898 resultados para pacs: computer networks and intercomputer communications in office automation
A combined antennas and propagation study has been undertaken with a view to directly improving link conditions for wireless body area networks. Using tissue-equivalent numerical and experimental phantoms representative of muscle tissue at 2.45 GHz, we show that the node to node [S-21] path gain performance of a new wearable integrated antenna (WIA) is up to 9 dB better than a conventional compact Printed-F antenna, both of which are suitable for integration with wireless node circuitry. Overall, the WIA performed extremely well with a measured radiation efficiency of 38% and an impedance bandwidth of 24%. Further benefits were also obtained using spatial diversity, with the WIA providing up to 7.7 dB of diversity gain for maximal ratio combining. The results also show that correlation was lower for a multipath environment leading to higher diversity gain. Furthermore, a diversity implementation with the new antenna gave up to 18 dB better performance in terms of mean power level and there was a significant improvement in level crossing rates and average fade durations when moving from a single-branch to a two-branch diversity system.
To optimize the performance of wireless networks, one needs to consider the impact of key factors such as interference from hidden nodes, the capture effect, the network density and network conditions (saturated versus non-saturated). In this research, our goal is to quantify the impact of these factors and to propose effective mechanisms and algorithms for throughput guarantees in multi-hop wireless networks. For this purpose, we have developed a model that takes into account all these key factors, based on which an admission control algorithm and an end-to-end available bandwidth estimation algorithm are proposed. Given the necessary network information and traffic demands as inputs, these algorithms are able to provide predictive control via an iterative approach. Evaluations using analytical comparison with simulations as well as existing research show that the proposed model and algorithms are accurate and effective.
This paper proposes relay selection in order to increase the physical layer security in multiuser cooperative relay networks with multiple amplify-and-forward (AF) relays, in the presence of multiple eavesdroppers. To strengthen the network security against eavesdropping attack, we present three criteria to select the best relay and user pair. Specifically, criterion I and II study the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receivers, and perform the selection by maximizing the SNR ratio of the user to the eavesdroppers. To this end, criterion I relies on both the main and eavesdropper links, while criterion II relies on the main links only. Criterion III is the standard max-min selection criterion,
which maximizes the minimum of the dual-hop channel gains of main links. For the three selection criteria, we examine the system secrecy performance by deriving the analytical expressions for the secrecy outage probability. We also derive the asymptotic analysis for the secrecy outage probability with high main-to eavesdropper ratio (MER). From the asymptotic analysis, an interesting observation is reached: for each criterion, the system diversity order is equivalent to the number of relays regardless of the number of users and eavesdroppers.
This paper describes middleware-level support for agent mobility, targeted at hierarchically structured wireless sensor and actuator network applications. Agent mobility enables a dynamic deployment and adaptation of the application on top of the wireless network at runtime, while allowing the middleware to optimize the placement of agents, e.g., to reduce wireless network traffic, transparently to the application programmer. The paper presents the design of the mechanisms and protocols employed to instantiate agents on nodes and to move agents between nodes. It also gives an evaluation of a middleware prototype running on Imote2 nodes that communicate over ZigBee. The results show that our implementation is reasonably efficient and fast enough to support the envisioned functionality on top of a commodity multi-hop wireless technology. Our work is to a large extent platform-neutral, thus it can inform the design of other systems that adopt a hierarchical structuring of mobile components. © 2012 ICST Institute for Computer Science, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.
In this paper we propose a nature-inspired approach that can boost the Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) clustering algorithm by optimizing its parameters in a discrete lattice. The experiments in two public datasets have shown that the proposed algorithm can achieve similar parameters' values compared to the exhaustive search. Although, the proposed technique is faster than the traditional one, being interesting for intrusion detection in large scale traffic networks. © 2012 IEEE.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
During the last decade wireless mobile communications have progressively become part of the people’s daily lives, leading users to expect to be “alwaysbest-connected” to the Internet, regardless of their location or time of day. This is indeed motivated by the fact that wireless access networks are increasingly ubiquitous, through different types of service providers, together with an outburst of thoroughly portable devices, namely laptops, tablets, mobile phones, among others. The “anytime and anywhere” connectivity criterion raises new challenges regarding the devices’ battery lifetime management, as energy becomes the most noteworthy restriction of the end-users’ satisfaction. This wireless access context has also stimulated the development of novel multimedia applications with high network demands, although lacking in energy-aware design. Therefore, the relationship between energy consumption and the quality of the multimedia applications perceived by end-users should be carefully investigated. This dissertation addresses energy-efficient multimedia communications in the IEEE 802.11 standard, which is the most widely used wireless access technology. It advances the literature by proposing a unique empirical assessment methodology and new power-saving algorithms, always bearing in mind the end-users’ feedback and evaluating quality perception. The new EViTEQ framework proposed in this thesis, for measuring video transmission quality and energy consumption simultaneously, in an integrated way, reveals the importance of having an empirical and high-accuracy methodology to assess the trade-off between quality and energy consumption, raised by the new end-users’ requirements. Extensive evaluations conducted with the EViTEQ framework revealed its flexibility and capability to accurately report both video transmission quality and energy consumption, as well as to be employed in rigorous investigations of network interface energy consumption patterns, regardless of the wireless access technology. Following the need to enhance the trade-off between energy consumption and application quality, this thesis proposes the Optimized Power save Algorithm for continuous Media Applications (OPAMA). By using the end-users’ feedback to establish a proper trade-off between energy consumption and application performance, OPAMA aims at enhancing the energy efficiency of end-users’ devices accessing the network through IEEE 802.11. OPAMA performance has been thoroughly analyzed within different scenarios and application types, including a simulation study and a real deployment in an Android testbed. When compared with the most popular standard power-saving mechanisms defined in the IEEE 802.11 standard, the obtained results revealed OPAMA’s capability to enhance energy efficiency, while keeping end-users’ Quality of Experience within the defined bounds. Furthermore, OPAMA was optimized to enable superior energy savings in multiple station environments, resulting in a new proposal called Enhanced Power Saving Mechanism for Multiple station Environments (OPAMA-EPS4ME). The results of this thesis highlight the relevance of having a highly accurate methodology to assess energy consumption and application quality when aiming to optimize the trade-off between energy and quality. Additionally, the obtained results based both on simulation and testbed evaluations, show clear benefits from employing userdriven power-saving techniques, such as OPAMA, instead of IEEE 802.11 standard power-saving approaches.
The problems and methods for adaptive control and multi-agent processing of information in global telecommunication and computer networks (TCN) are discussed. Criteria for controllability and communication ability (routing ability) of dataflows are described. Multi-agent model for exchange of divided information resources in global TCN has been suggested. Peculiarities for adaptive and intelligent control of dataflows in uncertain conditions and network collisions are analyzed.