995 resultados para nest site


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Management strategies to protect endangered species primarily focus on safeguarding habitats currently perceived as important (due to high-density use, rarity or contribution to the biological cycle), rather than sites of future ecological importance. This discrepancy is particularly relevant for species inhabiting beaches and coastal areas that may be lost due to sea-level rise over the next 100 years through climate change. Here, we modelled four sea-level rise (SLR) scenarios (0.2, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.3 m) to determine the future vulnerability and viability of nesting habitat (six distinct nesting beaches totalling about 6 km in length) at a key loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) rookery (Zakynthos, Greece) in the Mediterranean. For each of the six nesting beaches, we identified (1) the area of beach currently used by turtles, (2) the area of the beach anticipated to become inundated under each SLR, (3) the area of beach anticipated to become unsuitable for nesting under each SLR, (4) the potential for habitat loss under the examined SLR, and (5) the extent to which the beaches may shift in relation to natural (i.e. cliffs) and artificial (i.e. beach front development) physical barriers. Even under the most conservative 0.2 m SLR scenario, about 38% (range: 31–48%) total nesting beach area would be lost, while an average 13% (range: 7–17%) current nesting beach area would be lost. About 4 km length of nesting habitat (representing 85% of nesting activity) would be lost under the 0.9 m scenario, because cliffs prevent landward beach migration. In comparison, while the other 2 km of beach (representing 15% nests) is also at high risk, it has the capacity for landward migration, because of an adjoining sand-dune system. Therefore, managers should strengthen actions on this latter area, as a climatically critical safeguard for future sea turtle nesting activity, in parallel to regularly assessing and revising measures on the current high-use nesting habitats of this important Mediterranean loggerhead population.


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Predator exclosures ('nest cages') around nests are increasingly used to enhance hatching success of declining ground-nesting birds. However, such exclosures are contentious and have been suggested to have detrimental effects on the species which they aim to protect. This study examines whether exclosures increase physiological stress of incubating birds, a hitherto unrecognised and untested potential drawback of exclosures. Red-capped plover Charadrius ruficapillus hatching success was radically altered and significantly higher for nests with exclosures (96.2%) compared with those without (6.8%). Chronic physiological stress in parents (as measured by the heterophil/lymphocyte [H/L] ratio in blood) did not vary between nests with and without exclosures, or between the sexes. However the absence of vegetative cover at the nest site was associated with a 62.7% elevation in H/L ratio, indicating that incubating birds which place their nests in the open are subject to increased levels of chronic stress. The results from this study demonstrate the fundamental importance of predation for the nesting success of this species and confirm that chronic stress levels are not a detrimental side effect of exclosure use.


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© 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Anti-predator behavior is a key aspect of life history evolution, usually studied at the population (mean), or across-individual levels. However individuals can also differ in their intra-individual (residual) variation, but to our knowledge, this has only been studied once before in free-living animals. Here we studied the distances moved and changes in nest height and concealment between successive nesting attempts of marked pairs of grey fantails (Rhipidura albiscapa) in relation to nest fate, across the breeding season. We predicted that females (gender that decides where the nest is placed) should on average show adaptive behavioral responses to the experience of prior predation risk such that after an unsuccessful nesting attempt, replacement nests should be further away, higher from the ground, and more concealed compared with replacement nests after successful nesting attempts. We found that, on average, females moved greater distances to re-nest after unsuccessful nesting attempts (abandoned or depredated) in contrast to after a successful attempt, suggesting that re-nesting decisions are sensitive to risk. We found no consistent across-individual differences in distances moved, heights, or concealment. However, females differed by 53-fold (or more) in their intra-individual variability (i.e., predictability) with respect to distances moved and changes in nest height between nesting attempts, indicating that either some systematic variation went unexplained and/or females have inherently different predictability. Ignoring these individual differences in residual variance in our models obscured the effect of nest fate on re-nesting decisions that were evident at the mean level.


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Patterns of nest construction and nest site selection of two murid rodents of the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest were described. The animals were captured in an area of about 1.5 ha of primary forest, marked, equipped with a spool-and-line device and released at the capture point. The next day we followed the thread to find their nests. In total 11 nests of Nectomys squamipes (Brants, 1827) and 13 of Oryzomys intermedius (Leche, 1886) were found. They were all egg-shaped, about 15 cm long and 10 cm wide, without any apparent entrance and consisted of dry leaves and grass. The two species differed in the selection of nest sites. The nests of N. squamipes were close to streams and built inside decomposed fallen logs or using natural entrances between the soil and tangled roots or rocky crevices. Nests of O. intermedius were built under or inside fallen logs and inside aerial root systems of palms. The spool-and-line technique used here is useful to provide detailed information on several aspects of the ecology and natural history of small mammals.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Chelydra serpentine serpentine (Common Snapping Turtle). Nesting Behavior and Site Selection. On May 31, 2008, we observed a ca. 36 cm CL Chelydra serpentine serpentine in unexpected nesting circumstances. Observations were made from 0908 to 1027 h on clear day with ambient temp ca 24° C. The nest site near Longmont, Colorado, USA (40.1599528°N, 105.1259861°W; WGS84) was 4.3 m from a seasonal ditch running north-south to connect two lakes, one on either side of a busy road. The intriguing aspect of the nest location was that it was immediately adjacent to a heavily traveled concrete sidewalk that bordered a road with a high volume of traffic. The frequent foot traffic on the sidewalk and virtually constant vehicle traffic on the adjacent road did not deter the turtle from the particular nest location, even though virtually identical soils, gradients, and directional aspects were available equidistant from the ditch, but away from constant human activity.


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The water vapor conductance (G(H20)) of the neosauropod eggs from the Lower Cretaceous Sanagasta nesting site in La Rioja Province, Argentina, was examined and compared with other Cretaceous Argentinean oological material. The 2900 mgH(2)O/day.Torr G(H2O) of the Sanagasta eggshells confirms an extremely moist nesting environment and supports field observations of dug-out nests in a geothermal setting. The observed thinning of the outer eggshell surface during incubation increases gas conductance and concomitantly decreases eggshell mechanical resistance during the late ontogenetic stages, thus facilitating embryonic development and hatching. The Sanagasta and Entre Rios Province faveoloolithid eggs display the highest and comparable 61120 values and share several morphological and diagenetic characters, indicating comparable nesting strategy in geothermal settings. However, the faveoloolithid Yamintie and La Pampa Province specimens cluster together with lower G(H20) values closer to the megaloolithid eggs. The Gnu) of the megaloolithid egg Megaloolithus patagonicus was reconsidered and new results are now congruent with other reported megaloolithid GH2O values. Additionally, we hypothesize that V-shaped pore canals of M. patagonicus, which upper sections reach only the top third or half eggshell thickness and, a wider section in the middle would not compromise the overall egg mechanical resistance like vertical pores connecting directly the outer to the inner eggshell surfaces. Such pore spatial arrangement and geometry would enhance, as the eggshell thins during incubation, a greater G(H2O), G(O2) and G(CO2) and facilitate embryonic development in high moisture nesting contents. Overall, data suggests that neosauropod nesting and brooding behaviors were dependent on elevated moisture nesting environments.


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Ziel der Arbeit war die Quantifizierung einer Reihe von Lebenszyklusmerkmalen der beiden tropischen Grasmückenarten Sylvia boehmi und S. lugens (Aves: Sylviidae; frühere Gattung Parisoma). 13 Brutpaare beider Arten wurden von 2000 bis 2002 in Kenia beobachtet. Die Daten wurden mit multivariater Statistik und multistate mark-recapture Modellen ausgewertet. Die Lebenszyklusmerkmale der beiden untersuchten Sylvia Arten sind im Vergleich zu den temperaten Sylvia-Arten gekennzeichnet durch kleine Gelege von zwei Eiern, lange Inkubationsperioden (S. boehmi (b.) 15.0 Tage, S. lugens (l.) 14.5 Tage), lange Nestlingsperioden (b. 12.9 Tage, l. 16.0 Tage), und niedrige Nesterfolgsraten (b. 19.4%, l. 33.2%). Der Zeitraum vom Ausfliegen der Jungen bis zu ihrer Unabhängigkeit war mit 58.5 Tagen bei S. boehmi und 37.5 Tagen bei S. lugens vergleichsweise lang und die Überlebensrate der flüggen Jungen in dieser Zeit war relativ hoch (b. 69.2%, l. 55.4%). Die jährliche Überlebensrate der brütenden adulten Tiere betrug bei S. boehmi 71.2% und bei S. lugens 57.2%. Die Saisonalität des Habitats, bedingt durch Regen- und Trockenzeiten, hatte keinen Einfluss auf die monatliche Überlebensrate im Laufe eines Jahres. Trotz hoher Nestprädationsraten gab es keinen klaren Zusammenhang zwischen Prädation und Fütterungsrate, Nestbewachung oder Neststandort.


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Background: A small pond, c. 90 years old, near Bern, Switzerland contains a population of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) with two distinct male phenotypes. Males of one type are large, and red, and nest in the shallow littoral zone. The males of the other are small and orange, and nest offshore at slightly greater depth. The females in this population are phenotypically highly variable but cannot easily be assigned to either male type. Question: Is the existence of two sympatric male morphs maintained by substrate-associated male nest site choice and facilitated by female mate preferences? Organisms: Male stickleback caught individually at their breeding sites. Females caught with minnow traps. Methods: In experimental tanks, we simulated the slope and substrate of the two nesting habitats. We then placed individual males in a tank and observed in which habitat the male would build his nest. In a simultaneous two-stimulus choice design, we gave females the choice between a large, red male and a small, orange one. We measured female morphology and used linear mixed effect models to determine whether female preference correlated with female morphology. Results: Both red and orange males preferred nesting in the habitat that simulated the slightly deeper offshore condition. This is the habitat occupied by the small, orange males in the pond itself. The proportion of females that chose a small orange male was similar to that which chose a large red male. Several aspects of female phenotype correlated with the male type that a female preferred.


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Behavioural field observations are increasingly being used in ecotoxicological research to identify potential adverse effects of exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs). We investigated thermal conditions inside the nest and parental behaviour of glaucous gulls, Larus hyperboreus, breeding in the Norwegian Arctic in relation to the concentrations of major classes of POPs (organochlorines, brominated flame retardants and metabolically derived products) accumulated in their blood. Most notably, nest temperature was negatively correlated with the concentrations of the sum of DDT, sum of PCB and several quantitatively minor POP classes within the incubating parent. To investigate the relationship between incubation ability and parental POP exposure further, we experimentally increased the costs of incubation by artificially increasing the clutch size from two to four eggs. Clutch enlargement was followed by a decrease in nest temperature, but this drop in temperature was not associated with POP concentrations within the incubating parent. However, males, which had higher POP concentrations and lower white blood cell counts than females, seemed less able to maintain nest temperature. There was virtually no evidence to suggest that the sum of PCB or DDT were associated with changes in the time a bird spent incubating. However, there was some indication that nest site attendance by nonincubating males was negatively related to the sum of DDT, suggesting that nest protection may have been compromised. The results suggest that adverse effects of parental POP exposure may occur through suboptimal thermal conditions for embryo development and possibly increased egg predation risk.


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Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31372218) and cofunded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the ITC Research Fund, Enschede, the Netherlands. We thank Shaanxi Hanzhong Crested Ibis National Nature Reserve for sharing the data of nest site locations. We are grateful to Brendan Wintle, Justin Travis and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on a previous version of the manuscript.


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Incubation temperature influences hatchling phenotypes such as sex, size, shape, color, behavior, and locomotor performance in many reptiles, and there is growing concern that global warming might adversely affect reptile populations by altering frequencies of hatchling phenotypes. Here I overview a recent theoretical model used to predict hatchling sex of reptiles with temperature-dependent sex determination. This model predicts that sex ratios will be fairly robust to moderate global warming as long as eggs experience substantial daily cyclic fluctuations in incubation temperatures so that embryos are exposed to temperatures that inhibit embryonic development for part of the day. I also review studies that examine the influence of incubation temperature on posthatch locomotion performance and growth because these are the traits that are likely to have the greatest effect on hatchling fitness. The majority of these studies used artificial constant-temperature incubation, but some have addressed fluctuating incubation temperature regimes. Although the number of studies is small, it appears that fluctuating temperatures may enhance hatchling locomotor performance. This finding should not be surprising, given that the majority of natural reptile nests are relatively shallow and therefore experience daily fluctuations in incubation temperature.


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[EN] Artificial illumination of nesting beaches is one of the main threats to endangered sea turtle populations. Nocturnal lighting can impair female nest site selection and nesting success, as well as behavior and hatchling survival in their way from the nest surface to the seashore. The island of Boavista (Cape Verde) hosts the third largest loggerhead nesting aggregation in the world and the only relevant population in the Eastern Atlantic coast. Several threats such as fishing by-catch and female slaughter during nesting are severely threatening its conservation.


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Les caractéristiques physiques d’un site de nidification peuvent influencer la probabilité qu’il soit utilisé et l’issue des tentatives de nidification. La buse pattue (Buteo lagopus) construit un imposant nid, qui peut être réutilisé plusieurs années, en bordure des falaises et des versants en Arctique. Ces habitats escarpés sont perturbés par des mouvements de masse pouvant entraîner la destruction de sites critiques pour la reproduction des buses. Nous avons d’abord examiné l’effet de plusieurs variables environnementales et de la réutilisation d’un nid sur la reproduction de la buse pattue. Ensuite, nous avons évalué la vulnérabilité des nids aux mouvements de masse et identifié les facteurs environnementaux associés à la persistance des nids. L’étude s’est déroulée à l’île Bylot (Nunavut) de 2007 à 2015. La probabilité qu’un nid soit utilisé par un couple augmentait avec la distance du nid actif le plus proche, la présence d’un surplomb au-dessus du nid et la densité des lemmings. Les nids accessibles aux renards et orientés vers le nord étaient associés à un moins bon succès reproducteur. Celui-ci était aussi positivement relié à la densité estivale de lemmings et négativement relié aux précipitations. Nos résultats suggèrent que les caractéristiques physiques du site de nidification offrant un microclimat favorable et une protection contre les prédateurs reflètent des sites de haute qualité. Le succès reproducteur était similaire entre les nouveaux nids et ceux préexistants, suggérant que la construction d’un nid n’entraîne pas de coût sur la reproduction à court terme. Parmi les 82 nids connus, près du tiers ont été détruits par des mouvements de masse et parmi ceux encore intacts, la majorité sont à risque modéré et haut de l’être. La probabilité de destruction était élevée pour les nids construits sur des sédiments non consolidés et positivement associée aux fortes précipitations. La hausse anticipée des précipitations due aux changements climatiques est susceptible d’augmenter la vulnérabilité des nids aux mouvements de masse ce qui pourrait ultimement réduire la disponibilité de sites appropriés pour la reproduction de ce rapace.