648 resultados para palatal fistula


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB


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Os autores descrevem o tratamento de um paciente portador de fístula arteriovenosa entre vasos poplíteos com mais de 20 anos de evolução, após ferimento por projétil de arma de fogo. O paciente foi submetido a tratamento endovascular pelo implante de stents revestidos Viabahn (Gore®), porém o mesmo não foi bem sucedido devido à diferença de diâmetro entre a artéria poplítea proximal e a distal à fístula. A artéria femoral superficial foi submetida à cerclagem com fios de sutura ao redor do stentgraft previamente implantado. Esse recurso de improvisação permitiu uma abordagem distante do sítio da fístula, diminuindo os riscos do acesso cirúrgico em uma região com distorções anatômicas e vasos sanguíneos ectasiados, o que certamente acarretaria maior risco de lesões iatrogênicas.


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The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the amount of skeletal and dental expansion in patients submitted to surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE). The sample consisted of 21 patients (14 female and seven male) with a mean age of 25.4 years (range 17.4-41.8 years). Postero-anterior (PA) cephalograms were taken pre-expansion (T1), immediately after expansion (T2), and at post-expansion retention of 120 days (T3). SARPE promoted significant transverse skeletal changes, which were maintained from T2 to T3. Dentoalveolar expansion and dental tipping were also observed in the region of the first molars and first premolars; however the net effect at the first molars was significantly less than that at the first premolars. No statistically significant effect on the width of the nasal cavity was observed. The findings indicate that peculiarities inherent to dental effects may influence the clinical options for SARPE. Skeletal expansions with SARPE were significant and stable. Dental changes were different between molars and premolars. The transverse changes after SARPE should be observed for future procedures related to the retention and the completion of orthodontic treatment.


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Bone defects at interdental osteotomy sites are as a complication of surgi-cally assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE). The replacement of osseoustissue by fibrous connective tissue impairs the spontaneous closure of adiastema between central incisors, and orthodontic tooth movementthrough the defect area may lead to root resorption. Treatment of such asituation requires an orthodontic-surgical approach. In this report, wedescribe the lack of bone healing at the midline osteotomy site after SARPE,which was treated by autogenous bone grafting as assessed by cone beamcomputed tomography. In addition, we discuss factors related to the aetiol-ogy and treatment of a bone defect after SARPE.


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Purpose: The objective of this article is to describe a method to construct an intraoralacrylic device that permits a reline material to be added to the inner surface of thepalatal plate.Materials and Methods: Fifteen 60-day-old adult female rats (Rattus NorvegicusAlbinus Wistar), weighing 150 to 250 g were used for this study and allocated to threegroups (n = 5): G1, animals wearing a heat-polymerized acrylic resin palatal plate(Lucitone 550) for 14 days; G2, animals wearing a heat-polymerized acrylic resinpalatal plate (Lucitone 550) relined with Tokuyama Rebase II for 14 days; and G3,animals maintained under the same conditions as the experimental groups, withoutwearing palatal plates for 14 days. The manipulation of the animals followed theguidelines of the Brazilian College of Animal Experimentation, under the approval ofthe animal ethics committee of the State University of Ponta Grossa. The palatal platescovered the whole palate, were fixed in the molar region with light-cured resin, andwere kept there for 14 days. The animals received a paste diet and water ad libitum.Before and after the trial period, the rats were weighed individually on a precisionscale. Statistical analysis was performed using a two-way analysis of variance (α =0.05) test for comparison of the animals’ weight (g) at time 0 and after 14 days ofusing the palatal plate.Results: No statistical differences were observed regarding the weight of the animalsamong the experimental groups in the study.Conclusions: The individual master impressions, the molar teeth coverage, and themethod of cementation with nonadhesive composite resin provided good stability forthe palatal plate showed in this study, not disturbing the eating habits and nutritionof the animals. This model seems reproducible, offering adequate histopathologicalevaluation. Differences in tissue morphology exist between the animals that used thepalatal plate and the animals that did not use this device. Use of these palatal platescould clarify how prostheses bring changes in the palatal mucosa of users.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The palatal radicular groove is a morphological tooth defect, which act as local predisposing risk factor favoring accumulation of the bacterial plaque, permitting microbial invasion via root groove way, directly into periodontal structures. A patient diagnosed with palatal radicular groove and a localized periodontal disease was treated by procedures to control bacterial action and procedures to eliminate local predisposing risk factor. To treat the periodontal bone defect a sequelae of periodontal disease, a guided tissue regeneration technique was applied by using allograft and xenograft materials associated with a resorbable demineralized bovine cortical bone membrane. The objective of surgical regenerative procedure was to recover the periodontal tissues nearly as they were before periodontal disease destruction.


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Palatine torus is a benign congenital outgrowth of bone that affects the hard palate and palatine processes, resulting from the "overworking" of osteoblasts and bone deposition along the line of the palatine fusion. Surgical excision is the only treatment for torus, and such patients are susceptible to intraoperative and postoperative complications of a traumatic, functional, or infectious nature. This article describes an atypical case of torus palatinus measuring 20.31 x 27.25 x 59.20 mm, which is the largest size ever described in the literature. This case required the use of a surgical guide in the intraoperative phase, with viable use in the postoperative phase as well. This guide proved versatile in reducing the risk of undercorrection and complications, offering greater patient comfort.


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Fistulas between coronary artery and bronchial artery may be present from birth, with few hemodynamic consequences, and may remain closed due to similarity of the filling pressures at these 2 sites.(1) They can also be secondary to pulmonary artery occlusive disease or chronic pulmonary inflammation.(2,3) These pulmonary changes may cause a dilation of the fistula and make it functional, causing angina pectoris by coronary steal syndrome, which is the most common symptom. The presentation may also be composed of episodes of hemoptysis, heart failure, and infective endocarditis. However, most patients remain asymptomatic. The ones that need treatment may not have a good response to the medical management, requiring an intervention. This can be done using embolization coils, stents grafts, and performing surgical ligation of the fistulas.(2-4) J INVASIVE CARDIOL 2012;24(11):E303-E304


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Endovascular techniques have shown to be useful in the management of vascular injuries because they transform a complex and potentially dangerous procedure into a safe one. We present the case of a 39-year-old man with congestive heart failure and abdominal bruit 11 years after an abdominal gunshot wound. Imaging studies revealed an arteriovenous fistula involving the left iliac artery bifurcation, and an iliac branch device was used to treat it. Symptoms resolved, and follow-up imaging showed patency of the graft and closure of the arteriovenous communication. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a nonaneurysmal disease treated with this device. (J Vasc Surg 2012;55:1474-6.)


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Pharyngocutaneous fistula (PCF) is the most common complication after total laryngectomy. Objectives: To establish the incidence of this complication and to analyze the predisposing factors. Method: This is a cross-sectional study of a historical cohort including 94 patients who underwent total laryngectomy. The following aspects were correlated to the occurrence of PCF: gender, age, tumor site, TNM staging, type of neck dissection, previous radiation therapy, previous tracheotomy, and use of stapler for pharyngeal closure. The following were considered in PCF cases: the day into postoperative care when the fistula was diagnosed, duration of occurrence, and proposed treatment. Results: Twenty (21.3%) patients had PCF. The incidence of PCF was statistically higher in T4 tumors when compared to T2 and T3 neoplasms (p = 0.03). The other analyzed correlations were not statistically significant. However, 40.9% of the patients submitted to tracheostomy previously had fistulae, against 21.1% of the patients not submitted to this procedure. Conclusion: Advanced primary tumor staging is correlated with higher incidences of PCF.


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Abstract Background An upper limb arteriovenous (AV) fistula is the access of choice for haemodialysis (HD). There have been few reports of saphenofemoral AV fistulas (SFAVF) over the last 10-20 years because of previous suggestions of poor patencies and needling difficulties. Here, we describe our clinical experience with SFAVF. Methods SFAVFs were evaluated using the following variables: immediate results, early and late complications, intraoperative and postoperative complications (up to day 30), efficiency of the fistula after the onset of needling and complications associated to its use. Results Fifty-six SFAVF fistulas were created in 48 patients. Eight patients had two fistulas: 8 patent (16%), 10 transplanted (20%), 12 deaths (24%), 1 low flow (2%) and 20 thrombosis (39%) (first two months of preparation). One patient had severe hypotension during surgery, which caused thrombosis of the fistula, which was successfully thrombectomised, four thrombosed fistulae were successfully thrombectomised and revised on the first postoperative day. After 59 months of follow-up, primary patency was 44%. Conclusion SFAVF is an adequate alternative for patients without the possibility for other access in the upper limbs, allowing efficient dialysis with good long-term patency with a low complication rate.


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The treatment of a transverse maxillary deficiency in skeletally mature individuals should include surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion. This study evaluated the distribution of stresses that affect the expander's anchor teeth using finite element analysis when the osteotomy is varied. Five virtual models were built and the surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion was simulated. Results showed tension on the lingual face of the teeth and alveolar bone, and compression on the buccal side of the alveolar bone. The subtotal Le Fort I osteotomy combined with intermaxillary suture osteotomy seemed to reduce the dissipation of tensions. Therefore, subtotal Le Fort I osteotomy without a step in the zygomaticomaxillary buttress, combined with intermaxillary suture osteotomy and pterygomaxillary disjunction may be the osteotomy of choice to reduce tensions on anchor teeth, which tend to move mesiobuccally (premolar) and distobuccally (molar)


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of cervical preflaring in determining the initial apical file (IAF) in the palatal roots of maxillary molars, and to determine the morphologic shape of the canal 1 mm short of the apex. METHODS: After preparing standard access cavities the group 1 received the IAF without cervical preflaring (WCP). In groups 2 to 5, preflaring was performed with Gates-Glidden (GG), Anatomic Endodontics Technology (AET), GT Rotary Files (GT) and LA Axxes (LA), respectively. Each canal was sized using manual K-files, starting with size 08 files, and making passive movements until the WL was reached. File sizes were increased until a binding sensation was felt at the WL. The IAF area and the area of the root canal were measured to verify the percentage occupied by the IAF inside the canal in each sample by SEM. The morphologic shape of the root canal was classified as circular, oval or flattened. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA/Tukey test (P < 0.05). RESULTS: The decreasing percentages occupied by the IAF inside the canal were: LA>GT=AET>GG>WCP. The morphologic shape was predominantly oval. CONCLUSION: The type of cervical preflaring used interferes in the determination of IAF.