928 resultados para open robot control


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Huelse, M., Wischmann, S., Manoonpong, P., Twickel, A.v., Pasemann, F.: Dynamical Systems in the Sensorimotor Loop: On the Interrelation Between Internal and External Mechanisms of Evolved Robot Behavior. In: M. Lungarella, F. Iida, J. Bongard, R. Pfeifer (Eds.) 50 Years of Artificial Intelligence, LNCS 4850, Springer, 186 - 195, 2007.


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Agricultural intensification can affect biodiversity and related ecosystem services such as biological control, but large-scale experimental evidence is missing. We examined aphid pest populations in cereal fields under experimentally reduced densities of (1) ground-dwelling predators (-G), (2) vegetation-dwelling predators and parasitoids (-V), (3) a combination of (1) and (2) (-G-V),compared with open-fields (control), in contrasting landscapes with low vs. high levels of agricultural intensification (AI), and in five European regions. Aphid populations were 28%, 97%, and 199% higher in -G, -V, and -G -V treatments, respectively, compared to the open fields, indicating synergistic effects of both natural-enemy groups. Enhanced parasitoid : host and predator : prey ratios were related to reduced aphid population density and population growth. The relative importance of parasitoids and vegetation-dwelling predators greatly differed among European regions, and agricultural intensification affected biological control and aphid density only in some regions. This shows a changing role of species group identity in diverse enemy communities and a need to consider region-specific landscape management.


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Polymer extrusion, in which a polymer is melted and conveyed to a mould or die, forms the basis of most polymer processing techniques. Extruders frequently run at non-optimised conditions and can account for 15–20% of overall process energy losses. In times of increasing energy efficiency such losses are a major concern for the industry. Product quality, which depends on the homogeneity and stability of the melt flow which in turn depends on melt temperature and screw speed, is also an issue of concern of processors. Gear pumps can be used to improve the stability of the production line, but the cost is usually high. Likewise it is possible to introduce energy meters but they also add to the capital cost of the machine. Advanced control incorporating soft sensing capabilities offers opportunities to this industry to improve both quality and energy efficiency. Due to strong correlations between the critical variables, such as the melt temperature and melt pressure, traditional decentralized PID (Proportional–Integral–Derivative) control is incapable of handling such processes if stricter product specifications are imposed or the material is changed from one batch to another. In this paper, new real-time energy monitoring methods have been introduced without the need to install power meters or develop data-driven models. The effects of process settings on energy efficiency and melt quality are then studied based on developed monitoring methods. Process variables include barrel heating temperature, water cooling temperature, and screw speed. Finally, a fuzzy logic controller is developed for a single screw extruder to achieve high melt quality. The resultant performance of the developed controller has shown it to be a satisfactory alternative to the expensive gear pump. Energy efficiency of the extruder can further be achieved by optimising the temperature settings. Experimental results from open-loop control and fuzzy control on a Killion 25 mm single screw extruder are presented to confirm the efficacy of the proposed approach.


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This article proposes a closed-loop control scheme based on joint-angle feedback for cable-driven parallel manipulators (CDPMs), which is able to overcome various difficulties resulting from the flexible nature of the driven cables to achieve higher control accuracy. By introducing a unique structure design that accommodates built-in encoders in passive joints, the seven degrees of freedom (7-DOF) CDPM can obtain joint angle values without external sensing devices, and it is used for feedback control together with a proper closed-loop control algorithm. The control algorithm has been derived from the time differential of the kinematic formulation, which relates the joint angular velocities to the time derivative of cable lengths. In addition, the Lyapunov stability theory and Monte Carlo method have been used to mathematically verify the self-feedback control law that has tolerance for parameter errors. With the aid of co-simulation technique, the self-feedback closed-loop control is applied on a 7-DOF CDPM and it shows higher motion accuracy than the one with an open-loop control. The trajectory tracking experiment on the motion control of the 7-DOF CDPM demonstrated a good performance of the self-feedback control method.


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13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems (Robotica), 2013


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The purpose of this paper is to propose a Neural-Q_learning approach designed for online learning of simple and reactive robot behaviors. In this approach, the Q_function is generalized by a multi-layer neural network allowing the use of continuous states and actions. The algorithm uses a database of the most recent learning samples to accelerate and guarantee the convergence. Each Neural-Q_learning function represents an independent, reactive and adaptive behavior which maps sensorial states to robot control actions. A group of these behaviors constitutes a reactive control scheme designed to fulfill simple missions. The paper centers on the description of the Neural-Q_learning based behaviors showing their performance with an underwater robot in a target following task. Real experiments demonstrate the convergence and stability of the learning system, pointing out its suitability for online robot learning. Advantages and limitations are discussed


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Aquest treball proposa una nova arquitectura de control amb coordinació distribuïda per a un robot mòbil (ARMADiCo). La metodologia de coordinació distribuïda consisteix en dos passos: el primer determina quin és l'agent que guanya el recurs basat en el càlcul privat de la utilitat i el segon, com es fa el canvi del recurs per evitar comportaments abruptes del robot. Aquesta arquitectura ha estat concebuda per facilitar la introducció de nous components hardware i software, definint un patró de disseny d'agents que captura les característiques comunes dels agents. Aquest patró ha portat al desenvolupament d'una arquitectura modular dins l'agent que permet la separació dels diferents mètodes utilitzats per aconseguir els objectius, la col·laboració, la competició i la coordinació de recursos. ARMADiCo s'ha provat en un robot Pioneer 2DX de MobileRobots Inc.. S'han fet diversos experiments i els resultats han demostrat que s'han aconseguit les característiques proposades per l'arquitectura.


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Esta tesis está enfocada al diseño y validación de controladores robustos que pueden reducir de una manera efectiva las vibraciones structurales producidas por perturbaciones externas tales como terremotos, fuertes vientos o cargas pesadas. Los controladores están diseñados basados en teorías de control tradicionalamente usadas en esta area: Teoría de estabilidad de Lyapunov, control en modo deslizante y control clipped-optimal, una técnica reciente mente introducida : Control Backstepping y una que no había sido usada antes: Quantitative Feedback Theory. La principal contribución al usar las anteriores técnicas, es la solución de problemas de control estructural abiertos tales como dinámicas de actuador, perturbaciones desconocidas, parametros inciertos y acoplamientos dinámicos. Se utilizan estructuras típicas para validar numéricamente los controladores propuestos. Especificamente las estructuras son un edificio de base aislada, una plataforma estructural puente-camión y un puente de 2 tramos, cuya configuración de control es tal que uno o mas problemas abiertos están presentes. Se utilizan tres prototipos experimentales para implementar los controladores robustos propuestos, con el fin de validar experimentalmente su efectividad y viabilidad. El principal resultado obtenido con la presente tesis es el diseño e implementación de controladores estructurales robustos que resultan efectivos para resolver problemas abiertos en control estructural tales como dinámicas de actuador, parámetros inciertos, acoplamientos dinámicos, limitación de medidas y perturbaciones desconocidas.


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A recent area for investigation into the development of adaptable robot control is the use of living neuronal networks to control a mobile robot. The so-called Animat paradigm comprises a neuronal network (the ‘brain’) connected to an external embodiment (in this case a mobile robot), facilitating potentially robust, adaptable robot control and increased understanding of neural processes. Sensory input from the robot is provided to the neuronal network via stimulation on a number of electrodes embedded in a specialist Petri dish (Multi Electrode Array (MEA)); accurate control of this stimulation is vital. We present software tools allowing precise, near real-time control of electrical stimulation on MEAs, with fast switching between electrodes and the application of custom stimulus waveforms. These Linux-based tools are compatible with the widely used MEABench data acquisition system. Benefits include rapid stimulus modulation in response to neuronal activity (closed loop) and batch processing of stimulation protocols.


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An indoor rowing machine has been modified for functional electrical stimulation (FES) assisted rowing exercise in paraplegia. To perform the rowing manoeuvre successfully, however, the voluntarily controlled upper body movements must be co-ordinated with the movements of the electrically stimulated paralysed legs. To achieve such co-ordination, an automatic FES controller was developed that employs two levels of hierarchy. At the upper level, a finite state controller identifies the state or phase of the rowing cycle and activates the appropriate lower-level controller, in which electrical stimulation to the paralysed leg muscles is applied with reference to switching curves representing the desired seat velocity as a function of the seat position. In a pilot study, the hierarchical control of FES rowing was shown to be intuitive, reliable and easy to use. Compared with open-loop control of stimulation, all three variants of the closed-loop switching curve controllers used less muscle stimulation per rowing cycle (73% of the open-loop control on average). Further, the closed-loop controller that used switching curves derived from normal rowing kinematics used the lowest muscle stimulation (65% of the open-loop control) and was the most convenient to use for the client.


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Haptic human-machine interfaces and interaction techniques have been shown to offer advantages over conventional approaches. This work introduces the 3D virtual haptic cone with the aim of improving human remote control of a vehicle's motion. The 3D cone introduces a third dimension to the haptic control surface over existing approaches. This approach improves upon existing methods by providing the human operator with an intuitive method for issuing vehicle motion commands whilst simultaneously receiving real-time haptic information from the remote system. The presented approach offers potential across many applications, and as a case study, this work considers the approach in the context of mobile robot motion control. The performance of the approach in providing the operator with improved motion controllability is evaluated and the performance improvement determined.


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Com o intuito de utilizar uma rede com protocolo IP para a implementação de malhas fechadas de controle, este trabalho propõe-se a realizar um estudo da operação de um sistema de controle dinâmico distribuído, comparando-o com a operação de um sistema de controle local convencional. Em geral, a decisão de projetar uma arquitetura de controle distribuído é feita baseada na simplicidade, na redução dos custos e confiabilidade; portanto, um diferencial bastante importante é a utilização da rede IP. O objetivo de uma rede de controle não é transmitir dados digitais, mas dados analógicos amostrados. Assim, métricas usuais em redes de computadores, como quantidade de dados e taxa de transferências, tornam-se secundárias em uma rede de controle. São propostas técnicas para tratar os pacotes que sofrem atrasos e recuperar o desempenho do sistema de controle através da rede IP. A chave para este método é realizar a estimação do conteúdo dos pacotes que sofrem atrasos com base no modelo dinâmico do sistema, mantendo o sistema com um nível adequado de desempenho. O sistema considerado é o controle de um manipulador antropomórfico com dois braços e uma cabeça de visão estéreo totalizando 18 juntas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que se pode recuperar boa parte do desempenho do sistema.


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Humanoid robots are an extremely complex interdisciplinary research field. Particularly, the development of high size humanoid robots usually requires joint efforts and skills from groups that are in many different research centers around the world. However, there are serious constraints in this kind of collaborative development. Some efforts have been made in order to propose new software frameworks that can allow distributed development with also some degree of hardware abstraction, allowing software reuse in successive projects. However, computation represents only one of the dimensions in robotics tasks, and the need for reuse and exchange of full robot modules between groups are growing. Large advances could be reached if physical parts of a robot could be reused in a different robot constructed with other technologies by other researcher or group. This paper proposes a new robot framework, from now on called TORP (The Open Robot Project), that aims to provide a standard architecture in all dimensions (electrical, mechanical and computational) for this collaborative development. This methodology also represents an open project that is fully shared. In this paper, the first robot constructed following the TORP specification set is presented as well as the advances proposed for its improvement. © 2010 IEEE.