987 resultados para needle core biopsy


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Objective: To evaluate the safety, efficacy and possible complications of 16-core transrectal prostate biopsies using two doses of ciprofloxacin for prophylaxis of infectious complications.Materials and Methods: Sixteen-core prostate biopsies were performed on a number of patients with different signs of potential prostate cancer. Complications were assessed both during the procedure and one week later. After the procedure, urine samples were collected for culture. The rate of post-biopsy complications, hospital visits and hospitalizations were also analyzed. Ciprofloxacin (500 mg) was administered two hours before, and eight hours after the procedure.Results: The overall rate of post-biopsy complications was 87.32%, being 5.4% of those considered major complications due to hemorrhage, or to urinary retention. Eight patients required hospital treatment post-biopsy. Fever occurred in just one patient (0.29%). There was no incidence of orchitis, epididymitis, prostatitis, septicemia, hospitalization, or death. The urine culture showed positive results in five patients (2.15%).Conclusion: One-day prophylaxis with ciprofloxacin proved to be safe and effective in the prevention of infectious complications following 16-core prostate biopsies.


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To analyze the effect of primary Gleason (pG) grade among a large cohort of Gleason 7 prostate cancer patients treated with external beam radiation therapy (EBRT).


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INTRODUCTION: Recent advances in medical imaging have brought post-mortem minimally invasive computed tomography (CT) guided percutaneous biopsy to public attention. AIMS: The goal of the following study was to facilitate and automate post-mortem biopsy, to suppress radiation exposure to the investigator, as may occur when tissue sampling under computer tomographic guidance, and to minimize the number of needle insertion attempts for each target for a single puncture. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Clinically approved and post-mortem tested ACN-III biopsy core needles (14 gauge x 160 mm) with an automatic pistol device (Bard Magnum, Medical Device Technologies, Denmark) were used for probe sampling. The needles were navigated in gelatine/peas phantom, ex vivo porcine model and subsequently in two human bodies using a navigation system (MEM centre/ISTB Medical Application Framework, Marvin, Bern, Switzerland) with guidance frame and a CT (Emotion 6, Siemens, Germany). RESULTS: Biopsy of all peas could be performed within a single attempt. The average distance between the inserted needle tip and the pea centre was 1.4mm (n=10; SD 0.065 mm; range 0-2.3 mm). The targets in the porcine liver were also accurately punctured. The average of the distance between the needle tip and the target was 0.5 mm (range 0-1 mm). Biopsies of brain, heart, lung, liver, pancreas, spleen, and kidney were performed on human corpses. For each target the biopsy needle was only inserted once. The examination of one body with sampling of tissue probes at the above-mentioned locations took approximately 45 min. CONCLUSIONS: Post-mortem navigated biopsy can reliably provide tissue samples from different body locations. Since the continuous update of positional data of the body and the biopsy needle is performed using optical tracking, no control CT images verifying the positional data are necessary and no radiation exposure to the investigator need be taken into account. Furthermore, the number of needle insertions for each target can be minimized to a single one with the ex vivo proven adequate accuracy and, in contrast to conventional CT guided biopsy, the insertion angle may be oblique. Navigation for minimally invasive tissue sampling is a useful addition to post-mortem CT guided biopsy.


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In recent times, PSA screening and a substantial increase in prostate needle biopsies have not only resulted in detection of minute foci of cancer but have also very likely resulted in increased detection of atypical glandular proliferations. Not uncommonly, there are only a limited number of atypical glands in these biopsies, and these require careful evaluation to enable an accurate diagnosis. We describe diagnostic implications, use of immunohistochemistry, and clinical significance of these lesions. Foci of atypical glands, also labeled atypical small acinar proliferation of uncertain significance, have features suspicious for but not diagnostic of cancer. Atypical foci include a broad group of lesions of differing clinical significance. These include benign, small acinar proliferations mimicking prostate cancer and atypical glandular proliferations suspicious for carcinoma. Definite diagnosis requires accurate histopathologic assessment and judicious use of immunohistochemistry. Patients with atypical glands on prostate needle biopsy have a high risk for harboring cancer and therefore have an increased risk for having cancer detected in subsequent biopsies.


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As hepatites crônicas por vírus são as mais frequentes, destacando-se os vírus das hepatites B (VHB) e C (VHC). O estudo anatomopatológico da biópsia hepática é considerado o padrão ouro para avaliar com precisão a distorção arquitetural e o grau de fibrose do parênquima do fígado, importantes fatores prognósticos para os pacientes portadores de hepatites crônicas virais. Na avaliação histopatológica atual, em adição aos relatos subjetivos das alterações histológicas, escores semiquantitativos que correlacionam achados morfológicos com graus numéricos são usados, tais como os reconhecidos escores de Ishak e METAVIR. Entretanto, em todos estes sistemas há a desvantagem da subjetividade do examinador e da incorporação de alterações categóricas, sem referências às mudanças quantitativas do colágeno hepático. Técnicas de análise de imagens digitais (AID) que fornecem quantificação objetiva dos graus de fibrose em amostras histológicas têm sido desenvolvidas. Todavia, o alto custo e dificuldade ao acesso das tecnologias descritas restringem seu uso a poucos centros especializados. Este estudo visa o desenvolvimento de uma técnica de custo acessível para a análise de imagens digitais da fibrose hepática em hepatites crônicas virais. Foram estudadas 304 biópsias de pacientes com hepatite crônica por vírus B e C, obtidas através de agulhas Menghini. Todas as amostras tinham pelo menos 15 mm de comprimento ou cinco espaços-porta completos e foram coradas pelo método Tricrômico de Masson. O estadiamento foi feito por um único hepatopatologista experiente, sem o conhecimento dos dados clínicos dos pacientes. Os escores de Ishak e METAVIR foram aplicados. As imagens microscópicas foram digitalizadas. Os índices de fibrose foram determinados de forma automatizada, em técnica desenvolvida no programa Adobe Photoshop. Para o escore de Ishak, observamos os seguintes índices de Fibrose (IF) médios: 0,8% 0,0 (estágio 0), 2.4% 0,6 (estágio 1), 4,7% 1,6 (estágio 2), 7,4% 1,4 (estágio 3), 14,9% 3,7 (estágio 4), 23,4% 2,9 (estágio 5) e 34,5% 1,5 (estágio 6). Para a classificação METAVIR: 0,8% 0,1 (estágio F0), 3,8% 1,8 (estágio F1), 7,4% 1,4 (estágio F2), 20,4% 5,2 (estágio F3) e 34,5% 1,5 (estágio F4). Observamos uma excelente correlação entre os índices de fibrose da AID e os escores de Ishak (r=0,94; p<0,001) e METAVIR (r=0,92; p<0,001). Em relação à indicação de tratamento antiviral, foi observado IF médio de 16,4%. Em relação ao diagnóstico de cirrose, foi observado IF médio de 26,9%, para o escore de Ishak, e 34,5% para a classificação METAVIR. A reprodutibilidade intra-observador foi excelente. Este novo método de análise de imagens digitais para a quantificação de fibrose hepática tem custo acessível e foi desenvolvido com tecnologia que está disponível em todo o mundo, permitindo identificar com precisão todos os estágios de fibrose, com excelente reprodutibilidade intra-observador.


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OBJECTIVES: To compare the predictive performance and potential clinical usefulness of risk calculators of the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC RC) with and without information on prostate volume. METHODS: We studied 6 cohorts (5 European and 1 US) with a total of 15,300 men, all biopsied and with pre-biopsy TRUS measurements of prostate volume. Volume was categorized into 3 categories (25, 40, and 60 cc), to reflect use of digital rectal examination (DRE) for volume assessment. Risks of prostate cancer were calculated according to a ERSPC DRE-based RC (including PSA, DRE, prior biopsy, and prostate volume) and a PSA + DRE model (including PSA, DRE, and prior biopsy). Missing data on prostate volume were completed by single imputation. Risk predictions were evaluated with respect to calibration (graphically), discrimination (AUC curve), and clinical usefulness (net benefit, graphically assessed in decision curves). RESULTS: The AUCs of the ERSPC DRE-based RC ranged from 0.61 to 0.77 and were substantially larger than the AUCs of a model based on only PSA + DRE (ranging from 0.56 to 0.72) in each of the 6 cohorts. The ERSPC DRE-based RC provided net benefit over performing a prostate biopsy on the basis of PSA and DRE outcome in five of the six cohorts. CONCLUSIONS: Identifying men at increased risk for having a biopsy detectable prostate cancer should consider multiple factors, including an estimate of prostate volume.


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Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of periprostatic lignocaine injection in trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS) -guided biopsy of the prostate gland.

Methods: Ninety- six men (mean age 65 years, range 47-74) undergoing TRUS biopsy were randomised into the local anaesthetic (LA) or placebo group. Six to twelve biopsy cores were taken, the majority being 10 cores. Patients were asked to fill in the expected pain score on a visual analogue scale (VAS) prior to the procedure. They also completed the actual pain experienced on VAS after the biopsy. The incidence of complications was documented.

Results: The age, mean prostate specific antigen (PSA) were comparable in both groups. The expected pain score was also comparable (5.2 +/- 1.6 in LA, 5.0 +/- 1.4 in Placebo). In the LA group, the mean actual pain score was 3.0 +/- 1.8 and in the placebo group it was 6.5 +/- 2.2 (P = 0.0001). When patients were asked whether they would undergo the procedure again in the same way, 100% of the LA group and only 64% of the placebo group responded 'yes'(P=0.002 using Fisher's test). The complication rates were not significantly different between the two groups.

Conclusion: Peri-prostatic injection of local anaesthetic is safe and reduces discomfort significantly, and should be routinely offered to patients.


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PURPOSE: This preliminary investigation was designed to test the hypothesis that high intensity single-leg exercise can cause extensive cell DNA damage, which subsequently may affect the expression of the HO-1 gene. METHODS: Six (n=6) apparently healthy male participants (age 27 + 7 yrs, stature 174 + 12 cm, body mass 79 + 4 kg and BMI 24 + 4 kg/m2) completed 100 isolated and continuous maximal concentric contractions (minimum force = 200 N, speed of contraction = 60°/sec) of the rectus femoris muscle. Using a spring-loaded and reusable Magnum biopsy gun with a 16-gauge core disposable biopsy needle, skeletal muscle micro biopsy tissue samples were extracted at rest and following exercise. mRNA gene expression was determined via two-step quantitative real-time PCR using GAPDH as a reference gene. RESULTS: The average muscle force production was 379 + 179 N. High intensity exercise increased mitochondrial 8-OHdG concentration (P < 0.05 vs. rest) with a concomitant decrease in total antioxidant capacity (P < 0.05 vs. rest). Exercise also increased protein oxidation as quantified by protein carbonyl concentration (P < 0.05 vs. rest). HO-1 expression increased (> 2-fold change vs. rest) following exercise, and it is postulated that this change was not significant due to low subject numbers (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: These preliminary findings tentatively suggest that maximal concentric muscle contractions can cause intracellular DNA damage with no apparent disruption to the expression of the antioxidant stress protein HO-1. Moreover, it is likely that cell oxidant stress is required to activate the signal transduction cascade related to the expression of HO-1. A large-scale study incorporating a greater subject number is warranted to fully elucidate this relationship.


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INTRODUCTION: Ryanodine receptor gene (RYR1) mutations have been associated with central core disease (CCD), multiminicore/minicore/multicore disease (MmD), and susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia (MH). METHODS: Patients with muscle symptoms in adulthood, who had features compatible with CCD/MmD, underwent clinical, histological, and genetic (RYR1 and SEPN1 genes) evaluations. Published cases of CCD and MmD with adult onset were also reviewed. RESULTS: Eight patients fulfilled the criteria for further analysis. Five RYR1 mutations, 4 of them unreported, were detected in 3 patients. Compound heterozygosity was proven in 1 case. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the only report of adult onset associated with recessive RYR1 mutations and central core/multiminicores on muscle biopsy. Although adult patients with CCD, MmD, and minimally symptomatic MH with abnormal muscle biopsy findings usually have a mild clinical course, differential diagnosis and carrier screening is crucial for prevention of potentially life-threatening reactions to general anesthesia.


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BACKGROUND: The measurement of calcitonin in washout fluids of thyroid nodule aspirate (FNA-calcitonin) has been reported as accurate to detect medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). The results from these studies have been promising and the most updated version of ATA guidelines quoted for the first time that "FNA findings that are inconclusive or suggestive of MTC should have calcitonin measured in the FNA washout fluid." Here we aimed to systematically review published data on this topic to provide more robust estimates. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A comprehensive computer literature search of the medical databases was conducted by searching for the terms "calcitonin" AND "washout." The search was updated until April 2015. RESULTS: Twelve relevant studies, published between 2007 and 2014, were found. Overall, 413 thyroid nodules or neck lymph nodes underwent FNA-calcitonin, 95 were MTC lesions and 93 (97.9%) of these were correctly detected by this measurement regardless of their cytologic report. CONCLUSIONS: The present study shows that the above ATA recommendation is well supported. Almost all MTC lesions are correctly detected by FNA-calcitonin and this technique should be used to avoid false negative or inconclusive results from cytology. The routine determination of serum calcitonin in patients undergoing FNA should improve the selection of patients at risk for MTC, guiding the use of FNA-calcitonin in the same FNA sample and providing useful information to the cytopathologist for the morphological assessment and the application of tailored ancillary tests.


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Biopsy by fine needle aspiration together with microbiological examination and scanning electron microscopy were evaluated in diagnosis of clinical bovine mastitis in a Prototheca zopfii outbreak. Fine needle aspiration was performed in 21 mammary quarters from ten Holstein cows presenting clinical mastitis caused by P. zopfii. The algae were previously identified in the microbiological examination of milk collected from these cows. Material aspirated from these 21 mammary glands was submitted to cytological staining (Gram, Giemsa and/or Shor staining). Fine needle aspiration enabled cytological identification of the algae in these 21 mammary glands, from which P. zopfii was isolated in the milk. Simultaneously, five mammary fragments collected by fine needle aspiration from these 21 mammary glands presenting clinical mastitis were also submitted to microbiological examination. P. zopfii was also isolated from these five fragments. Scanning electron microscopy technique also identified three of these five P. zopfii strains isolated from mammary fragments collected by cytological aspiration. These results suggest that fine needle aspiration may be an alternative method for the diagnosis of clinical mastitis.


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Although several methods of testicular biopsy have been proposed previously, testicular fine needle aspiration (FNA) has proved to be the simplest, the most rapid, inexpensive, and overall the least invasive technique for obtaining testicular biopsies Testicular FNA is indicated for fertility investigations in stallions with oligozoospermia or azoospermia It is also used for differential diagnosis of testicular enlargement After sedation the stallion's testis is punctured to obtain testicular parenchyma samples containing cells mainly from the seminiferous epithelium the material obtained is used to perform smears which are analyzed for identification and quantification of term cells and Sertoli cells The results are based on the presence of the cell types found in the smears and the proportions of Sertoli cells per germ cells In addition to being a very useful diagnostic tool, testicular FNA is also used for follow-up examinations, as it is minimally invasive


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OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to assess whether fine needle aspirates from non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) could be used for growth fraction analysis with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) staining and if there was a relationship between the growth fraction and cytomorphologic classification according to the Kiel classification.STUDY DESIGN: the study group consisted of 40 patients with NHL diagnosed by fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology. The cytologic classification of the lymphomas was made by two cytopathologists on May-Grunwald-Giemsa-stained slides using the Kiel classification. There were 27 cases of low and 13 of high grade lymphoma. The estimation of the growth fraction was made by PCNA immunoreactivity. The PCNA index was quantitated in smears by counting an average of 1,000 cells, and the count teas correlated with the cytomorphologic classification.RESULTS: There was It strong correlation between the PCNA index and lymphoma grading. High grade lymphomas exhibited a mean PCNA positivity of 74.0%, which was significantly higher (P <.001) than that of low grade lymphomas (17.6%).CONCLUSION: Our study showed that PCNA evalua tion is suitable for smears obtained by FNA on NHL, correlates with increasing grades of lymphoma according to the Kiel classification and may offer a method of monitoring treatment of lymphoma.


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Cytomorphologic characteristics of smears from fine-needle aspirates (FNA) of three cases of sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (SHML) (Rosai-Dorfman disease) are described. All aspirates showed mature lymphocytes, plasma cells, and large pale histiocytes with well-preserved lymphocytes within the cytoplasm (lymphocytophagocytosis). The cases were confirmed by surgical biopsy, and the immunohistochemical findings suggested a macrophage origin for this lesion. The value of FNA analysis as an aid to diagnosis of SHML is discussed.