967 resultados para pathogenicity to mice
Characterization and Pathogenicity of Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio vulnificus from Marine environments
The genus Vibrioof the family Vibrionaceae are Gram negative, oxidasepositive, rod- or curved- rodshaped facultative anaerobes, widespread in marine and estuarine environments. Vibrio species are opportunistic human pathogens responsible for diarrhoeal disease, gastroenteritis, septicaemia and wound infections and are also pathogens of aquatic organisms, causing infections to crustaceans, bivalves and fishes. In the present study, marine environmental samples like seafood and water and sediment samples from aquafarms and mangroves were screened for the presence of Vibrio species. Of the134 isolates obtained from the various samples, 45 were segregated to the genus Vibrio on the basis of phenotypic characterization.like Gram staining, oxidase test, MoF test and salinity tolerance. Partial 16S rDNA sequence analysis was utilized for species level identification of the isolates and the strains were identified as V. cholerae(N=21), V. vulnificus(N=18), V. parahaemolyticus(N=3), V. alginolyticus (N=2) and V. azureus (N=1). The genetic relatedness and variations among the 45 Vibrio isolates were elucidated based on 16S rDNA sequences. Phenotypic characterization of the isolates was based on their response to 12 biochemical tests namely Voges-Proskauers’s (VP test), arginine dihydrolase , tolerance to 3% NaCl test, ONPG test that detects β-galactosidase activity, and tests for utilization of citrate, ornithine, mannitol, arabinose, sucrose, glucose, salicin and cellobiose. The isolates exhibited diverse biochemical patterns, some specific for the species and others indicative of their environmental source.Antibiogram for the isolates was determined subsequent to testing their susceptibility to 12 antibiotics by the disc diffusion method. Varying degrees of resistance to gentamycin (2.22%), ampicillin(62.22%), nalidixic acid (4.44%), vancomycin (86.66), cefixime (17.77%), rifampicin (20%), tetracycline (42.22%) and chloramphenicol (2.22%) was exhibited. All the isolates were susceptible to streptomycin, co-trimoxazole, trimethoprim and azithromycin. Isolates from all the three marine environments exhibited multiple antibiotic resistance, with high MAR index value. The molecular typing methods such as ERIC PCR and BOX PCR revealed intraspecies relatedness and genetic heterogeneity within the environmental isolatesof V. cholerae and V. vulnificus. The 21 strains of V. choleraewere serogroupedas non O1/ non O139 by screening for the presence O1rfb and O139 rfb marker genes by PCR. The virulence/virulence associated genes namely ctxA, ctxB, ace, VPI, hlyA, ompU, rtxA, toxR, zot, nagst, tcpA, nin and nanwere screened in V. cholerae and V. vulnificusstrains.The V. vulnificusstrains were also screened for three species specific genes viz., cps, vvhand viu. In V. cholerae strains, the virulence associated genes like VPI, hlyA, rtxA, ompU and toxR were confirmed by PCR. All the isolates, except for strain BTOS6, harbored at least one or a combination of the tested genes and V. choleraestrain BTPR5 isolated from prawn hosted the highest number of virulence associated genes. Among the V. vulnificusstrains, only 3 virulence genes, VPI, toxR and cps, were confirmed out of the 16 tested and only 7 of the isolates had these genes in one or more combinations. Strain BTPS6 from aquafarm and strain BTVE4 from mangrove samples yielded positive amplification for the three genes. The toxRgene from 9 strains of V. choleraeand 3 strains of V. vulnificus were cloned and sequenced for phylogenetic analysis based on nucleotide and the amino acid sequences. Multiple sequence alignment of the nucleotide sequences and amino acid sequences of the environmental strains of V. choleraerevealed that the toxRgene in the environmental strains are 100% homologous to themselves and to the V. choleraetoxR gene sequence available in the Genbank database. The 3 strains of V. vulnificus displayed high nucleotide and amino acid sequence similarity among themselves and to the sequences of V. cholerae and V. harveyi obtained from the GenBank database, but exhibited only 72% homology to the sequences of its close relative V. vulnificus. Structure prediction of the ToxR protein of Vibrio cholerae strain BTMA5 was by PHYRE2 software. The deduced amino acid sequence showed maximum resemblance with the structure of DNA-binding domain of response regulator2 from Escherichia coli k-12 Template based homology modelling in PHYRE2 successfully modelled the predicted protein and its secondary structure based on protein data bank (PDB) template c3zq7A. The pathogenicity studies were performed using the nematode Caenorhabditiselegansas a model system. The assessment of pathogenicity of environmental strain of V. choleraewas conducted with E. coli strain OP50 as the food source in control plates, environmental V. cholerae strain BTOS6, negative for all tested virulence genes, to check for the suitability of Vibrio sp. as a food source for the nematode;V. cholerae Co 366 ElTor, a clinical pathogenic strain and V. cholerae strain BTPR5 from seafood (Prawn) and positive for the tested virulence genes like VPI, hlyA, ompU,rtxA and toxR. It was found that V. cholerae strain BTOS6 could serve as a food source in place of E. coli strain OP50 but behavioral aberrations like sluggish movement and lawn avoidance and morphological abnormalities like pharyngeal and intestinal distensions and bagging were exhibited by the worms fed on V. cholerae Co 366 ElTor strain and environmental BTPR5 indicating their pathogenicity to the nematode. Assessment of pathogenicity of the environmental strains of V. vulnificus was performed with V. vulnificus strain BTPS6 which tested positive for 3 virulence genes, namely, cps, toxRand VPI, and V. vulnificus strain BTMM7 that did not possess any of the tested virulence genes. A reduction was observed in the life span of worms fed on environmental strain of V. vulnificusBTMM7 rather than on the ordinary laboratory food source, E. coli OP50. Behavioral abnormalities like sluggish movement, lawn avoidance and bagging were also observed in the worms fed with strain BTPS6, but the pharynx and the intestine were intact. The presence of multi drug resistant environmental Vibrio strainsthat constitute a major reservoir of diverse virulence genes are to be dealt with caution as they play a decisive role in pathogenicity and horizontal gene transfer in the marine environments.
Recombinant Bacillus subtilis strains, either spores or vegetative cells, may be employed as safe and low cost orally delivered live vaccine vehicles. In this study, we report the use of an orally delivered B. subtilis vaccine strain to boost systemic and secreted antibody responses in mice i.m. primed with a DNA vaccine encoding the structural subunit (CfaB) of the CFA/I fimbriae encoded by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), an important etiological agent of diarrhea among travelers and children living in endemic regions. DBA/2 female mice submitted to the prime-boost immunization regimen developed synergic serum (IgG) and mucosal (IgA) antibody responses to the target CfaB antigen. Moreover, in contrast to mice immunized only with one vaccine formulation, sera harvested from prime-boosted vaccinated individuals inhibited adhesion of ETEC cells to human red blood cells. Additionally, vaccinated dams conferred full passive protection to suckling newborn mice challenged with a virulent ETEC strain. Taken together the present results further demonstrate the potential use of recombinant B. subtilis strains as an alternative live vaccine vehicle. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Equine antivenom is considered the only treatment for animal-generated envenomations, but it is costly. The study aimed to produce Apis mellifera (Africanized honeybee) and Crotalus durissus terrificus (C.d.t.) antivenoms using nanostructured silica (SBA-15) as adjuvant and cobalt-60 (60Co)-detoxified venoms utilizing young sheep. Natural and 60Co-irradiated venoms were employed in four different hyperimmunization protocols. Thus, 8 groups of 60- to 90-d-old sheep were hyperimmunized, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) serum titers collected every 14 d were assessed clinically daily, and individual weight were measured, until d 84. Incomplete Freund's (IFA) and nanostructured silica (SBA15) adjuvants were compared. The lethal dose (LD50) for both venoms was determined following intraperitoneal (ip) administration to mice. High-performance liquid chromatography on reversed phase (HPLC-RP) was used also to measure the 60Co irradiation effects on Apis venom. At the end of the study, sheep were killed in a slaughterhouse. Kidneys were histologically analyzed. LD50 was 5.97 mg/kg Apis and 0.07 mg/kg C.d.t. for native compared to 13.44 mg/kg Apis and 0.35 mg/kg C.d.t. for irradiated venoms. HPLC revealed significant differences in chromatographic profiles between native and irradiated Apis venoms. Native venom plus IFA compared with SBA-15 showed significantly higher antibody titers for both venoms. Apis-irradiated venom plus IFA or SBA-15 displayed similar antibody titers but were significantly lower when compared with native venom plus IFA. Weight gain did not differ significantly among all groups. 60Co irradiation decreased toxicity and maintained venom immunogenic capacity, while IFA produced higher antibody titers. SBA-15 was able to act as an adjuvant without producing adverse effects. Hyperimmunization did not affect sheep weight gain, which would considerably reduce the cost of antiserum production, as these sheep were still approved for human consumption even after being subjected to hyperimmunization.
Isolates of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis may vary in virulence according to time of in vitro subcultivation. The present study compared the morphology and pathogenicity to hamsters of two P. brasiliensis isolates: one obtained from human lesions and maintained in the laboratory for several years (Pb-18) and the other isolate recovered from hamsters inoculated with organ homogenates from armadillos (Pb-T). The microscopic morphology of Pb-18 and Pb-T showed yeast cells with similar diameter. However, Pb-T produced a significantly higher number of buds per mother cell than Pb-18. Besides, the mycelial form of Pb-T developed abundant sporulation during 8 weeks of culture which was absent in the Pb-18 isolate. Virulence studies demonstrated that mortality rates, antibody levels, fungal load and extent of lesions in the organs were significantly higher in animals infected with Pb-T. The results demonstrated that Pb-T recently isolated from an animal was more virulent than Pb-18. These differences between the two P. brasillensis isolates may be indicators of virulence attenuation in this fungal species.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Although clove possesses several biological and therapeutic properties, its immunomodulatory action has not been fully investigated. The goal of this work was to investigate the effect of administration of the water extract of clove over a short-term to BALB/c mice on Th1 (IFN-gamma and IL-2) and Th2 (IL-4 and IL-10) cytokine production. After treatment, spleen cells were aseptically removed and cells were stimulated with concanavalin A. Supernatants of cell cultures were used for cytokine determination by ELISA. The chemical composition of the extract was also carried out, revealing that eugenol(4-allyl-2-methoxyphenol) was the major component in our sample. Although the anti-inflammatory action of clove has been mentioned, our data showed that clove administration to mice did not influence the Th1/Th2 cytokine balance. Further studies dealing with cytokine expression and production will provide a better understanding of clove's immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory actions, using different extract concentrations and different intake periods.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
We studied the ability of different Candida species to produce,at the same time, hyaluronidase, chondroitin sulphatase, proteinase, and phospholipase to assess whether they could be related to Candida pathogenicity. Only C. albicans was able to produce the four enzymes tested (73%) and was highly virulent to mice. Strains, that lack the capacity to produce one or more of the enzymes assayed, seemed less virulent or avirulent, similarly to the spontaneous hyaluronidase, chondroitin sulphatase, phospholipase and proteinase-deficient C. albicans strain FCF 14, 1 which was non-pathogenic to mice. Among the other Candida species tested, none of them produced the four enzymes simultaneously, being less virulent in intravenously inoculated mice.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a presença de C. dubliniensis dentre isolados bucais de pacientes com Diabetes mellitus do tipo I (n=39) e II (n=36), hansenianos (n=38) e sob quimioterapia para o câncer de mama (n=30) e de respectivos indivíduos controle pareados quanto à idade, gênero e condições bucais. Um total de 479 isolados previamente identificados por testes fenotípicos (formação de tubo germinativo, produção de hifas/pseudohifas/clamidoconídeos, fermentação e assimilação de carboidratos) e identificadas como C. albicans/C. dubliniensis foram incluídos no estudo. A existência de C. dubliniensis dentre os isolados foi analisada usando protocolo validado de PCR multiplex. Foi também realizado estudo de patogenicidade experimental utilizando camundongos em modelo de infecção sistêmica, objetivando comparar a virulência e cinética de infecção de C. dubliniensis com outras espécies do gênero Candida. Um isolado (0.002%) de C. dubliniensis foi detectado entre os isolados do grupo controle. Esta espécie não foi encontrada dentre os isolados dos outros grupos de pacientes. C. dubliniensis foi menos virulenta para camundongos em relação a C. albicans e C. tropicalis e mais virulenta do que C. krusei. O estudo da cinética de infecção mostrou infecção persistente no rim e no fígado mesmo após 21 dias da inoculação de C. dubliniensis. Conclui-se que a detecção de C. dubliniensis dentre os isolados clínicos foi baixa e observada apenas no grupo controle. C. dubliniensis foi menos virulenta para camundongos que C. albicans e C. tropicalis e causou infecção prolongada no rim e no fígado
The dengue virus non-structural 1 (NS1) protein contributes to evasion of host immune defenses and represents a target for immune responses. Evidences generated in experimental models, as well as the immune responses elicited by infected individuals, showed that induction of anti-NS1 immunity correlates with protective immunity but may also result in the generation of cross-reactive antibodies that recognize platelets and proteins involved in the coagulation cascade. In the present work, we evaluated the immune responses, protection to type 2 dengue virus (DENV2) challenges and safety parameters in BALB/c mice vaccinated with a recombinant NS1 protein in combination with three different adjuvants: aluminum hydroxide (alum), Freund's adjuvant (FA) or a genetically detoxified derivative of the heat-labile toxin (LTG33D), originally produced by some enterotoxigenic Escherichia coil (ETEC) strains. Mice were subcutaneously (s.c.) immunized with different vaccine formulations and the induced NS1-specific responses, including serum antibodies and T cell responses, were measured. Mice were also subjected to lethal challenges with the DENV2 NGC strain. The results showed that maximal protective immunity (50%) was achieved in mice vaccinated with NS1 in combination with LIG33D. Analyses of the NS1-specific immune responses showed that the anti-virus protection correlated mainly with the serum anti-NS1 antibody responses including higher avidity to the target antigen. Mice immunized with LTG33D elicited a prevailing IgG2a subclass response and generated antibodies with stronger affinity to the antigen than those generated in mice immunized with the other vaccine formulations. The vaccine formulations were also evaluated regarding induction of deleterious side effects and, in contrast to mice immunized with the FA-adjuvanted vaccine, no significant hepatic damage or enhanced C-reactive protein levels were detected in mice immunized with NS1 and LTG33D. Similarly, no detectable alterations in bleeding time and hematological parameters were detected in mice vaccinated with NS1 and LTG33D. Altogether, these results indicate that the combination of a purified recombinant NS1 and a nontoxic LT derivative is a promising alternative for the generation of safe and effective protein-based anti-dengue vaccine. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dengue is the most prevalent arboviral infection, affecting millions of people every year. Attempts to control such infection are being made, and the development of a vaccine is a World Health Organization priority. Among the proteins being tested as vaccine candidates in preclinical settings is the non-structural protein 1 (NS1). In the present study, we tested the immune responses generated by targeting the NS1 protein to two different dendritic cell populations. Dendritic cells (DCs) are important antigen presenting cells, and targeting proteins to maturing DCs has proved to be an efficient means of immunization. Antigen targeting is accomplished by the use of a monoclonal antibody (mAb) directed against a DC cell surface receptor fused to the protein of interest. We used two mAbs (αDEC205 and αDCIR2) to target two distinct DC populations, expressing either DEC205 or DCIR2 endocytic receptors, respectively, in mice. The fusion mAbs were successfully produced, bound to their respective receptors, and were used to immunize BALB/c mice in the presence of polyriboinosinic: polyribocytidylic acid (poly (I:C)), as a DC maturation stimulus. We observed induction of strong anti-NS1 antibody responses and similar antigen binding affinity irrespectively of the DC population targeted. Nevertheless, the IgG1/IgG2a ratios were different between mouse groups immunized with αDEC-NS1 and αDCIR2-NS1 mAbs. When we tested the induction of cellular immune responses, the number of IFN-γ producing cells was higher in αDEC-NS1 immunized animals. In addition, mice immunized with the αDEC-NS1 mAb were significantly protected from a lethal intracranial challenge with the DENV2 NGC strain when compared to mice immunized with αDCIR2-NS1 mAb. Protection was partially mediated by CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells as depletion of these populations reduced both survival and morbidity signs. We conclude that targeting the NS1 protein to the DEC205(+) DC population with poly (I:C) opens perspectives for dengue vaccine development.
Systemic lupus erythematosus is a chronic autoimmune disorder that predominantly affects women of childbearing age. Lupus-associated glomerulonephritis is a major cause of mortality in these patients. Current treatment protocols for systemic lupus erythematosus include cyclophosphamide, prednisolone, azathioprine, and mycophenolate mofetil. However, in mice none of these agents alone or in combination were shown to reverse established proteinuria. Using New Zealand Black x New Zealand White F1 mice, we report that administration of the topoisomerase I inhibitor irinotecan from week 13 completely prevented the onset of proteinuria and prolonged survival up to at least 90 wk without detectable side effects. Furthermore, application of irinotecan to mice with established lupus nephritis, as indicated by grade 3+ (> or =300 mg/dl) and grade 4+ (> or =2000 mg/dl) proteinuria and, according to a median age of 35 wk, resulted in remission rates of 75% and 55%, respectively. Survival was significantly prolonged with 73 wk (grade 3+ and 4+ combined) versus 40 wk for control animals. Although total IgG and anti-dsDNA Abs in the serum and mesangial IgG deposits in the kidneys were not reduced in irinotecan-treated mice, subendothelial immune deposits were considerably diminished, suggesting a prevention of glomerular basement membrane disruption. This effect was accompanied by increased rates of ssDNA breaks and inhibition of renal cell apoptosis being different to what is known about irinotecan in anticancer therapy. In conclusion, our data provide evidence that irinotecan might represent an entirely new strategy for the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus.
Previous studies on the effect of glycosylation on the elimination rate of antibodies have produced conflicting results. Here, we performed pharmacokinetic studies in mice with two preparations of a monoclonal IgG1 antibody enriched for complex type or high mannose type oligosaccharides at the Fc glycosylation site. No significant difference in the serum half-life was found between the two antibody glycoforms, nor was any difference observed in the serum half-lives of different complex type glycoforms. To evaluate the influence of glycosylation within the variable domain, a second monoclonal antibody, glycosylated in both the Fc and Fv domains, was separated into fractions containing different amounts of Fv-associated sialic acid and administered to mice. Again, no significant difference was found in the clearance rates of variants carrying different amounts of Fv-associated sialic acid or lacking Fv-glycosylation. These results suggest that glycosylation has little or no impact on the pharmacokinetic behavior of these two monoclonal antibodies in mice.
The immunomodulatory FTY720 (fingolimod) is presently approved for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. It is a prodrug that acts by modulating sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) receptor signaling. In this study, we have developed and characterized two novel oxazolo-oxazole derivatives of FTY720, ST-968 and the oxy analog ST-1071, which require no preceding activating phosphorylation, and proved to be active in intact cells and triggered S1P1 and S1P3, but not S1P2, receptor internalization as a result of receptor activation. Functionally, ST-968 and ST-1071 acted similar to FTY720 to abrogate S1P-triggered chemotaxis of mouse splenocytes, mouse T cells and human U937 cells, and reduced TNFa- and LPS-stimulated endothelial cell permeability. The compounds also reduced TNFα-induced ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 mRNA expression, but restored TNFα-mediated downregulation of PECAM-1 mRNA expression. In an in vivo setting, the application of ST-968 or ST-1071 to mice resulted in a reduction of blood lymphocytes and significantly reduced the clinical symptoms of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in C57BL/6 mice comparable to FTY720 either by prophylactic or therapeutic treatment. In parallel to the reduced clinical symptoms, infiltration of immune cells in the brain was strongly reduced, and in isolated tissues of brain and spinal cord, the mRNA and protein expressions of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, as well as of matrix metalloproteinase-9 were reduced by all compounds, whereas PECAM-1 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase TIMP-1 were upregulated. In summary, the data suggest that these novel butterfly derivatives of FTY720 could have considerable implication for future therapies of multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases.