980 resultados para p-median problem


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In Finland, European Union membership and economic globalisation have changed the position of regions from closed territorial systems to nodes of open international networks. The increasing complexity of cities as globalised knowledge centres and functionally specialised and diversified rural areas, and on the other hand growing disparities between prosperous urban cores and lagging peripheral areas are also essential features in contemporary regional development. These trends have produced new needs to promote mutual dialogue between cities and the countryside in western market economies. Urban-rural interaction is an idea which was developed in the late 1990s within regional policy to pull together these new challenges to regional development and handle cities and the countryside as a whole. The aim of my study is to conceptualise the idea of urban-rural interaction, explain the phenomenon theoretically, clarify past and present urban and rural development and analyse regional policies from the interaction angle. The ultimate purpose is to illustrate the existence and nature of particular interaction policy in a globalising society. The general method is discourse analysis, which I use in three cases: Central Finland, South-Ostrobothnia and South-West Finland. Theoretically I have a two-dimensional approach. On the first hand I use World-System theory to explain how the global economy is moulding urban and rural structures at the regional level. On the other hand I use regime theory to explain local political actions and practises between cities and the countryside under the overlapping pressures deriving from reformulated regional structures and policies.

Adaptation to globalisation in Finland has been carried out by strengthening urban centres. The stress in regional policy has been in urban development. The development of the countryside has mostly been implemented by a separate rural policy. At the end of the 1990s and early 2000s Finnish cities have actually shown themselves to be competitive in global markets. The drawbacks of the new growth centre policy have been the sparse network of prosperous cities and their weak spreading effects, which have hindered comprehensive regional development. Tensions between urban and rural areas have also deepened. In this situation the interaction policy is used as a way of balancing development and moderate conflicts within the regions. From this point of view urban-rural interaction can be seen as a way of tackling the challenges of globalisation.

On the other hand the results emphasise that actors involved in regional development still believe, although the hegemonic discourse is on urban policy, that there are opportunities to stimulate progress in the countryside as well. In the situation where regional authorities control development resources, rural development can be successful only if rural actors manage to establish fruitful relationships with their urban partners. This is also the weakness of the programme-based regional policy. If rural municipalities or other actors are for any reason incapable of building development regimes with cities, the offers of interaction policy will be useless.

The problem of the interaction policy is that the focus and methods of it have so far been rather underdeveloped. In order to improve the efficiency of the interaction policy, further research should concentrate on the social processes which define the position of cities and the countryside as partners of interaction, and practises which promote or prohibit the possibilities of developing the interaction policy. The efforts to define different contents of urban-rural interaction or promote interaction projects should not have such an important role in the future as they have had so far. Instead, the focus of interaction policy should be on questions such as how to manage the political tensions between town and country and how to create a positive atmosphere for regional policy where the needs of urban and rural development are promoted equally.


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I doktorsavhandlingen undersöks förmågan att lösa hos ett antal lösare för optimeringsproblem och ett antal svårigheter med att göra en rättvis lösarjämförelse avslöjas. Dessutom framläggs några förbättringar som utförts på en av lösarna som heter GAMS/AlphaECP. Optimering innebär, i det här sammanhanget, att finna den bästa möjliga lösningen på ett problem. Den undersökta klassen av problem kan karaktäriseras som svårlöst och förekommer inom ett flertal industriområden. Målet har varit att undersöka om det finns en lösare som är universellt snabbare och hittar lösningar med högre kvalitet än någon av de andra lösarna. Det kommersiella optimeringssystemet GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) och omfattande problembibliotek har använts för att jämföra lösare. Förbättringarna som presenterats har utförts på GAMS/AlphaECP lösaren som baserar sig på skärplansmetoden Extended Cutting Plane (ECP). ECP-metoden har utvecklats främst av professor Tapio Westerlund på Anläggnings- och systemteknik vid Åbo Akademi.


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Papperstillverkningen störs ofta av oönskade föreningar som kan bilda avsättningar på processytor, vilket i sin tur kan ge upphov till störningar i pappersproduktionen samt försämring av papperskvaliteten. Förutom avsättningar av vedharts är stenliknande avlagringar av svårlösliga salter vanliga. I vårt dagliga liv är kalkavlagringar i kaffe- och vattenkokare exempel på liknande problem. I massa- och pappersindustrin är en av de mest problematiska föreningarna kalciumoxalat; detta salt är nästan olösligt i vatten och avlagringarna är mycket svåra att avlägsna. Kalciumoxalat är också känt som en av orsakerna till njurstenar hos människor. Veden och speciellt barken innehåller alltid en viss mängd oxalat men en större källa är oxalsyra som bildas när massan bleks med oxiderande kemikalier, t.ex. väteperoxid. Kalciumoxalat bildas när oxalsyran reagerar med kalcium som kommer in i processen med råvattnet, veden eller olika tillsatsmedel. I denna avhandling undersöktes faktorer som påverkar bildningen av oxalsyra och utfällningen av kalciumoxalat, med hjälp av bleknings- och utfällningsexperiment. Forskningens fokus låg speciellt på olika sätt att förebygga uppkomsten av avlagringar vid tillverkning av trähaltigt papper. Resultaten i denna avhandling visar att bildningen av oxalsyra samt utfällning av kalciumoxalat kan påverkas genom processtekniska och våtändskemiska metoder. Noggrann avbarkning av veden, kontrollerade förhållanden under den alkaliska peroxidblekningen, noggrann hantering och kontroll av andra lösta och kolloidala substanser, samt utnyttjande av skräddarsydd kemi för kontroll av avlagringar är nyckelfaktorer. Resultaten kan utnyttjas då man planerar blekningssekvenser för olika massor samt för att lösa problem orsakade av kalciumoxalat. Forskningsmetoderna som användes i utfällningsstudierna samt för utvärdering av tillsatsmedel kan också utnyttjas inom andra områden, t.ex. bryggeri- och sockerindustrin, där kalciumoxalatproblem är vanligt förekommande. -------------------------------------------- Paperinvalmistusta häiritsevät usein erilaiset epäpuhtaudet, jotka kiinnittyvät prosessipinnoille ja haittaavat tuotantoa sekä paperin laatua. Puun pihkan lisäksi eräs yleinen ongelma on niukkaliukoisten suolojen aiheuttamat kivettymät. Kalkkisaostuma kahvinkeittimessä on esimerkki vastaavasta ongelmasta arkielämässä. Massa- ja paperiteollisuudessa yksi hankalimmista kivettymien muodostajista on kalsiumoksalaatti, koska se on lähes liukenematonta ja sen aiheuttamat saostumat ovat erittäin vaikeasti poistettavia. Kalsiumoksalaatti on yleisesti tunnettu myös munuaiskivien aiheuttajana ihmisillä. Puu ja varsinkin sen kuori sisältää aina jonkin verran oksalaattia, mutta suurempi lähde on kuitenkin oksaalihappo jota muodostuu valkaistaessa massaa hapettavilla kemikaaleilla, kuten vetyperoksidilla. Kalsiumoksalaattia syntyy kun veden, puun ja lisäaineiden mukana prosessiin tuleva kalsium reagoi oksalaatin kanssa. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin oksaalihapon muodostumiseen ja kalsiumoksalaatin saostumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä valkaisu- ja saostumiskokeiden avulla. Tutkimuksen painopiste oli saostumien ehkäisemisessä puupitoisten painopaperien valmistuksessa. Työssä saadut tulokset osoittavat että oksaalihapon muodostumiseen ja kalsiumoksalaatin saostumiseen voidaan vaikuttaa sekä prosessiteknisten että märänpään kemian keinojen avulla. Tehokas puun kuorinta, optimoidut olosuhteet peroksidivalkaisussa, muiden liuenneiden ja kolloidisten aineiden hallinta sekä räätälöidyn kemian hyödyntäminen kalsiumoksalaattisaostumien torjunnassa ovat keskeisissä rooleissa ongelmien välttämiseksi. Väitöskirjatyön tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää massan valkaisulinjoja suunniteltaessa sekä kalsiumoksalaatin aiheuttamien ongelmien ratkaisemisessa. Tutkimusmenetelmiä, joita käytettiin saostumiskokeissa ja eri lisäaineiden vaikutusten arvioinnissa, voidaan hyödyntää massa- ja paperiteollisuuden lisäksi myös muilla alueilla, kuten sokeri- ja panimoteollisuudessa, joissa ongelma on myös yleinen.


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Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskuksen toteuttamassa VELHO-hankkeessa kehitettiin kustannustehokkaita ratkaisuja ranta-alueiden umpeenkasvun aiheuttamiin ongelmiin luomalla uusi konsepti ranta-alueiden monikäyttösuunnitteluun, edistämällä järviruo’on hyötykäyttöä ja valmistelemalla esityksiä uuteen maaseudun kehittämisohjelmaan. Tässä julkaisussa esitellään työn tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Hankkeessa laadittiin kolme ranta-alueiden monikäyttösuunnitelmaa: Mynälahden Sarsalanaukko ja Musta-aukko, Oukkulanlahti – Naantalinaukko ja Eurajoen - Luvian rannikko. Suunnitelmissa sovitettiin yhteen ranta-alueiden eri käyttömuotoja ja pyrittiin löytämään optimaalinen verkosto hyötykäyttöön leikattavien ruovikoiden, avoimena pidettävien merenrantaniittyjen ja säilytettävien ruovikoiden välille. Kustannustehokkuuteen pyrittiin kohdentamalla hoitotoimet laajoihin kokonaisuuksiin sekä järviruo’on hyötykäytöllä. Suunnitelmat laadittiin laajassa osallistavassa prosessissa. Hankkeessa laadituissa ranta-alueiden monikäyttösuunnitelmissa esitettiin erilaisia maankäyttötavoitteita ja hoitosuosituksia yli 2000 hehtaarille. Ruovikoiden ja rantaniittyjen lisäksi suunnittelun kohteena olivat myös rantojen läheiset peltoalueet, reunavyöhykkeet ja muut perinnebiotoopit. Hoitotoimilla tavoitellaan alueiden luonnon monimuotoisuuden ja vesien tilan paranemista, maiseman avartumista ja virkistyskäytön helpottumista. Ruovikoiden erilaisia leikkuumenetelmiä (talvileikkuut, vesileikkuut, maaleikkuut) testattiin 90 hehtaarin alalla. Rantaniittyjen kunnostuksessa testattiin maaleikkuun lisäksi ruovikon niittomurskausta. Ruokomassan hyötykäyttökokeissa testattiin kahden eri ruokolaadun eli tuoreen kesäruo’on ja kuivan talviruo’on esikäsittelyä ja hyötykäyttöä energiantuotannossa (poltto, biokaasutus) ja maataloudessa (maanparannusaine, viherlannoite, kuivike, katemateriaali). Maaseudun kehittämisohjelmaan tehtiin esityksiä tukimuotojen kehittämiseksi: rantaniittyjen kunnostuksen lisääminen ja hoidon laadun parantaminen, ruovikoiden vesileikkuut ravinteiden poistajina sekä ruokomassojen käyttö maan orgaanisen aineen lisääjänä. Hankkeen kokemusten mukaan yksi kustannustehokkaimmista hoito- ja käyttöketjuista on ruovikon leikkuu loppukesällä ja siitä kertyvän massan käyttö ranta-alueiden läheisillä pelloilla viherlannoitteena ja maanparannusaineena. Yhden hehtaarin ruovikon kesäleikkuulla poistetaan keskimäärin 80 kg typpeä ja 7 kg fosforia. Vesiensuojelullisten hyötyjen lisäksi leikkuulla parannetaan umpeenkasvusta kärsivien lajien elinoloja, lisätään rantojen vetovoimaisuutta ja edistetään luonnonhoitoyrittäjyyden edellytyksiä. Peltokäytössä käsittelyketju on lyhyt eikä se vaadi pitkiä kuljetusmatkoja. Ruokomassa kierrättää ravinteita takaisin pelloille ja parantaa maan rakennetta. Järviruo’on hyötykäytöllä ei pystytä kattamaan koko leikkuu- ja käyttöketjun kustannuksia. Leikkuusta ja hyötykäytöstä saatavien monien eri aineellisten ja aineettomien ekosysteemipalveluhyötyjen vuoksi toimintaan on tarpeen suunnata yhteiskunnan tukea ja luoda käytännön toteutusta edistäviä tukimuotoja. Kustannustehokkuutta voidaan edelleen parantaa laitteita ja menetelmiä kehittämällä.


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The median problem is a classical problem in Location Theory: one searches for a location that minimizes the average distance to the sites of the clients. This is for desired facilities as a distribution center for a set of warehouses. More recently, for obnoxious facilities, the antimedian was studied. Here one maximizes the average distance to the clients. In this paper the mixed case is studied. Clients are represented by a profile, which is a sequence of vertices with repetitions allowed. In a signed profile each element is provided with a sign from f+; g. Thus one can take into account whether the client prefers the facility (with a + sign) or rejects it (with a sign). The graphs for which all median sets, or all antimedian sets, are connected are characterized. Various consensus strategies for signed profiles are studied, amongst which Majority, Plurality and Scarcity. Hypercubes are the only graphs on which Majority produces the median set for all signed profiles. Finally, the antimedian sets are found by the Scarcity Strategy on e.g. Hamming graphs, Johnson graphs and halfcubes


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Solutions to combinatorial optimization problems frequently rely on heuristics to minimize an objective function. The optimum is sought iteratively and pre-setting the number of iterations dominates in operations research applications, which implies that the quality of the solution cannot be ascertained. Deterministic bounds offer a mean of ascertaining the quality, but such bounds are available for only a limited number of heuristics and the length of the interval may be difficult to control in an application. A small, almost dormant, branch of the literature suggests using statistical principles to derive statistical bounds for the optimum. We discuss alternative approaches to derive statistical bounds. We also assess their performance by testing them on 40 test p-median problems on facility location, taken from Beasley’s OR-library, for which the optimum is known. We consider three popular heuristics for solving such location problems; simulated annealing, vertex substitution, and Lagrangian relaxation where only the last offers deterministic bounds. Moreover, we illustrate statistical bounds in the location of 71 regional delivery points of the Swedish Post. We find statistical bounds reliable and much more efficient than deterministic bounds provided that the heuristic solutions are sampled close to the optimum. Statistical bounds are also found computationally affordable.


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GPS technology has been embedded into portable, low-cost electronic devices nowadays to track the movements of mobile objects. This implication has greatly impacted the transportation field by creating a novel and rich source of traffic data on the road network. Although the promise offered by GPS devices to overcome problems like underreporting, respondent fatigue, inaccuracies and other human errors in data collection is significant; the technology is still relatively new that it raises many issues for potential users. These issues tend to revolve around the following areas: reliability, data processing and the related application. This thesis aims to study the GPS tracking form the methodological, technical and practical aspects. It first evaluates the reliability of GPS based traffic data based on data from an experiment containing three different traffic modes (car, bike and bus) traveling along the road network. It then outline the general procedure for processing GPS tracking data and discuss related issues that are uncovered by using real-world GPS tracking data of 316 cars. Thirdly, it investigates the influence of road network density in finding optimal location for enhancing travel efficiency and decreasing travel cost. The results show that the geographical positioning is reliable. Velocity is slightly underestimated, whereas altitude measurements are unreliable.Post processing techniques with auxiliary information is found necessary and important when solving the inaccuracy of GPS data. The densities of the road network influence the finding of optimal locations. The influence will stabilize at a certain level and do not deteriorate when the node density is higher.


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In this paper, the p-median model is used to find the location of retail stores that minimizes CO2 emissions from consumer travel. The optimal location is then compared with the existing retail location,and the excess CO2 emissions compared with the optimal solution is calculated. The results show that by using the environmentally optimal location, CO2 emissions from consumer travel could be reduced by approximately 25percent. 


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Stora och komplexa kodbaser med bristfällig kodförståelse är ett problem som blir allt vanligare bland företag idag. Bristfällig kodförståelse resulterar i längre tidsåtgång vid underhåll och modifiering av koden, vilket för ett företag leder till ökade kostnader. Clean Code anses enligt somliga vara lösningen på detta problem. Clean Code är en samling riktlinjer och principer för hur man skriver kod som är enkel att förstå och underhålla. Ett kunskapsglapp identifierades vad gäller empirisk data som undersöker Clean Codes påverkan på kodförståelse. Studiens frågeställning var: Hur påverkas förståelsen vid modifiering av kod som är refaktoriserad enligt Clean Code principerna för namngivning och att skriva funktioner? För att undersöka hur Clean Code påverkar kodförståelsen utfördes ett fältexperiment tillsammans med företaget CGM Lab Scandinavia i Borlänge, där data om tidsåtgång och upplevd förståelse hos testdeltagare samlades in och analyserades. Studiens resultat visar ingen tydlig förbättring eller försämring av kodförståelsen då endast den upplevda kodförståelsen verkar påverkas. Alla testdeltagare föredrar Clean Code framför Dirty Code även om tidsåtgången inte påverkas. Detta leder fram till slutsatsen att Clean Codes effekter kanske inte är omedelbara då utvecklare inte hunnit anpassa sig till Clean Code, och därför inte kan utnyttja det till fullo. Studien ger en fingervisning om Clean Codes potential att förbättra kodförståelsen.


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We develop a method for empirically measuring the difference in carbon footprint between traditional and online retailing (“e-tailing”) from entry point to a geographical area to consumer residence. The method only requires data on the locations of brick-and-mortar stores, online delivery points, and residences of the region’s population, and on the goods transportation networks in the studied region. Such data are readily available in most countries, so the method is not country or region specific. The method has been evaluated using data from the Dalecarlia region in Sweden, and is shown to be robust to all assumptions made. In our empirical example, the results indicate that the average distance from consumer residence to a brick-and-mortar retailer is 48.54 km in the studied region, while the average distance to an online delivery point is 6.7 km. The results also indicate that e-tailing increases the average distance traveled from the regional entry point to the delivery point from 47.15 km for a brick-and-mortar store to 122.75 km for the online delivery points. However, as professional carriers transport the products in bulk to stores or online delivery points, which is more efficient than consumers’ transporting the products to their residences, the results indicate that consumers switching from traditional to e-tailing on average reduce their CO2 footprints by 84% when buying standard consumer electronics products. 


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We develop a method for empirically measuring the difference in carbon footprint between traditional and online retailing (“e-tailing”) from entry point to a geographical area to consumer residence. The method only requires data on the locations of brick-and-mortar stores, online delivery points, and residences of the region’s population, and on the goods transportation networks in the studied region. Such data are readily available in most countries, so the method is not country or region specific. The method has been evaluated using data from the Dalecarlia region in Sweden, and is shown to be robust to all assumptions made. In our empirical example, the results indicate that the average distance from consumer residence to a brick-and-mortar retailer is 48.54 km in the studied region, while the average distance to an online delivery point is 6.7 km. The results also indicate that e-tailing increases the average distance traveled from the regional entry point to the delivery point from 47.15 km for a brick-and-mortar store to 122.75 km for the online delivery points. However, as professional carriers transport the products in bulk to stores or online delivery points, which is more efficient than consumers’ transporting the products to their residences, the results indicate that consumers switching from traditional to e-tailing on average reduce their CO2 footprints by 84% when buying standard consumer electronics products. 


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This pap er analyzes the distribution of money holdings in a commo dity money search-based mo del with intermediation. Intro ducing heterogeneity of costs to the Kiyotaki e Wright ( 1989 ) mo del, Cavalcanti e Puzzello ( 2010) gives rise to a non-degenerated distribution of money. We extend further this mo del intro ducing intermediation in the trading pro cess. We show that the distribution of money matters for savings decisions. This gives rises to a xed p oint problem for the saving function that di cults nding the optimal solution. Through some examples, we show that this friction shrinks the distribution of money. In contrast to the Cavalcanti e Puzzello ( 2010 ) mo del, the optimal solution may not present the entire surplus going to the consumer. At the end of the pap er, we present a strong result, for a su cient large numb er of intermediaries the distribution of money is degenerated.


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In Brazil, sugarcane fields are often burned to facilitate manual harvesting, and this burning causes environmental pollution from the large amounts of soot released into the atmosphere. This material contains numerous organic compounds such as PAHs. In this study, the concentrations of PAHs in two particulate-matter fractions (PM2.5 and PM10) in the city of Araraquara (SE Brazil, with around 200,000 inhabitants and surrounded by sugarcane plantations) were determined during the sugarcane harvest (HV) and non-harvest (NHV) seasons in 2008 and 2009. The sampling strategy included four campaigns, with 60 samples in the NHV season and 220 samples in the HV season. The PM2.5 and PM10 fractions were collected using a dichotomous sampler (10 L min(-1), 24 h) with Teflon (TM) filters. The filter sets were extracted (ultrasonic bath with hexane/acetone (1:1 v/v)) and analyzed by HPLC/Fluorescence. The median concentration for total PAHs (PM2.5 in 2009) was 0.99 ng m(-3) (NHV) and 3.3 ng m(-3) (HV). In the HV season, the total concentration of carcinogenic PAHs (benz(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, and benzo(a)pyrene) was 5 times higher than in the NHV season. B(a)P median concentrations were 0.017 ng m(-3) and 0.12 ng m(-3) for the NHV and HV seasons, respectively. The potential cancer risk associated with exposure through inhalation of these compounds was estimated based on the benzo[a]pyrene toxic equivalence (BaPeq), where the overall toxicity of a PAR mixture is defined by the concentration of each compound multiplied by its relative toxic equivalence factor (TEF). BaPeq median (2008 and 2009 years) ranged between 0.65 and 1.0 ng m(-3) and 1.2-1.4 ng m(-3) for the NHV and HV seasons, respectively. Considering that the maximum permissible BaPeq in ambient air is 1 ng m(-3), related to the increased carcinogenic risk, our data suggest that the level of human exposure to PAHs in cities surrounded by sugarcane crops where the burning process is used is cause for concern. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Aim: to evaluate the association of antenatal depressive symptomatology (AD) with life events and coping styles, the hypothesis was that certain coping strategies are associated to depressive symptomatology. Methods: we performed a cross sectional study of 312 women attending a private clinic in the city of Osasco, Sao Paulo from 27/05/1998 to 13/05/2002. The following instruments were used: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Holmes and Rahe Schedule of Recent Events (SSRS), Folkman and Lazarus Ways of Coping Questionnaire and questionnaire with social-demographic and obstetric data. Inclusion criteria: women with 110 past history of depression, psychiatric treatment, alcohol or drug abuse and no clinical-obstetrical complications. Odds ratios and 95% CI were used to examine the association between AD (according to BDI) and exposures variables. Hypothesis testing was done with chi(2) tests and a p value < .05. Results: AD occurred in 21.1% of pregnant women. By the univariate analyses, education, number of pregnancies, previous abortion, husband income, situation of marriage and score of SSRS were associated with AD. All coping styles were associated with AD, except seeking support and positive reappraisal. By the multivariate analyses, four coping styles were kept in the final model: confront (p = .039), accepting responsibility (p < .001), escape-avoidance (p = .002), problem-solving (p = .005). Conclusions: AD was highly prevalent and was associated with maladaptive coping styles.


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OBJECTIVES Optical scanners combined with computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology provide high accuracy in the fabrication of titanium (TIT) and zirconium dioxide (ZrO) bars. The aim of this study was to compare the precision of fit of CAD/CAM TIT bars produced with a photogrammetric and a laser scanner. METHODS Twenty rigid CAD/CAM bars were fabricated on one single edentulous master cast with 6 implants in the positions of the second premolars, canines and central incisors. A photogrammetric scanner (P) provided digitized data for TIT-P (n=5) while a laser scanner (L) was used for TIT-L (n=5). The control groups consisted of soldered gold bars (gold, n=5) and ZrO-P with similar bar design. Median vertical distance between implant and bar platforms from non-tightened implants (one-screw test) was calculated from mesial, buccal and distal scanning electron microscope measurements. RESULTS Vertical microgaps were not significantly different between TIT-P (median 16μm; 95% CI 10-27μm) and TIT-L (25μm; 13-32μm). Gold (49μm; 12-69μm) had higher values than TIT-P (p=0.001) and TIT-L (p=0.008), while ZrO-P (35μm; 17-55μm) exhibited higher values than TIT-P (p=0.023). Misfit values increased in all groups from implant position 23 (3 units) to 15 (10 units), while in gold and TIT-P values decreased from implant 11 toward the most distal implant 15. SIGNIFICANCE CAD/CAM titanium bars showed high precision of fit using photogrammetric and laser scanners. In comparison, the misfit of ZrO bars (CAM/CAM, photogrammetric scanner) and soldered gold bars was statistically higher but values were clinically acceptable.