845 resultados para physical non-linearity
The real and imaginary parts of third-order susceptibility of amorphous GeSe2 film were measured by the method of the femtosecond optical heterodyne detection of optical Kerr effect at 805 nm with the 80 fs ultra fast pulses. The results indicated that the values of real and imaginary parts were 8.8 x 10(-12) esu and -3.0 x 10(-12) esu, respectively. An amorphous GeSe2 film also showed a very fast response within 200 fs. The ultra fast response and large third-order non-linearity are attributed to the ultra fast distortion of the electron orbits surrounding the average positions of the nucleus of Ge and Se atoms. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O difundido uso de perfis estruturais tubulares, principalmente devido às vantagens associadas ao comportamento estrutural e estético, levou a uma intensa utilização nos países da Europa, Sudeste Asiático, América do Norte e na Austrália. Países como Canadá, Inglaterra, Alemanha e Holanda fazem uso intensivo dessas estruturas e contam com uma produção corrente, industrializada e contínua com alto grau de desenvolvimento tecnológico. O aumento da oferta deste tipo de perfis, aliado a recentes pesquisas nesta área, leva o Brasil a se inserir neste cenário mundial. Entretanto, as normas brasileiras que regem o dimensionamento destes perfis ainda não se encontram atualizadas, principalmente no que tange ao dimensionamento de ligações de perfis tubulares. Considerando esta perspectiva, este trabalho apresenta uma análise de ligações tipo K e T com perfis tubulares circulares (CHS). Propõe-se estabelecer um quadro comparativo entre as formulações analíticas de dimensionamento proposta pelo Eurocode 3 Parte 1.8, 2 edição do guia de projeto de ligações tubulares do CIDECT, projeto de norma brasileira PN 02.125.03-004 e critérios de deformação limite. Para cada um dos tipos de ligações analisadas, desenvolveu-se um modelo em elementos finitos no programa Ansys, calibrado e validado com resultados experimentais e numéricos existentes na literatura. As não-linearidades física e geométrica foram incorporadas aos modelos, a fim de se mobilizar totalmente a capacidade resistente da ligação. A não-linearidade do material foi considerada através do critério de plastificação de Von Mises através de uma lei constitutiva tensão versus deformação bilinear. A não-linearidade geométrica foi introduzida no modelo através da Formulação de Lagrange Atualizado considerando-se a previsão de grandes deformações de forma a permitir a redistribuição de carregamento na ligação após o escoamento inicial. Esta dissertação propõe ainda, a modelagem de uma treliça planar constituída de perfis tubulares, objetivando estabelecer uma comparação entre um nó isolado e um nó da treliça planar.
Tradicionalmente, na análise e dimensionamento de estruturas de aço, assume-se que as ligações viga-coluna são rígidas ou flexíveis (rotuladas). Por outro lado, é de conhecimento geral que a grande maioria das ligações viga-coluna apresenta um comportamento intermediário, ou seja, semi-rígido. Inúmeros trabalhos de pesquisa têm sido desenvolvidos nos últimos vinte e cinco anos, de forma a estudar o comportamento desse tipo de ligação. Um dos principais objetivos desta investigação é o de propor uma metodologia de análise que represente de forma apropriada a influência do comportamento semi-rígido de placas de base e de ligações viga-coluna, sobre a resposta dinâmica (linear e não-linear) de estruturas de aço. Outra contribuição desta dissertação diz respeito à investigação do comportamento dinâmico (linear e não-linear) de pórticos de aço, a partir da consideração de ligações viga-coluna simétricas e não-simétricas e especialmente das placas de base. A análise estrutural é desenvolvida com base no emprego do programa de elementos finitos ANSYS [27]. Nos modelos em elementos finitos foram considerados os efeitos de não-linearidade geométrica (efeitos de segunda ordem), o comportamento não-linear das placas de base e das ligações viga-coluna e, bem como, o efeito de histerese que ocorre quando a estrutura é submetida a cargas cíclicas. Os resultados alcançados indicaram que o fenômeno físico da ressonância não ocorre no que se refere à resposta dinâmica dos modelos semi-rígidos não-lineares. A ressonância não ocorre na resposta dos modelos devido ao fato de que, na análise dinâmica não-linear, o efeito de histerese presente nas ligações (placas de base e viga-coluna), essencialmente com comportamento não-linear, provoca um amortecimento na resposta dinâmica da estrutura.
Em virtude do elevado grau de desenvolvimento da tecnologia em sua produção, a utilização de perfis tubulares é grandemente difundida em países como, por exemplo, Canadá, Inglaterra, Alemanha e Holanda. A utilização de tais perfis no Brasil era bastante restrita, limitando-se a coberturas espaciais. Atualmente, a situação do mercado brasileiro começa a se alterar em decorrência do significativo aumento da oferta de perfis tubulares estruturais. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise de ligações tipo KK com perfis tubulares circulares (CHS), com o intuito de estabelecer um quadro comparativo entre as formulações analíticas de dimensionamento proposta pelo Eurocode 3 Parte 1.8, 2 edição do guia de projeto de ligações tubulares do CIDECT, ABNT NBR 16239:2013, pelas equações propostas por Paul e Kurobane e critérios de deformação limite. A calibração de um modelo foi feita com dados numéricos e experimentais. Para cada um dos tipos de ligações analisadas, desenvolveu-se um modelo em elementos finitos no programa Ansys. As não-linearidades física e geométrica foram incorporadas aos modelos, a fim de se mobilizar totalmente a capacidade resistente da ligação. A não-linearidade do material foi considerada com o uso do critério de plastificação de Von Mises através de uma lei constitutiva tensão versus deformação bilinear. A não-linearidade geométrica foi introduzida no modelo através da Formulação de Lagrange Atualizado considerando-se a previsão de grandes deformações de forma a permitir a redistribuição de carregamento na ligação após o escoamento inicial. Foi proposto um modelo de uma treliça espacial composta por perfis tubulares de seção circular para comparar os resultados de análises de uma ligação isolada e a resposta desta mesma ligação como parte de uma treliça em escala real.
The Chinese Tam-Tam exhibits non-linear behavior in its vibro-acoustic response. The frequency content of the response during free, unforced vibration smoothly changes, with energy being progressively smeared out over a greater bandwidth with time. This is used as a motivating case for the general study of the phenomenon of energy cascading through weak nonlinearity. Numerical models based upon the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam system of non-linearly coupled oscillators, modified with the addition of damping, have been developed. These were used to study the response of ensembles of systems with randomized natural frequencies. Results from simulations will be presented here. For un-damped systems, individual ensemble members exhibit cyclical energy exchange between linear modes, but the ensemble average displays a steady state. For the ensemble response of damped systems, lightly damped modes can exhibit an effective damping which is higher than predicated by linear theory. The presence of a non-linearity provides a path for energy flow to other modes, increasing the apparent damping spectrum at some frequencies and reducing it at others. The target of this work is a model revealing the governing parameters of a generic system of this type and leading to predictions of the ensemble response.
A vertex-based finite volume (FV) method is presented for the computational solution of quasi-static solid mechanics problems involving material non-linearity and infinitesimal strains. The problems are analysed numerically with fully unstructured meshes that consist of a variety of two- and threedimensional element types. A detailed comparison between the vertex-based FV and the standard Galerkin FE methods is provided with regard to discretization, solution accuracy and computational efficiency. For some problem classes a direct equivalence of the two methods is demonstrated, both theoretically and numerically. However, for other problems some interesting advantages and disadvantages of the FV formulation over the Galerkin FE method are highlighted.
Electrical transport and structural properties of platinum nanowires, deposited using the focussed ion beam method have been investigated. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy reveals metal-rich grains (atomic composition 31% Pt and 50% Ga) in a largely non-metallic matrix of C, O and Si. Resistivity measurements (15-300 K) reveal a negative temperature coefficient with the room-temperature resistivity 80-300 times higher than that of bulk Pt. Temperature dependent current-voltage characteristics exhibit non-linear behaviour in the entire range investigated. The conductance spectra indicate increasing non-linearity with decreasing temperature, reaching 4% at 15 K. The observed electrical behaviour is explained in terms of a model for inter-grain tunnelling in disordered media, a mechanism that is consistent with the strongly disordered nature of the nanowires observed in the structure and composition analysis.
Current conceptual models of reciprocal interactions linking soil structure, plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi emphasise positive feedbacks among the components of the system. However, dynamical systems with high dimensionality and several positive feedbacks (i.e. mutualism) are prone to instability. Further, organisms such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are obligate biotrophs of plants and are considered major biological agents in soil aggregate stabilization. With these considerations in mind, we developed dynamical models of soil ecosystems that reflect the main features of current conceptual models and empirical data, especially positive feedbacks and linear interactions among plants, AMF and the component of soil structure dependent on aggregates. We found that systems become increasingly unstable the more positive effects with Type I functional response (i.e., the growth rate of a mutualist is modified by the density of its partner through linear proportionality) are added to the model, to the point that increasing the realism of models by adding linear effects produces the most unstable systems. The present theoretical analysis thus offers a framework for modelling and suggests new directions for experimental studies on the interrelationship between soil structure, plants and AMF. Non-linearity in functional responses, spatial and temporal heterogeneity, and indirect effects can be invoked on a theoretical basis and experimentally tested in laboratory and field experiments in order to account for and buffer the local instability of the simplest of current scenarios. This first model presented here may generate interest in more explicitly representing the role of biota in soil physical structure, a phenomenon that is typically viewed in a more process- and management-focused context. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In dieser Arbeit wurde das Adsorptionsverhalten zweier azobenzolfunktionalisierter Liganden auf Goldoberflächen untersucht. Diese Liganden zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie mithilfe von Licht bestimmter Wellenlängen zwischen zwei Isomerisierungszuständen – sowohl in Lösung als auch in den auf der Oberfläche resultierenden Monolage – hin und her geschaltet werden können. Somit ist es möglich, Oberflächen herzustellen, deren physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften zwischen zwei Zuständen variiert werden können. Die Messungen des Adsorptionsverhaltens wurden mittels optischer Frequenzverdopplung durchgeführt. Diese Messmethode ist höchst grenzflächensensitiv und ermöglicht es somit die Adsorption der Liganden in situ und ich Echtzeit zu verfolgen. Neben den Adsorptionsmessungen wurde auch die Phase des frequenzverdoppelten Signals über eine Interferenzmethode gemessen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Phasenmessungen ermöglichen es, eine Aussage über eine mögliche Nichtlinearität der untersuchten Moleküle zu treffen. An die in den Adsorptionsmessungen gewonnenen Messdaten wurden drei kinetische Standardmodelle angepasst. Beschreibt eines dieser Modelle den im Experiment bestimmten Adsorptionsverlauf, kann eine Aussage über die zugrunde liegenden Prozesse des Adsorptionsvorganges getroffen werden. Die Ergebnisse der Adsorptionsmessungen zeigen einen deutlichen Einfluss des Isomerisierungszustandes der Liganden auf den Verlauf der Adsorption. Liegen die Moleküle im geschalteten Zustand vor, so verläuft die Adsorption langsamer. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass ebenso intermolekulare Wechselwirkungen über Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen einen verlangsamenden Einfluss auf die Adsorption der Liganden haben. In den durchgeführten Phasenmessungen zeigte sich darüber hinaus, dass Liganden, die über an die Azobenzolgruppe angebundene Amidgruppen verfügen, eine Nichtlinearität aufweisen. Diese Nichtlinearität ist zudem vom Isomerisierungszustand der Liganden abhängig. In den kinetischen Untersuchungen konnte darüber hinaus gezeigt werden, dass sich die Adsorption der Liganden bis auf eine Ausnahme durch die Langmuirkinetik 2. Ordnung beschreiben lässt. Somit handelt es ich bei der Adsorption der untersuchten Liganden um eine Reaktion, der eine Bindungsspaltung voran geht. Dieser Befund konnte durch Vergleich mit weiteren Experimenten bestätigt werden.
The land/sea warming contrast is a phenomenon of both equilibrium and transient simulations of climate change: large areas of the land surface at most latitudes undergo temperature changes whose amplitude is more than those of the surrounding oceans. Using idealised GCM experiments with perturbed SSTs, we show that the land/sea contrast in equilibrium simulations is associated with local feedbacks and the hydrological cycle over land, rather than with externally imposed radiative forcing. This mechanism also explains a large component of the land/sea contrast in transient simulations as well. We propose a conceptual model with three elements: (1) there is a spatially variable level in the lower troposphere at which temperature change is the same over land and sea; (2) the dependence of lapse rate on moisture and temperature causes different changes in lapse rate upon warming over land and sea, and hence a surface land/sea temperature contrast; (3) moisture convergence over land predominantly takes place at levels significantly colder than the surface; wherever moisture supply over land is limited, the increase of evaporation over land upon warming is limited, reducing the relative humidity in the boundary layer over land, and hence also enhancing the land/sea contrast. The non-linearity of the Clausius–Clapeyron relationship of saturation specific humidity to temperature is critical in (2) and (3). We examine the sensitivity of the land/sea contrast to model representations of different physical processes using a large ensemble of climate model integrations with perturbed parameters, and find that it is most sensitive to representation of large-scale cloud and stomatal closure. We discuss our results in the context of high-resolution and Earth-system modelling of climate change.
ABSTRACT Non-Gaussian/non-linear data assimilation is becoming an increasingly important area of research in the Geosciences as the resolution and non-linearity of models are increased and more and more non-linear observation operators are being used. In this study, we look at the effect of relaxing the assumption of a Gaussian prior on the impact of observations within the data assimilation system. Three different measures of observation impact are studied: the sensitivity of the posterior mean to the observations, mutual information and relative entropy. The sensitivity of the posterior mean is derived analytically when the prior is modelled by a simplified Gaussian mixture and the observation errors are Gaussian. It is found that the sensitivity is a strong function of the value of the observation and proportional to the posterior variance. Similarly, relative entropy is found to be a strong function of the value of the observation. However, the errors in estimating these two measures using a Gaussian approximation to the prior can differ significantly. This hampers conclusions about the effect of the non-Gaussian prior on observation impact. Mutual information does not depend on the value of the observation and is seen to be close to its Gaussian approximation. These findings are illustrated with the particle filter applied to the Lorenz ’63 system. This article is concluded with a discussion of the appropriateness of these measures of observation impact for different situations.
Many climate models have problems simulating Indian summer monsoon rainfall and its variability, resulting in considerable uncertainty in future projections. Problems may relate to many factors, such as local effects of the formulation of physical parametrisation schemes, while common model biases that develop elsewhere within the climate system may also be important. Here we examine the extent and impact of cold sea surface temperature (SST) biases developing in the northern Arabian Sea in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble, where such SST biases are shown to be common. Such biases have previously been shown to reduce monsoon rainfall in the Met Office Unified Model (MetUM) by weakening moisture fluxes incident upon India. The Arabian Sea SST biases in CMIP5 models consistently develop in winter, via strengthening of the winter monsoon circulation, and persist into spring and summer. A clear relationship exists between Arabian Sea cold SST bias and weak monsoon rainfall in CMIP5 models, similar to effects in the MetUM. Part of this effect may also relate to other factors, such as forcing of the early monsoon by spring-time excessive equatorial precipitation. Atmosphere-only future time-slice experiments show that Arabian Sea cold SST biases have potential to weaken future monsoon rainfall increases by limiting moisture flux acceleration through non-linearity of the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship. Analysis of CMIP5 model future scenario simulations suggests that, while such effects are likely small compared to other sources of uncertainty, models with large Arabian Sea cold SST biases suppress the range of potential outcomes for changes to future early monsoon rainfall.
We compare a number of models of post War US output growth in terms of the degree and pattern of non-linearity they impart to the conditional mean, where we condition on either the previous period's growth rate, or the previous two periods' growth rates. The conditional means are estimated non-parametrically using a nearest-neighbour technique on data simulated from the models. In this way, we condense the complex, dynamic, responses that may be present in to graphical displays of the implied conditional mean.
The research trend for harvesting energy from the ambient vibration sources has moved from using a linear resonant generator to a non-linear generator in order to improve on the performance of a linear generator; for example, the relatively small bandwidth, intolerance to mistune and the suitability of the device for low-frequency applications. This article presents experimental results to illustrate the dynamic behaviour of a dual-mode non-linear energy-harvesting device operating in hardening and bi-stable modes under harmonic excitation. The device is able to change from one mode to another by altering the negative magnetic stiffness by adjusting the separation gap between the magnets and the iron core. Results for the device operating in both modes are presented. They show that there is a larger bandwidth for the device operating in the hardening mode compared to the equivalent linear device. However, the maximum power transfer theory is less applicable for the hardening mode due to occurrence of the maximum power at different frequencies, which depends on the non-linearity and the damping in the system. The results for the bi-stable mode show that the device is insensitive to a range of excitation frequencies depending upon the input level, damping and non-linearity.
This work considers the vibrating system that consists of a snap-through truss absorber coupled to an oscillator under excitation of an electric motor with an eccentricity and limited power, characterizing a non-ideal oscillator. It is aimed to use the non-linearity and quasi-zero stiffness of absorber (snap-through truss absorber) to obtain a significantly attenuation the jump phenomenon. There is also an interest to exhibit the reduction of Sommerfeld effect, to confirm the saturation phenomenon occurrence and show the power transfer in a non-linear structure, evidencing the pumping energy. As shown by simulations in this work, this absorber allows the energy pumping before and during the jump phenomenon, decreasing the higher amplitudes of considered system. Additionally, the occurrence of saturation phenomenon due use of snap-through truss absorber is verified. The analysis of parameter uncertainties was introduced. Sensitivity of system with parametric errors demonstrated a trustable system. © IMechE 2012.