992 resultados para one way delay


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Traditional recommendation methods offer items, that are inanimate and one way recommendation, to users. Emerging new applications such as online dating or job recruitments require reciprocal people-to-people recommendations that are animate and two-way recommendations. In this paper, we propose a reciprocal collaborative method based on the concepts of users' similarities and common neighbors. The dataset employed for the experiment is gathered from a real life online dating network. The proposed method is compared with baseline methods that use traditional collaborative algorithms. Results show the proposed method can achieve noticeably better performance than the baseline methods.


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One-time proxy signatures are one-time signatures for which a primary signer can delegate his or her signing capability to a proxy signer. In this work we propose two one-time proxy signature schemes with different security properties. Unlike other existing one-time proxy signatures that are constructed from public key cryptography, our proposed schemes are based one-way functions without trapdoors and so they inherit the communication and computation efficiency from the traditional one-time signatures. Although from a verifier point of view, signatures generated by the proxy are indistinguishable from those created by the primary signer, a trusted authority can be equipped with an algorithm that allows the authority to settle disputes between the signers. In our constructions, we use a combination of one-time signatures, oblivious transfer protocols and certain combinatorial objects. We characterise these new combinatorial objects and present constructions for them.


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Earlier studies have shown that the speed of information transmission developed radically during the 19th century. The fast development was mainly due to the change from sailing ships and horse-driven coaches to steamers and railways, as well as the telegraph. Speed of information transmission has normally been measured by calculating the duration between writing and receiving a letter, or between an important event and the time when the news was published elsewhere. As overseas mail was generally carried by ships, the history of communications and maritime history are closely related. This study also brings a postal historical aspect to the academic discussion. Additionally, there is another new aspect included. In business enterprises, information flows generally consisted of multiple transactions. Although fast one-way information was often crucial, e.g. news of a changing market situation, at least equally important was that there was a possibility to react rapidly. To examine the development of business information transmission, the duration of mail transport has been measured by a systematic and commensurable method, using consecutive information circles per year as the principal tool for measurement. The study covers a period of six decades, several of the world's most important trade routes and different mail-carrying systems operated by merchant ships, sailing packets and several nations' steamship services. The main sources have been the sailing data of mail-carrying ships and correspondence of several merchant houses in England. As the world's main trade routes had their specific historical backgrounds with different businesses, interests and needs, the systems for information transmission did not develop similarly or simultaneously. It was a process lasting several decades, initiated by the idea of organizing sailings in a regular line system. The evolution proceeded generally as follows: originally there was a more or less irregular system, then a regular system and finally a more frequent regular system of mail services. The trend was from sail to steam, but both these means of communication improved following the same scheme. Faster sailings alone did not radically improve the number of consecutive information circles per year, if the communication was not frequent enough. Neither did improved frequency advance the information circulation if the trip was very long or if the sailings were overlapping instead of complementing each other. The speed of information transmission could be improved by speeding up the voyage itself (technological improvements, minimizing the waiting time at ports of call, etc.) but especially by organizing sailings so that the recipients had the possibility to reply to arriving mails without unnecessary delay. It took two to three decades before the mail-carrying shipping companies were able to organize their sailings in an optimal way. Strategic shortcuts over isthmuses (e.g. Panama, Suez) together with the cooperation between steamships and railways enabled the most effective improvements in global communications before the introduction of the telegraph.


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We describe a System-C based framework we are developing, to explore the impact of various architectural and microarchitectural level parameters of the on-chip interconnection network elements on its power and performance. The framework enables one to choose from a variety of architectural options like topology, routing policy, etc., as well as allows experimentation with various microarchitectural options for the individual links like length, wire width, pitch, pipelining, supply voltage and frequency. The framework also supports a flexible traffic generation and communication model. We provide preliminary results of using this framework to study the power, latency and throughput of a 4x4 multi-core processing array using mesh, torus and folded torus, for two different communication patterns of dense and sparse linear algebra. The traffic consists of both Request-Response messages (mimicing cache accesses)and One-Way messages. We find that the average latency can be reduced by increasing the pipeline depth, as it enables higher link frequencies. We also find that there exists an optimum degree of pipelining which minimizes energy-delay product.


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A variety of short time delays inserted between pairs of subjects were found to affect their ability to synchronize a musical task. The subjects performed a clapping rhythm together from separate sound-isolated rooms via headphones and without visual contact. One-way time delays between pairs were manipulated electronically in the range of 3 to 78 ms. We are interested in quantifying the envelope of time delay within which two individuals produce synchronous per- formances. The results indicate that there are distinct regimes of mutually coupled behavior, and that `natural time delay'o¨delay within the narrow range associated with travel times across spatial arrangements of groups and ensembleso¨supports the most stable performance. Conditions outside of this envelope, with time delays both below and above it, create characteristic interaction dynamics in the mutually coupled actions of the duo. Trials at extremely short delays (corresponding to unnaturally close proximity) had a tendency to accelerate from anticipation. Synchronization lagged at longer delays (larger than usual physical distances) and produced an increasingly severe deceleration and then deterioration of performed rhythms. The study has implications for music collaboration over the Internet and suggests that stable rhythmic performance can be achieved by `wired ensembles' across distances of thousands of kilometers.


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Consumer relations, established between the Consumer and the Creditor, which carry a consequent inequality of contractual positioning between the parties, have been pushing the legislator to adopt more rigid regulations with regard to lending for the purchase of goods or services of consum issues. In this sense, the Decree-Law 359/91 was approved, meanwhile repealed by the Decree-Law 133/2009, which regulates the consumer credit agreement’s regime in the portuguese legal system. Through this contract, the financier makes available to the consumer a certain amount of money, which the consumer must repay, plus the respective remuneration (interest) and other charges, according to a refund plan agreed by the parties. The consumer will be in delay if he breaches this stipulation. In case of default, the creditor, notwithstanding, can choose to wait for the performance by the debtor, promote the loss of benefit of the term or the termination of the contract. From the outset it would seem that, in one way or another, the financier, by imposing a forced shortening of the contract duration initially agreed, will lose the right to remuneration for the provision of capital agreed, but not verified. Nevertheless, unlike presently, the previous regime allowed the parties to rule otherwise, being permitted to agree to the payment of interest of outstanding installments. On the other hand, in the consumer credit contract the principle of freedom of contractual provision of the parties is strongly mitigated by the special legislation, which prevents the waiver of rights by the consumer, and by the regime of general contractual terms, which restricts the freedom of the financier to stipulate the contractual content freely and the freedom of the consumer to negotiate. For all these reasons, associated with the growing need of credit resource to satisfy their needs of consumption, it is confirm the relevance of legislative intervention on consumers protection in the context of hiring credit.


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Consumer relations, established between the Consumer and the Creditor, which carry a consequent inequality of contractual positioning between the parties, have been pushing the legislator to adopt more rigid regulations with regard to lending for the purchase of goods or services of consum issues. In this sense, the Decree-Law 359/91 was approved, meanwhile repealed by the Decree-Law 133/2009, which regulates the consumer credit agreement’s regime in the portuguese legal system. Through this contract, the financier makes available to the consumer a certain amount of money, which the consumer must repay, plus the respective remuneration (interest) and other charges, according to a refund plan agreed by the parties. The consumer will be in delay if he breaches this stipulation. In case of default, the creditor, notwithstanding, can choose to wait for the performance by the debtor, promote the loss of benefit of the term or the termination of the contract. From the outset it would seem that, in one way or another, the financier, by imposing a forced shortening of the contract duration initially agreed, will lose the right to remuneration for the provision of capital agreed, but not verified. Nevertheless, unlike presently, the previous regime allowed the parties to rule otherwise, being permitted to agree to the payment of interest of outstanding installments. On the other hand, in the consumer credit contract the principle of freedom of contractual provision of the parties is strongly mitigated by the special legislation, which prevents the waiver of rights by the consumer, and by the regime of general contractual terms, which restricts the freedom of the financier to stipulate the contractual content freely and the freedom of the consumer to negotiate. For all these reasons, associated with the growing need of credit resource to satisfy their needs of consumption, it is confirm the relevance of legislative intervention on consumers protection in the context of hiring credit.


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Based on a three year action research project, this study examines one strand of that research, namely the impact that ‘purpose’, i.e. exploring the range of rationales for studying a subject, has in helping white trainee teachers embrace cultural and ethnic diversity within their teaching. Through ‘purpose’ trainees explored different reasons why history should be taught (and by implication what content should be taught and how it should be taught) and the relationship of these reasons to diversity. Focusing on ‘purpose’ appears to have a positive impact on many trainees from white, mono-ethnic backgrounds, enabling them to bring diversity into the school curriculum, in this case history teaching. It offers one way to counter concerns about issues of ‘whiteness’ in the teaching profession and by teaching a more relevant curriculum has a potential positive impact on the achievement of students from minority ethnic backgrounds.


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We study a two-way relay network (TWRN), where distributed space-time codes are constructed across multiple relay terminals in an amplify-and-forward mode. Each relay transmits a scaled linear combination of its received symbols and their conjugates,with the scaling factor chosen based on automatic gain control. We consider equal power allocation (EPA) across the relays, as well as the optimal power allocation (OPA) strategy given access to instantaneous channel state information (CSI). For EPA, we derive an upper bound on the pairwise-error-probability (PEP), from which we prove that full diversity is achieved in TWRNs. This result is in contrast to one-way relay networks, in which case a maximum diversity order of only unity can be obtained. When instantaneous CSI is available at the relays, we show that the OPA which minimizes the conditional PEP of the worse link can be cast as a generalized linear fractional program, which can be solved efficiently using the Dinkelback-type procedure.We also prove that, if the sum-power of the relay terminals is constrained, then the OPA will activate at most two relays.


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One way to represent and communicate density in the spatial disciplines including architecture, town planning and geography is through the map, plan or aerial photograph. These media and tools are generally perceived to be objective and analytical modes of practice. But what else do these modes of representation mediate? The paper will respond to this question by exploring notions of ontology, notions of dwelling and being in relation to lines and drawing techniques. A map or plan is an image, in addition to a mode of communication, and affects visual pleasure. As proposals of an unbuilt world and documents of existing environment, drawings contain lines of desire. The thesis is that the lines provide a corporeal framework for an imaginary projection between the viewer and a ‘real’ built environment. The paper becomes focussed on the specifics of the ‘green line’ that has represented post-war Beirut, and is typical of representation of sites of conflict.

In the plans of post-war Beirut an almost straight line running from the top to the bottom of the page is highlighted and represents a trajectory from the Place des Martyr to the Pine Forest. To descend from this metaphoric height of the map into the streets of Beirut is to confront urban density, traffic congestion, pollution exacerbated by dust, and a lack of greenery. During the war much of the fighting occurred across this marker, and since, it has been described as an empty neutral space due to the destruction of edifices on either side, and is often proposed as the only appropriate site for building projects of national significance. Is its emptiness an a priori condition of imaginary projections? Will it remain forever empty of the density everywhere else in Beirut? Who wants to dwell there?
This paper will examine the several nuances of the ‘green line’ and what role it plays between representation and defining ontological environments.


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Two-way relaying systems are known to be capable of providing higher spectral efficiency compared with one-way relaying systems. However, the channel estimation problem for two-way relaying systems becomes more complicated. In this paper, we propose a superimposed channel training scheme for two-way MIMO relay communication systems, where the individual channel information for users-relay and relay-users links are estimated. The optimal structure of the source and relay training sequences are derived when the mean-squared error (MSE) of channel estimation is minimized. We also optimize the power allocation between the source and relay training sequences to improve the performance of the algorithm. Numerical examples are shown to demonstrate the performance of the proposed channel training algorithm.


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Objective: the objectives were to analyze the cardiac effects of exposure to tobacco smoke (ETS), for a period of 30 days, alone and in combination with beta-carotene supplementation (BC). Research methods and procedures: Rats were allocated into: Air (control, n = 13); Air + BC (n = 11); ETS (n = 11); and BC + ETS (n = 9). In Air + BC and BC + ETS, 500 mg of BC were added to the diet. After three months of randomization, cardiac structure and function were assessed by echocardiogram. After that, animals were euthanized and morphological data were analyzed post-morten. One-way and two-way ANOVA were used to assess the effects of ETS, BC and the interaction between ETS and BC on the variables. Results: ETS presented smaller cardiac output (0.087 +/- 0.001 vs. 0.105 +/- 0.004 l/min; p = 0.007), higher left ventricular diastolic diameter (19.6 +/- 0.5 vs. 18.0 +/- 0.5 mm/kg; p = 0.024), higher left ventricular (2.02 +/- 0.05 vs. 1.70 +/- 0.03 g/kg; p < 0.001) and atrium (0.24 +/- 0.01 vs. 0.19 +/- 0.01 g/kg; p = 0.003) weight, adjusted to body weight of animals, and higher values of hepatic lipid hydroperoxide (5.32 +/- 0.1 vs. 4.84 +/- 0.1 nmol/g tissue; p = 0.031) than Air. However, considering those variables, there were no differences between Air and BC + ETS (0.099 +/- 0.004 l/min; 19.0 +/- 0.5 mm/kg; 1.83 +/- 0.04 g/kg; 0.19 +/- 0.01 g/kg; 4.88 +/- 0.1 nmol/g tissue, respectively; p > 0.05). Ultrastructural alterations were found in ETS: disorganization or loss of myofilaments, plasmatic membrane infolding, sarcoplasm reticulum dilatation, polymorphic mitochondria with swelling and decreased cristae. In BC + ETS, most fibers showed normal morphological aspects. Conclusion: One-month tobacco-smoke exposure induces functional and morphological cardiac alterations and BC supplementation attenuates this ventricular remodeling process.


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Aim: Based on the hypothesis the application of a low-viscosity hydrophobic resin coating improves the bond of all-in-one adhesive, the purpose of the study was to evaluate the bond strength of four adhesive systems to bovine root dentin using the push-out test method. Methods and Materials: The root canals of 32 bovine roots (16 mm) were prepared to a length of 12 mm using a FRC Postec Plus preparation drill. The specimens were allocated into four groups according to the adhesive system used: (Group 1) All-in-one Xeno III; (Group 2) All-in-one Xeno III+ScotchBond Multi-Purpose Plus Adhesive; (Group 3) Simplified Etch & Rinse One Step Plus; and (Group 4) Multi-Bottle Etch & Rinse All-Bond 2. A fiber-reinforced composite retention post was reproduced using an additional silicon impression and fabricated with DuoLink resin cement. The root specimens were treated with the selected adhesive systems, and the resin posts were luted in the canals with DuoLink resin cement. Each root specimen was cross sectioned into four samples (±1.8 mm in thickness), and the post sections were pushed-out to determine the bond strength to dentin. Results: Group 2 (2.9±1.2) was statistically higher than Group 1 (1.1±0.5) and Group 3 (1.1±0.5). Groups 1 and 3 showed no statistically significant difference while Group 4 (2.0±0.7) presented similar values (p>0.05) to Groups 1, 2, and 3 [(one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)] and Tukey test, α=0.05). Conclusion: The hypothesis was accepted since the application of the additional layer of a low-viscosity bonding resin improved the bond of the all-in-one adhesive. Further studies must be conducted to evaluate the long-term bond.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC