991 resultados para nutrient run-off


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Pollution of water with pesticides has become a threat to the man, material and environment. The pesticides released to the environment reach the water bodies through run off. Industrial wastewater from pesticide manufacturing industries contains pesticides at higher concentration and hence a major source of water pollution. Pesticides create a lot of health and environmental hazards which include diseases like cancer, liver and kidney disorders, reproductive disorders, fatal death, birth defects etc. Conventional wastewater treatment plants based on biological treatment are not efficient to remove these compounds to the desired level. Most of the pesticides are phyto-toxic i.e., they kill the microorganism responsible for the degradation and are recalcitrant in nature. Advanced oxidation process (AOP) is a class of oxidation techniques where hydroxyl radicals are employed for oxidation of pollutants. AOPs have the ability to totally mineralise the organic pollutants to CO2 and water. Different methods are employed for the generation of hydroxyl radicals in AOP systems. Acetamiprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide widely used to control sucking type insects on crops such as leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, pome fruits, grapes, cotton, ornamental flowers. It is now recommended as a substitute for organophosphorous pesticides. Since its use is increasing, its presence is increasingly found in the environment. It has high water solubility and is not easily biodegradable. It has the potential to pollute surface and ground waters. Here, the use of AOPs for the removal of acetamiprid from wastewater has been investigated. Five methods were selected for the study based on literature survey and preliminary experiments conducted. Fenton process, UV treatment, UV/ H2O2 process, photo-Fenton and photocatalysis using TiO2 were selected for study. Undoped TiO2 and TiO2 doped with Cu and Fe were prepared by sol-gel method. Characterisation of the prepared catalysts was done by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis. Influence of major operating parameters on the removal of acetamiprid has been investigated. All the experiments were designed using central compoiste design (CCD) of response surface methodology (RSM). Model equations were developed for Fenton, UV/ H2O2, photo-Fenton and photocatalysis for predicting acetamiprid removal and total organic carbon (TOC) removal for different operating conditions. Quality of the models were analysed by statistical methods. Experimental validations were also done to confirm the quality of the models. Optimum conditions obtained by experiment were verified with that obtained using response optimiser. Fenton Process is the simplest and oldest AOP where hydrogen peroxide and iron are employed for the generation of hydroxyl radicals. Influence of H2O2 and Fe2+ on the acetamiprid removal and TOC removal by Fenton process were investigated and it was found that removal increases with increase in H2O2 and Fe2+ concentration. At an initial concentration of 50 mg/L acetamiprid, 200 mg/L H2O2 and 20 mg/L Fe2+ at pH 3 was found to be optimum for acetamiprid removal. For UV treatment effect of pH was studied and it was found that pH has not much effect on the removal rate. Addition of H2O2 to UV process increased the removal rate because of the hydroxyl radical formation due to photolyis of H2O2. An H2O2 concentration of 110 mg/L at pH 6 was found to be optimum for acetamiprid removal. With photo-Fenton drastic reduction in the treatment time was observed with 10 times reduction in the amount of reagents required. H2O2 concentration of 20 mg/L and Fe2+ concentration of 2 mg/L was found to be optimum at pH 3. With TiO2 photocatalysis improvement in the removal rate was noticed compared to UV treatment. Effect of Cu and Fe doping on the photocatalytic activity under UV light was studied and it was observed that Cu doping enhanced the removal rate slightly while Fe doping has decreased the removal rate. Maximum acetamiprid removal was observed for an optimum catalyst loading of 1000 mg/L and Cu concentration of 1 wt%. It was noticed that mineralisation efficiency of the processes is low compared to acetamiprid removal efficiency. This may be due to the presence of stable intermediate compounds formed during degradation Kinetic studies were conducted for all the treatment processes and it was found that all processes follow pseudo-first order kinetics. Kinetic constants were found out from the experimental data for all the processes and half lives were calculated. The rate of reaction was in the order, photo- Fenton>UV/ H2O2>Fenton> TiO2 photocatalysis>UV. Operating cost was calculated for the processes and it was found that photo-Fenton removes the acetamiprid at lowest operating cost in lesser time. A kinetic model was developed for photo-Fenton process using the elementary reaction data and mass balance equations for the species involved in the process. Variation of acetamiprid concentration with time for different H2O2 and Fe2+ concentration at pH 3 can be found out using this model. The model was validated by comparing the simulated concentration profiles with that obtained from experiments. This study established the viability of the selected AOPs for the removal of acetamiprid from wastewater. Of the studied AOPs photo- Fenton gives the highest removal efficiency with lowest operating cost within shortest time.


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Sediments from the Black Sea, a region historically dominated by forests and steppe landscapes, are a valuable source of detailed information on the changes in regional terrestrial and aquatic environments at decadal to millennial scales. Here we present multi-proxy environmental records (pollen, dinoflagellate cysts, Ca, Ti and oxygen isotope data) from the uppermost 305 cm of the core 22-GC3 (42°13.53′N, 36°29.55′E) collected from a water depth of 838 m in the southern part of the Black Sea in 2007. The records span the last ~ 18 kyr (all ages are given in cal kyr BP). The pollen data reveal the dominance of the Artemisia-steppe in the region, suggesting rather dry/cold environments ~ 18–14.5 kyr BP. Warming/humidity increase during melt-water pulses (~ 16.1–14.5 kyr BP), indicated by δ18O records from the 22-GC3 core sediment and from the Sofular Cave stalagmite, is expressed in more negative δ13C values from the Sofular Cave, usually interpreted as the spreading of C3 plants. The records representing the interstadial complex (~ 14.5–12.9 kyr BP) show an increase in temperature and moisture, indicated by forest development, increased primary productivity and reduced surface run-off, whereas the switch from primary terrigenous to primary authigenic Ca origin occurs ~ 500 yr later. The Younger Dryas cooling is clearly demonstrated by more negative δ13C values from the Sofular Cave and a reduction of pines. The early Holocene (11.7–8.5 kyr BP) interval reveals relatively dry conditions compared to the mostly moist and warm middle Holocene (8.5–5 kyr BP), which is characterized by the establishment of the species-rich warm mixed and temperate deciduous forests in the low elevation belt, temperate deciduous beech-hornbeam forests in the middle and cool conifer forest in upper mountain belt. The border between the early and middle Holocene in the vegetation records coincides with the opening of the Mediterranean corridor at ~ 8.3 kyr BP, as indicated by a marked change in the dinocyst assemblages and in the sediment lithology. Changes in the pollen assemblages indicate a reduction in forest cover after ~ 5 kyr BP, which was likely caused by increased anthropogenic pressure on the regional vegetation.


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Policies to control air quality focus on mitigating emissions of aerosols and their precursors, and other short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs). On a local scale, these policies will have beneficial impacts on health and crop yields, by reducing particulate matter (PM) and surface ozone concentrations; however, the climate impacts of reducing emissions of SLCPs are less straightforward to predict. In this paper we consider a set of idealised, extreme mitigation strategies, in which the total anthropogenic emissions of individual SLCP emissions species are removed. This provides an upper bound on the potential climate impacts of such air quality strategies. We focus on evaluating the climate responses to changes in anthropogenic emissions of aerosol precursor species: black carbon (BC), organic carbon (OC) and sulphur dioxide (SO2). We perform climate integrations with four fully coupled atmosphere-ocean global climate models (AOGCMs), and examine the effects on global and regional climate of removing the total land-based anthropogenic emissions of each of the three aerosol precursor species. We find that the SO2 emissions reductions lead to the strongest response, with all three models showing an increase in surface temperature focussed in the northern hemisphere high latitudes, and a corresponding increase in global mean precipitation and run-off. Changes in precipitation and run-off patterns are driven mostly by a northward shift in the ITCZ, consistent with the hemispherically asymmetric warming pattern driven by the emissions changes. The BC and OC emissions reductions give a much weaker forcing signal, and there is some disagreement between models in the sign of the climate responses to these perturbations. These differences between models are due largely to natural variability in sea-ice extent, circulation patterns and cloud changes. This large natural variability component to the signal when the ocean circulation and sea-ice are free-running means that the BC and OC mitigation measures do not necessarily lead to a discernible climate response.


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The Colby Green is a campus expansion project which began in October of 2003. The construction would result in three new buildings, additional parking, and an elliptical 75,000-squarefoot green southeast of Mayflower Hill Drive. There were also plans for the construction of three run-off management and sediment ponds below the green, to manage flooding of the green. Three drains in the green transport water to the three retaining ponds which slowly disperse water into the surrounding environment. The ponds were created by constructing earthen dams around the drain outlets. The dams are composed of soil, cobbles, and boulders procured from the surrounding excavation site. Unfortunately, earthen dams are susceptible to many types of erosion which result in their failure. In this case the potential for clay and silt from the underlying Presumpscot Formation to mix with the soil in the earthen dams raised concerns with regards to frost action. In order to monitor the surface displacement of the dams I drove 92 poles into the ground in 8 straight lines across the faces of the dams in the fall of 2005. I returned to the sites during and after the spring thaw of 2006, to check for any signs of movement resulting from frost-heave, surface creep, or any other form of mass wasting. Fortunately, there was no recordable sign of movement in the stakes across any of the retaining ponds. The dams appear to be functioning as designed.


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O crescimento desordenado das cidades tem gerado muitos problemas de infraestrutura e impactos ao meio ambiente. No que se refere aos recursos hídricos, problemas de abastecimento, poluição e enchentes são cada vez mais constantes. À medida que a cidade se urbaniza e se impermeabiliza, vários são os impactos que vão atuar no sentido de provocar ou agravar as enchentes urbanas. No caso da drenagem urbana é preciso repensar o que vem sendo feito, buscando soluções alternativas às atualmente apresentadas, uma vez que estas não têm se mostrado eficientes. Uma possível solução para estes problemas é a aplicação de medidas de controle do escoamento na fonte, dentre elas o microrreservatório de detenção. Baseando-se na busca de soluções para os problemas citados, este trabalho tem o objetivo geral de verificar experimentalmente o funcionamento de microrreservatórios de detenção no controle da geração do escoamento superficial. Para isso foi construído um módulo experimental nas dependências do IPH, composto por um microrreservatório de 1m3, monitorado através de linígrafos que registram as vazões de entrada e saída, recebendo contribuição de uma área de 337,5m2. O período de monitoramento iniciou em agosto de 2000 e se estendeu até janeiro de 2001. De posse dos dados coletados foi possível fazer uma análise da eficiência deste dispositivo no controle do escoamento superficial, bem como estudar a real necessidade de manutenção da estrutura. Também foi feita uma análise do impacto da presença de sedimentos (folhagens) na água de escoamento nas estruturas de descarga. O trabalho também deixa uma contribuição no que se refere a critérios de projeto e dimensionamento de estruturas desta natureza. Finalmente foi possível concluir que o sistema é eficiente no controle da vazão de pico, porém o reservatório não permitiu um aumento no tempo de resposta da bacia.


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We exploit a discontinuity in Brazilian municipal election rules to investigate whether political competition has a causal impact on policy choices. In municipalities with less than 200,000 voters mayors are elected with a plurality of the vote. In municipalities with more than 200,000 voters a run-off election takes place among the top two candidates if neither achieves a majority of the votes. At a first stage, we show that the possibility of runoff increases political competition. At a second stage, we use the discontinuity as a source of exogenous variation to infer causality from political competition to fiscal policy. Our second stage results suggest that political competition induces more investment and less current spending, particularly personnel expenses. Furthermore, the impact of political competition is larger when incumbents can run for reelection, suggesting incentives matter insofar as incumbents can themselves remain in office.


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Os depósitos sem vencimento são uma importante fonte de funding das instituições financeiras, e apresentam um desafio na gestão dos riscos de juros e liquidez, por não apresentarem um vencimento definido. Os depositantes podem sacar o montante de suas aplicações, bem como aportar novos volumes, a qualquer tempo sem a incidência de penalidades. Atualmente não há um modelo regulatório padronizado para mensurar o risco de juros desses produtos, bem como seu requerimento de capital. No entanto, novas regulamentações tem surgido com o intuito de, dentre outras coisas, trazer certa padronização para a modelagem dos depósitos sem vencimento, aumentando a comparabilidade do perfil de risco entre instituições financeiras. Essas regulamentações aumentam a necessidade de modelos quantitativos que definam um perfil de run-off da carteira ou de evolução dessa carteira no tempo. Este estudo tem como objetivo propor uma abordagem para modelar os fluxos de caixa esperados dos depósitos de poupança que possibilitará calcular o risco de mercado e apresentar sua aplicação dentro das novas normas de requerimento de capital que estão sendo propostas. Como resultado calculamos o risco de mercado e requerimento de capital para um balanço teórico.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ferralsols have high structural stability, although structural degradation has been observed to result from forest to tillage or pasture conversion. An experimental series of forest skidder passes in an east Amazonian natural forest was performed for testing the effects of mechanical stress during selective logging operations on a clay-rich Ferralsol under both dry and wet soil conditions. Distinct ruts formed up to 25 cm depth only under wet conditions. After nine passes the initially very low surface bulk density of between 0.69 and 0.80 g cm(-3) increased to 1.05 g cm(-3) in the wet soil and 0.92 g cm(-3) in the dry soil. Saturated hydraulic conductivities, initially > 250 mm h(-1), declined to a minimum of around 10 mm h(-1) in the wet soil after the first pass, and in the dry soil more gradually after nine passes. The contrasting response of bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity is explained by exposure of subsoil material at the base of the ruts where macrostructure rapidly deteriorated under wet conditions. We attribute the resultant moderately high hydraulic conductivities to the formation of stable microaggregates with fine sand to coarse silt textures. We conclude that the topsoil macrostructure of Ferralsols is subject to similar deterioration to that of Luvisols in temperate zones. The stable microstructure prevents marked compaction and decrease in hydraulic conductivity under wetter and more plastic soil conditions. However, typical tropical storms may regularly exceed the infiltration capacity of the deformed soils. In the deeper ruts water may concentrate and cause surface run-off, even in gently sloping areas. To avoid soil erosion, logging operations in sloping areas should therefore be restricted to dry soil conditions when rut formation is minimal.


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Water infiltration into soil is one of the basic factors for estimating irrigation intensity according to the plants' requirements; this is aimed at avoiding problems of surface run-off and degradation. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the spatial variation of infiltration and its relationship to some physical properties of soil by means of geostatistical techniques in Typic Plinthaquult soils having average texture and flat relief. A 113 point mesh was designned, having a regular distance of 10 m between points, samples being taken from 0 to 0.20 meters depth. Sand, silt and clay content, bulk density, macroporosity, microporosity and total porosity were determined. Infiltration tests were carried out in the field by means of a 15 cm diameter ring. Descriptive statistics and geostatistics were used for analysing the data. Infiltration, silt and microporosity data did not fit a normal distribution curve. Infiltration had high variability, having an average 36.03 mm h(-1). Total porosity was 56.73%, this being the only property that did not show spatial dependency. The smallest ranges were observed for bulk density, macroporosity and microporosity, having values of less than 40 m. The smallest degrees of spatial dependence were observed for infiltration, silt and clay, evidence also being shown of the influence of silt and clay on infiltration rate. Contour maps were constructed; fitting them to the semivariogram models, together with studying the correlations, led to establishing relationships between the properties.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)