-gravure : une plus faible rugosité produite par la présence d’AlO dans les plasmas Ar/Cl2 et indépendante de la vitesse de gravure ainsi qu’une plus importante rugosité due à la désorption préférentielle de l’Al dans les plasmas Ar/Cl2/BCl3 et augmentant linéairement avec la vitesse de gravure.


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Le but de cette thèse était d’étudier la dynamique de croissance par pulvérisation par plasma RF magnétron des couches minces à base d’oxyde de zinc destinées à des applications électroniques, optoélectroniques et photoniques de pointe. Dans ce contexte, nous avons mis au point plusieurs diagnostics permettant de caractériser les espèces neutres et chargées dans ce type de plasmas, notamment la sonde électrostatique, la spectroscopie optique d’émission et d’absorption, ainsi que la spectrométrie de masse. Par la suite, nous avons tenté de corréler certaines caractéristiques physiques de croissance des couches de ZnO, en particulier la vitesse de dépôt, aux propriétés fondamentales du plasma. Nos résultats ont montré que l’éjection d’atomes de Zn, In et O au cours de la pulvérisation RF magnétron de cibles de Zn, ZnO et In2O3 n’influence que très peu la densité d’ions positifs (et donc la densité d’électrons en supposant la quasi-neutralité) ainsi que la fonction de distribution en énergie des électrons (populations de basse et haute énergie). Cependant, le rapport entre la densité d’atomes d’argon métastables (3P2) sur la densité électronique décroît lorsque la densité d’atomes de Zn augmente, un effet pouvant être attribué à l’ionisation des atomes de Zn par effet Penning. De plus, dans les conditions opératoires étudiées (plasmas de basse pression, < 100 mTorr), la thermalisation des atomes pulvérisés par collisions avec les atomes en phase gazeuse demeure incomplète. Nous avons montré que l’une des conséquences de ce résultat est la présence d’ions Zn+ suprathermiques près du substrat. Finalement, nous avons corrélé la quantité d’atomes de Zn pulvérisés déterminée par spectroscopie d’émission avec la vitesse de dépôt d’une couche mince de ZnO mesurée par ellipsométrie spectroscopique. Ces travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence que ce sont majoritairement les atomes de Zn (et non les espèces excitées et/ou ioniques) qui gouvernent la dynamique de croissance par pulvérisation RF magnétron des couches minces de ZnO.


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The radio frequency plasma generated during the sputtering of Indium Tin Oxide target using Argon was analyzed by Langmuir probe and optical-emission spectroscopy. The basic plasma parameters such as electron temperature and ion density were evaluated. These studies were carried out by varying the RF power from 20 to 50 W. A linear increase in ion density and an exponential decrease in electron temperature with rf power were observed. The measured plasma parameters were then correlated with the properties of ITO thin films deposited under similar plasma conditions.


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The main objective of the present study is to understand different mechanisms involved in the production and evolution of plasma by the pulsed laser ablation and radio frequency magnetron sputtering. These two methods are of particular interest, as these are well accomplished methods used for surface coatings, nanostructure fabrications and other thin film devices fabrications. Material science researchers all over the world are involved in the development of devices based on transparent conducting oxide (TCO) thin films. Our laboratory has been involved in the development of TCO devices like thin film diodes using zinc oxide (ZnO) and zinc magnesium oxide (ZnMgO), thin film transistors (TFT's) using zinc indium oxide and zinc indium tin oxide, and some electroluminescent (EL) devices by pulsed laser ablation and RF magnetron sputtering.In contrast to the extensive literature relating to pure ZnO and other thin films produced by various deposition techniques, there appears to have been relatively little effort directed towards the characterization of plasmas from which such films are produced. The knowledge of plasma dynamics corresponding to the variations in the input parameters of ablation and sputtering, with the kind of laser/magnetron used for the generation of plasma, is limited. To improve the quality of the deposited films for desired application, a sound understanding of the plume dynamics, physical and chemical properties of the species in the plume is required. Generally, there is a correlation between the plume dynamics and the structural properties of the films deposited. Thus the study of the characteristics of the plume contributes to a better understanding and control of the deposition process itself. The hydrodynamic expansion of the plume, the composition, and SIze distribution of clusters depend not only on initial conditions of plasma production but also on the ambient gas composition and pressure. The growth and deposition of the films are detennined by the thermodynamic parameters of the target material and initial conditions such as electron temperature and density of the plasma.For optimizing the deposition parameters of various films (stoichiometric or otherwise), in-situ or ex-situ monitoring of plasma plume dynamics become necessary for the purpose of repeatability and reliability. With this in mind, the plume dynamics and compositions of laser ablated and RF magnetron sputtered zinc oxide plasmas have been investigated. The plasmas studied were produced at conditions employed typically for the deposition of ZnO films by both methods. Apart from this two component ZnO plasma, a multi-component material (lead zirconium titanate) was ablated and plasma was characterized.


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Microalloyed steels constitute a specific class of steel with low amount of carbon and microalloying elements such as Vanadium (V), Niobium (Nb) and Titanium (Ti). The development and application of microalloyed steels and steels in general are limited to the handling of powders with particles of submicron or nanometer dimensions. Therefore, this work presents an alternative in order to construction of microalloyed steels utilizing the deposition by magnetron sputtering technique as a microalloying element addiction in which Ti nanoparticles are dispersed in an iron matrix. The advantage of that technique in relation to the conventional metallurgical processes is the possibility of uniformly disperse the microalloying elements in the iron matrix. It was carried out deposition of Ti onto Fe powder in high CH4, H2, Ar plasma atmosphere, with two deposition times. After the deposition, the iron powder with nanoparticles of Ti dispersed distributed, were compacted and sintered at 1120 ° C in resistive furnace. Characterization techniques utilized in the samples of powder before and after deposition of Ti were Granulometry, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (DRX). In the case of sintered samples, it was carried out characterization by SEM and Vickers Microhardness assays. The results show which the deposition technique by magnetron sputtering is practicable in the dispersion of particles in iron matrix. The EDX microanalysis detected higher percentages of Ti when the deposition were carried out with the inert gas and when the deposition process was carried out with reactive gas. The presence of titanium in iron matrix was also evidenced by the results of X-ray diffraction peaks that showed shifts in the network matrix. Given these results it can be said that the technique of magnetron sputtering deposition is feasible in the dispersion of nanoparticles of iron matrix in Ti.


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The technique of surface coating using magnetron sputtering is one of the most widely used in the surface engineering, for its versatility in obtaining different films as well as in the micro / nanometric thickness control. Among the various process parameters, those related to the active species of the plasma are of the most fundamental importance in the mechanism and kinetics of deposition. In order to identify the active species of the plasma, parameters such as gas flow, pressure and density of electric power were varied during titanium coating on glass substrate. By flowing argon gas of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 sccm (cubic centimeters per minute) for each gas flow a sequential scan of the electric current of 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40 , 0.50 A. The maximum value of 0.50 A was chosen based both on literature data and on limitations of the equipment. The monitoring of plasma species present during the deposition was carried out in situ by the technique of optical emission spectroscopy (OES) through the spectrometer Ocean Optics USB2000 Series. For this purpose, an apparatus was developed to adapt the OES inside the plasma reactor to stay positioned closest to the target. The radiations emitted by the species were detected by an optical fiber placed behind the glass substrate and their intensities as a function of wavelength were, displayed on a monitor screen. The acquisition time for each condition of the plain parameters was related to the minima of spectral lines intensities due to the film formed on the substrate. The intensities of different emission lines of argon and titanium were then analyzed as a function of time, to determine the active species and estimate the thickness of the deposited films. After the deposition, the coated glasses thin films were characterized by optical transmittance through an infrared laser. It was found that the thickness and deposition rate determined by in situ analysis were consistent with the results obtained by laser transmittance


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Plasma DC hollow cathode has been used for film deposition by sputtering with release of neutral atoms from the cathode. The DC Plasma Ar-H2 hollow cathode currently used in the industry has proven to be effective in cleaning surfaces and thin film deposition when compared to argon plasma. When we wish to avoid the effects of ion bombardment on the substrate discharge, it uses the post-discharge region. Were generated by discharge plasma of argon and hydrogen hollow cathode deposition of thin films of titanium on glass substrate. The optical emission spectroscopy was used for the post-discharge diagnosis. The films formed were analyzed by mechanical profilometry technique. It was observed that in the spectrum of the excitation lines of argon occurred species. There are variations in the rate of deposition of titanium on the glass substrate for different process parameters such as deposition time, distance and discharge working gases. It was noted an increase in intensity of the lines of argon compared with the lines of titanium. Deposition with argon and hydrogen in glass sample observed a higher rate deposition of titanium as more closer the sample was in the discharge


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We study the surface morphology evolution of ZnO thin films grown on glass substrates as a function of thickness by RF magnetron sputtering technique. The surface topography of the samples is measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM). All AFM images of the films are analyzed using scaling concepts. The results show that the surface morphology is initially formed by a small grains structure. The grains increase in size and height with growth time resulting in the formation of a mounds-like structure. The growth exponent, beta, and the exponent defining the evolution of the characteristic wavelength of the surface, p, amounted to beta = 0.76 +/- 0.08 and p = 0.3 +/- 0.05. From these exponents, the surface morphology is determined by the nonlocal shadowing effects, that is the dominant mechanism, due to the incident deposition particles during film growth.


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Oxygen-deficient TiO2 films with enhanced visible and near-infrared optical absorption have been deposited by reactive sputtering using a planar diode radio frequency magnetron configuration. It is observed that the increase in the absorption coefficient is more effective when the O-2 gas supply is periodically interrupted rather than by a decrease of the partial O-2 gas pressure in the deposition plasma. The optical absorption coefficient at 1.5 eV increases from about 1 x 10(2) cm(-1) to more than 4 x 10(3) cm(-1) as a result of the gas flow discontinuity. A red-shift of similar to 0.24 eV in the optical absorption edge is also observed. High resolution transmission electron microscopy with composition analysis shows that the films present a dense columnar morphology, with estimated mean column width of 40nm. Moreover, the interruptions of the O-2 gas flow do not produce detectable variations in the film composition along its growing direction. X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman experiments indicate the presence of the TiO2 anatase, rutile, and brookite phases. The anatase phase is dominant, with a slight increment of the rutile and brookite phases in films deposited under discontinued O-2 gas flow. The increase of optical absorption in the visible and near-infrared regions has been attributed to a high density of defects in the TiO2 films, which is consistent with density functional theory calculations that place oxygen-related vacancy states in the upper third of the optical bandgap. The electronic structure calculation results, along with the adopted deposition method and experimental data, have been used to propose a mechanism to explain the formation of the observed oxygen-related defects in TiO2 thin films. The observed increase in sub-bandgap absorption and the modeling of the corresponding changes in the electronic structure are potentially useful concerning the optimization of efficiency of the photocatalytic activity and the magnetic doping of TiO2 films. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4724334]


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Ti-6Al-4V alloy is one of the most frequently used Ti alloys with diverse applications in aerospace and biomedical areas due to its favorable mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. Meanwhile, its surface can stiffer intense corrosion caused by wear processes due to its poor tribological properties. Thus in the present study, PIII processing of Ti-6Al-4V alloy was carried out to evaluate its corrosion resistance in 3.5% NaCl solution. Two different sets of Ti-6Al-4V samples were PIII treated, varying the plasma gases and the treatment time. The corrosion behavior is correlated with the surface morphology, and the nitrogen content. SEM micrographs of the untreated sample reveal a typical two-phase structure. PIII processing promotes surface sputtering and the surface morphology is completely different for samples treated with N-2/H-2 mixture and N-2 only. The highest penetration of nitrogen (similar to 88 nm), corresponding to 33% of N-2 was obtained for the sample treated with N-2/H-2 mixture for 1:30 h. The corrosion behavior of the samples was investigated by a potentiodynamic polarization method. A large passive region of the polarization curves (similar to 1.5 V), associated with the formation of a protective film, was observed for all samples. The passive current density (similar to 3 x 10(-6) A cm(-2)) of the PIII-treated Ti-6Al-4V samples is about 10 times higher than for the untreated sample. This current value is still rather low and maintains good corrosion resistance. The anodic branches of the polarization curves for all treated Ti-6Al-4V samples demonstrate also that the oxide films break down at approximately 1.6 V, forming an active region. Although the sample treated by N-2/H-2 mixture for 1.30 It has thicker nitrogen enriched layer, better corrosion resistance is obtained for the PIII process performed with N, gas only. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Films were grown in hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDS)-argon mixtures in a diode sputtering system with a gold cathode. Quantitative optical emission spectroscopy (OES)-actinometry revealed that the electron density or mean electron energy (or both) increased with increasing Ar concentrations in the gas feed. Increasing concentrations of Ar produced greater sputtering of the cathode and hence greater plasma A u concentrations. Fragmentation of the HMDS molecule resulted in species such as CH, Fl, and Si which were detected by OES. Film deposition rate, as determined by optical interferometry, was found to be increased by the inclusion of Ar in the gas feed. Transmission electron microscopy revealed particles, probably of Au, embedded in the polymer films. Actinometric measurements of Au in the discharge and electron probe microscopy of the deposited material showed that film Au concentrations increase with increasing concentrations of Au in the plasma. A relatively low fragmentation of HMDS molecules in the de plasma was revealed by the very small Si-HIR absorption band which is usually prominent in spectra of plasma polymerized HMDS films.


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The structural and optical properties of nanocrystalline GaN and GaN:H films grown by RF-tnagnetron sputtering are focused here. The films were grown using a Ga target and a variety of deposition parameters (N 2/H 2/Arflow rates, RF power, and substrate temperatures). Si (100) and fused silica substrates were used at relatively low temperatures (T s ≤ 420K). The main effects resulting from the deposition parameters variations on the films properties were related to the presence of hydrogen in the plasma. The X-ray diffraction analysis indicates that the grain sizes (∼15nm) and the crystallized volume fraction significantly decrease when hydrogen is present in the plasma. The optical absorption experiments indicate that the hydrogenated films have absorption edges very similar to that of GaN single crystal films reported in the literature, while the non-hydrogenated samples present larger absorption tails encroaching into the gap energies.


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Plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) process is a three dimensional surface modification method that is quite mature and well known to the surface engineering community nowadays, especially to those working in the field of plasma-materials interaction, aiming at both industrial and academic applications. More recently, deposition methods have been added to PIII, the PIII&D, opening possibilities of broader range of applications of these techniques. So, PIII&D is becoming a routine method of surface modification, with the advantage of pushing up the retained dose levels limited by the sputtering due to ion implantation. Therefore, well adherent, thick, three-dimensional films without stress are possible to be achieved, at relatively low cost, using PIII&D. In this paper, we will discuss about a few PIII and PIII&D experiments that have been performed recently to achieve surface improvements in different materials: 1 - high temperature nitrogen PIII in Ti6Al4V alloy in which a deep nitrogen rich treated layer resulted in surface improvements as increase of hardness, corrosion resistance and resistance to wear of the Ti alloy; 2 - nanostructures in ZnO films, obtained by PIII&D of vaporized & ionized Zn source; 3 - combined implantation and deposition of calcium for biomaterial activity of Ti alloy (PIII&D), allowing the growth of hydroxyapatite in a body solution; 4 - magnetron sputtering deposition of Cr that was enhanced by the glow discharge Ar plasma to allow implantation and deposition of Cr on SAE 1070 steel (PIII&D) resulting in surfaces with high resistance to corrosion; and 5 - implantation of nitrogen by ordinary PIII into this Cr film, which improved resistance to corrosion, while keeping the tribological properties as good as for the SAE 1070 steel surface. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.