990 resultados para pharmacological study
The People in Pain course was set up as a joint initiative of the Departments of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy within the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at The University of Queensland. It was instigated in response to the publication of Pain Curricula for Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) in 1994 (1). The first year it was offered, the "People in Pain" course comprised 14 h of lecture content. It was then expanded to encompass 28 h of lectures and seminar involvement. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the impact of participation in a university pain course that meets the IASP pain curricula guidelines to increase health professional students' knowledge about pain. METHODS: Students who participated in the People in Pain course over the first three years were invited to complete the Revised Pain Knowledge and Attitudes Questionnaire (R-PKAQ) pre- and postcourse. Data obtained from 22 students in the short course formed a pilot project, and data from 22 students in the longer version of the course were used in the present study. RESULTS: Examination of the correlation matrix indicated substantial correlations between all R-PKAQ subscales except physiological basis of pain and pharmacological management of pain. In both the pilot project during the first year of the course and the expanded course in the following two years, significant improvement was found in the students' knowledge on five of the six subscales of the R-PKAQ: physiological basis of pain, psychological factors of pain perception, assessment and measurement of pain, cognitive-behavioural methods of pain relief, and pharmacological management of pain. Improvements in the developmental aspects of pain perception subscale failed to reach significance. CONCLUSIONS: An integrated pain course developed according to the pain curriculum guidelines developed by the IASP resulted in increased student knowledge regardless of the length of the program attended.
IBD is a gastro-intestinal disorder marked with chronic inflammation of intestinal epithelium, damaging mucosal tissue and manifests into several intestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms. Currently used medical therapy is able to induce and maintain the patient in remission, however no modifies or reverses the underlying pathogenic mechanism. The research of other medical approaches is crucial to the treatment of IBD and, for this, it´s important to use animal models to mimic the characteristics of disease in real life. The aim of the study is to develop an animal model of TNBS-induced colitis to test new pharmacological approaches. TNBS was instilled intracolonic single dose as described by Morris et al. It was administered 2,5% TNBS in 50% ethanol through a catheter carefully inserted into the colon. Mice were kept in a Tredelenburg position to avoid reflux. On day 4 and 7, the animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation. The induction was confirmed based on clinical symptoms/signs, ALP determination and histopathological analysis. At day 4, TNBS group presented a decreased body weight and an alteration of intestinal motility characterized by diarrhea, severe edema of the anus and moderate morbidity, while in the two control groups weren’t identified any alteration on the clinical symptoms/signs with an increase of the body weight. TNBS group presented the highest concentrations of ALP comparing with control groups. The histopathology analysis revealed severe necrosis of the mucosa with widespread necrosis of the intestinal glands. Severe hemorrhagic and purulent exsudates were observed in the submucosa, muscular and serosa. TNBS group presented clinical symptoms/signs and histopathological features compatible with a correct induction of UC. The peak of manifestations became maximal at day 4 after induction. This study allows concluding that it’s possible to develop a TNBS induced colitis 4 days after instillation.
Several studies have recently shown the use of recombinant rabies virus as potential vector-viral vaccine for HIV-1. The sequence homology between gp 120 and rabies virus glycoprotein has been reported. The McCoy cell line has therefore been used to show CD4+ or CD4+ like receptors. Samples of HIV-1 were isolated, when plasma of HIV-1 positive patients was inoculated in the McCoy cell line. The virus infection was then studied during successive virus passages. The proteins released in the extra cellular medium were checked for protein activity, by exposure to SDS Electrophoresis and blotting to nitro-cellulose filter, then reacting with sera of HIV positive and negative patients. Successive passages were performed, and showed viral replication, membrane permeabilization, the syncytium formation, and the cellular lysis (cytopathic effect). Flow cytometry analysis shows clear evidence that CD4+ receptors are present in this cell line, which enhances the likelihood of easy isolation and replication of HIV. The results observed allow the use of this cell line as a possible model for isolating HIV, as well as for carrying out studies of the dynamics of viral infection in several situations, including exposure to drugs in pharmacological studies, and possibly studies and analyses of the immune response in vaccine therapies.
RESUMO: Nos países desenvolvidos a lombalgia é a condição músculo-‐esquelética mais prevalente. Quando evolui para um quadro crónico é responsável por um encargo económico bastante considerável, não só em relação aos indivíduos, mas também para a sociedade. A lombalgia crónica é por isso uma das principais causas de perda de produtividade e de perda de independência económica, nomeadamente através do absenteísmo (ausência do trabalho), do presenteísmo (perda de produtividade no trabalho, devido à capacidade diminuída provocada pela lombalgia) e da incapacidade para trabalhar (invalidez permanente, total ou parcial). Até à data, em Portugal, a prevalência e carga social da lombalgia crónica eram desconhecidas. Até agora não existiam estudos populacionais de grande dimensão sobre este tema. O objetivo principal desta tese foi determinar a prevalência de lombalgia crónica, e também avaliar a carga social que esta tem na população adulta Portuguesa. O trabalho de investigação foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Estudo Epidemiológico de Doenças Reumáticas em Portugal (EpiReumaPt). Este foi o primeiro estudo de larga escala e de base populacional, que determinou a prevalência de doenças reumáticas e músculo-‐ esqueléticas na população adulta portuguesa. Foi realizado numa amostra aleatória e representativa, de 10.661 indivíduos do Continente, da Região Autónoma dos Açores e da Região Autónoma da Madeira, entre Setembro de 2011 e Dezembro de 2013. Esta tese foi dividida em duas secções. A primeira secção incluiu o detalhe das questões relativas ao desenvolvimento e gestão do EpiReumaPt, constituindo-‐se como um guia prático sobre como realizar um estudo de base populacional de larga escala, em Portugal. A metodologia detalhada do EpiReumaPt foi também descrita nesta secção e incluiu os objectivos, o desenho do estudo, as características de recrutamento e a preparação de dados para análise. Nesta secção foram ainda descritos os principais resultados do EpiReumaPt. Estes evidenciaram que a lombalgia foi a condição músculo-‐esquelética com maior prevalência na população adulta portuguesa.A segunda secção desta tese estimou a prevalência da lombalgia crónica ativa na população adulta Portuguesa, e avaliou a carga social esta condição. A lombalgia ativa foi definida com base na dor auto-‐relatada no dia da entrevista e que persistia há pelo menos 90 dias (independentemente da causa). A lombalgia foi definida como dor na área definida entre a margem inferior das décimas segundas costelas até às pregas glúteas inferiores, com ou sem dor nos membros inferiores. A carga social foi medida tendo em conta os seguintes parâmetros: qualidade de vida, função, consumo de recursos de saúde, consumo de analgésicos e outros fármacos usados no alívio da dor, sintomas de ansiedade e sintomas de depressão. Os resultados mostraram que o consumo de recursos em saúde e a carga social da lombalgia crónica na população adulta Português é significativa. Também a incapacidade causada pela lombalgia crónica,nos indivíduos com idade ativa, é responsável por elevadas taxas de absenteísmo e má qualidade de vida, aos quais acresce o consequente ónus socioeconómico. Esta tese também concluiu que o consumo de analgésicos e outros medicamentos para alívio da dor, na população adulta portuguesa com lombalgia crónica ativa, é relativamente baixa. A maioria destes indivíduos não tomava nenhum medicamento analgésico, independentemente da intensidade da dor. Mesmo os indivíduos que reportaram dor intensa, apenas 4.0% estavam no primeiro degrau da escada analgésica da Organização Mundial de Saúde; 2.3% usavam opióides fracos e 0.03% usavam opióides fortes para controlar a dor (segundo e terceiro degrau da escada analgésica da Organização Mundial da Saúde). O trabalho de investigação também confirmou que a prevalência de sintomas de ansiedade e depressão entre os indivíduos adultos portugueses com lombalgia crónica ativa é elevada. Nestes indivíduos, registou-‐se um consumo mais elevado de analgésicos e outros medicamentos para alívio da dor, quando comparados com os indivíduos com lombalgia crónica activa sem esses sintomas psicológicos. Os grupos terapêuticos mais utilizados foram os ansiolíticos, sedativos e hipnóticos, os antidepressivos e os anti-‐inflamatórios não esteróides. A intensidade média da dor reportada foi também maior entre os indivíduos com lombalgia ativa e sintomas de ansiedade e/ou depressão. Também nestes, foi reportada pior função e pior estado de saúde. Em relação ao consumo de recursos de saúde foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as duas populações: os indivíduos com lombalgia ativa e sintomas psicológicos concomitantes registaram maior número de consultas de psiquiatria de outras especialidades médicas, assim como precisaram de mais apoio domiciliário nos 12 meses prévios à entrevista do EpiReumaPt. Foram também identificados os fatores associados a sintomas isolados de ansiedade, a sintomas isolados de depressão e a sintomas de ansiedade e depressão. Resumindo,esta tese permitiu concluir que a lombalgia crónica é um problema de saúde comum na população adulta portuguesa, contribuindo para um elevado grau de incapacidade e que consequentemente afeta o desempenho laboral e o bem-‐estar dos indivíduos. A lombalgia crónica é também responsável por um consumo considerável de recursos de saúde. Acresce ainda que os sintomas de ansiedade e depressão são comuns, entre os indivíduos com lombalgia crónica, contribuindo com uma carga social adicional.---------------------------------- ABSTRACT:Low Back Pain(LBP) is the most prevalent of musculoskeletal condition in developed countries.When it becomes chronic, LBP causesan enormous economic burden on individuals and society -‐ it is one of the leading causes of loss of productivity and economic independence through absenteeism (time off work), presenteeism (lost productivity because of diminished capacity while at work) and work disability (permanent, partial or complete disablement for work purposes). In Portugal the prevalence and burden of LBP and chronic LBP (CLBP) were poorly defined. Until now no large population-‐based studies have focused on this. The main aim of this thesis was to determine the prevalence of LBP and CLBP, and also to assess the burden of CLBP in the adult rtuguese population. The research work was developed under the scope of EpiReumaPt (the Portuguese Epidemiologic Study of Rheumatic Diseases). EpiReumaPt was the first national large population-‐based and prevalence study of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMD). It was performed among a randomized and representative sample of 10,661 adult Portuguese subjects recruited in Mainland, Azores and Madeira Islands, from September 2011 to December 2013. The first section of this thesis included detailed issues regarding the development and management of EpiReumaPt, and provided a practical guide on how to set-‐up a large population-‐based study in Portugal. The detailed methodology of EpiReumaPt, including its objectives,study design,recruitment features,and data preparation for analyses were also described. The main results from EpiReumaPt study were provided in this section and showed that LBP was the musculoskeletal condition with highest prevalence among Portuguese population. The second section of this thesis estimated the prevalence of active CLBP among adult Portuguese population, and assessed the social burden of this condition. Active CLBP was defined based on self-‐reported pain on the day of the interview, and for most of the time for at least 90 days (independently from cause). LBP was defined as pain in the back area from the lower margin of the twelfth ribs to he lower gluteal folds, with or without pain referred to the lower limbs. Social burden was measured taking into account the following outcomes: quality of life, function, healthcare resources consumption, analgesic and other pain relief drugs intake, anxiety and depression symptoms. Results showed that the healthcare consumption and social burden of CLBP among adult Portuguese population were enormous, and the disability caused by CLBP among subjects in a working age provides high rates of absenteeism (work loss) and poor quality of life, with a consequent socioeconomic burden. This thesis also concluded that analgesic and other pain relief drugs untake among adult Portuguese population with active CLBP was very low. Most of the subjects with active CLBP did not take any analgesic drug regardless pain severity. Even when subjects self-‐reported severe pain, only 24.0% were in the 1st step of the analgesic ladder,2.3% used weak analgesic opioids and 0.03% used strong opioids (2nd and 3rd step of WHO analgesic ladder, respectively) to control pain . The research work also confirmed that the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms among adult Portuguese subjects with active CLBP was high. Regarding pharmacological therapy, the intake of analgesic and other pain relief drugs was higher among subjects with anxiety and/or depression symptoms, when compared with subjects without these psychological symptoms. Anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics, antidepressants and NSAIDs intake had higher usage rates among these subjects. The pain severity mean was also higher among this subjects and function and health status was worse. Regarding healthcare resources consumption,significant differences between the two populations were found. Subjects with ctive CLBP and concomitant psychological symptoms had a higher number of psychiatrist and other physician visits. They also needed more home care in the previous 12 months. Factors associated with isolated symptoms of anxiety, depression,and concomitant anxiety and depression symptoms were also identified. Summarizing, we concluded that CLBP is a common health problem among adult Portuguese population contributing to disability and affecting labor performance, and the well being of subjects. it is also responsible for considerable healthcare resource consumption. Anxiety and depression symptoms are common among subjects with CLBP and provided an additional burden among them.
RESUMEN El aumento del CO2 atmosférico debido al cambio global y/o a las prácticas hortícolas promueve efectos directos sobre crecimiento vegetal y el desarrollo. Estas respuestas pueden ocurrir en ecosistemas naturales, pero también se pueden utilizar para aumentar la producción de algunas plantas y de algunos compuestos secundarios. El actual trabajo intenta estudiar los efectos del enriquecimiento atmosférico del CO2 bajo condiciones de invernadero en el crecimiento y la concentración y la composición de metabolitos secundarios de Taxus bacatta, Hypericum perforatum y Echinacea purpurea en condiciones ambientales mediterráneas. La fertilización del CO2 muestra perspectivas interesantes para la mejorara y aplicabilidad de técnicas hortícolas para aumentar productividad de plantas medicinales, a pesar de diferencias claras entre la especie. En general esta técnica promueve aumentos importantes y significativos en producción primaria y, en algunos casos, también en compuestos secundarios. Esto tiene una gran importancia hortícola porque la productividad a nivel de cosecha total aumenta, directamente porque se aumenta la concentración e indirectamente porque se aumenta la biomasa. SUMMARY The increase of atmospheric CO2 due to global change and/or horticultural practices promotes direct effects on plant growth and development. These responses may occur in natural ecosystems, but also can be used to increase the production of some plants and some secondary compounds. Present work tries to study the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment under greenhouse conditions on growth and in the concentration and composition of secondary metabolites of Taxus bacatta, Hypericum perforatum and Echinacea purpurea under Mediterranean environmental conditions. CO2 fertilization shows interesting perspectives to increase and improve horticultural techniques in order to increase plant medicinal productivity, in spite of clear differences among the species. In general this technique promotes important and significant increases in primary productivity and, in some cases, also in secondary compounds. This has a great horticultural relevance because the total productivity of this kind of products increase at crop level, directly because concentration is increased and /or indirectly because biomass is increased. RESUM L'augment del CO2 atmosfèric a causa del canvi global i/o a les pràctiques hortícoles promou efectes directes sobre creixement vegetal i el desenvolupament. Aquestes respostes poden ocórrer en ecosistemes naturals, però també es poden utilitzar per a augmentar la producció d'algunes plantes i d'alguns compostos secundaris. L'actual treball intenta estudiar els efectes de l'enriquiment atmosfèric del CO2 sota condicions d'hivernacle en el creixement i la concentració i la composició de metabòlits secundaris de Taxus bacatta, Hypericum perforatum i Echinacea purpurea en condicions ambientals mediterrànies. La fertilització del CO2 mostra perspectives interessants per a la millora i aplicabilitat de tècniques hortícoles per a augmentar productivitat de plantes medicinals, a pesar de diferències clares entre l'espècie. En general aquesta tècnica promou augments importants i significatius en producció primària i, en alguns casos, també en compostos secundaris. Això té una gran importància hortícola perquè la productivitat a nivell de collita total augmenta, directament perquè s'augmenta la concentració i indirectament perquè s'augmenta la biomassa.
Currently, smoking cessation represents one of the main strategies to reduce the incidence of tobacco-related diseases in the population. Smoking can also influence pharmacotherapy through several pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic interactions. Some of the most concerned drugs are those metabolized by the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2 enzyme (e.g. caffeine, theophylline, clozapine, olanzapine, duloxetine), whose activity is induced by the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in tobacco smoke. This can result in a clinically significant decrease in the pharmacological effect of the drugs and the need of higher doses in smokers. Conversely, upon smoking cessation, toxic plasma levels of the drugs can be reached. The main objective of this thesis was to study the interindividual variability in CYP1A2 induction in a large cohort of smokers, by measuring CYP1A2 activity before smoking cessation and one month later in continuously abstinent subjects. For this purpose, a clinical study was conducted, including 194 smokers from the general population who wished to participate in a smoking cessation program and therefore received medical counseling and substitution therapy (nicotine or varenicline). An analytical method for the simultaneous quantification of nicotine, its metabolites and varenicline in plasma was developed and validated using ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. This method was used to confirm abstinence at different time points during the follow-up. Moreover, it was used to determine plasma levels of the smoking cessation drugs, to be used in the study of their pharmacogenetics, which was the secondary objective of this thesis. High interindividual variability in CYP1A2 induction by smoking was observed, ranging from no change to approximately 7 times decreased CYP1A2 activity after smoking cessation. Several clinical and genetic factors were investigated in an attempt to explain this variability. Firstly, a significant influence of CYP1A2*1F and *1D alleles, of contraceptive use and of the number of cigarettes smoked per day on CYP1A2 induced activity was observed, and of CYP1A2*1F and the use of contraceptives on the basal activity. But no influence of these factors was found on CYP1A2 inducibility. Given that known genetic polymorphisms in CYP1A2 gene were shown to explain only poorly the observed variations in activity, additional genetic factors were studied. SNPs in the CYP oxidoreductase (POR) gene were found to influence CYP1A2 basal activity, but not the induction. Finally, a pathway-based approach allowed to identify SNPs in genes coding for nuclear receptors (CAR, RXRa, VDR, PXR) and induction-mediating receptors (AhR), which significantly influenced CYP1A2 inducibility and basal activity (SNPs in the gene coding for CAR and RXRa). As secondary objective of the study, the pharmacogenetics of nicotine and varenicline is being investigated. Therefore, the nicotine metabolite ratio is used in the attempt to better explain nicotine dependence and the failure/success of quitting smoking. A population pharmacokinetic model is being developed for varenicline, integrating clinical and genetic factors (genes coding for its metabolizing enzymes and transporters), with the purpose of trying to predict efficacy and side effects. These findings suggest that the influence of smoking on pharmacotherapy could be better managed by including clinical and possibly in the future genetic factors, in the assessment of the adaptations needed when a person starts or stops smoking. - L'arrêt du tabac représente une des principales stratégies pour diminuer l'incidence des maladies causées par celui-ci. Le tabagisme peut influencer la thérapie médicamenteuse par des interactions pharmacocinétiques ou pharmacodynamiques. Parmi les médicaments concernés, il y a ceux métabolisés par le cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2 (caféine, théophylline, clozapine, olanzapine, duloxétine, etc), dont l'activité enzymatique est induite par les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques présents dans la fumée de cigarette. Ceci peut se traduire par une diminution de l'effet pharmacologique du traitement et la nécessité d'augmenter les doses d'entretien chez les fumeurs. Au contraire, à l'arrêt de la cigarette, les taux plasmatiques des médicaments peuvent devenir toxiques. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était d'étudier la variabilité interindividuelle dans l'induction du CYP1A2 dans une large cohorte de fumeurs, par la mesure de l'activité du CYP1A2 avant l'arrêt de la cigarette, ainsi qu'un mois après chez les sujets abstinents. Pour ce faire, une étude clinique a été conduite, incluant 194 fumeurs de la population générale dans un programme d'arrêt du tabac offrant des consultations spécifiques et un traitement pharmacologique (nicotine ou varénicline). Une méthode analytique pour la quantification simultanée de la nicotine, ses métabolites et la varénicline dans le plasma par chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem à été développée et validée. Cette méthode a été utilisée pour confirmer l'abstinence pendant l'étude et déterminer les taux plasmatiques des médicaments, dans le but d'étudier leur pharmacogénétique. Une grande variabilité interindividuelle dans l'induction du CYP1A2 par la fumée a été observée, parfois sans changement et pouvant aller jusqu'à une diminution d'environ 7 fois l'activité du CYP1A2 après l'arrêt de la cigarette. Plusieurs facteurs cliniques et génétiques ont été étudiés pour essayer d'expliquer cette variabilité. Tout d'abord, on a observé une influence significative: des allèles CYP1A2*1F et *1D, des contraceptifs et du nombre de cigarettes fumées par jour sur l'activité induite du CYP1A2, ainsi que l'influence de l'allèle *1F et des contraceptifs sur l'activité basale. Cependant, aucune influence de ces facteurs n'a été démontrée sur l'inductibilité du CYP1A2. Étant donné que les polymorphismes génétiques du CYP1A2 apportent peu de renseignements sur la variabilité de son activité, des facteurs génétiques supplémentaires ont été étudiés. Des polymorphismes dans le gène POR (CYP oxidoreductase) ont été associés à l'activité basale du CYP1A2, mais pas à l'induction. Finalement, une approche basée sur la voie de signalisation du CYP1A2 a permis d'identifier des polymorphismes dans des gènes codant pour des récepteurs nucléaires (CAR, RXRa, VDR, PXR) et d'autres liés à l'induction (AhR) qui influencent significativement l'inductibilité et l'activité basale (les SNPs du CAR et RXRa). L'objectif secondaire de cette étude était d'investiguer la pharmacogénétique de la nicotine et de la varénicline. Le ratio métabolique de la nicotine est utilisé pour mieux expliquer la dépendance à la nicotine et le succès/échec de l'arrêt de la cigarette. Un modèle pharmacocinétique de population est en cours de développement pour la varénicline, intégrant des facteurs cliniques et génétiques (gènes codant pour ses enzymes de métabolisme et transporteurs), pour tenter de prédire son efficacité et ses effets secondaires. Les résultats de cette thèse suggèrent que l'influence du tabagisme sur la pharmacothérapie serait mieux gérée par l'inclusion des facteurs cliniques et peut-être, dans le futur, génétiques, dans l'évaluation des adaptations nécessaires lorsqu'une personne fume ou arrête de fumer. - l'arrêt du tabac représente une des principales stratégies pour diminuer l'incidence des maladies causées par celui-ci dans la population. Le tabagisme peut influencer les traitements médicamenteux, soit en modifiant leur élimination par l'organisme, soit en agissant sur leur mode d'action. Parmi les médicaments les plus concernés, on retrouve par exemple: la caféine, la théophylline, la clozapine, l'olanzapine, la duloxétine, dont l'élimination est accélérée par la fumée de cigarette (induction enzymatique). Ceci peut se traduire par une diminution de l'effet du traitement et la nécessité d'en augmenter les doses chez les fumeurs. Au contraire, à l'arrêt de la cigarette, on observe un ralentissement de la fonction enzymatique, qui a pour conséquence une augmentation du taux de médicament dans le sang, pouvant devenir toxique. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était d'étudier comment cette induction par le tabac varie dans une population de fumeurs, par la mesure de l'activité de l'enzyme avant l'arrêt de la cigarette, ainsi qu'un mois après chez les sujets abstinents. Pour ce faire, une étude clinique a été conduite, incluant 194 fumeurs de la population générale dans un programme d'arrêt du tabac offrant des consultations spécifiques et un traitement médicamenteux (nicotine ou varénicline). Une méthode analytique a été mise au point pour mesurer la quantité de nicotine, de ses produits de dégradation et de la varénicline dans le sang des participants à l'étude. De plus, cette méthode a été utilisée pour confirmer l'abstinence pendant l'étude. Une grande variabilité interindividuelle a été observée dans l'induction de l'enzyme par la fumée; il en résulte aucun changement d'activité chez certains sujets après l'arrêt de la cigarette, alors que pour d'autres elle peut être diminuée jusqu'à 7 fois. Plusieurs facteurs cliniques et génétiques ont été étudiés pour essayer d'expliquer cette variabilité. Premièrement, une influence sur l'activité de l'enzyme a été observée pour les contraceptifs hormonaux et le nombre de cigarettes fumées par jour, ainsi que pour certaines variations génétiques dans le gène codant pour l'enzyme d'intérêt, mais il η y a pas eu d'influence sur l'induction. Par la suite, des variations génétiques dans d'autres gènes influençant le fonctionnement de l'enzyme ont été associées soit avec son activité, soit avec son induction par le tabac. Finalement, l'étude propose également d'investiguer si le métabolisme de la nicotine a une influence sur la dépendance, les symptômes de sevrage et le succès/échec de l'arrêt de la cigarette. Des variations génétiques dans les gènes du métabolisme de la varénicline sont également étudiées en lien avec les quantités de varénicline mesurées dans le sang ainsi que les effets du médicament. Ceci permettra peut-être de prédire son efficacité et ses effets secondaires. Les résultats de cette thèse suggèrent que l'influence du tabagisme sur la thérapie médicamenteuse serait mieux gérée en tenant compte des facteurs cliniques et peut-être, dans le futur, de la génétique dans l'adaptation des traitements, que la personne soit fumeuse ou en phase d'arrêt.
The transmembrane water movements during cellular processes and their relationship to ionic channel activity remain largely unknown. As an example, in epithelial cells it was proposed that the movement of water could be directly linked to cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein activity through a cAMP-stimulated aqueous pore, or be dependent on aquaporin. Here, we used digital holographic microscopy (DHM) an interferometric technique to quantify in situ the transmembrane water fluxes during the activity of the epithelial chloride channel, CFTR, measured by patch-clamp and iodide efflux techniques. We showed that the water transport measured by DHM is fully inhibited by the selective CFTR blocker CFTRinh172 and is absent in cells lacking CFTR. Of note, in cells expressing the mutated version of CFTR (F508del-CFTR), which mimics the most common genetic alteration encountered in cystic fibrosis, we also show that the water movement is profoundly altered but restored by pharmacological manipulation of F508del-CFTR-defective trafficking. Importantly, whereas activation of this endogenous water channel required a cAMP-dependent stimulation of CFTR, activation of CFTR or F508del-CFTR by two cAMP-independent CFTR activators, genistein and MPB91, failed to trigger water movements. Finally, using a specific small-interfering RNA against the endogenous aquaporin AQP3, the water transport accompanying CFTR activity decreased. We conclude that water fluxes accompanying CFTR activity are linked to AQP3 but not to a cAMP-stimulated aqueous pore in the CFTR protein.
Objective: To assess the prevalence levels of awareness, treatment and control of hypertension and associated factors in Switzerland. Methods: Population-based cross-sectional study of 6,182 subjects (52.5% women) aged 35-75 years living in Lausanne, Switzerland. Hypertension was defined as blood pressure ≥140/90 mm Hg or current antihypertensive medication. Results: The overall prevalence of hypertension was 36% (95% CI: 35-38%). Among hypertensive participants, 63% were aware of having hypertension. Among aware hypertensives, 78% were treated, and among treated hypertensives 48% were controlled (BP <140/90 mmHg). In multivariate analysis, prevalence of hypertension was associated with older age, male gender, low educational level, high alcohol intake, awareness of diabetes, awareness of dyslipidaemia, obesity and parental history of myocardial infarction (MI). Awareness of hypertension was associated with older age, female gender, awareness of diabetes, awareness of dyslipidaemia, obesity and parental history of MI. Control was associated with younger age, higher educational level and no alcohol intake. Alone or in combination, sartans were the most often prescribed antihypertensive medication category (41%), followed by diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers. Only 31% of treated hypertensives were taking ≥2 antihypertensive medications. Conclusion: Although more than half of the participants with hypertension were aware of being hypertensive and more than three quarters of them received a pharmacological treatment, less than half of those treated were adequately controlled. Treated hypertensive subjects should be followed up more closely.
The expression of P2Z/P2X7 purinoceptor in different cell types is well established. This receptor is a member of the ionotropic P2X receptor family, which is composed by seven cloned receptor subtypes (P2X1 - P2X7). Interestingly, the P2Z/P2X7 has a unique feature of being linked to a non-selective pore which allows the passage of molecules up to 900 Da depending on the cell type. Early studies of P2Z/P2X7 purinoceptor were exclusively based on classical pharmacological studies but the recent tools of molecular biology have enriched the analysis of the receptor expression. The majority of assays and techniques chosen so far to study the expression of P2Z/P2X7 receptor explore directly or indirectly the effects of the opening of P2Z/P2X7 linked pore. In this review we describe the main techniques used to study the expression and functionality of P2Z/P2X7 receptor. Additionally, the increasing need and importance of a multifunctional analysis of P2Z/P2X7 expression based on flow cytometry technology is discussed, as well as the adoption of a more complete analysis of P2Z/P2X7 expression involving different techniques.
The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (waking EEG) of 75 mg trimipramine taken orally were determined in two healthy volunteers on two separate occasions, once without and once after comedication with 2 x 50 mg quinidine. Quinidine, a potent cytochrome P-450IID6 inhibitor, is used as a pharmacological tool to mimic a lack of this enzyme in man. In this study, it markedly altered the pharmacokinetics of trimipramine, almost doubling its plasma half-life and decreasing its apparent clearance and volume of distribution. These results strongly suggest that trimipramine is a substrate of cytochrome P-450IID6. These modifications of trimipramine metabolism were accompanied by measurable changes in some EEG variables, most notably with regard to the relative power in the alpha and theta bands, which showed higher and longer-lasting effects of trimipramine. Since cytochrome P-450IID6 is deficient in 5-10% of Caucasian subjects, this may have consequences in trimipramine-treated subjects, especially with regard to the effects of the drug on the EEG.
BACKGROUND: This study is aimed to assess the prevalence of awareness, treatment and control of high blood pressure (HBP) and associated factors in a Swiss city. DESIGN: Population-based cross-sectional study of 6182 participants (52.5% women) aged 35-75 years living in Lausanne, Switzerland. METHODS: HBP was defined as blood pressure >/=140/90 mmHg or current antihypertensive medication. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of HBP was 36% (95% confidence interval: 35-38%). Among participants with HBP, 63% were aware of it. Among participants aware of HBP, 78% were treated, and among those treated, 48% were controlled (BP <140/90 mmHg). In multivariate analysis, HBP prevalence was associated with older age, male sex, low educational level, high alcohol intake, awareness of diabetes or dyslipidaemia, obesity and parental history of myocardial infarction. HBP awareness was associated with older age, female sex, awareness of diabetes or dyslipidaemia, obesity and parental history of myocardial infarction. HBP control was associated with younger age, higher educational level and no alcohol intake. Alone or in combination, sartans were the most often prescribed antihypertensive medication category (41%), followed by diuretics, beta-blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and calcium channel blockers. Only 31% of participants treated for HBP were taking >/=2 antihypertensive medications. CONCLUSION: Although more than half of all participants with HBP were aware and more than three-quarters of them received a pharmacological treatment, less than half of those treated were adequately controlled.
Trastuzumab and gemcitabine are two active drugs for meta-static breast cancer (MBC) treatment. We conducted a retrospective study of this combination in patients with Her2+ MBC in our hospital.
OBJECTIVE Increasing evidence indicates that the Fas/Fas ligand interaction is involved in atherogenesis. We sought to analyze soluble Fas (sFas) and soluble Fas ligand (sFasL) concentrations in subjects at high cardiovascular risk and their modulation by atorvastatin treatment. METHODS AND RESULTS ACTFAST was a 12-week, prospective, multicenter, open-label trial which enrolled subjects (statin-free or statin-treated at baseline) with coronary heart disease (CHD), CHD-equivalent, or 10-year CHD risk > 20%. Subjects with LDL-C between 100 to 220 mg/dL (2.6 to 5.7 mmol/L) and triglycerides < or = 600 mg/dL (6.8 mmol/L) were assigned to a starting dose of atorvastatin (10 to 80 mg/d) based on LDL-C at screening. Of the 2117 subjects enrolled in ACTFAST, AIM sub-study included the 1078 statin-free patients. At study end, 85% of these subjects reached LDL-C target. Mean sFas levels were increased and sFasL were reduced in subjects at high cardiovascular risk compared with healthy subjects. Atorvastatin reduced sFas in the whole population as well as in patients with metabolic syndrome or diabetes. Minimal changes were observed in sFasL. CONCLUSIONS sFas concentrations are increased and sFasL are decreased in subjects at high cardiovascular risk, suggesting that these proteins may be novel markers of vascular injury. Atorvastatin reduces sFas, indicating that short-term treatment with atorvastatin exhibits antiinflammatory effects in these subjects.
BACKGROUND: Chronic pain is frequent in persons living with spinal cord injury (SCI). Conventionally, the pain is treated pharmacologically, yet long-term pain medication is often refractory and associated with side effects. Non-pharmacological interventions are frequently advocated, although the benefit and harm profiles of these treatments are not well established, in part because of methodological weaknesses of available studies. OBJECTIVES: To critically appraise and synthesise available research evidence on the effects of non-pharmacological interventions for the treatment of chronic neuropathic and nociceptive pain in people living with SCI. SEARCH METHODS: The search was run on the 1st March 2011. We searched the Cochrane Injuries Group's Specialised Register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE (OvidSP), Embase (OvidSP), PsycINFO (OvidSP), four other databases and clinical trials registers. In addition, we manually searched the proceedings of three major scientific conferences on SCI. We updated this search in November 2014 but these results have not yet been incorporated. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials of any intervention not involving intake of medication or other active substances to treat chronic pain in people with SCI. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors independently extracted data and assessed risk of bias in the included studies. The primary outcome was any measure of pain intensity or pain relief. Secondary outcomes included adverse events, anxiety, depression and quality of life. When possible, meta-analyses were performed to calculate standardised mean differences for each type of intervention. MAIN RESULTS: We identified 16 trials involving a total of 616 participants. Eight different types of interventions were studied. Eight trials investigated the effects of electrical brain stimulation (transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES); five trials) or repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS; three trials). Interventions in the remaining studies included exercise programmes (three trials); acupuncture (two trials); self-hypnosis (one trial); transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) (one trial); and a cognitive behavioural programme (one trial). None of the included trials were considered to have low overall risk of bias. Twelve studies had high overall risk of bias, and in four studies risk of bias was unclear. The overall quality of the included studies was weak. Their validity was impaired by methodological weaknesses such as inappropriate choice of control groups. An additional search in November 2014 identified more recent studies that will be included in an update of this review.For tDCS the pooled mean difference between intervention and control groups in pain scores on an 11-point visual analogue scale (VAS) (0-10) was a reduction of -1.90 units (95% confidence interval (CI) -3.48 to -0.33; P value 0.02) in the short term and of -1.87 (95% CI -3.30 to -0.45; P value 0.01) in the mid term. Exercise programmes led to mean reductions in chronic shoulder pain of -1.9 score points for the Short Form (SF)-36 item for pain experience (95% CI -3.4 to -0.4; P value 0.01) and -2.8 pain VAS units (95% CI -3.77 to -1.83; P value < 0.00001); this represented the largest observed treatment effects in the included studies. Trials using rTMS, CES, acupuncture, self-hypnosis, TENS or a cognitive behavioural programme provided no evidence that these interventions reduce chronic pain. Ten trials examined study endpoints other than pain, including anxiety, depression and quality of life, but available data were too scarce for firm conclusions to be drawn. In four trials no side effects were reported with study interventions. Five trials reported transient mild side effects. Overall, a paucity of evidence was found on any serious or long-lasting side effects of the interventions. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Evidence is insufficient to suggest that non-pharmacological treatments are effective in reducing chronic pain in people living with SCI. The benefits and harms of commonly used non-pharmacological pain treatments should be investigated in randomised controlled trials with adequate sample size and study methodology.
Soy extracts have been claimed to be neuroprotective against brain insults, an effect related to the estrogenic properties of isoflavones. However, the effects of individual isoflavones on obesity-induced disruption of adult neurogenesis have not yet been analyzed. In the present study we explore the effects of pharmacological administration of daidzein, a main soy isoflavone, in cell proliferation, cell apoptosis and gliosis in the adult hippocampus of animals exposed to a very high-fat diet. Rats made obese after 12-week exposure to a standard or high-fat (HFD, 60%) diets were treated with daidzein (50 mg kg(-1)) for 13 days. Then, plasma levels of metabolites and metabolic hormones, cell proliferation in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus (SGZ), and immunohistochemical markers of hippocampal cell apoptosis (caspase-3), gliosis (GFAP and Iba-1), food reward factor FosB and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) were analyzed. Treatment with daidzein reduced food/caloric intake and body weight gain in obese rats. This was associated with glucose tolerance, low levels of HDL-cholesterol, insulin, adiponectin and testosterone, and high levels of leptin and 17β-estradiol. Daidzein increased the number of phospho-histone H3 and 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU)-ir cells detected in the SGZ of standard diet and HFD-fed rats. Daidzein reversed the HFD-associated enhanced immunohistochemical expression of caspase-3, FosB, GFAP, Iba-1 and ERα in the hippocampus, being more prominent in the dentate gyrus. These results suggest that pharmacological treatment with isoflavones regulates metabolic alterations associated with enhancement of cell proliferation and reduction of apoptosis and gliosis in response to high-fat diet.