872 resultados para physical seed quality
The use of unconventional sources of K for plants has been widely studied, but the effects of alternative materials on physiological seed quality are still relatively unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of soybean and wheat seeds after using different potassium sources in a crop succession. The experimental design was a completely randomized block with four replications. Treatments consisted of three K sources (KCl, alkaline rock and ground phonolite, with 58%, 11% and 8.42% of K2O, respectively) applied in four doses (0, 25, 50 and 100 kg K2O ha-1). Potassium doses were applied in soybean and their residual effects were evaluated on the following wheat crop. Soybean and wheat seeds were evaluated immediately after harvesting by tests for moisture content, seed weight, germination, first count, electrical conductivity, seedling length and seedling dry matter. Soybean plants fertilized with alternative sources of K produced heavier seeds with a lower coat permeability compared to KCl; the physiological quality of soybean seeds and the weight of wheat seeds increase due to higher K2O doses, independently of their source.
Most soybean pathogens are seed transmitted, deserving emphasis the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, which has been presenting worrying levels of field incidence in some soybean cropping areas in several Brazilian states. The objective of this study was to verify the efficiency of different methods for detecting S. sclerotiorum on soybean seeds artificially infected in the laboratory and from field production areas with a historical disease incidence. Seed samples of seven different cultivars collected from naturally infested fields, and one seed sample artificially inoculated in the laboratory were used. The following detection methods recommended in the literature were compared: Blotter test at 7 ºC, 14 ºC, and 21 ºC; Rolled Paper; and Neon-S. Results demonstrated that these methods showed no repeatability and had a low sensitivity for detecting the pathogen in seeds from areas with disease incidence. They were effective, however, for its detection on artificially inoculated seeds. In the Blotter test method at 7 ºC, there was a lower incidence of other fungi considered undesirable during seed analysis.
The correlation of soil fertility x seed physiological potential is very important in the area of seed technology but results published with that theme are contradictory. For this reason, this study to evaluate the correlations between soil chemical properties and physiological potential of soybean seeds. On georeferenced points, both soil and seeds were sampled for analysis of soil fertility and seed physiological potential. Data were assessed by the following analyses: descriptive statistics; Pearson's linear correlation; and geostatistics. The adjusted parameters of the semivariograms were used to produce maps of spatial distribution for each variable. Organic matter content, Mn and Cu showed significant effects on seed germination. Most variables studied presented moderate to high spatial dependence. Germination and accelerated aging of seeds, and P, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu and Zn showed a better fit to spherical semivariogram: organic matter, pH and K had a better fit to Gaussian model; and V% and Fe showed a better fit to the linear model. The values for range of spatial dependence varied from 89.9 m for P until 651.4 m for Fe. These values should be considered when new samples are collected for assessing soil fertility in this production area.
Improved upland rice cultivars introduced in Volta Region, Ghana, have been perceived to store poorly compared to farmers' traditional cultivars. A survey was conducted in 2003 in the Hohoc district of this region, where a participatory Varietal Selection programme had started in 1997, to gain insight into fanners' seed production and storage practices that are likely to affect seed quality in storage. Farmers rated keeping quality (p < 0.001), tolerance to storage pests (p < 0.001), seed quality (p < 0.001) and establishment of their local cultivars Kawomo, Viono and Wuwulili as much better than the improved cultivar IDSA 85. Initial seed moisture content ranged from 12.8 to 18% and germination from 0 to 82%. There was a significant relationship between seed moisture content and duration of drying prior to storage (p < 0.001) and storage method (p = 0.015). Germination loss in storage was rapid at high moisture content and slow at low moisture content. Between 60 and 80% of seeds germinated after six Months storage at 12.8% moisture content. The viability equation predicted accurately germination of farmer-saved seed stored under ambient temperature in Ghana. Except for the japonica rice cultivar WAB 126-18-HB, the traditional cultivars Kawomo, Viono and Wuwulili survived better in storage than improved cultivars. There is a need to improve seed quality of improved cultivars if farmers are to benefit from their higher yields and grain quality and to improve storage practices.
Nothofagus alpina, N. obliqua, N. glauca, N. leonii, N. dombeyi and N. pumilio seeds exhibited consistent, albeit slight, sensitivity to extreme desiccation, but nevertheless maintained viability at low moisture contents and cool temperatures (-10 degrees to -20 degrees C) over 2 years. Nothofagus alpina, N. obliqua, N. glauca, N. leonii and N. dombeyi conformed to the seed viability equation of Ellis and Roberts; sensitivity of longevity to temperature was quantitatively similar to that of crop seeds, sensitivity to moisture was somewhat less, and a low-moisture-content limit to the equation was detected at 4.8% moisture content in hermetic storage at 65 degrees C, and possibly similar moisture contents at 30-40 degrees C. These five species show orthodox seed storage behaviour. Therefore, ex-situ conservation of these Nothofagus species in seed banks is possible, but the quality of seed lots collected requires attention. Seed storage behaviour was not defined in N. pumilio: initial seed quality was poor and loss of viability was detected over 2 years at 0 degrees, -10 degrees and -20 degrees C at 2.7% moisture content, but not at 5.2%. The results confirm that the economy of nature in seed storage physiology extends to forest tree seeds, but the repeated observation of reduced sensitivity of longevity to moisture in forest tree seeds requires further investigation.
Extreme temperature during reproductive development affects rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield and seed quality. A controlled-environment reciprocal-transfer experiment was designed where plants from two japonica cultivars were grown at 28/24 ⁰C and moved to 18/14 ⁰C and vice versa, or from 28/24 to 38/34 ⁰C and vice versa, for 7-d periods to determine the respective temporal pattern of sensitivity of spikelet fertility, yield, and seed viability to each temperature extreme. Spikelet fertility and seed yield per panicle were severely reduced by extreme temperature in the 14 d period prior to anthesis; and both cultivars were affected at 38/34 ⁰C while only cv. Gleva was affected at 18/14 ºC. The damage was greater the earlier the panicles were stressed within this period. Later-exserted panicles compensated only partly for yield loss. Seed viability was significantly reduced by 7-d exposure to 38/34 ⁰C or 18/14 ⁰C at 1 to 7 and 1 to 14 d after anthesis, respectively, in cv. Gleva. Cultivar Taipei 309 was not affected by 7 d exposure at 18/14 ⁰C; and no consistent temporal pattern of sensitivity was evident at 38/34 ⁰C. Hence, brief exposure to low or high temperature was most damaging to spikelet fertility and yield 14 to 7 d before anthesis, coinciding with microsporogenesis; and it was almost as damaging around anthesis. Seed viability was most vulnerable to low or high temperature in the 7 or 14 d after anthesis, when histodifferentiation occurs.
Poor wheat seed quality in temperate regions is often ascribed to wet production environments. We investigated the possible effect of simulated rain during seed development and maturation on seed longevity in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Tybalt grown in the field (2008, 2009) or a polythene tunnel house (2010). To mimic rain, the seed crops were wetted from above with the equivalent of 30mm (2008, 2009) or 25mm rainfall (2010) at different stages of seed development and maturation (17 to 58 DAA, days after 50% anthesis), samples harvested serially, and subsequent air-dry seed longevity estimated. No pre-harvest sprouting occurred. Seed longevity (p50, 50% survival period in experimental hermetic storage at 40°C with c. 15% moisture content) in field-grown controls increased during seed development and maturation attaining maxima at 37 (2008) or 44 DAA (2009); it declined thereafter. Immediate effects of simulated rain at 17-58 DAA in field studies (2008, 2009) on subsequent seed longevity were negative but small, e.g. a 1-4 d delay in seed quality improvement for treatments early in development but with no damage detected at final harvests. In rainfall-protected conditions (2010), simulated rain close to harvest maturity (55-56 DAA) reduced longevity immediately and substantially, with greater damage from two sequential days of wetting than one; again, later harvests provided evidence of recovery in subsequent longevity. In the absence of pre-harvest sprouting, the potentially deleterious effects of rainfall to wheat seed crops on subsequent seed longevity may be reversible in full or in part.
Unpredictable flooding is a major constraint to rice production. It can occur at any growth stage. The effect of simulated flooding post-anthesis on yield and subsequent seed quality of pot-grown rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants was investigated in glasshouses and controlled-environment growth cabinets. Submergence post-anthesis (9-40 DAA) for 3 or 5 days reduced seed weight of japonica rice cv. Gleva, with considerable pre-harvest sprouting (up to 53%). The latter was greater the later in seed development and maturation that flooding occurred. Sprouted seed had poor ability to survive desiccation or germinate normally upon rehydration, whereas the effects of flooding on the subsequent air-dry seed storage longevity (p50) of the non-sprouted seed fraction was negligible. The indica rice cvs IR64 and IR64Sub1 (introgression of submergence tolerance gene Submergence1A-1) were both far more tolerant to flooding post-anthesis than cv. Gleva: four days’ submergence of these two near-isogenic cultivars at 10-40 DAA resulted less than 1% sprouted seeds. The presence of the Sub1A-1 allele in cv. IR64Sub1 was verified by gel electrophoresis and DNA sequencing. It had no harmful effect on loss in seed viability during storage compared with IR64 in both control and flooded environments. Moreover, the germinability and changes in dormancy during seed development and maturation were very similar to IR64. The efficiency of using chemical spray to increase seed dormancy was investigated in the pre-harvest sprouting susceptible rice cv. Gleva. Foliar application of molybdenum at 100 mg L-1 reduced sprouted seeds by 15-21% following 4 days’ submergence at 20-30 DAA. Analyses confirmed that the treatment did result in molybdenum uptake by the plants, and also tended to increase seed abscisic acid concentration. The latter was reduced by submergence and declined exponentially during grain ripening. The selection of submergence-tolerant varieties was more successful than application of molybdenum in reducing pre-harvest sprouting.
Dormancy is an inherent property of the seeds that define the environmental conditions in which they are able to germinate and their presence is an adaptive trait common in species inhabiting semiarid regions. Moreover, the ability of seedling establishment in these environments has been related to the size, strength and chemical characteristics of the seeds. This study investigated patterns of dormancy and germination speed in tree species of the Caatinga, exploring how the seed size influence the processes of germination, seedling size and biomass allocation. In addition, we aim to investigate the chemical characteristics of the reserves, to verify a possible relationship between nutritional content and the process of seed germination. Therefore, seeds were collected from ten species of woody Caatinga for tests of breaking dormancy, germination and biochemical characterization. Overall, the results show that the scarification treatments mechanical and chemical, and thermal shock influenced the percentage and speed of germination in 50 % of the species, suggesting that they have some level of physical dormancy in the seeds. Biochemical characterization showed the existence of large amounts of carbohydrates in the seeds of all species, low proportion of protein and low amounts of neutral lipids. Using linear regression, we demonstrated the existence of a significant relationship between seed size and the ratio of root/shoot where the largest seeds invested a greater amount of resources for shoot growth. The relationship between germination speed and non-reducing sugar content was also significant, so these compounds is related to the maintenance of physiological seed quality. These results confirm some relationships discussed in the literature for cultivated species, but can be applied to the species native to the Caatinga
This research aimed to study competition effects of legumes intercropping and weeds on seeds yield and quality of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. The experiment was carried out in a Rhodic Nitisol, under field condition in Botucatu region, São Paulo State, Brazil. Ten treatments were tested: sorghum (cv. A-6304) intercropped with Dolichos lablab L., Mucuna aterrima (Piper et Tracy) Holland, Canavalia ensiformis D. C. or Crotalaria juncea L., that were sown in the same time of sorghum or 20 days after the sorghum sowing, and sorghum weed-free and sorghum without weeding. The experimental design employed was the completely randomized blocks with four replications. There were evaluated sorghum seeds yield and some characteristcs of seed quality: purity, hectolitric weight, 1000 seeds weight, insect infestation, germination and vigor (by first counting of germination test and accelerated ageing test). The competition caused by legumes intercropping and weeds affected the yield and the physical and physiological characteristics of sorghum seeds, but the intensity of prejudicial effects depended on the time and the species of legume intercropping.
The electrical conductivity test is still an excellent tool to evaluate the effect of seeds of various forest and agricultural species and recent studies have been conducted aiming at verifying its application in forest seeds. The objective of this study was to establish a specific methodology to test the electrical conductivity of forest seeds of Zeyheria tuberculosis. Four lots of seeds were used, which were submitted to the germination test, evaluating the percentage of germination, germination speed index and dry mass of seedlings. For the electrical conductivity test, five replicates of 20 seeds installed in three volumes of deionized water (75, 100 and 125 mL) were used and eight periods for seed imbibitions (2, 4, 6, 12, 18, 24, 48 and 72 hour) at 25 degrees C were allowed. The statistical design used was completely random; the comparison of means was performed by Tukey test at 5 % probability. Lot II showed higher germination percentage and speed. The electrical conductivity test allows discrimination of the same batch by the germination test under laboratory conditions. It was possible to separate the seed lot presenting better physiological quality (lot II) from among the other lots. It was recommended the use of 75 or 125 mL of deionized water at a temperature of 25 degrees C to perform the electrical conductivity test.
With the objective of assessing castor bean genotypes in relation to the influence of seeds treatment on agronomic characteristics and physiological quality of seeds, two experiments were conducted between November, 2005 and March, 2006. In the first study, experimental design used was randomized complete blocks, in factorial scheme (2 x 10), by comparing Lyra hybrid and AL Guarany 2002 cultivar and nine fungicides, including its mixtures and test, with four repetitions. Plant height, stem diameter, medium yield and observation of diseases incidence were evaluated. In the second study, conducted in randomized entirely design, in factorial scheme 2 x 10 with four repetitions, Savana and AL Guarany 2002 genotypes were analyzed, using the same fungicides. Germination, infected and dead seeds, vigor, initial moisture content and simulation of field emergency and seeds sanitary quality were also evaluated. The results obtained point that there is positive influence of seed treatment on agronomic characteristics in castor bean crop, increasing grain yield for AL Guarany cultivar and Lyra hybrid. In the analysis of seed quality, it was observed that seed treatments with fungicides and their mixtures provided superior percentages of germination and vigor, reduced the number of infected and dead seeds and increased seeds emergency for Guarany 2002 cultivar and Savana hybrid.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O uso de fontes não convencionais para fornecimento de K às plantas tem sido amplamente estudado, mas os efeitos de materiais alternativos na qualidade fisiológica das sementes não são conhecidos. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de soja e trigo em função da aplicação fontes de potássio em uma sucessão de culturas. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constaram de três fontes de K (KCl, rocha alcalina e fonolito moído, com 58%, 11% e 8.42% de K2O, respectivamente) aplicados em quatro doses (0, 25, 50 e 100 kg K2O ha-1). As doses de potássio foram aplicadas na soja e seu efeito residual foi avaliado na cultura do trigo, cultivado em sucessão. Logo após a colheita, as sementes de soja e trigo foram avaliadas pelos testes de teor de água, massa de sementes, germinação, primeira contagem, condutividade elétrica, comprimento de plântulas e massa da matéria seca de plântulas. Plantas de soja adubadas com fontes alternativas para fornecimento de K produzem sementes com maior massa e menor permeabilidade de membranas comparado às com KCl; maior qualidade fisiológica de sementes de soja e massa de sementes de trigo são obtidas com maiores doses de K2O independente da fonte.