827 resultados para non-government organisations


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The increasing use of information and communications technologies among government departments and non-government agencies has fundamentally changed the implementation of employment services policy in Australia. The administrative arrangements for governing unemployment and unemployed people are now constituted by a complex contractual interplay between government departments as ‘purchasers’ and a range of small and large private organizations as ‘providers’. Assessing, tracking and monitoring the activities of unemployed people through the various parts of the employment services system has been made possible by developments in information technology and tailored computer programs. Consequently, the discretionary capacity that is traditionally associated with ‘street-level bureaucracy’ has been partly transformed into more prescriptive forms of ‘screen-level bureaucracy’. The knowledge embedded in these new computer-based technologies is considered superior because it is based on ‘objective calculations’, rather than subjective assessments of individual employees. The relationship between the sociopolitical context of unemployment policy and emerging forms of e-government is explored using illustrative findings from a qualitative pilot study undertaken in two Australian sites. The findings suggest that some of the new technologies in the employment services system are welcomed, while other applications are experienced as contradictory to the aims of delivering a personalized and respectful service.


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Napjainkban egyre nagyobb figyelem fordul a sporttevékenység társadalmi hasznosságára, ugyanakkor számos sportszervezet a túléléséért küzd. A legtöbb sportszervezetnél a sportteljesítmény mérése dominál, s viszonylag kevés figyelmet fordítanak az üzleti teljesítmény és az ezt befolyásoló tényezők mérésére, annak ellenére, hogy a vezetők tudatában vannak a sportteljesítmény és az üzleti teljesítmény kölcsönös összefüggésével. A sportteljesítményt a fogyasztói elégedettségen keresztül bevételre kell váltani, illetve biztosítani kell a finanszírozási forrásokat (gondolhatunk akár a játékosok fizetésére) a megfelelő sportteljesítmény eléréséhez. A sportszervezetek vezetőinek át kell látniuk a sportteljesítmény és az üzleti teljesítmény összefüggéseit, és azonosítaniuk kell a kritikus értékteremtő tényezőket. Ehhez adhat egy megfelelő gondolkodási keretet a Balanced Scorecard alkalmazása. Tanulmányunkban egy rövid áttekintést adunk a Balanced Scorecard alkalmazásának előnyeiről és kihívásairól a non-profit szervezetek esetében, majd egy magyarországi kézilabda klubnál készített esettanulmány segítségével megvizsgáljuk a BSC alkalmazási lehetőségét a sportkluboknál. _____ While performance measurement in the sport industry has a traditionally strong focus on sports results, commercial success of sports clubs needs to gain more ground. Sports results should generate market revenues, by satisfying customer needs, and allow continued investment in the further improvement of sports success (i.e. more funds for player transfers and wages). Club managers need to understand the complex relationship between on-field and off-the-field success, and identify critical success factors for achieving strategic objectives. The Balanced Scorecard approach provides a plausible framework for such analysis. Our paper explains the challenges of and opportunities for implementing a Balanced Scorecard system in non-profit organisations, and provides insights into its application in professional sport through an in-depth case study of a handball club in Hungary. We conclude by providing a model for managing sports organisations in line with strategic objectives, balancing out stakeholder expectations for both sports results and commercial success.


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320 p.


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Peacemaking in Bosnia-Herzegovina is a controversial subject that engaged the political energies of the international community for several years without resolution. While international efforts at peacemaking warrant a critique in their own right, the assumptions that lie behind popular perceptions of peacemaking must also be examined. This article explores the proposition that the promotion of multi-ethnic contact between Bosnian people is at least as important as elections or the reconstruction of political institutions. Indeed, the restoration and development of inter-ethnic relationships, especially at grassroots level, is essential for the establishment of sustainable peace. This article thus focuses on the roles of NGOs (Non-governmental organisations) active at the grassroots level in Bosnia, such as the Centre for Drama Education in Mostar, Project Firefly in Brcko, and the CARE Welcome Project in Sarajevo, which represent a grassroots form of peacemaking that incorporates local knowledge and understandings of the conflict within peace projects.


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The objective of this paper is to review and discuss the literature about volunteers’ motivations to donate their time to NGOs (Non Governmental Organisations). According to Parboteeah, Cullenb & Lim (2004) management research has not paid much attention to voluntarism, however, voluntarism is a substantial part of productive work for many societies. Wilson & Pimm (1996) show that in Great Britain about 39% of the adult population has been involved in some volunteer activity for some period of time. In the U.S.A. these values reach 50% (Wilson & Pimm, 1996). Considering the benefits that voluntarism can bring to an organisation, we understand that more attention must be devoted to this phenomenon. The more an organisation knows volunteers, the better this organisation will be able to meet the needs and expectations of these individuals. We present a literature review that illustrates and compares the different motivations associated with volunteer work. The paper includes a bibliographical databases search in specialised journals. The search used the key words “motivations” and “voluntarism” (in the heading and text body) and covered all numbers between 2000 and 2007. We identify the existence of repeated motivations (Holmberg & Söderlung, 2005; Prouteau & Wolff, 2008; Soupourmas & Ironmonger, 2001; Yavas & Riecken, 1997), which allow the establishment of a typology of volunteers’ motivations, based on four categories: altruism, social needs, self-esteem, learning and self-development. Finally we identify three main gaps in the literature that justify further research. First, research focusing on the differences between motivations related to volunteers’ "Attraction" versus "Retention" in NGO’s is nil. Second, the great majority of the studies rely on north American (USA and Canada) and Australian context, which demands for further research in European countries. Third, the majority of NGOs researched are related to sport, art or the environment, and it would be interesting to explore the relationship between motivation and NGO type. These questions may obtain interesting answers for NGO management, in particular with regard to volunteer attraction and retention.


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Este trabalho revê e discute a literatura sobre as motivações dos voluntários para doarem o seu tempo às ONG’s. Quanto melhor uma organização conhecer os voluntários, mais essa organização poderá ir de encontro às necessidades e expectativas desses mesmos indivíduos. Por isso, compreender as motivações que podem levar um indivíduo a doar o seu tempo a uma determinada organização é relevante na gestão das ONG’s. Primeiro, o artigo discute o estado da arte do voluntariado formal e as motivações dos indivíduos voluntários não dirigentes. Apresenta-se uma pesquisa a bases de dados bibliográficas, que inclui revistas especializadas na investigação de voluntariado. Depois, o artigo mostra e compara os diferentes tipos de motivações associadas ao trabalho voluntário e propõe uma tipologia que agrupa as motivações dos voluntários em quatro tipos: altruísmo, pertença, ego e reconhecimento social e aprendizagem e desenvolvimento. Por fim, efectua-se uma análise que indica três lacunas na literatura das motivações dos voluntários que justificam investigação adicional: (i) a omissão de diferenças entre as motivações relacionadas com a “Atracção” versus a “Retenção” dos voluntários; (ii) a focalização das investigações no contexto norte-americano e australiano; e (iii) a ausência de análises comparativas que relacionem as motivações por tipos de ONG’s.


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Volunteers working in different areas or different NPO (Non-profit Organisations) are significantly different according to several variables, namely in terms of motivation, satisfaction and permanence. Thus, the main goal of this research is to understand volunteers’ motivations and the influence of the context on it. Additionally, demographic variables might have an important impact on volunteers’ activities, be an important predictor of volunteering and, at the same time, influence their time commitment. In this paper we present data from twelve different NPO - 10 hospitals and 2 food banks. The model of data collection was a survey conducted by self-administered questionnaire. The results showed significant differences between the volunteers’ belonging to the two organisations and their motivations, confirming that volunteer’ motivations differ according the type/nature of organisation; this is particularly important because the field in which one works is influenced by a self-evident affinity with shared ideologies, religious convictions, and collective identities. These results present important outcomes that should be reflected in the way organisations act. Keywords: Volunteering; Occasional and permanent volunteers; Motivations; Non-profit organisations.


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This Communication Strategy has been developed by representatives of the statutory sector and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) from the voluntary and community sectors from both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland


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Numerous recent reports by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), academics and international organisations have focused on so-called 'climate refugees'. This article examines the turn from a discourse of 'climate refugees', in which organisations perceive migration as a failure of both mitigation and adaptation to climate change, to one of 'climate migration', in which organisations promote migration as a strategy of adaptation. Its focus is the promotion of climate migration management, and it explores the trend of these discourses through two sections. First, it provides an empirical account of the two discourses, emphasising the differentiation between them. It then focuses on the discourse of climate migration, its origins, extent and content, and the associated practices of 'migration management'. The second part argues that the turn to the promotion of 'climate migration' should be understood as a way to manage the insecurity created by climate change. However, international organisations enacts this management within the forms of neoliberal capitalism, including the framework of governance. Therefore, the promotion of 'climate migration' as a strategy of adaptation to climate change is located within the tendencies of neoliberalism and the reconfiguration of southern states' sovereignty through governance.


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In ‘Sugar Reduction: Responding to the Challenge’, PHE is calling on charities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), academics, businesses, retailers and consumers to work together to reduce the amount of sugar we eat as a nation. By analysing dietary data and discussing food habits with stakeholders, we have identified a range of areas that need exploring further. PHE already runs successful marketing campaigns designed to promote healthy living. To build on this, we also want to look at the way foods are being advertised to children, financial measures that relate to sugar sweetened drinks, food procurement across the public sector and education and training. Today, PHE received a draft report from the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN): ‘Carbohydrates and Health’. PHE is particularly interested in SACN’s research because it is clear that the nation is consuming more sugar than the UK’s current recommendations. Diets high in sugar can contribute to excess calorie intake, which can lead to weight gain and obesity.


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This paper presents a theoretical and empirical analysis of strategic competition in retail banking when some of the financial firms are non-profit organisations that invest in social activities. Banking literature about competition is fairly large, but the strategic interaction between profit maximizing and non profit maximizers has not been extensively analysed except for Purroy and Salas (1999). In this paper, a completely different approach is taken. An adaptation of Hotelling’s two stage model of spatial competition is developed to take into account consumer perceptions respect to the two different types of financial institutions. The empirical analysis confirms that consumers take into account other features different from the price, such as social contribution or closer service to make a deposit or mortgage decision. These conclusions are of interest in the debate about a firm’s social or ethical activities. It is shown that if consumers value social activities, firms can improv


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English summary: Donation as a revenue source for non-profit organisations - on the regulation of fundraising campaigns and tax policy (s. 909-910)


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Forensic experts play a major role in the legal process as they offer professional expert opinion and evidence within the criminal justice system adjudicating on the innocence or alleged guilt of an accused person. In this respect medico-legal examination is an essential part of the investigation process, determining in a scientific way, the cause(s) and manner of unexpected and/or unnatural death or bringing clinical evidence in case of physical, psychological or sexual abuse in living people. From a legal perspective, these types of investigation must meet international standards i-e it should be independent, effective and prompt. Ideally the investigations should be conducted by board certified experts in forensic medicine, endowed with a solid experience in this field, without any hierarchical relationship with the prosecuting authorities and having access to appropriate facilities in order to provide forensic reports of high quality. In this respect, there is a need for any private or public national or international authority including non-governmental organisations seeking experts qualified in forensic medicine,to have at disposal a list of specialists working in accordance with high standards of professional performance within forensic pathology services that have been successfully submitted to an official accreditation/certification process using valid and acceptable criteria. To reach this goal the National Association of Medical examiners (NAME) has elaborated an accreditation/certification check-list which should be served as decision-making support to assist inspectors appointed to evaluate applicants. In the same spirit than NAME Accreditation Standards, ECLM board decided to set up an ad hoc working group with the mission to elaborate an accreditation/certification procedure similar to the NAME's one but taking into account the realities of forensic medicine practices in Europe and restricted to post-mortem investigations. This accreditation process applies to services and not to individual practitioners by emphasizing policies and procedures rather than professional performance. In addition the standards to be complied with should be considered as the minimum standards needed to get the recognition of performing and reliable forensic pathology service.


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Valtionhallinnon muutosprosessissa on huomattu tulosohjaukseen liittyvät rakenteelliset ongelmat. 2000-luvun puolivälissä prosessiajattelu nousee uudelleen esiin. Sitä esitetään aidosti ratkaisumalliksi julkisten palvelujen järjestämiseen. Prosessit ovattulleet ajankohtaisiksi. Tutkielman päätavoitteena oli prosessijohtamisen ja muutosjohtamisen lähtökohtien syventäminen. Alatavoitteina olivat prosessien suoritusmittarit ja onnistuneen muutoshallinnan avaintekijät. Tutkimus perustuu lähdekirjallisuuteen ja asiantuntijoiden haastatteluihin. Prosessilähtöisyys valtionhallinnossa on huomion kiinnittämistä ulkoisen asiakkaan tarpeiden tyydyttämiseen sekä yhteiskunnallisten vaikuttavuustavoitteiden saavuttamiseen. Muutos vaatiinimenomaan johtamista sekä sitkeyttä ja vastarinnan sietämistä. Lisäksi se vaatii johdon sitoutumista ja määrätietoista työtä tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Rohkeus ja avoimuus uusille asioille ovat myös tärkeitä. Valtionhallinnon organisaatioissa tarvitaan lähitulevaisuudessa entistä enemmän muutosagentteja, muutosjohtajia ja uudenlaista osaamista.


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Tausta Kansainvälinen kauppa on globaalia toimintaa, jossa tavaroiden ja palveluiden tuottaminen ja kuluttaminen on jakautunut maapallon eri osiin. Arvoketjukäsitteellä korostetaan eri toimijoiden panosta lopputuotteen valmistamiseksi, sekä yhteisten tavoitteiden merkitystä. Toimijaverkostot ovat moni-ilmeisiä ja monimutkaisia. Globaalin kaupan toinen tärkeä piirre on yhteiskuntavastuu, joka tulee esiin niin yksityisen kuin julkisen sektorin toiminnassa. Sen toteuttaminen asettaa suuria haasteita sekä yksityisen että julkisen sektorin toimijoille. Kansallisvaltion mahdollisuudet hallita globaaleja kaupan arvoketjuja julkisella sääntelyllä on osoittautunut ongelmalliseksi. Tutkimuskysymykset Tämä tutkimus on oikeustieteen alaan kuuluva sääntelytutkimuksen artikkeliväitöskirja, joka on tutkimusotteeltaan poikkitieteellinen. Tutkimus pyrkii kaikkiaan valaisemaan yksityisen sääntelyn käyttömahdollisuuksia ja rajoituksia elinkeinotoiminnassa. Keskeisessä roolissa oikeustieteen rinnalla on liiketaloustieteen tutkimus. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat ensinnäkin, mistä nousee kansainvälistä kauppaa koskeva yksityisen sääntelyn tarve ja toiseksi, mikä motivoi yrityksiä yksityiseen sääntelyyn tai itsesääntelyyn. Lopuksi pohditaan, miten lainsäätäjän tulisi suhtautua yksityiseen sääntelyyn. Tutkimuskysymyksiin vastaamalla syvennetään ja täsmennetään oikeustieteen piirissä tehtävää tutkimusta ennakoivasta oikeudesta. Menetelmät ja aineistot Tutkimus on oikeusvertaileva tutkimus, jossa pääpaino on yksityisessä sääntelyssä. Tutkimusaineisto nojautuu eri tieteenaloilla tehtyihin sekä kvalitatiivisiin että kvantitatiivisiin empiirisiin sääntelyjärjestelmien käyttöä ja toimivuutta koskeviin tutkimuksiin sekä tutkijan tekemään 42:en, metsäsektorin, elintarvikealan, vaatetusalan sekä vähittäiskaupan piirissä käytössä olevan sääntelyjärjestelmän analyysiin. Johtopäätökset Yksityisen sääntelyn tarve nousee tarpeesta hallita globaaleja arvoketjuja kohti yhteisiä tavoitteita. Tulevan lainsäädännön uhan sijasta yrityksiä motivoi yksityiseen sääntelyyn kilpailuedun tavoitteluun liittyvät tekijät. Koska kilpailuetuun yhä yleisemmin sisältyy yhteiskuntavastuullisuus, ovat yritysten tavoitteet ja julkisen sektorin tavoitteet lähentyneet. Erilaisten kansalaisjärjestöjen rooli kasvaa koko ajan. Ne osallistuvat vahvasti niin yksityisen sääntelyn laadintaan kuin myös sääntöjen valvontaan. Yksityisen sääntelyn tavoitteet ovat aiemmin liittyneet ympäristönsuojelun painottamiseen ja elintarviketurvallisuuteen erityisesti metsäsektorilla ja elintarvikealalla, myöhemmin sosiaalisen vastuullisuuden parantaminen on myös tullut painokkaammin esiin. Kansainvälisen kaupan piirissä syntynyttä yksityisen sääntelyn ilmiötä kuvataan tässä ennakoiva oikeus –käsitteellä. Aiempi tutkimus rajoittui tarkastelemaan ilmiötä vain ennakoivana lähestymistapana oikeuteen. Tässä painopiste on sen sijaan ennakoivan lähestymistavan avulla aikaansaaduissa sääntelyn välineissä ja lopputuloksissa: mahdollistavassa, valtaistavassa, dynaamisessa ja käyttäjäystävällisessä oikeudessa, jonka avulla luodaan mahdollisuuksia, ennalta ehkäistään ja hallitaan riskejä eikä pelkästään ratkaista jo syntyneitä ongelmia. Käsitteen sisältöä avataan tutkimuksessa sekä sääntelyjärjestelmien sisällöllisen tarkastelun että prosessiin liittyvän tarkastelun avulla.