973 resultados para plant-soil interactions
"Prepared for Presentation at the Hearings on Fallout Before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, May 5-8, 1959."
Enhanced biodegradation of organic xenobiotic compounds in the rhizosphere is frequently recorded although the specific mechanisms are poorly understood. We have shown that the mineralization of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is enhanced in soil collected from the rhizosphere of Trifolium pratense[e.g. maximum mineralization rate = 7.9 days(-1) and time at maximum rate (t(1)) = 16.7 days for 12-day-old T. pratense soil in comparison with 4.7 days(-1) and 25.4 days, respectively, for non-planted controls). The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the plant-microbe interactions involved in rhizosphere-enhanced biodegradation by narrowing down the identity of the T. pratense rhizodeposit responsible for stimulating the microbial mineralization of 2,4-D. Specifically, we investigated the distribution of the stimulatory component(s) among rhizodeposit fractions (exudates or root debris) and the influence of soil properties and plant species on its production. Production of the stimulatory rhizodeposit was dependent on soil pH (e.g. t(1) for roots grown at pH 6.5 was significantly lower than for those grown at pH 4.4) but independent of soil inorganic N concentration. Most strikingly, the stimulatory rhizodeposit was only produced by T. pratense grown in non-sterile soil and was present in both exudates and root debris. Comparison of the effect of root debris from plant species (three each) from the classes monocotyledon, dicotyledon (non-legume) and dicotyledon (legume) revealed that legumes had by far the greatest positive impact on 2,4-D mineralization kinetics. We discuss the significance of these findings with respect to legume-rhizobia interactions in the rhizosphere.
Les écosystèmes dunaires remplissent plusieurs fonctions écologiques essentielles comme celle de protéger le littoral grâce à leur capacité d’amortissement face aux vents et vagues des tempêtes. Les dunes jouent aussi un rôle dans la filtration de l’eau, la recharge de la nappe phréatique, le maintien de la biodiversité, en plus de présenter un attrait culturel, récréatif et touristique. Les milieux dunaires sont très dynamiques et incluent plusieurs stades de succession végétale, passant de la plage de sable nu à la dune bordière stabilisée par l’ammophile à ligule courte, laquelle permet aussi l’établissement d’autres herbacées, d’arbustes et, éventuellement, d’arbres. Or, la survie de ces végétaux est intimement liée aux microorganismes du sol. Les champignons du sol interagissent intimement avec les racines des plantes, modifient la structure des sols, et contribuent à la décomposition de la matière organique et à la disponibilité des nutriments. Ils sont donc des acteurs clés de l’écologie des sols et contribuent à la stabilisation des dunes. Malgré cela, la diversité et la structure des communautés fongiques, ainsi que les mécanismes influençant leur dynamique écologique, demeurent relativement méconnus. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse explore la diversité des communautés fongiques à travers le gradient de succession et de conditions édaphiques d’un écosystème dunaire côtier afin d’améliorer la compréhension de la dynamique des sols en milieux dunaires. Une vaste collecte de données sur le terrain a été réalisée sur une plaine de dunes reliques se trouvant aux Îles de la Madeleine, Qc. J’ai échantillonné plus de 80 sites répartis sur l’ensemble de ce système dunaire et caractérisé les champignons du sol grâce au séquençage à haut débit. Dans un premier temps, j’ai dressé un portait d’ensemble des communautés fongiques du sol à travers les différentes zones des dunes. En plus d’une description taxonomique, les modes de vie fongiques ont été prédits afin de mieux comprendre comment les variations au niveau des communautés de champignons du sol peuvent se traduire en changements fonctionnels. J’ai observé un niveau de diversité fongique élevé (plus de 3400 unités taxonomiques opérationnelles au total) et des communautés taxonomiquement et fonctionnellement distinctes à travers un gradient de succession et de conditions édaphiques. Ces résultats ont aussi indiqué que toutes les zones des dunes, incluant la zone pionière, supportent des communautés fongiques diversifiées. Ensuite, le lien entre les communautés végétales et fongiques a été étudié à travers l’ensemble de la séquence dunaire. Ces résultats ont montré une augmentation claire de la richesse spécifique végétale, ainsi qu’une augmentation de la diversité des stratégies d’acquisition de nutriments (traits souterrains lié à la nutrition des plantes, soit mycorhizien à arbuscule, ectomycorhizien, mycorhizien éricoide, fixateur d’azote ou non spécialisé). J’ai aussi pu établir une forte corrélation entre les champignons du sol et la végétation, qui semblent tous deux réagir de façon similaire aux conditions physicochimiques du sol. Le pH du sol influençait fortement les communautés végétales et fongiques. Le lien observé entre les communautés végétales et fongiques met l’emphase sur l’importance des interactions biotiques positives au fil de la succession dans les environnements pauvres en nutriments. Finalement, j’ai comparé les communautés de champignons ectomycorhiziens associées aux principales espèces arborescentes dans les forêts dunaires. J’ai observé une richesse importante, avec un total de 200 unités taxonomiques opérationnelles ectomycorhiziennes, appartenant principalement aux Agaricomycètes. Une analyse de réseaux n’a pas permis de détecter de modules (c'est-à-dire des sous-groupes d’espèces en interaction), ce qui indique un faible niveau de spécificité des associations ectomycorhiziennes. De plus, je n’ai pas observé de différences en termes de richesse ou de structure des communautés entre les quatre espèces hôtes. En conclusion, j’ai pu observer à travers la succession dunaire des communautés diversifiées et des structures distinctes selon la zone de la dune, tant chez les champignons que chez les plantes. La succession semble toutefois moins marquée au niveau des communautés fongiques, par rapport aux patrons observés chez les plantes. Ces résultats ont alimenté une réflexion sur le potentiel et les perspectives, mais aussi sur les limitations des approches reposant sur le séquençage à haut-débit en écologie microbienne.
Les écosystèmes dunaires remplissent plusieurs fonctions écologiques essentielles comme celle de protéger le littoral grâce à leur capacité d’amortissement face aux vents et vagues des tempêtes. Les dunes jouent aussi un rôle dans la filtration de l’eau, la recharge de la nappe phréatique, le maintien de la biodiversité, en plus de présenter un attrait culturel, récréatif et touristique. Les milieux dunaires sont très dynamiques et incluent plusieurs stades de succession végétale, passant de la plage de sable nu à la dune bordière stabilisée par l’ammophile à ligule courte, laquelle permet aussi l’établissement d’autres herbacées, d’arbustes et, éventuellement, d’arbres. Or, la survie de ces végétaux est intimement liée aux microorganismes du sol. Les champignons du sol interagissent intimement avec les racines des plantes, modifient la structure des sols, et contribuent à la décomposition de la matière organique et à la disponibilité des nutriments. Ils sont donc des acteurs clés de l’écologie des sols et contribuent à la stabilisation des dunes. Malgré cela, la diversité et la structure des communautés fongiques, ainsi que les mécanismes influençant leur dynamique écologique, demeurent relativement méconnus. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse explore la diversité des communautés fongiques à travers le gradient de succession et de conditions édaphiques d’un écosystème dunaire côtier afin d’améliorer la compréhension de la dynamique des sols en milieux dunaires. Une vaste collecte de données sur le terrain a été réalisée sur une plaine de dunes reliques se trouvant aux Îles de la Madeleine, Qc. J’ai échantillonné plus de 80 sites répartis sur l’ensemble de ce système dunaire et caractérisé les champignons du sol grâce au séquençage à haut débit. Dans un premier temps, j’ai dressé un portait d’ensemble des communautés fongiques du sol à travers les différentes zones des dunes. En plus d’une description taxonomique, les modes de vie fongiques ont été prédits afin de mieux comprendre comment les variations au niveau des communautés de champignons du sol peuvent se traduire en changements fonctionnels. J’ai observé un niveau de diversité fongique élevé (plus de 3400 unités taxonomiques opérationnelles au total) et des communautés taxonomiquement et fonctionnellement distinctes à travers un gradient de succession et de conditions édaphiques. Ces résultats ont aussi indiqué que toutes les zones des dunes, incluant la zone pionière, supportent des communautés fongiques diversifiées. Ensuite, le lien entre les communautés végétales et fongiques a été étudié à travers l’ensemble de la séquence dunaire. Ces résultats ont montré une augmentation claire de la richesse spécifique végétale, ainsi qu’une augmentation de la diversité des stratégies d’acquisition de nutriments (traits souterrains lié à la nutrition des plantes, soit mycorhizien à arbuscule, ectomycorhizien, mycorhizien éricoide, fixateur d’azote ou non spécialisé). J’ai aussi pu établir une forte corrélation entre les champignons du sol et la végétation, qui semblent tous deux réagir de façon similaire aux conditions physicochimiques du sol. Le pH du sol influençait fortement les communautés végétales et fongiques. Le lien observé entre les communautés végétales et fongiques met l’emphase sur l’importance des interactions biotiques positives au fil de la succession dans les environnements pauvres en nutriments. Finalement, j’ai comparé les communautés de champignons ectomycorhiziens associées aux principales espèces arborescentes dans les forêts dunaires. J’ai observé une richesse importante, avec un total de 200 unités taxonomiques opérationnelles ectomycorhiziennes, appartenant principalement aux Agaricomycètes. Une analyse de réseaux n’a pas permis de détecter de modules (c'est-à-dire des sous-groupes d’espèces en interaction), ce qui indique un faible niveau de spécificité des associations ectomycorhiziennes. De plus, je n’ai pas observé de différences en termes de richesse ou de structure des communautés entre les quatre espèces hôtes. En conclusion, j’ai pu observer à travers la succession dunaire des communautés diversifiées et des structures distinctes selon la zone de la dune, tant chez les champignons que chez les plantes. La succession semble toutefois moins marquée au niveau des communautés fongiques, par rapport aux patrons observés chez les plantes. Ces résultats ont alimenté une réflexion sur le potentiel et les perspectives, mais aussi sur les limitations des approches reposant sur le séquençage à haut-débit en écologie microbienne.
Ant foraging on foliage can substantially affect how phytophagous insects use host plants and represents a high predation risk for caterpillars, which are important folivores. Ant-plant-herbivore interactions are especially pervasive in cerrado savanna due to continuous ant visitation to liquid food sources on foliage (extrafloral nectaries, insect honeydew). While searching for liquid rewards on plants, aggressive ants frequently attack or kill insect herbivores, decreasing their numbers. Because ants vary in diet and aggressiveness, their effect on herbivores also varies. Additionally, the differential occurrence of ant attractants (plant and insect exudates) on foliage produces variable levels of ant foraging within local floras and among localities. Here, we investigate how variation of ant communities and of traits among host plant species (presence or absence of ant attractants) can change the effect of carnivores (predatory ants) on herbivore communities (caterpillars) in a cerrado savanna landscape. We sampled caterpillars and foliage-foraging ants in four cerrado localities (70-460 km apart). We found that: (i) caterpillar infestation was negatively related with ant visitation to plants; (ii) this relationship depended on local ant abundance and species composition, and on local preference by ants for plants with liquid attractants; (iii) this was not related to local plant richness or plant size; (iv) the relationship between the presence of ant attractants and caterpillar abundance varied among sites from negative to neutral; and (v) caterpillars feeding on plants with ant attractants are more resistant to ant predation than those feeding on plants lacking attractants. Liquid food on foliage mediates host plant quality for lepidopterans by promoting generalized ant-caterpillar antagonism. Our study in cerrado shows that the negative effects of generalist predatory ants on herbivores are detectable at a community level, affecting patterns of abundance and host plant use by lepidopterans. The magnitude of ant-induced effects on caterpillar occurrence across the cerrado landscape may depend on how ants use plants locally and how they respond to liquid food on plants at different habitats. This study enhances the relevance of plant-ant and ant-herbivore interactions in cerrado and highlights the importance of a tritrophic perspective in this ant-rich environment.
The rhizosphere is a niche exploited by a wide variety of bacteria. The expression of heterologous genes by plants might become a factor affecting the structure of bacterial communities in the rhizosphere. In a greenhouse experiment, the bacterial community associated to transgenic eucalyptus, carrying the Lhcb1-2 genes from pea (responsible for a higher photosynthetic capacity), was evaluated. The culturable bacterial community associated to transgenic and wild type plants were not different in density, and the Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA) typing of 124 strains revealed dominant ribotypes representing the bacterial orders Burkholderiales, Rhizobiales, and Actinomycetales, the families Xanthomonadaceae, and Bacillaceae, and the genus Mycobacterium. Principal Component Analysis based on the fingerprints obtained by culture-independent Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis analysis revealed that Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria and Actinobacteria communities responded differently to plant genotypes. Similar effects for the cultivation of transgenic eucalyptus to those observed when two genotype-distinct wild type plants are compared.
Arbuscular mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations among glomalean fungi and plant roots that often lead to enhanced water and nutrient uptake and plant growth. We describe experiments to test whether inoculum potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal communities varies spatially within a broadleaf temperate forest, and also whether there is variability in the effectiveness of AM fungal communities in enhancing seedling growth. Inoculum potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a temperate broad-leaved forest did not vary significantly among sites. Inoculum potential, measured as the extent to which the roots of red maple seedlings that had been germinated on sterile sand and then transplanted into the forest, were colonized by AM fungi, was similar in floodplain and higher elevation sites. It was as similar under ectomycorrhizal oaks as it was under red maples and other AM tree species. It was also similar among sites with deciduous understory shrubs with arbuscular mycorrhizae (spicebush, Lindera benzoin) and those with evergreen vegetation with ericoid mycorrhizae (mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia). Where spicebush was the dominant understory shrub, inoculum potential was greater under gaps in the canopy than within the understory. Survivorship of transplanted red maple seedlings varied significantly over sites but was not strongly correlated with measures of inoculum potential. In a greenhouse growth experiment, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities obtained from tree roots from the forest had different effects on plant growth. Seedlings inoculated with roots of red maple had twice the leaf area after 10 wk of growth compared to the AM community obtained from roots of southern red oaks. Thus, although there appears to be little heterogeneity in inoculum potential in the forest, there are differences in the effectiveness of different inocula. These effects have the potential to affect tree species diversity in forests by modifying patterns of seedling recruitment.
Developments in computer and three dimensional (3D) digitiser technologies have made it possible to keep track of the broad range of data required to simulate an insect moving around or over the highly heterogeneous habitat of a plant's surface. Properties of plant parts vary within a complex canopy architecture, and insect damage can induce further changes that affect an animal's movements, development and likelihood of survival. Models of plant architectural development based on Lindenmayer systems (L-systems) serve as dynamic platforms for simulation of insect movement, providing ail explicit model of the developing 3D structure of a plant as well as allowing physiological processes associated with plant growth and responses to damage to be described and Simulated. Simple examples of the use of the L-system formalism to model insect movement, operating Lit different spatial scales-from insects foraging on an individual plant to insects flying around plants in a field-are presented. Such models can be used to explore questions about the consequences of changes in environmental architecture and configuration on host finding, exploitation and its population consequences. In effect this model is a 'virtual ecosystem' laboratory to address local as well as landscape-level questions pertinent to plant-insect interactions, taking plant architecture into account. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The Agricultural Production Systems slMulator, APSIM, is a cropping system modelling environment that simulates the dynamics of soil-plant-management interactions within a single crop or a cropping system. Adaptation of previously developed crop models has resulted in multiple crop modules in APSIM, which have low scientific transparency and code efficiency. A generic crop model template (GCROP) has been developed to capture unifying physiological principles across crops (plant types) and to provide modular and efficient code for crop modelling. It comprises a standard crop interface to the APSIM engine, a generic crop model structure, a crop process library, and well-structured crop parameter files. The process library contains the major science underpinning the crop models and incorporates generic routines based on physiological principles for growth and development processes that are common across crops. It allows APSIM to simulate different crops using the same set of computer code. The generic model structure and parameter files provide an easy way to test, modify, exchange and compare modelling approaches at process level without necessitating changes in the code. The standard interface generalises the model inputs and outputs, and utilises a standard protocol to communicate with other APSIM modules through the APSIM engine. The crop template serves as a convenient means to test new insights and compare approaches to component modelling, while maintaining a focus on predictive capability. This paper describes and discusses the scientific basis, the design, implementation and future development of the crop template in APSIM. On this basis, we argue that the combination of good software engineering with sound crop science can enhance the rate of advance in crop modelling. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are symbiotic soil fungi that are intimately associated with the roots of the majority of land plants. They colonise the interior of the roots and the hyphae extend into the soil. It is well known that bacterial colonisation of the rhizosphere can be crucial for many pathogenic as well as symbiotic plant-microbe interactions. However, although bacteria colonising the extraradical AMF hyphae (the hyphosphere) might be equally important for AMF symbiosis, little is known regarding which bacterial species would colonise AMF hyphae. In this study, we investigated which bacterial communities might be associated with AMF hyphae. As bacterial-hyphal attachment is extremely difficult to study in situ, we designed a system to grow AMF hyphae of Glomus intraradices and Glomus proliferum and studied which bacteria separated from an agricultural soil specifically attach to the hyphae. Characterisation of attached and non-attached bacterial communities was performed using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and clone library sequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene fragments. For all experiments, the composition of hyphal attached bacterial communities was different from the non-attached communities, and was also different from bacterial communities that had attached to glass wool (a non-living substratum). Analysis of amplified 16S rRNA genes indicated that in particular bacteria from the family of Oxalobacteraceae were highly abundant on AMF hyphae, suggesting that they may have developed specific interactions with the fungi.
Phenological events - defined points in the life cycle of a plant or animal - have been regarded as highly plastic traits, reflecting flexible responses to various environmental cues. The ability of a species to track, via shifts in phenological events, the abiotic environment through time might dictate its vulnerability to future climate change. Understanding the predictors and drivers of phenological change is therefore critical. Here, we evaluated evidence for phylogenetic conservatism - the tendency for closely related species to share similar ecological and biological attributes - in phenological traits across flowering plants. We aggregated published and unpublished data on timing of first flower and first leaf, encompassing 4000 species at 23 sites across the Northern Hemisphere. We reconstructed the phylogeny for the set of included species, first, using the software program Phylomatic, and second, from DNA data. We then quantified phylogenetic conservatism in plant phenology within and across sites. We show that more closely related species tend to flower and leaf at similar times. By contrasting mean flowering times within and across sites, however, we illustrate that it is not the time of year that is conserved, but rather the phenological responses to a common set of abiotic cues. Our findings suggest that species cannot be treated as statistically independent when modelling phenological responses.Synthesis. Closely related species tend to resemble each other in the timing of their life-history events, a likely product of evolutionarily conserved responses to environmental cues. The search for the underlying drivers of phenology must therefore account for species' shared evolutionary histories.
Background Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are tiny parasitic worms that parasitize insects, in which they reproduce. Their foraging behavior has been subject to numerous studies, most of which have proposed that, at short distances, EPNs use chemicals that are emitted directly from the host as host location cues. Carbon dioxide (CO2) in particular has been implicated as an important cue. Recent evidence shows that at longer distances several EPNs take advantage of volatiles that are specifically emitted by roots in response to insect attack. Studies that have revealed these plant-mediated interactions among three trophic levels have been met with some disbelief. Scope This review aims to take away this skepticism by summarizing the evidence for a role of root volatiles as foraging cues for EPNs. To reinforce our argument, we conducted olfactometer assays in which we directly compared the attraction of an EPN species to CO2 and two typical inducible root volatiles. Conclusions The combination of the ubiquitous gas and a more specific root volatile was found to be considerably more attractive than one of the two alone. Hence, future studies on EPN foraging behavior should take into account that CO2 and plant volatiles may work in synergy as attractants for EPNs. Recent research efforts also reveal prospects of exploiting plant-produced signals to improve the biological control of insect pests in the rhizosphere.