891 resultados para optimal linear control design


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This paper shows the impact of the atomic capabilities concept to include control-oriented knowledge of linear control systems in the decisions making structure of physical agents. These agents operate in a real environment managing physical objects (e.g. their physical bodies) in coordinated tasks. This approach is presented using an introspective reasoning approach and control theory based on the specific tasks of passing a ball and executing the offside manoeuvre between physical agents in the robotic soccer testbed. Experimental results and conclusions are presented, emphasising the advantages of our approach that improve the multi-agent performance in cooperative systems


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Essential hypertension is a multifactorial disorder and is the main risk factor for renal and cardiovascular complications. The research on the genetics of hypertension has been frustrated by the small predictive value of the discovered genetic variants. The HYPERGENES Project investigated associations between genetic variants and essential hypertension pursuing a 2-stage study by recruiting cases and controls from extensively characterized cohorts recruited over many years in different European regions. The discovery phase consisted of 1865 cases and 1750 controls genotyped with 1M Illumina array. Best hits were followed up in a validation panel of 1385 cases and 1246 controls that were genotyped with a custom array of 14 055 markers. We identified a new hypertension susceptibility locus (rs3918226) in the promoter region of the endothelial NO synthase gene (odds ratio: 1.54 [95% CI: 1.37-1.73]; combined P=2.58 · 10(-13)). A meta-analysis, using other in silico/de novo genotyping data for a total of 21 714 subjects, resulted in an overall odds ratio of 1.34 (95% CI: 1.25-1.44; P=1.032 · 10(-14)). The quantitative analysis on a population-based sample revealed an effect size of 1.91 (95% CI: 0.16-3.66) for systolic and 1.40 (95% CI: 0.25-2.55) for diastolic blood pressure. We identified in silico a potential binding site for ETS transcription factors directly next to rs3918226, suggesting a potential modulation of endothelial NO synthase expression. Biological evidence links endothelial NO synthase with hypertension, because it is a critical mediator of cardiovascular homeostasis and blood pressure control via vascular tone regulation. This finding supports the hypothesis that there may be a causal genetic variation at this locus.


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This paper deals with the design of nonregenerativerelaying transceivers in cooperative systems where channel stateinformation (CSI) is available at the relay station. The conventionalnonregenerative approach is the amplify and forward(A&F) approach, where the signal received at the relay is simplyamplified and retransmitted. In this paper, we propose an alternativelinear transceiver design for nonregenerative relaying(including pure relaying and the cooperative transmission cases),making proper use of CSI at the relay station. Specifically, wedesign the optimum linear filtering performed on the data to beforwarded at the relay. As optimization criteria, we have consideredthe maximization of mutual information (that provides aninformation rate for which reliable communication is possible) fora given available transmission power at the relay station. Threedifferent levels of CSI can be considered at the relay station: onlyfirst hop channel information (between the source and relay);first hop channel and second hop channel (between relay anddestination) information, or a third situation where the relaymay have complete cooperative channel information includingall the links: first and second hop channels and also the directchannel between source and destination. Despite the latter beinga more unrealistic situation, since it requires the destination toinform the relay station about the direct channel, it is useful as anupper benchmark. In this paper, we consider the last two casesrelating to CSI.We compare the performance so obtained with theperformance for the conventional A&F approach, and also withthe performance of regenerative relays and direct noncooperativetransmission for two particular cases: narrowband multiple-inputmultiple-output transceivers and wideband single input singleoutput orthogonal frequency division multiplex transmissions.


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Tehoelektoniikkalaitteella tarkoitetaan ohjaus- ja säätöjärjestelmää, jolla sähköä muokataan saatavilla olevasta muodosta haluttuun uuteen muotoon ja samalla hallitaan sähköisen tehon virtausta lähteestä käyttökohteeseen. Tämä siis eroaa signaalielektroniikasta, jossa sähköllä tyypillisesti siirretään tietoa hyödyntäen eri tiloja. Tehoelektroniikkalaitteita vertailtaessa katsotaan yleensä niiden luotettavuutta, kokoa, tehokkuutta, säätötarkkuutta ja tietysti hintaa. Tyypillisiä tehoelektroniikkalaitteita ovat taajuudenmuuttajat, UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) -laitteet, hitsauskoneet, induktiokuumentimet sekä erilaiset teholähteet. Perinteisesti näiden laitteiden ohjaus toteutetaan käyttäen mikroprosessoreja, ASIC- (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) tai IC (Intergrated Circuit) -piirejä sekä analogisia säätimiä. Tässä tutkimuksessa on analysoitu FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) -piirien soveltuvuutta tehoelektroniikan ohjaukseen. FPGA-piirien rakenne muodostuu erilaisista loogisista elementeistä ja niiden välisistä yhdysjohdoista.Loogiset elementit ovat porttipiirejä ja kiikkuja. Yhdysjohdot ja loogiset elementit ovat piirissä kiinteitä eikä koostumusta tai lukumäärää voi jälkikäteen muuttaa. Ohjelmoitavuus syntyy elementtien välisistä liitännöistä. Piirissä on lukuisia, jopa miljoonia kytkimiä, joiden asento voidaan asettaa. Siten piirin peruselementeistä voidaan muodostaa lukematon määrä erilaisia toiminnallisia kokonaisuuksia. FPGA-piirejä on pitkään käytetty kommunikointialan tuotteissa ja siksi niiden kehitys on viime vuosina ollut nopeaa. Samalla hinnat ovat pudonneet. Tästä johtuen FPGA-piiristä on tullut kiinnostava vaihtoehto myös tehoelektroniikkalaitteiden ohjaukseen. Väitöstyössä FPGA-piirien käytön soveltuvuutta on tutkittu käyttäen kahta vaativaa ja erilaista käytännön tehoelektroniikkalaitetta: taajuudenmuuttajaa ja hitsauskonetta. Molempiin testikohteisiin rakennettiin alan suomalaisten teollisuusyritysten kanssa soveltuvat prototyypit,joiden ohjauselektroniikka muutettiin FPGA-pohjaiseksi. Lisäksi kehitettiin tätä uutta tekniikkaa hyödyntävät uudentyyppiset ohjausmenetelmät. Prototyyppien toimivuutta verrattiin vastaaviin perinteisillä menetelmillä ohjattuihin kaupallisiin tuotteisiin ja havaittiin FPGA-piirien mahdollistaman rinnakkaisen laskennantuomat edut molempien tehoelektroniikkalaitteiden toimivuudessa. Työssä on myösesitetty uusia menetelmiä ja työkaluja FPGA-pohjaisen säätöjärjestelmän kehitykseen ja testaukseen. Esitetyillä menetelmillä tuotteiden kehitys saadaan mahdollisimman nopeaksi ja tehokkaaksi. Lisäksi työssä on kehitetty FPGA:n sisäinen ohjaus- ja kommunikointiväylärakenne, joka palvelee tehoelektroniikkalaitteiden ohjaussovelluksia. Uusi kommunikointirakenne edistää lisäksi jo tehtyjen osajärjestelmien uudelleen käytettävyyttä tulevissa sovelluksissa ja tuotesukupolvissa.


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This paper shows the impact of the atomic capabilities concept to include control-oriented knowledge of linear control systems in the decisions making structure of physical agents. These agents operate in a real environment managing physical objects (e.g. their physical bodies) in coordinated tasks. This approach is presented using an introspective reasoning approach and control theory based on the specific tasks of passing a ball and executing the offside manoeuvre between physical agents in the robotic soccer testbed. Experimental results and conclusions are presented, emphasising the advantages of our approach that improve the multi-agent performance in cooperative systems


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This note investigates the motion control of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The AUV is modeled as a nonholonomic system as any lateral motion of a conventional, slender AUV is quickly damped out. The problem is formulated as an optimal kinematic control problem on the Euclidean Group of Motions SE(3), where the cost function to be minimized is equal to the integral of a quadratic function of the velocity components. An application of the Maximum Principle to this optimal control problem yields the appropriate Hamiltonian and the corresponding vector fields give the necessary conditions for optimality. For a special case of the cost function, the necessary conditions for optimality can be characterized more easily and we proceed to investigate its solutions. Finally, it is shown that a particular set of optimal motions trace helical paths. Throughout this note we highlight a particular case where the quadratic cost function is weighted in such a way that it equates to the Lagrangian (kinetic energy) of the AUV. For this case, the regular extremal curves are constrained to equate to the AUV's components of momentum and the resulting vector fields are the d'Alembert-Lagrange equations in Hamiltonian form.


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This paper considers the use of radial basis function and multi-layer perceptron networks for linear or linearizable, adaptive feedback control schemes in a discrete-time environment. A close look is taken at the model structure selected and the extent of the resulting parameterization. A comparison is made with standard, nonneural network algorithms, e.g. self-tuning control.


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This paper discusses the use of multi-layer perceptron networks for linear or linearizable, adaptive feedback.control schemes in a discrete-time environment. A close look is taken at the model structure selected and the extent of the resulting parametrization. A comparison is made with standard, non-perceptron algorithms, e.g. self-tuning control, and it is shown how gross over-parametrization can occur in the neural network case. Because of the resultant heavy computational burden and poor controller convergence, a strong case is made against the use of neural networks for discrete-time linear control.


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This paper is concerned with the design of robust feedback H~-control systems for the control of the upright posture of paraplegic persons standing. While the subject stands in a special apparatus, stabilising torque at the ankle joint is generated by electrical stimulation of the paralyzed calf muscles. Since the muscles acting as actuators in this setup show a significant degree of nonlinearity, a robust H~-control design is used. The design approach is implemented in experiments with a paraplegic subject. The results demonstrate good performance and closed loop stability over the whole range of operation.


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Aircraft systems are highly nonlinear and time varying. High-performance aircraft at high angles of incidence experience undesired coupling of the lateral and longitudinal variables, resulting in departure from normal controlled � ight. The construction of a robust closed-loop control that extends the stable and decoupled � ight envelope as far as possible is pursued. For the study of these systems, nonlinear analysis methods are needed. Previously, bifurcation techniques have been used mainly to analyze open-loop nonlinear aircraft models and to investigate control effects on dynamic behavior. Linear feedback control designs constructed by eigenstructure assignment methods at a � xed � ight condition are investigated for a simple nonlinear aircraft model. Bifurcation analysis, in conjunction with linear control design methods, is shown to aid control law design for the nonlinear system.


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Aircraft systems are highly nonlinear and time varying. High-performance aircraft at high angles of incidence experience undesired coupling of the lateral and longitudinal variables, resulting in departure from normal controlled flight. The aim of this work is to construct a robust closed-loop control that optimally extends the stable and decoupled flight envelope. For the study of these systems nonlinear analysis methods are needed. Previously, bifurcation techniques have been used mainly to analyze open-loop nonlinear aircraft models and investigate control effects on dynamic behavior. In this work linear feedback control designs calculated by eigenstructure assignment methods are investigated for a simple aircraft model at a fixed flight condition. Bifurcation analysis in conjunction with linear control design methods is shown to aid control law design for the nonlinear system.


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