993 resultados para osmotic potential at incipient plasmolysis
Fire blight, caused by the gram negative bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is one of the most destructive bacterial diseases of Pomaceous plants. Therefore, the development of reliable methods to control this disease is desperately needed. This research investigated the possibility to interfere, by altering plant metabolism, on the interactions occurring between Erwinia amylovora, the host plant and the epiphytic microbial community in order to obtain a more effective control of fire blight. Prohexadione-calcium and trinexapac-ethyl, two dioxygenase inhibitors, were chosen as a chemical tool to influence plant metabolism. These compounds inhibit the 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases and, therefore, they greatly influence plant metabolism. Moreover, dioxygenase inhibitors were found to enhance plant resistance to a wide range of pathogens. In particular, dioxygenase inhibitors application seems a promising method to control fire blight. From cited literature, it is assumed that these compounds increase plant defence mainly by a transient alteration of flavonoids metabolism. We tried to demonstrate, that the reduction of susceptibility to disease could be partially due to an indirect influence on the microbial community established on plant surface. The possibility to influence the interactions occurring in the epiphytic microbial community is particularly interesting, in fact, the relationships among different bacterial populations on plant surface is a key factor for a more effective biological control of plant diseases. Furthermore, we evaluated the possibility to combine the application of dioxygenase inhibitors with biological control in order to develop an integrate strategy for control of fire blight. The first step for this study was the isolation of a pathogenic strain of E. amylovora. In addition, we isolated different epiphytic bacteria, which respond to general requirements for biological control agents. Successively, the effect of dioxygenase inhibitors treatment on microbial community was investigated on different plant organs (stigmas, nectaries and leaves). An increase in epiphytic microbial population was found. Further experiments were performed with aim to explain this effect. In particular, changes in sugar content of nectar were observed. These changes, decreasing the osmotic potential of nectar, might allow a more consistent growth of epiphytic bacteria on blossoms. On leaves were found similar differences as well. As far as the interactions between E. amylovora and host plant, they were deeply investigated by advanced microscopical analysis. The influence of dioxygenase inhibitors and SAR inducers application on the infection process and migration of pathogen inside different plant tissues was studied. These microscopical techniques, combined with the use of gpf-labelled E. amylovora, allowed the development of a bioassay method for resistance inducers efficacy screening. The final part of the work demonstrated that the reduction of disease susceptibility observed in plants treated with prohexadione-calcium is mainly due to the accumulation of a novel phytoalexins: luteoforol. This 3-deoxyflavonoid was proven to have a strong antimicrobial activity.
El transporte del agua en las plantas es impulsado por diferencias de energía libre entre el suelo y la atmósfera, y está regulado por mecanismos biológicos evitadores, como el cierre estomático. La hidratación y la turgencia foliares resultan del equilibrio entre ΨL del apoplasto, el potencial osmótico del simplasto y la elasticidad de los tejidos. Sobre esta base se conjeturó que las interacciones de los mecanismos evitadores del estrés hídrico de la planta tienen un rol clave en la definición de su resistencia a déficit hídrico. Para probar esta hipótesis se construyó un modelo mecanístico basado en las leyes del flujo de savia de Van de Honert, de difusión de Fick, de elasticidad de Hooke, la ecuación de Gardner para el flujo del agua en la rizósfera y el modelo de conductancia estomática (gs) de Buckley. Mediante el modelo se demostró teóricamente que la hidratación y la turgencia foliares dependen de la oferta de agua edáfica (representada por el potencial hídrico del suelo) y de la demanda evaporativa de la atmósfera (representada por la radiación absorbida, la temperatura del aire, la velocidad del viento y el déficit de presión de vapor de la atmósfera). También que los mecanismos evitadores del estrés hídrico -i.e., conductancia hidráulica de la planta, conductancia estomática, elasticidad del tejido y potencial osmótico a turgencia máxima- son todos necesarios para determinar la hidratación y la turgencia foliares. El modelo también demostró que la conductancia hidráulica suelo-hoja (kL) depende de la fracción de agua edáfica transpirable (FTSW) con un patrón de decaimiento sigmoide, a medida que el suelo se seca. Esto implica que las variables que dependen en parte de kL (i.e., gs, transpiración, fotosíntesis y superficie foliar) también dependen de FTSW con el mismo patrón. El modelo se probó experimentalmente a distintos niveles de humedad edáfica (desde déficit hídrico nulo, hasta severo) en cinco variedades de vid y mostró un poder predictivo superior al 90%. En todas las variedades las gs se asociaron linealmente con las kL observadas, al considerar todas las situaciones de déficit hídrico en conjunto, si bien la pendiente de estas relaciones fueron distintas en cada variedad. La contrastación experimental mostró que, en una escala de tiempo de varios meses, las variedades más evitadoras -i.e., Grenache y Cereza- mantuvieron mayor kL, ajuste osmótico y rigidez de los tejidos y una menor pendiente de la relación de gs vs. kL, que las variedades menos evitadoras -i.e., Malbec y Syrah-. La menor pendiente de la relación entre gs y kL, en las variedades más evitadoras, estuvo asociada a una mayor cantidad de estomas, en relación con la cantidad de células epidérmicas. Los variedades más evitadoras bajo déficit hídrico moderado -i.e., con una fracción de agua edáfica transpirable entre 0,6 y 0,4- tuvieron mayor superficie foliar y produjeron más biomasa, favoreciendo raíces profundas y densas, y ahorrando agua. Chardonnay mantuvo una alta hidratación y turgencia a expensas de un alto gasto de agua debido a que privilegiaba una alta kL por sobre el ajuste estomático, por lo que no podría considerarse en forma estricta como muy evitadora.
Past studies of water stress in Eucalyptus spp. generally highlighted the role of fewer than five “important” metabolites, whereas recent metabolomic studies on other genera have shown tens of compounds are affected. There are currently no metabolite profiling data for responses of stress-tolerant species to water stress. We used GC–MS metabolite profiling to examine the response of leaf metabolites to a long (2 month) and severe (Ψpredawn < −2 MPa) water stress in two species of the perennial tree genus Eucalyptus (the mesic Eucalyptus pauciflora and the semi-arid Eucalyptus dumosa). Polar metabolites in leaves were analysed by GC–MS and inorganic ions by capillary electrophoresis. Pressure–volume curves and metabolite measurements showed that water stress led to more negative osmotic potential and increased total osmotically active solutes in leaves of both species. Water stress affected around 30–40% of measured metabolites in E. dumosa and 10–15% in E. pauciflora. There were many metabolites that were affected in E. dumosa but not E. pauciflora, and some that had opposite responses in the two species. For example, in E. dumosa there were increases in five acyclic sugar alcohols and four low-abundance carbohydrates that were unaffected by water stress in E. pauciflora. Re-watering increased osmotic potential and decreased total osmotically active solutes in E. pauciflora, whereas in E. dumosa re-watering led to further decreases in osmotic potential and increases in total osmotically active solutes. This experiment has added several extra dimensions to previous targeted analyses of water stress responses in Eucalyptus, and highlights that even species that are closely related (e.g. congeners) may respond differently to water stress and re-watering
The pathogenicity of seven strains of Fusarium equiseti isolated from seabed soil was evaluated on different host plants showing pre and post emergence damage. Radial growth of 27 strains was measured on culture media previously adjusted to different osmotic potentials with either KCl or NaCl (-1.50 to - 144.54 bars) at 15º, 25º and 35º C. Significant differences and interactive effects were observed in the response of mycelia to osmotic potential and temperature.
La degradación por salinización de los suelos regados con aguas salobres viene aumentando a escala mundial. El problema de la concentración de sales más solubles que el yeso depende principalmente del agua de riego, la aridez climática y la ausencia de drenaje. Estas condiciones se dan en el aluvium del río Limón, que es un tributario del lago Maracaibo, sito en el estado de Zulia de Venezuela. La regulación del río Limón mediante el cierre de los embalses de Manuelote y Tulé ha disminuido los aportes de aguas y sedimentos de las avenidas de inundación, que tienen carácter diluyente. Por otro lado, el balance de sales solubles en el suelo ha registrado una acumulación neta en los años de extrema aridez anteriores al año 2006, dado que la mayor dilución de las aguas ombrogénicas embalsadas procedentes de las lluvias no ha sido suficiente para compensar la concentración por evapotranspiración “in situ” de las aguas retenidas en la cuenca baja, sobre todo en ausencia de desagüe superficial y drenaje profundo. Las inundaciones posteriores a 2006 fueron suficientes para disminuir la salinidad superficial hasta los valores encontrados en 2010. El estudio experimental de esta problemática en el sector del caño San Miguel ha sido abordado mediante el establecimiento del perfil de salinidad acoplado con el perfil hipotético de humedad usado en la taxonomía de suelos. Este perfil define la disponibilidad del agua del suelo para la vegetación en función de tres potenciales: 1) el potencial físico-químico o matricial, que depende de la energía de adsorción a la superficie de las partículas; 2) el potencial gravitatorio, que depende de la profundidad; y 3) el potencial osmótico, que depende de la concentración de la solución del suelo; lo que supone un avance respecto a tener en cuenta sólo el perfil de humedad, que solamente considera el potencial gravi-químico integrado por el matricial y el gravitatorio. El perfil normalizado de 200 mm de de agua útil, retenida entre 33 y 1500 kPa de succión, incluye ocho fases gravi-químicas de 25 mm. La presente investigación incluye el potencial osmótico estimado por la conductividad eléctrica del extracto de pasta saturada. Los experimentos de lavado de sales en columnas de suelo, simulando la distribución de las lluvias en cinco años representativos de los cuartiles estadísticos de la serie disponible de 38 años completos, han determinado el comportamiento de las sales solubles en un suelo sometido a drenaje. Los resultados han evidenciado que el balance de sales unido al balance de agua controla la degradación de los agrosistemas por salinización. La alternativa frutícola puede ser aumentada en estas condiciones, porque el balance de sales favorece el establecimiento de cultivos permanentes a costa de otros usos del suelo de menor interés económico, como el cultivo de forrajes en regadío y el aprovechamiento de los pastizales en secano durante el barbecho de desalinización, cuya caracterización se ha completado con el estudio de la vegetación indicadora del grado de salinidad. ABSTRACT Saline degradation of soils irrigated with brackish water is increasing worldwide. The problem of salts concentration more soluble than gypsum depends on irrigation water quality, climatic aridity, and drainage limitations. These conditions meet in Limón River alluvium, which is tributary to Maracaibo´s Lake in Zulia State, Venezuela. Limón River regulation by closing Manuelote and Tulé reservoirs has diminished the input of water and sediments from inundations, which exerted dilutive effects. On the other hand, the soil balance of soluble salts has registered a net accumulation during those extremely dry years before 2006 because the greater dilution of ombrogenic dammed water coming from rain has not been enough to compensate salt concentration by “in situ” evapotranspiration in middle basin water, mainly in the absence of superficial runoff and deep drainage. Floods after 2006 were enough to reduce the high superficial salinity figures to those addressed in 2010. The experimental study of this trouble in San Miguel´s pipe area has been addressed through of the establishment of its salinity profile together to the hypothetic moisture profile typically used in soil taxonomy. This salinity profile describes soil water availability for vegetation according to three potentials: 1) physico-chemical or matrix potential, which depends on the adsorption energy of the soil solution to the surface of soil particles; 2) gravitational potential, which depends on soil depth; and 3) osmotic potential, which depends on the concentration of the soil solution. This represents an advance from just using moisture regime, which only considers the matrix and gravitational components of a gravi-chemical potential. The standardized moisture profile of 200 mm useful water being retained between 33 and 1500 kPa includes eight gravi-chemical stages of 25 mm. This research also includes the osmotic component, which is estimated by the electric conductivity of the saturated paste extract. Salts leaching trials in soil columns simulating rain distribution along five model years, representing the statistical quartiles of the available series of 38 complete years, have determined the behaviour of soluble salts in a soil being subjected to drainage. Results have evidenced that salt and water balances considered together are able to control the agrosystem’s degradation by salinization. The fruit production alternative could be improved under these conditions because the salts balance favours the establishment of permanent crops to the detriment of other soil uses of lower economical interest such as irrigated forage and non-irrigated pasture during desalinization fallow, which characterization has been completed through assessing the presence of salinity-indicator vegetation.
Experiments were conducted to investigate physiological mechanisms of solid matrix priming (SMP) on germination enhancement of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) seeds. During SMP, osmotic potential in the embryo decreased by 0.65 MPa, concentration of crystalloid proteins decreased to 62% and concentrations of buffer soluble proteins and free amino acids increased by 22% and by 166%, respectively. Observations under an electron microscope demonstrated protein bodies in the embryo were mobilized. Inhibitor analysis indicated thiol protease was the dominant enzyme among endopiptidases to degrade the reserved proteins. A fragment of thiol protease was cloned from the primed seed embryos and it has high identities to those thiol proteases responsive to water stress. RNA get blot analysis showed a 1.5 kb thiol protease gene was up-regulated by SMP. Treatment with E64, a thiol protease inhibitor, negated SMP effects on germination performance, water potentials and protein profiles. Based on the experimental results, reserve protein mobilization induced by SMP in the embryo before radicle emergence might be one of the mechanisms to enhance germination in loblolly pine seeds.
The tropics are predicted to become warmer and drier, and understanding the sensitivity of tree species to drought is important for characterizing the risk to forests of climate change. This study makes use of a long-term drought experiment in the Amazon rainforest to evaluate the role of leaf-level water relations, leaf anatomy and their plasticity in response to drought in six tree genera. The variables (osmotic potential at full turgor, turgor loss point, capacitance, elastic modulus, relative water content and saturated water content) were compared between seasons and between plots (control and through-fall exclusion) enabling a comparison between short- and long-term plasticity in traits. Leaf anatomical traits were correlated with water relation parameters to determine whether water relations differed among tissues. The key findings were: osmotic adjustment occurred in response to the long-term drought treatment; species resistant to drought stress showed less osmotic adjustment than drought-sensitive species; and water relation traits were correlated with tissue properties, especially the thickness of the abaxial epidermis and the spongy mesophyll. These findings demonstrate that cell-level water relation traits can acclimate to long-term water stress, and highlight the limitations of extrapolating the results of short-term studies to temporal scales associated with climate change.
Programmed cell death (PCD) and progenitor cell generation (of glial and in some brain areas also neuronal fate) in the CNS is an active process throughout life and is generally not associated with gliosis which means that PCD can be pathologically silent. The striking discovery that progenitor cell generation (of glial and in some brain areas neuronal fate) is widespread in the adult CNS (especially the hippocampus) suggest a much more dynamic scenario than previously thought and transcends the dichotomy between neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative models of schizophrenia and related disorders. We suggest that the regulatory processes that control the regulation of PCD and the generation of progenitor cells may be disturbed in the early phase of psychotic disorders underpinning a disconnectivity syndrom at the onset of clinically overt disorders. An ongoing 1H-MRS study of the anterior hippocampus at 3 Tesla in mostly drug-naive first-episode psychosis patients suggests no change in NAA, but significant increases in myo-inositol and lactate. The data suggests that neuronal integrity in the anterior hippocampus is still intact at the early stage of illness or mainly only functionally impaired. However the increase in lactate and myo-inositol may reflect a potential disturbance of generation and PCD of progenitor cells (of glial and in selected brain areas also neuronal fate) at the onset of psychosis. If true the use of neuroprotective agents such as lithium or eicosapentaenoic acid (which inhibit PCD and support cell generation)in the early phase of psychotic disorders may be a potent treatment avenue to explore.
The ability of the Gram-positive foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes to survive and grow in environments of elevated osmolarity can be attributed, at least in part, to the accumulation of a restricted range of low molecular mass solutes compatible with cellular function. Accumulated to high internal concentrations in hyper-saline environments, compatible solutes, either transported into the cell or synthesized de novo, play a dual role: helping to stabilize protein structure and function while also counterbalancing external osmotic strength, thus preventing water loss from the cell and plasmolysis. While previous physiological investigations identified glycine betaine, carnitine, and proline as the principal compatible solutes in the listerial osmostress response, genetic alanysis of the uptake/synthesis systems governing the accumulation of these compounds has, until now, remained largely unexplored. Representing the first genetic analysis of compatible solute accumulation in L. monocytogenes, this thesis describes the molecular characterization of BetL; a highly specific secondary glycine betaine transport system, OpuC; a multicomponent carnitine/glycine betaine transporter, and finally proBA; a two-gene operon encoding the first two enzymes of the listerial proline piosynthesis pathway. In addition to their role in osmotolerance, the potential of each system in contributing to listerial pathogenesis was investigated. While mutations in each gene cluster exhibited dramatic reductions in listerial osmotolerance, OpuC- mutants were additionally shown to exhibit reduced virulence when admisistered via the oral route. This represents the first direct link between the salt stress response and virulence in L. monocytogenes.
In this thesis a novel theory of electrocatalysis at metal (especially noble metal)/solution interfaces was developed based on the assumption of metal adatom/incipient hydrous oxide cyclic redox transitions. Adatoms are considered as metastable, low coverage species that oxidise in-situ at potentials of often significantly cathodic to the regular metal/metal oxide transition. Because the adatom coverage is so low the electrochemical or spectroscopic response for oxidation is frequently overlooked; however, the product of such oxidation, referred to here as incipient hydrous oxide seems to be the important mediator in a wide variety of electrocatalytically demanding oxidation processes. Conversely, electrocatalytically demanding reductions apparently occur only at adatom sites at the metal/solution interface - such reactions generally occur only at potentials below, i.e. more cathodic than, the adatom/hydrous oxide transition. It was established that while silver in base oxidises in a regular manner (forming initially OHads species) at potentials above 1.0 V (RHE), there is a minor redox transition at much lower potentials, ca. o.35 v (RHE). The latter process is assumed to an adatom/hydrous oxide transition and the low coverage Ag(l) hydrous oxide (or hydroxide) species was shown to trigger or mediate the oxidation of aldehydes, e. g. HCHO. The results of a study of this system were shown to be in good agreement with a kinetic model based on the above assumptions; the similarity between this type of behaviour and enzyme-catalysed processes - both systems involve interfacial active sites - was pointed out. Similar behaviour was established for gold where both Au(l) and Au(lll) hydrous oxide mediators were shown to be the effective oxidants for different organic species. One of the most active electrocatalytic materials known at the present time is platinum. While the classical view of this high activity is based on the concept of activated chemisorption (and the important role of the latter is not discounted here) a vital role is attributed to the adatom/hydrous oxide transition. It was suggested that the well known intermediate (or anomalous) peak in the hydrogen region of the cyclic voltanmogram for platinum region is in fact due to an adatom/hydrous oxide transition. Using potential stepping procedures to minimise the effect of deactivating (COads) species, it was shown that the onset (anodic sweep) and termination (cathodic sweep) potential for the oxidation of a wide variety of organics coincided with the potential for the intermediate peak. The converse was also shown to apply; sluggish reduction reactions, that involve interaction with metal adatoms, occur at significant rates only in the region below the hydrous oxide/adatom transition.
Osmotic stress is a potent regulator of the normal function of cells that are exposed to osmotically active environments under physiologic or pathologic conditions. The ability of cells to alter gene expression and metabolic activity in response to changes in the osmotic environment provides an additional regulatory mechanism for a diverse array of tissues and organs in the human body. In addition to the activation of various osmotically- or volume-activated ion channels, osmotic stress may also act on the genome via a direct biophysical pathway. Changes in extracellular osmolality alter cell volume, and therefore, the concentration of intracellular macromolecules. In turn, intracellular macromolecule concentration is a key physical parameter affecting the spatial organization and pressurization of the nucleus. Hyper-osmotic stress shrinks the nucleus and causes it to assume a convoluted shape, whereas hypo-osmotic stress swells the nucleus to a size that is limited by stretch of the nuclear lamina and induces a smooth, round shape of the nucleus. These behaviors are consistent with a model of the nucleus as a charged core/shell structure pressurized by uneven partition of macromolecules between the nucleoplasm and the cytoplasm. These osmotically-induced alterations in the internal structure and arrangement of chromatin, as well as potential changes in the nuclear membrane and pores are hypothesized to influence gene transcription and/or nucleocytoplasmic transport. A further understanding of the biophysical and biochemical mechanisms involved in these processes would have important ramifications for a range of fields including differentiation, migration, mechanotransduction, DNA repair, and tumorigenesis.
Artificial neural network (ANN) models for water loss (WL) and solid gain (SG) were evaluated as potential alternative to multiple linear regression (MLR) for osmotic dehydration of apple, banana and potato. The radial basis function (RBF) network with a Gaussian function was used in this study. The RBF employed the orthogonal least square learning method. When predictions of experimental data from MLR and ANN were compared, an agreement was found for ANN models than MLR models for SG than WL. The regression coefficient for determination (R2) for SG in MLR models was 0.31, and for ANN was 0.91. The R2 in MLR for WL was 0.89, whereas ANN was 0.84.Osmotic dehydration experiments found that the amount of WL and SG occurred in the following descending order: Golden Delicious apple > Cox apple > potato > banana. The effect of temperature and concentration of osmotic solution on WL and SG of the plant materials followed a descending order as: 55 > 40 > 32.2C and 70 > 60 > 50 > 40%, respectively.
Three isolates each, of nine different Trametes and five other wood inhabiting basidiomycetes, were collected from the indigenous forests of Zimbabwe, and the impact of temperature (20-60 degrees C), osmotic and matric potential (-0.5 to - 8.0 MPa), and their interactions on in vitro growth compared. Generally, there was no significant difference between growth of isolates of the same species in relation to temperature. Temperature relationships of the species studied correlated well with their geographic distributions. Species occurring in hot, dry regions tolerated a wide temperature range, with some showing unusually high thermotolerance (55 degrees, T. socotrana, T. cingulata and T. cervina). There were significant intra-strain differences for individual species in relation to solute potential on glycerol-modified media. Generally, growth of ail species was better on glycerol- and KCl-modified osmotic media than on a metrically-modified medium (PEG 8000) at 25, 30 and 37 degrees. The limits for growth on the osmotic media were significantly wider than matric medium, being - 4.5 to - 5.0 and - 2.5 to - 4.5 MPa, respectively. An Irpex sp. grew at lower water potentials than all other species, with good growth at - 7.0 MPa. This study suggests that the capacity of these fungi for effective growth over a range of temperatures, osmotic and matric potentials contributes to their rapid wood decay capacities in tropical climates.
Silicon carbide (SiC) is an important orthopaedic material due to its inert nature and superior mechanical and tribological properties. Some of the potential applications of silicon carbide include coating for stents to enhance hemocompatibility, coating for prosthetic-bearing surfaces and uncemented joint prosthetics. This study is the first to explore nanomechanical response of single crystal 4H-SiC through quasistatic nanoindentation. Displacement controlled quasistatic nanoindentation experiments were performed on single crystal 4H-SiC specimen using a blunt Berkovich indenter (300 nm tip radius) at extremely fine indentation depths of 5 nm, 10 nm, 12 nm, 20 nm, 25 nm and 50 nm. Load-displacement curve obtained from the indentation experiments showed yielding or incipient plasticity in 4H-SiC typically at a shear stress of about 21 GPa (~an indentation depth of 33.8 nm) through a pop-in event. An interesting observation was that the residual depth of indent showed three distinct patterns: (i) Positive depth hysteresis above 33 nm, (ii) no depth hysteresis at 12 nm, and (iii) negative depth hysteresis below 12 nm. This contrasting depth hysteresis phenomenon is hypothesized to originate due to the existence of compressive residual stresses (upto 143 MPa) induced in the specimen by the polishing process prior to the nanoindentation
Whereas osmotic stress response induced by solutes has been well-characterized in fungi, less is known about the other activities of environmentally ubiquitous substances. The latest methodologies to define, identify and quantify chaotropicity, i.e. substance-induced destabilization of macromolecular systems, now enable new insights into microbial stress biology (Cray et al. in Curr Opin Biotechnol 33:228–259, 2015a, doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2015.02.010; Ball and Hallsworth in Phys Chem Chem Phys 17:8297–8305, 2015, doi:10.1039/C4CP04564E; Cray et al. in Environ Microbiol 15:287–296, 2013a, doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12018). We used Aspergillus wentii, a paradigm for extreme solute-tolerant fungal xerophiles, alongside yeast cell and enzyme models (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) and an agar-gelation assay, to determine growth-rate inhibition, intracellular compatible solutes, cell turgor, inhibition of enzyme activity, substrate water activity, and stressor chaotropicity for 12 chemically diverse solutes. These stressors were found to be: (i) osmotically active (and typically macromolecule-stabilizing kosmotropes), including NaCl and sorbitol; (ii) weakly to moderately chaotropic and non-osmotic, these were ethanol, urea, ethylene glycol; (iii) highly chaotropic and osmotically active, i.e. NH4NO3, MgCl2, guanidine hydrochloride, and CaCl2; or (iv) inhibitory due primarily to low water activity, i.e. glycerol. At ≤0.974 water activity, Aspergillus cultured on osmotically active stressors accumulated low-M r polyols to ≥100 mg g dry weight−1. Lower-M r polyols (i.e. glycerol, erythritol and arabitol) were shown to be more effective for osmotic adjustment; for higher-M r polyols such as mannitol, and the disaccharide trehalose, water-activity values for saturated solutions are too high to be effective; i.e. 0.978 and 0.970 (25 ºC). The highly chaotropic, osmotically active substances exhibited a stressful level of chaotropicity at physiologically relevant concentrations (20.0–85.7 kJ kg−1). We hypothesized that the kosmotropicity of compatible solutes can neutralize chaotropicity, and tested this via in-vitro agar-gelation assays for the model chaotropes urea, NH4NO3, phenol and MgCl2. Of the kosmotropic compatible solutes, the most-effective protectants were trimethylamine oxide and betaine; but proline, dimethyl sulfoxide, sorbitol, and trehalose were also effective, depending on the chaotrope. Glycerol, by contrast (a chaotropic compatible solute used as a negative control) was relatively ineffective. The kosmotropic activity of compatible solutes is discussed as one mechanism by which these substances can mitigate the activities of chaotropic stressors in vivo. Collectively, these data demonstrate that some substances concomitantly induce chaotropicity-mediated and osmotic stresses, and that compatible solutes ultimately define the biotic window for fungal growth and metabolism. The findings have implications for the validity of ecophysiological classifications such as ‘halophile’ and ‘polyextremophile’; potential contamination of life-support systems used for space exploration; and control of mycotoxigenic fungi in the food-supply chain.