284 resultados para palatine torus
The three-dimensional structure of the lamina propria of the hard and soft palatine mucosa of the nine-banded armadillo was observed by scanning electron microscopy. Sodium hydroxide cell maceration method was applied to demonstrate the architecture of the connective tissue papillae. The palatine mucosa of the armadillo had a triangular shape and measured appr. 6.5 cm length. The hard palate showed 9 transverse palatine plicae while the soft palate was smooth. In the 10% NaOH treated specimens, the lamina propria of the hard palatine mucosa showed numerous connective tissue papillae with a general finger-like shape. These structures were composed by a meshwork of collagen fibers arranged in several directions. on the other hand, the connective tissue papillae of the soft palate mucosa were scattered and small. Numerous openings of glandular ducts with circular or elliptical shape were located in the interplicae area and in the soft palate.
Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is an uncommon mesenchymal neoplasm that usually arises in the pleura. Although this tumor has been described in other sites, including the head and neck area, in the oropharynx it is extremely rare. We report the first case of a SFT arising from the palatine tonsil of a 62-year-old man. The tumor consisted of spindle-shaped cells distributed in a haphazard pattern and presented atypical histological features such as hypercellular areas and high mitotic count. Immunohistochemical studies showed strong positivity for CD34 and bcl-2, and weak positivity for desmin. Smooth muscle actin, S-100 protein and cytokeratines were negative. The patient was well without disease 1 year after surgery.
We find that within the formalism of coadjoint orbits of the infinite dimensional Lie group the Noether procedure leads, for a special class of transformations, to the constant of motion given by the fundamental group one-cocycle S. Use is made of the simplified formula giving the symplectic action in terms of S and the Maurer-Cartan one-form. The area preserving diffeomorphisms on the torus T2=S1⊗S1 constitute an algebra with central extension, given by the Floratos-Iliopoulos cocycle. We apply our general treatment based on the symplectic analysis of coadjoint orbits of Lie groups to write the symplectic action for this model and study its invariance. We find an interesting abelian symmetry structure of this non-linear problem.
We present a non-linear symplectic map that describes the alterations of the magnetic field lines inside the tokamak plasma due to the presence of a robust torus (RT) at the plasma edge. This RT prevents the magnetic field lines from reaching the tokamak wall and reduces, in its vicinity, the islands and invariant curve destruction due to resonant perturbations. The map describes the equilibrium magnetic field lines perturbed by resonances created by ergodic magnetic limiters (EMLs). We present the results obtained for twist and non-twist mappings derived for monotonic and non-monotonic plasma current density radial profiles, respectively. Our results indicate that the RT implementation would decrease the field line transport at the tokamak plasma edge. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study smooth foliations on the solid torus S1×D2 having S1×{0} and S1×∂D2 as the only compact leaves and S1×{0} as singular set. We show that all other leaves can only be cylinders or planes, and give necessary conditions for the foliation to be a suspension of a diffeomorphism of the disc. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
We discuss the geometry of the pair of foliations on a solid torus given by the Reeb foliation together with discs transverse to the boundary of the torus.
We show that if f is a homeomorphism of the 2-torus isotopic to the identity and its lift (f) over tilde is transitive, or even if it is transitive outside the lift of the elliptic islands, then (0,0) is in the interior of the rotation set of (f) over tilde. This proves a particular case of Boyland's conjecture.
Despite the nomenclature suggested to be a tumor, torus palatinus (TP) is an overgrowth of the bone in the palatal region and represents an anatomic variation. Its prevalence varies among the population studied and its etiology is still unclear; however, it seems to be a multifactorial disorder with genetics and environmental involvement. Surgical removal of the TP is indicated in the following circumstances: (1) deglutition and speech impairment, (2) cancer phobia, (3) traumatized mucosa over the torus, and (4) prosthetic reasons. The aim of this case report is describe cases that occurred in two sisters, emphasizing the genetic etiology of this anatomic variation. In addition, intra-oral exam and computed tomography scan (axial, coronal and sagittal view) provided a detailed assessment of the TP and elimination of other possible diagnoses, furthermore allowed a better analyzes of the anatomic relation with adjacentes structures. No surgical removal was indicated for both cases.
Über die Liniarität der Teichmüllerschen Modulgruppe des Torus mit zwei Punktierungen. In meiner Arbeit beschäftige ich mich mit Darstellungen der Teichmüllerschen Modulgruppe des Torus mit zwei Punktierungen. Mein Ansatz hierbei ist, die Teichmüllersche Modulgruppe in eine p-adische Liegruppe einzubetten. Sei nun F die von zwei Elementen erzeugte freie Gruppe und Aut(F) die Automorphismengruppe von F. Inhalt des ersten Kapitels ist es nun zu zeigen, daß folgende Aussagen äquivalent sind: - Die Teichmüllersche Modulgruppe des Torus mit zwei Punktierungen ist linear, - Aut(F)ist linear, - F besitzt eine p-Kongruenzstruktur, deren Folgen- glieder von Aut(F) festgehalten werden, also charak- teristisch sind. Im zweiten Kapitel wird unter anderem gezeigt, daß es eine Einbettung einer Untergruppe endlichen Indexes der Aut(F) in die Automorphismengruppe einer einfachen p-adischen Liegruppe gibt. Bisher ist unbekannt, ob die Buraudarstellung treu ist.In dieser Arbeit wird ein unendliches, lineares Gleichungssystem, dessen Lösungen gerade die Koeffizienten der Wörter des Kernes der Buraudarstellung sind, vorgestellt.Im dritten Kapitel wird mit den Methoden des 1.Kapitels gezeigt, daß der Torus mit zwei Punktierungen genau dann linear ist, wenn die Teichmüllersche Modulgruppe der Sphäre mit 5 Punktierungen es auch ist. Bekanntlich ist die 4. Braidgruppe linear. Nun ist aber die 4. Braidgruppe letztlich die Teichmüllersche Modulgruppe der abgeschlossenen Kreisscheibe mit 5 Punktierungen. Wenn man nun deren Randpunkte miteinander identifiziert und anschließend wegläßt, erhält man die 5-fach punktiereSphäre.Mit der eben beschriebenen Abbildung kann man zeigen, daß die Teichmüllersche Modulgruppe der fünffach punktierten Sphäre linear ist.
The CL/P are the most common and easily recognizable craniofacial malformations with a complex etiology that requires the involvement of genetic and environmental components. The analysis of the genetic component shows more than 14 loci and genes involved in the onset of the disease. I’ve selected and investigated some of the possible candidate genes for CL/P. MYH14 gene, that maps on chromosome 19, on the OFC3 locus, and shows a strong homology with MYH9 gene. I’ve also investigated TP63 and MID1 genes, that are responsible respectively for EEC syndrome and Opitz syndrome, both of them presenting cleft. I’ve also decided to investigate JAG2 because TP63 product regulates the this gene, and both of them are component of the Notch signalling pathway. I’ve, also, studied the MKX and LMO4 genes. MKX is an important development regulator that is highly expressed in palatal mesenchyme, and map in the region responsible for Twirler mutation that cause cleft in mouse. LMO4 is necessary for neural tube development and cooperating with Grhl3, promotes cellular migration during morphogenetic events like “in utero” cleft healing. Low folate levels and high levels of homocysteine increase the risk of cleft, genes involved in their metabolism may be of interest in cleft occurrence. I’ve decided to investigate BHMT and CBS genes coding for enzymes involved in homocysteine metabolism. I’ve also investigated BHMT2 gene that maps close to BHMT and presents with him a 73% of homology. I’ve performed a linkage analysis using SNPs mapping in the genes and their boundaries, for each gene, for MKX and LMO4 I’ve also performed a sequencing analysis. My results for MID1 and CBS genes support the hypothesis of a possible role of these genes in cleft. I’ve found borderline association values for JAG2, MKX and LMO4 genes.