987 resultados para periodontal index


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O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento periodontal sobre a progressão da disfunção renal e marcadores sorológicos metabólicos (albumina, colesterol e triglicerídeos) em indivíduos com Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) e periodontite crônica. Cinquenta e sete pacientes com DRC na pré-diálise com periodontite crônica foram avaliados 90 dias e 29 pacientes foram avaliados 180 dias após a terapia básica periodontal. Parâmetros clínicos periodontais incluíram índice de placa (IP), sangramento a sondagem (SS), profundidade de Bolsa à Sondagem (PBS) e nível de Inserção à Sondagem (NIS). Os parâmetros laboratoriais Taxa Filtração Glomerular (TFG) e níveis séricos de creatinina (mg/dl), triglicerídeos (mg/dl), colesterol total (mg/dl) e albumina (g/dl) foram avaliados no dia 0 e 90 e 180 dias após o tratamento periodontal. TFG foi avaliada através da equação Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD). Noventa dias após o tratamento periodontal (n=57), todos os parâmetros clínicos periodontais apresentaram uma melhora estatisticamente significante (p<0.05). Houve uma melhora estatisticamente significante (p<0.05) nos valores da mediana (intervalo interquartil) da TFG de 36,2 ml/min (24) no dia 0 para 37,5 ml/min (24) aos 90 dias. Após 180 dias do tratamento periodontal (n=29), observou-se melhora dos percentuais médios dos parâmetros clínicos periodontais (p<0.05). A mediana (intervalo interquartil) da TFG foi de 36,2 ml/min (27,3) no dia 0 e 39,4 ml/min (27,9) no dia 180 (p<0.05). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante nos valores antes e após o tratamento periodontal nos níveis séricos de creatinina, albumina, colesterol, triglicerídeos e colesterol, tanto aos 90 quanto aos 180 dias após o tratamento periodontal. Concluiu-se que após o tratamento periodontal os parâmetros clínicos periodontais e a TFG melhoraram significantemente. Apesar da progressão da função renal ser resultado de fatores multifatoriais, o tratamento periodontal pode ser benéfico no curso da DRC.


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Aim To investigate associations between periodontal disease pathogens and levels of systemic inflammation measured by C-reactive protein (CRP). Methods A representative sample of dentate 60-70-year-old men in Northern Ireland had a comprehensive periodontal examination. Men taking statins were excluded. Subgingival plaque samples were analysed by quantitative real time PCR to identify the presence of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola and Tannerella forsythia. High-sensitivity CRP (mg/l) was measured from fasting blood samples. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed using log-transformed CRP concentration as the dependent variable, with the presence of each periodontal pathogen as predictor variables, with adjustment for various potential confounders. Results A total of 518 men (mean age 63.6 SD 3.0 years) were included in the analysis. Multiple regression analysis showed that body mass index (p < 0.001), current smoking (p < 0.01), the detectable presence of P. gingivalis (p < 0.01) and hypertension (p = 0.01), were independently associated with an increased CRP. The detectable presence of P. gingivalis was associated with a 20% (95% confidence interval 4-35%) increase in CRP (mg/l) after adjustment for all other predictor variables. Conclusion In these 60-70-year-old dentate men, the presence of P. gingivalis in subgingival plaque was significantly associated with a raised level of C-reactive protein.


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P>Aim The aim of this 12-month prospective study was to assess the adjunctive effect of smoking cessation in non-surgical periodontal therapy of subjects with severe chronic periodontitis. Materials and methods Of the 201 subjects enrolled from a smoking cessation clinic, 93 were eligible and received non-surgical periodontal treatment and concurrent smoking cessation treatment. Periodontal maintenance was performed every 3 months. Full-mouth periodontal examination in six sites per tooth was performed by a calibrated examiner, blinded to smoking status, at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months after non-surgical periodontal treatment. Furthermore, expired air carbon monoxide concentration measurements and interviews based on a structured questionnaire were performed in order to collect demographic and smoking data. Results Of the 93 eligible subjects, 52 remained in the study after 1 year. Of these, 17 quit smoking and 35 continued smoking or oscillated. After 1 year, only quitters presented significant clinical attachment gain (p=0.04). However, there were no differences between the groups regarding clinical attachment level, probing depth, bleeding on probing and plaque index after 1 year (p > 0.05). Conclusion Smoking cessation promoted clinical attachment gain in chronic periodontitis subjects from a smoking cessation clinic after 1 year of follow-up.


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The high intensity diode laser has been studied in periodontics for the reduction of subgingival bacteria in non-surgical treatment. Our study evaluated the bacterial effect as well as changes in periodontal clinical parameters promoted by root scaling and planing associated with this wavelength. Twenty-seven patients randomly assigned in two groups underwent root scaling and planing on the tested sites, and only the experimental group received the diode laser irradiation. Among the clinical parameters studied, the clinical probing depth (CPD) and the clinical attachment level (CAL) resulted in significant enhancement in the control group when compared with the experimental group (P = 0.014 and P = 0.039, respectively). The results were similar for both groups regarding the plaque index (PI) and bleeding on probing (BP). No significant difference in the microbiological parameters was observed between the control and experimental groups. It was possible to conclude that the high power diode laser adjunct to the non-surgical periodontal treatment did not promote additional effects to the conventional periodontal treatment.


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Objective- Convinced that periodontium, many times, can show alterations in human health, the aim of these studies was to investigate the periodontal situation in patients with endocrine-metabolic disorders such as, Berardinelli-Seip Syndrome, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and acromegaly. Methods- Eight patients with Berardinelli-Seip Syndrome, 16 acromegalics, 30 hypothyroids, 30 hyperthyroids, and a control group with 35 patients were evaluated. Clinical attachment loss, probing depth, gingival bleeding index, gingival overgrowth and Index of Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth were measured in each patient. All ethical aspects were rigidly observed, being the study conducted after its approval by the University of Fortaleza Research Ethics Committee. Results- The presence of periodontitis was marked in hyperthyroids and in patients with Berardinelli-Seip Syndrome. Hypothyroids showed not much presence of periodontitis, while all acromegalics presented absence of periodontitis. Conclusions- The protective effect of periodontitis in acromegalic patients is a new finding, whose mechanisms are not yet clear, but may be related to the anabolic effects of growth hormone. The presence of periodontitis in Berardinelli-Seip Syndrome may occur due the early onset of diabetes. In hyperthyroids, the high prevalence of periodontitis could be linked to thyroid hormones effects on bone, explaining also the minor prevalence in hypothyroids


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The presence of fixed orthodontics appliances interfere on sanitation, allowing periodontal diseases to appear, despite the fact patients keep on visiting the dentist every month. This research aims to determine a protocol for the mechanical control of the dental biofilm performed by the professional. A protocol that was able to maintain the periodontal health of the patients under orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances, and in order to do so, it used a non-controlled, randomized and blind clinical essay. The sample involved 40 adolescents who were under the installation of fixed orthodontics appliances and it was divided in three groups, as follows: monthly controlled group (group 1) composed of 11 patients, the quarterly controlled group (group 2) with 16 patients and the semestrial controlled group (group 3) with 13 patients. For data collection, an interview and clinical exams with probing depth measurement, quantity of keratinized mucosa, Gingival Index and the Plaque Index were used. On the initial exam all patients received brushing guidelines as well as the professional control of dental biofilm, with periodontal scaler, Robinson s brush and prophylactic paste. However, Group 1 returned every month for control procedures; Group 2 every three months and Group 3 after six months. The intervention had a six-month duration (for all the three groups), when all the exams were repeated by another examiner who did not know which group each patient was inserted in. Finally, the research concluded that despite the fact there is no statistically significant difference among the three groups, clinically the patients from the monthly group presented a better response to professional control, with less accumulation of dental biofilm and less rate of gingival inflammation. Thus, the mechanical control of the dental biofilm performed by the professional could not avoid gingival increase, characterized by the raise of probing depth measurement, neither the quantity of keratinized mucosa


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The search which it aim was to analyze the Periodontal Disease as a risk factor for the development of the Stable Angina Pectoris. For that, 120 patients (52 blokes and 68 wenches ), ages ranging from 40 to 65 years old, and attended to the Hemodinamic´s Sector of the Natal Hospital Center, showing the historic of Angina Pectoris to accomplishment of cinecoronariografhy. Before the accomplishment of this exam, the patients were submitted to interview, to investigate the possible risk factors for the Cardiovascular diseases , and it was followed of clinical periodontal examination to evaluate the presence of Periodontal Disease. After the cinecoronariography, the patients who presented diagnosis of important arterial obstruction (above 70%) were enrolled to the case grup. However the individuals with arteries free of obstruction, or obstrution below 30%, were considered without historic of Cardiovascular disease and therefore enrolled for the control grup. The groups were paired by the variables age and gender. From the analysis of the results, a did not observed statisticment the significant association between the presence of the Periodontal Disease, probing depth, periodontal attachment level, severity and extension index of the Periodontal Disease, besides the visible plaque index (VPI) an gingival bleeding index (GBI) regarding to the existence of Stable Angina Pectoris. Nevertheless , it was identified statisticment the significant association between the sistemic arterial hypertension , seric level of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides, showing all of them, classic risk factors appointed by the literature. Therefore, it was conclued that Periodontal Disease did not represent association with the StableAngina Pectoris at least among the studied population


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The present study evaluated the influence of non-surgical periodontal treatment on the levels of C- reactive protein (hsCRP) in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) in pretransplant. We conducted a controlled and randomized trial to evaluate the periodontal condition and plasma concentrations of hsCRP, albumin and transferrin in 56 dialysis patients divided into two groups: experimental and control. The study was conducted at the dental clinic of Family and Community Health s Unit (USFC), located in Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL), Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), from December 2010 to November 2011. Severe periodontitis was the type of periodontal disease more common, affecting 78.6% of patients. Periodontal conditions, evaluated through the means of probing depth, clinical attachment level, bleeding index and plaque index, proved to be uniform for both groups at the initial examination. There were no differences in levels of inflammatory markers between the two groups. The analysis of the concentrations of hsCRP allowed classifying study participants as at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease. After completion of periodontal treatment in the experimental group, there was a statistically significant reduction of the mean of all periodontal parameters assessed; however this improvement of periodontal health was not accompanied by changes in the levels of hsCRP, albumin and transferrin in the evaluation time. Given this, the periodontal treatment did not promote the reduction of systemic inflammatory burden and risk of cardiovascular complications in patients with CRF


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate improvement of lipids and periodontal disease in patients with type 2 Diabetes mellitus, by means of the relationship between blood levels of total cholesterol and its fractions, triglycerides and clinical periodontal parameters. Twenty patients, in age-range 18-70 years, were selected and divided into 2 groups: (1) conventional periodontal scaling and root planing + controlled mechanic; (2) conventional periodontal scaling and root planing + controlled mechanical + maintenance therapy. The analyses were performed on day 0, 180 and 720 days, including plaque index, gingival index, probing depth and clinical attachment level, and evaluation of total cholesterol and its fractions, and triglycerides. The 2 groups presented significant reduction in clinical periodontal parameters, however, probing depth did not diminish significantly only in Group 1. There was significant improvement in all blood parameters in both groups. It was concluded that after 720 days of the experiment, there were significant improvements in clinical and blood parameters, in general. The group that received maintenance therapy also showed a more expressive improvement in clinical periodontal parameters, in general, suggesting that this therapy is important and necessary in patients with type 2 Diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: To evaluate the effect of periodontal therapy on clinical parameters as well as on total salivary peroxidase (TSP) activity and myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and of systemically healthy individuals.Material and Methods: Twenty DM2 subjects with inadequate metabolic control (test group) and 20 systemically healthy individuals (control group), both groups with chronic periodontitis, were enrolled. Periodontal clinical parameters, namely periodontal probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), visible plaque index (VPI), bleeding on probing (BOP), gingival bleeding index (GBI) and presence of suppuration (SUP), as well as TSP activity and GCF MPO activity, were assessed before and 3 months after non-surgical periodontal therapy.Results: At baseline and 3 months post-treatment, the test group presented a higher percentage of sites with VPI and BOP (p < 0.01). MPO activity in the GCF presented lower values (p < 0.05) for the test group at both baseline and the post-treatment period. The periodontal treatment resulted in a significant improvement of most clinical and enzymatic parameters for both groups (p < 0.05).Conclusions: In both groups, the periodontal therapy was effective in improving most clinical parameters and in reducing salivary and GCF enzymatic activity. The diabetic individuals presented lower MPO activity in the GCF.