74 resultados para nitrophenol


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 Lipases have applications for the industrial processing of lipids, including concentrating and/or modifying fish oil derived omega-3 fatty acids, widely used as nutritional supplement and functional food ingredients. A range of para-nitrophenol (pNP) acyl esters were synthesised as a means to rapidly screen lipases for fatty acid selectivity using spectrophotometric detection. The chosen esters were based primarily on the most abundant fatty acids present in anchovy and tuna oils. pNP derivatives of C16:1 n-7, C18:1 n-9 (OA), C18:2 n-6 (LA), C18:3 n-3 (ALA), C20:5 n-3 (EPA) and C22:6 n-3 (DHA) were synthesised. Storage stability of these pNP derivatives was shown to be at least 6 months and all pNP derivatives, including those of EPA and DHA, were shown to be stable throughout the conditions of the assay. We applied the new assay substrates for the determination of fatty acid selectivity of five widely utilised lipases. Results showed that the lipase from Candida rugosa was the most selective in terms of omega-3 specificity, preferentially hydrolysing all other medium– long chain substrates. Lipases from Rhizomucor miehei and Thermomyces lanuginosa also showed selectivity, with a significant preference for saturated fatty acids. Candida Antarctica lipase B and Aspergillus niger lipase were the least selective.


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In this study, we demonstrate for the first time the successful fabrication of well-dispersed ultrafine silver nanoparticles inside metal-organic frameworks through a single step gamma irradiation at room temperature. HKUST-1 crystals are soaked in silver nitrate aqueous solution and irradiated with a Cobalt 60 source across a range of irradiation doses to synthesize highly uniformly distributed silver nano-particles. The average size of the silver nanoparticles across the Ag@HKUST-1 materials is found to vary between 1.4 and 3 nm for dose exposures between 1 and 200 kGy, respectively. The Ag@HKUST-1 hybrid crystals exhibit strong surface plasmon resonance and are highly durable and efficient catalytic materials for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol (up to 14.46 × 10-3 s-1 for 1 kGy Ag@HKUST-1). The crystals can be easily recycled for at least five successive cycles of reaction with a conversion efficiency higher than 99.9%. The gamma irradiation is demonstrated to be an effective and environmental friendly process for the synthesis of nano-particles across confined metal-organic frameworks at room temperature with potential applications in environmental science.


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Different functions were imparted to ramie fibers through treatment with noble metal nanoparticles including silver and gold nanoparticles. The in situ synthesis of silver and gold nanoparticles was achieved by heating in the presence of ramie fibers in the corresponding solutions of precursors. The unique optical property of synthesized noble metal nanoparticles, i.e., localized surface plasmon resonance, endowed ramie fibers with bright colors. Color strength (K/S) of fibers increased with heating temperature. Silver nanoparticles were obtained in alkaline solution, while acidic condition was conducive to gold nanoparticles. The optical properties of treated ramie fibers were investigated using UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed to observe the morphologies of silver and gold nanoparticles in situ synthesized on fibers. The ramie fibers treated with noble metal nanoparticles showed remarkable catalytic activity for reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) by sodium borohydride. Moreover, the silver nanoparticle treatment showed significant antibacterial property on ramie fibers.


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Uniform silver submicrospheres were synthesized under ambient conditions, through reduction of silver nitrate using ascorbic acid as a reducing agent and Tween 20 as a stabilizer. The silver submicroparticles exhibited strong catalytic activity for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol by sodium borohydride (NaBH4). Significantly, the aggregates of a few silver submicroparticles can be used as surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrate to improve markedly the Raman signal of crystal violet. The morphologies of silver submicroparticles can be controlled by changing reaction conditions. The formation process of silver submicroparticles was monitored by time-resolved extinction spectroscopy. The influences of concentrations and molar ratios of reaction reagents on the formation of silver submicroparticles are discussed.


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Peptide-enabled nanoparticle (NP) synthesis routes can create and/or assemble functional nanomaterials under environmentally friendly conditions, with properties dictated by complex interactions at the biotic/abiotic interface. Manipulation of this interface through sequence modification can provide the capability for material properties to be tailored to create enhanced materials for energy, catalysis, and sensing applications. Fully realizing the potential of these materials requires a comprehensive understanding of sequence-dependent structure/function relationships that is presently lacking. In this work, the atomic-scale structures of a series of peptide-capped Au NPs are determined using a combination of atomic pair distribution function analysis of high-energy X-ray diffraction data and advanced molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The Au NPs produced with different peptide sequences exhibit varying degrees of catalytic activity for the exemplar reaction 4-nitrophenol reduction. The experimentally derived atomic-scale NP configurations reveal sequence-dependent differences in structural order at the NP surface. Replica exchange with solute-tempering MD simulations are then used to predict the morphology of the peptide overlayer on these Au NPs and identify factors determining the structure/catalytic properties relationship. We show that the amount of exposed Au surface, the underlying surface structural disorder, and the interaction strength of the peptide with the Au surface all influence catalytic performance. A simplified computational prediction of catalytic performance is developed that can potentially serve as a screening tool for future studies. Our approach provides a platform for broadening the analysis of catalytic peptide-enabled metallic NP systems, potentially allowing for the development of rational design rules for property enhancement.


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As plaquetas sangüíneas são fragmentos citoplasmáticos, oriundos da ruptura dos megacariócitos, cuja principal função está relacionada à manutenção da integridade vascular. Os nucleotídeos extracelulares, ATP e ADP, bem como a adenosina, têm sido implicados em um grande número de funções fisiológicas: o ADP é o principal fator recrutador de plaquetas, enquanto que o ATP é um inibidor competitivo da agregação induzida por ADP. A adenosina é uma molécula capaz de induzir vasodilatação e inibir a agregação plaquetária. Desta maneira, a manutenção da sinalização purinérgica normal tem se mostrado importante para o tratamento de doenças cardiovasculares. Os nucleosídeos di e trifosfatos circulantes podem ser hidrolisados por membros de várias famílias de ectonucleotidases de membrana e solúveis, incluindo as ecto-nucleosídeo trifosfato difosfoidrolases (E-NTPDases) e ecto-nucleotídeo pirofosfatase/fosfodiesterases (E-NPPs), que em conjunto com a ecto-5’-nucleotidase, levam à formação de adenosina. Na superfície das plaquetas, ambas enzimas, E-NTPDase e ecto-5’-nucleotidase, estão descritas. O sistema renina-angiotensina é o principal regulador da função renal e cardiovascular, desenvolvendo um papel fundamental na homeostasia da pressão arterial e do balanço eletrolítico. A angiotensina II (ANGII) induz fisiologicamente a ativação das plaquetas, possivelmente devido às suas propriedades vasoconstritoras. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram, portanto: 1) caracterizar cineticamente a enzima E-NPP em plaquetas de ratos, utilizando o substrato marcador p-Nph-5’TMP e 2) esclarecer, mesmo que em parte, os possíveis efeitos da ANGII sobre a hidrólise extracelular de nucleotídeos por plaquetas de ratos. No primeiro capítulo deste trabalho, descrevemos uma atividade enzimática em plaquetas de ratos que compartilha as principais características bioquímicas já descritas para as E-NPPs: pH ótimo alcalino; valores de KM e Vmax calculados de aproximadamente 106.22 ± 17.83 μM e 3.44 ± 0.18 nmol p-nitrophenol/min/mg, respectivamente; e dependência de cátions divalentes. Além disso, o AMP inibiu somente a hidrólise do p-Nph-5’TMP. Por outro lado, a azida de sódio, em altas concentrações, a angiotensina II e o cloreto de gadolínio alteraram apenas as hidrólises de ATP ou ADP ou de ambos. No segundo capítulo, mostramos que a ANGII foi capaz de aumentar as hidrólises de ATP, ADP e AMP em plaquetas em todas as doses testadas (5, 50, 500 e 5000 picomóis). Entretanto, nenhuma alteração foi observada com relação à hidrólise do p-Nph-5'TMP. Em adição, observamos um aumento na hidrólise de AMP e uma diminuição na hidrólise de p-Nph-5'TMP em plaquetas de ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR) quando comparados a ratos Wistar normotensos. De maneira geral, esta dissertação traz a caracterização bioquímica da enzima E-NPP na superfície de plaquetas intactas de ratos como sendo parte de um complexo sistema para a hidrólise de nucleotídeos nestes fragmentos citoplasmáticos, podendo, assim, contribuir para o desenvolvimento de terapias antiplaquetárias e para o tratamento de doenças vasculares. Adicionalmente, apresentamos alguns resultados demonstrando interações entre os sistemas angiotensinérgico e adenosinérgico de plaquetas de ratos, o que poderá contribuir para o entendimento e o tratamento de doenças cardiovasculares como hipertensão e arteriosclerose.


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In Chapter 1, rhodium nanoparticles were supported on multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and bound to the magnetic core-shell system Fe3O4@TiO2. The composite Fe3O4@TiO2-Rh-MWCNT and the intermediates were characterized by SEM, EDS and TEM. Their catalytic activity was studied using i) the hydrogenation transfer of nitroarenes and cyclohexene in the presence of hydrazine hydrate; ii) the reduction of 2-nitrophenol with NaBH4; and iii) the decoloration of pigments in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The results were monitored by gas chromatography (i) and UV Visible (ii and iii). In the second chapter, the catalytic activity of six oxidovanadium(V) aroylhydrazone complexes, viz. [VOL1(OEt)][VOL1(OEt)(EtOH)] (1), [VOL2(OEt)] (2), [Et3NH][VO2L1] (3), [VO2(H2L2)]2·EtOH (4), [VOL1(µ -O)VOL1] (5) and [VOL2(µ -O)VOL2] (6) (H2L1 = 3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylidene)-2hydroxybenzohydrazide and H2L2 = 3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylidene)-2 aminobenzohydrazide), anchored on nanodiamonds with different treatments, was studied towards the microwave-assisted partial oxidation of 1-phenylethanol to acetophenone in the presence of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) as oxidant. A high selectivity for acetophenone was achieved for the optimized conditions. The possibility of recycling and reuse the heterogeneous catalysts was also investigated. In chapter 3, the catalytic activity of gold nanoparticles supported at different metal oxides, such as Fe2O3, Al2O3 ZnO or TiO2, was studied for the above reaction. The effect of the support, quantity of the catalyst and temperature was investigated. The recyclability of the gold catalysts was also studied. In the last chapter, a new copper nanocomposite with functionalized mutiwalled carbon nanotubes (Cu-MWCNT) was synthesized using a microwave assisted polyol method. The characterization was performed using XRD and SEM. The catalytic activity of Cu-MWCNT was studied through the degradation of pigments, such as amaranth, brilliant blue, indigo, tartrazine and methylene blue.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This Letter reports on the synthesis of Ag-Au nanoparticles (NPs) with controlled structures and compositions via a galvanic replacement reaction between Ag NPs and AuCl4(aq)- followed by the investigation of their optical and catalytic properties. Our results showed the formation of porous walls, hollow interiors and increased Au content in the Ag-Au NPs as the volume of AuCl4(aq)- employed in the reaction was increased. These variations led to a red shift and broadening of the SPR peaks and an increase of up to 10.9-folds in the catalytic activity towards the reduction of 4-nitrophenol relative to Ag NPs. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A microorganism was isolated which could grow on unusually high concentrations of the toxic pollutant 4-chlorophenol. Taxonomic studies showed that the microorganism constituted a novel species within the genus Arthrobacter and it was named Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus A6. A. chlorophenolicus A6 was chromosomally tagged with either the gfp gene, encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP), or the luc gene, encoding firefly luciferase. When the tagged cells were inoculated into 4-chlorophenol contaminated soil they could completely remove 175 µg/g 4-chlorophenol within 10 days, whereas no loss of 4-chlorophenol was observed in the uninoculated control microcosms. During these experiments the gfp and luc marker genes allowed monitoring of cell number and metabolic status. When A. chlorophenolicus A6 was grown on mixtures of phenolic compounds, the strain exhibited a preference for 4-nitrophenol over 4-chlorophenol, which in turn was preferred over phenol. Analysis of growth and degradation data indicated that the same enzyme system was used for removal of 4-chlorophenol and 4-nitrophenol. However, degradation of unbstituted phenol appeared to be mediated by another or an additional enzyme system. The luc-tagged A. chlorophenolicus A6 gave valuable information about growth, substrate depletion and toxicity of the phenolic compounds in substrate mixtures. The 4-chlorophenol degradation pathway in A. chlorophenolicus A6 was elucidated. The metabolic intermediate subject to ring cleavage was found to be hydroxyquinol and two different pathway branches led from 4-chlorophenol to hydroxyquinol. A gene cluster involved in 4-chlorophenol degradation was cloned from A. chlorophenolicus A6. The cluster contained two functional hydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenase genes and a number of other open reading frames presumed to encode enzymes involved in 4-chlorophenol catabolism. Analysis of the DNA sequence suggested that the gene cluster had partly been assembled by horizontal gene transfer. In summary, 4-chlorophenol degradation by A. chlorophenolicus A6 was studied from a number of angles. This organism has several interesting and useful traits such as the ability to degrade high concentrations of 4-chlorophenol and other phenols alone and in mixtures, an unusual and effective 4-chlorophenol degradation pathway and demonstrated ability to remove 4-chlorophenol from contaminated soil.


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Arctic seabirds are exposed to a wide range of halogenated organic contaminants (HOCs). Exposure occurs mainly through food intake, and many pollutants accumulate in lipid-rich tissues. Little is known about how HOCs are biotransformed in arctic seabirds. In this study, we characterized biotransformation enzymes in chicks of northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) and black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) from Kongsfjorden (Svalbard, Norway). Phase I and II enzymes were analyzed at the transcriptional, translational and activity levels. For gene expression patterns, quantitative polymerase chain reactions (qPCR), using gene-sequence primers, were performed. Protein levels were analyzed using immunochemical assays of western blot with commercially available antibodies. Liver samples were analyzed for phase I and II enzyme activities using a variety of substrates including ethoxyresorufin (cytochrome (CYP)1A1/1A2), pentoxyresorufin (CYP2B), methoxyresorufin (CYP1A), benzyloxyresorufin (CYP3A), testosterone (CYP3A/CYP2B), 1-chloro-2,4-nitrobenzene (CDNB) (glutathione S-transferase (GST)) and 4-nitrophenol (uridine diphosphate glucuronyltransferase (UDPGT)). In addition, the hydroxylated (OH-) polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were analyzed in the blood, liver and brain tissue, whereas the methylsulfone (MeSO2-) PCBs were analyzed in liver tissue. Results indicated the presence of phase I (CYP1A4/CYP1A5, CYP2B, and CYP3A) and phase II (GST and UDPGT) enzymes at the activity, protein and/or mRNA level in both species. Northern fulmar chicks had higher enzyme activity than black-legged kittiwake chicks. This in combination with the higher XOH-PCB to parent PCB ratios suggests that northern fulmar chicks have a different biotransformation capacity than black-legged kittiwake chicks.


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Peroxynitrite-dependent formation of nitrotyrosine has been associated with inactivation of various enzymes and proteins possessing functionally important tyrosines. We have previously reported an enzymatic activity modifying the nitrotyrosine residues in nitrated proteins. Here we are describing a nonenzymatic reduction of nitrotyrosine to aminotyrosine, which depends on heme and thiols. Various heme-containing proteins can mediate the reaction, although the reaction also is catalyzed by heme. The reaction is most effective when vicinal thiols are used as reducing agents, although ascorbic acid also can replace thiols with lesser efficiency. The reaction could be inhibited by (z)-1-[2-(2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-ammonioethyl)amino]diazen-1-ium-1, but not other tested NO donors. HPLC with electrochemical detection analysis of the reaction identified aminotyrosine as the only reaction product. The reduction of nitrotyrosine was most effective at a pH close to physiological and was markedly decreased in acidic conditions. Various nitrophenol compounds also were modified in this reaction. Understanding the mechanism of this reaction could help define the enzymatic modification of nitrotyrosine-containing proteins. Furthermore, this also could assist in understanding the role of nitrotyrosine formation and reversal in the regulation of various proteins containing nitrotyrosine. It also could help define the role of nitric oxide and other reactive species in various disease states.