757 resultados para perceived social support


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Introduction: Les personnes ayant développé un état de stress post-traumatique (ÉSPT) évitent systématiquement d’aborder avec leurs proches le sujet du trauma ainsi que tout élément y étant associé. Cette forme d’évitement peut entraver le processus naturel de rétablissement. Les hypothèses suivantes peuvent être énoncées à cet égard. Tout d’abord, une discussion avec une personne proche et centrée sur le trauma peut être vécue comme étant anxiogène et, par conséquent, provoquer une augmentation de la fréquence du rythme cardiaque, d’ailleurs communément connue sous le nom de réactivité du rythme cardiaque. La réactivité provoquée par une telle situation peut positivement varier en fonction de l’intensité des symptômes d’ÉSPT. Cette association entre les symptômes et la réactivité peut, à son tour, varier en fonction des perceptions de la personne anxieuse du soutien social de la part de son proche et/ou de son entourage. Il en va de même pour les individus ayant développé un trouble anxieux comparable, soit le trouble panique (TP). Toutefois, toutes ces hypothèses n’ayant pas été jusqu’à maintenant vérifiées empiriquement, la présente thèse a eu pour objectif de les tester. Méthodologie: Un total de 46 personnes avec un ÉSPT et de 22 personnes avec un TP ont complété des entrevues diagnostiques et des questionnaires auto-rapportés concernant leurs symptômes ainsi que leurs perceptions des interactions sociales soutenantes et non soutenantes ou négatives avec leur proche significatif et leur entourage. Elles ont également participé à une interaction sociale avec une personne proche et centrée sur leur trouble anxieux, situation qui incluait également des mesures continues du rythme cardiaque. Résultats: Les résultats ont démontré qu’une interaction sociale centrée sur le trauma avec une personne proche provoquait une augmentation significative de la fréquence du rythme cardiaque des participants en comparaison à une interaction sociale non conflictuelle et non anxiogène avec cette même personne. Cette réactivité du rythme cardiaque corrélait de façon significative et positive avec l’intensité de leurs symptômes d’ÉSPT. Les résultats ont également permis de constater que l’hypothèse de modération concernant les perceptions d’interactions sociales positives était partiellement confirmée, soit pour les symptômes d’évitement; les perceptions d’interactions sociales négatives étant quant à elles associées de façon significative et positive à cette réactivité (c.à.d. suivant un effet principal). Quant aux personnes avec un TP, une atténuation significative dans la fréquence de leur rythme cardiaque fut observée dans le contexte analogue, atténuation qui était positivement liée à la sévérité de leurs attaques de panique. Certaines dimensions de leurs perceptions de soutien social étaient significativement et négativement liées à cette atténuation (c.à.d. suivant un effet principal). Discussion: La présente thèse a notamment démontré qu’il existait des liens entre les symptômes d’ÉSPT et la réactivité du rythme cardiaque dans le contexte d’une interaction sociale avec un proche et centrée sur le trauma. Elle a également permis de constater que les symptômes d’ÉSPT et les perceptions d’interaction sociales positives et négatives peuvent prédire cette réactivité. Dans l’avenir, des devis longitudinaux pourront informer davantage à propos de la direction des liens ici explorés.


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El diagnóstico de cáncer ha sido asociado con un alto riesgo de presentar ideación suicida en comparación con la población no oncológica, sin embargo se ha considerado al apoyo social como un factor protector para la ocurrencia de esta conducta. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar la relación entre el apoyo social percibido y la ideación suicida en 90 pacientes oncológicos adultos en Bogotá, bajo la hipótesis de que a mayor apoyo social percibido, menor presencia de ideación suicida. Se midió la variable de apoyo social a través del cuestionario Duke UNC y la ideación suicida a través de cuatro instrumentos: Escala de Ideación Suicida (SSI), Escala de Desesperanza de Beck (BHS), el ítem 9 del Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI-IA) y una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados mostraron que no existe relación entre el apoyo social percibido y la ideación suicida. Por otro lado se identificó una prevalencia de suicidio entre 5,6% y 22,77%, confirmando que el paciente con cáncer considera el suicidio y es fundamental evaluar esta variable en esta población. Se considera importante continuar con la realización de investigaciones que permitan generalizar los resultados a la población oncológica colombiana.


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Compulsive Internet Use (CIU) has been mostly studied among adolescents, yet some studies reveal that this can be a problem for the adult population, too. The lack of agreement on diagnostic tools and cut-off points results in markedly different prevalence figures. Building on Charlton’s (2002) distinction between core CIU and positive engagement dimensions, the first objective was to confirm that prevalence figures including the core dimensions of CIU were lower than those including the engagement dimensions as well. Second, building on Davis’s (2001) diathesis-stress model, we tested the role that self-concept clarity (SCC) and social support play in predicting core CIU in US subjects (NUS = 268). Finally, we expected that, because self-concept clarity is mostly linked to well-being in Western countries, the association between this variable and core CIU would be weak in the Eastern culture sample (NUAE = 270). Our findings confirmed that prevalence figures were 20–40% lower when including the core dimensions only, and that SCC is a key predictor of CIU at low levels of social support in the US. We also confirmed that this is not the case in the UAE. Future research opportunities to advance this study were discussed.


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Social support is an important factor throughout one s life, especially in times of crisis. Premature delivery can be considered a crisis, followed by neonatal hospitalization. This type of birth is associated with elevated anxiety, representing risks to maternal mental health and mother-infant relationship. This research aims to investigate whether a relationship exists between perceived social support and the expression of anxiety in mothers of premature, hospitalized newborns. This is a cross-sectional, correlational study, conducted during the period of April to October 2011, using a convenience sample. The sample consisted of seventy mothers with preterm, hospitalized newborns and seventy mothers of full-term newborns. The instruments used were the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Social Support Scale. The results demonstrated a weak negative relationship between intensity-State Anxiety and emotional support as well as a negative relationship in intensity between low to moderate-Trait Anxiety, social support and its dimensions (material support, emotional, information, interaction positive social and emotional). These suggest that the better the perception of social support, the less severe anxiogenic symptoms will be, and the converse is also true. It is noteworthy, therefore, the importance of social support, as well as the importance of health professionals to be aware not only of the physical health of the newborn, but also the psychosocial aspects that pervade the context of preterm birth followed by hospitalization


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The relationship between malnutrition and social support was first suggested in the mid-1990s. Despite its plausibility, no empirical studies aimed at obtaining evidence of this association could be located. The goal of the present study was to investigate such evidence. A case-control study was carried out including 101 malnourished children (weight-for-age National Center for Health Statistics/WHO 5th percentile) aged 12-23 months, who were compared with 200 well-nourished children with regard to exposure to a series of factors related to their social support system. Univariate and multiple logistic regressions were carried out, odds ratios being adjusted for per capita family income, mother's schooling, and number of children. The presence of an interaction between income and social support variables was also tested. Absence of a partner living with the mother increased risk of malnutrition (odds ratio 2.4 (95 % CI 1.19, 4.89)), even after adjustment for per capita family income, mother's schooling, and number of children. The lack of economic support during adverse situations accounted for a very high risk of malnutrition (odds ratio 10.1 (95 % CI 3.48, 29.13)) among low-income children, but had no effect on children of higher-income families. Results indicate that receiving economic support is an efficient risk modulator for malnutrition among low-income children. In addition, it was shown that the absence of a partner living with the mother is an important risk factor for malnutrition, with an effect independent from per capita family income, mother's schooling, and number of children.


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This is a qualitative study which uses Grounded Theory as its methodological framework and Symbolic Interactionism as a theoretical base to understand the experience of family caregivers for Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) patients with regard to social support during their rehabilitation process at home. The components (themes and categories) of the phenomenon assuming home care and specifically the themes assuming care with support and assuming care without support were inter-related for the purpose of comparison and analysis, in order to apprehend how the interaction between them occurred, It was observed that, in addition to the recovery of the patient's autonomy, social support is one of the intervenient components in the quality of life for the family caregiver-disabled person binomial, particularly with respect to the caregiver's freedom to resume his/her life plan.


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INTRODUÇÃO:Diferentes formas de sofrimento psíquico têm sido identificadas em estudantes da área da saúde, em especial no curso de Medicina.OBJETIVO:Estimar a prevalência de sofrimento psíquico entre estudantes de Medicina em uma faculdade no Sudeste do Brasil e avaliar sua associação com apoio social.MÉTODO:Trata-se de um estudo transversal. Foram aplicados questionários para alunos do 1º ao 6º ano do curso de Medicina da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, investigando-se características demográficas relacionadas ao curso e à adaptação à cidade. Sofrimento psíquico foi investigado na forma de Transtorno Mental Comum (TMC), avaliado por meio do Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Apoio social foi avaliado com a Escala de Apoio Social (EAS). As associações entre o desfecho e as variáveis explanatórias foram analisadas por meio do teste do χ2 e, na análise multivariada, por meio da Regressão Logística, com p < 0,05.RESULTADOS:A taxa de resposta foi de 80,7%, não havendo diferença estatística entre a mostra e a população-alvo no que diz respeito ao gênero (p = 0,78). A média de idade foi de 22 anos (desvio padrão - DP = 2,2) com predomínio de mulheres (58,2%) e estudantes que vivem com amigos (62%). A prevalência de TMC foi de 44,9% (IC95% 40,2 - 49,6). Após a análise multivariada, mantiveram-se associados a TMC: sentir-se rejeitado no último ano (p < 0,001), ter pensado ou pensar em abandonar o curso (p < 0,001) e interação, avaliada pela EAS (p = 0,002).CONCLUSÕES:A prevalência de TMC entre estudantes de Medicina mostrou-se elevada, identificando-se o apoio social insuficiente como fator de risco. Esses achados sugerem que intervenções voltadas para propiciar melhores condições de interação social entre estudantes poderiam ser benéficas, diminuindo a prevalência de TMC nesse grupo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to identify the relationship between social support and the functional capacity of elderly persons with cognitive alterations. It is a descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study. The subjects were 101 elderly persons registered in Family Health Centers whose performance in the Mini-Exam for Mental Status was below a certain specified level in a previous study. The Medical Outcomes Study questionnaire, Katz Index and Pfeffer Questionnaire were applied. The dimensions of material, affective, emotional, informational and positive social interaction support resulted in an average final score of 74.32 points, indicating a better level of material and affective support in relation to the other dimensions of support. There was a statistically significant correlation between emotional support and the Katz Index. Knowledge about this relationship favors the development of a nursing care pathway for the elderly which is capable of maintaining their functional capacity and ensuring satisfactory social relations.