152 resultados para nanofibres


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In this paper, we demonstrated that a thin metal disk can be used as nozzle to electrospin PVA nanofibres on a large-scale. With the rotation of a disk covered with a thin layer of electrically charged PVA solution, a large number of fibres were electrospun simultaneously from two sides of the disk and deposited on the electrode collector. The fibre production rate can be as high as 6.0 glhr, which is about 270 times higher than that of a corresponding normal needle based electrospinning system (0.022 g/hr). The effects of applied voltage, the distance between the disk nozzle and collector, and PVA concentration on the fibre morphology were examined. The dependency of fibre diameter on the PV A concentration showed a similar trend to that for a conventional electrospinning system using a syringe needle nozzle, but the diameter distribution was slightly wider for the disk electrospun fibres. The profiles of electric field strength in disk electrospinning showed considerable dependence on the disk thickness, with a thin disk exhibiting similar electric field strength profile to that of a needle electrospinning system.


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In this study, we demonstrated that a thin aluminium disk can be used as nozzle to electrospin PVA nanofibres on a large-scale. A schematic of this electrospinning system and a SEM image of as-spun PVA nanofibers are shown in Figure 1. The lower part of the disk is inside a bath containing the polymer solution, which is connected to a high voltage powder supply. During electrospinning, the disk rotates and picks up a thin layer of electrically charged PVA solution. A large number of fibres are then electrospun simultaneously from two sides of tile disk and deposited on the electrode collector.
With the small prototype unit we used, the fibre production rate can be as high as 6.0 which is about 270 times higher than that of a corresponding normal needle electrospinning system (0.022g/hr). The effects of appliedb voltage, the distance between the disk nozzle and collector, and PVA concentration on the fibre morphology were examined. The dependency of fibre diameter on the PVA concentration showed a similar trend to that for a conventional electrospinning system using a syringe needle nozzle, but the diameter distribution was wider for the disk electrospun fibres in this study.
The profiles of electric field strength in disk electrospinning showed considerable dependence on the disk thickness, with a thin disk exhibiting similar electric field profile to
that of a needle electrospinning system, but a thick disk (cylinder) exhibiting levelled electric field between the disk and the collector. PVA nanofibres electrospun from disk electrospinning were compared to that electrospun from syringe needle and metal cylinder nozzles.


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This paper described the production of a novel biosynthetic material using the manufacturing technique of electro spinning for the construction of scaffold for organ replacement. This electrostatic technique uses an electric field to control the deposition of polymer fibres onto a specific substrate to fabricate fibrous polymer constructs composed of fibre diameters ranging from several microns down to 100 nm or less. Two areas of research, in particular, heart valve leaflets and blood vessel will be discussed. Here, a sandwich structure nanofibre mesh was used to construct materials for leaflets of heart valve and blood vessel. In the case of heart valve leaflet, the randomly oriented polyurethane nanofibres were prepared as the first layer, followed by gelatin-chitosan complex layer. Complex nanofibres were initially used to spin on the PU layer with cross orientation to mimic the fibrosa layer. A gelatin and chitosan complex was then spun onto the other side of PU nanofibre mesh to mimic the ventricularis layer. This particular sandwich structure using the PU layer was designed to simulate the mechanical properties of natural tissue. In addition, this design was aimed to provide good biocompatibility and improved cellular environment to assist in adhesion and proliferation. Smooth muscle cells adhered and flattened out onto the surface of the gelatin-chitosan complex as early as 1 day post seeding. There is great potential for this biosynthetic biocompatible nanofibrous material to be developed for various clinical applications.


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This study examined how carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in electrospun polymeric nanofibres influenced the polymer morphology, and how polymer morphology change induced by different post-electrospinning treatments influenced CNT-polymer interaction and nanofibre properties. The results showed that both the polymer structure and morphology played important roles in determining the composite and nanofibre properties.


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This research contributes new knowledge to fundamental understanding and applications of nanofibre materials made by the electrospinning technique. An innovative method was developed to visualise the fibre thinning, and the nanofibres with improved mechanical properties and controlled surface wettability were prepared. These nanofibres have shown significant potential in wound dressing application.


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Polyaniline (PANI) nanofibres are synthesized by interfacial polymerization and their electrochemical performance is evaluated in an aqueous redox supercapacitor constituted as a two-electrode cell. The initial specific capacitance of the cell is 554 F g−1 at a constant current of 1.0 A g−1, but this value rapidly decreases on continuous cycling. In order to improve the cycleability of the supercapacitor, a composite of polyaniline with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is synthesized by in situ chemical polymerization. Its capacitive behaviour is evaluated in a similar cell configuration. A high initial specific capacitance of 606 F g−1 is obtained with good retention on cycling. In both supercapacitors, the effect of charging potential on cycling performances is investigated.


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Nanofibres have wide applications in energy, environment and medical areas. This project examined new needleless electrospinning technologies for mass production of nanofibres. Functional nanofibres with side-by-side and core-sheath structures have been prepared and their properties have been elucidated.


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With the rapid development in nanoscience and nanotechnology, there is an ever increasing demand for polymer fibres of diameters down to a nanometre scale having multiple functionalities. Electrospinning, as a simple and efficient nanofibre-making technology, has been used to produce polymer nanofibres for diverse applications. Electrospun nanofibres
based on polymer/carbon nanotube (CNT) composites are very attractive multifunctional nanomaterials because they combine the remarkable mechanical and electronic properties of CNTs and the confinement-enhanced CNTs alignment within the nanofibre structure, which could greatly improve the fibre mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. In this chapter, we summarise recent research progress on electrospun CNTs/polymer nanofibres, with an emphasis on fibre mechanical properties and structure-property attributes. Outlook towards the challenge and future directions in this field is also presented.


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Geckos have extraordinary wall-climbing ability because of the millions of hairs with micro/nano fibrillar structures on their feet. Mimicking gecko's feet is of scientific and engineering importance for development of physical adhesion materials and devices. The design of gecko-inspired physical adhesives seems to be geometry dominated. In this study, Finite Element Method (FEM) has been used to analyse the vertical peel-off force of polyporpylene (PP) nanofibres having different fibre dimensions, inclining angels and contact areas on a flat glass substrate. It has been found that the main parameters affecting the frictional adhesion are fibre diameter and fibre aspect ratio, the inclining angle between the fibre and the substrate surface, and the intimate contact areas. Our analysis has shown that PP nanofibres with a diameter of less than 200nm can generate less peel-off force than fibres of larger diameters, indicating more stable adhesion with the glass substrate for thinner fibres. A bent fibre with more intimate contact area can bear more shear force than a straight fibre with less contact area. Also, under the same shear loading, fibres with an inclining angle of less than 30° provide a low peel off force.


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Stable thermo-responsive hydrogel nanofibres have been prepared by electrospinning of commercial poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) in the presence of a polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) possessing eight epoxide groups and of an organic-base catalyst, followed by a heat curing treatment. The nanofibres showed excellent hydrogel characteristics with fast swelling and de-swelling responses triggered by temperature changes. They were also morphologically robust as their physical integrity was preserved upon repeated hydration/dehydration cycles and exposure to solvents.


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The data collected relates to the operating parameters of electrospinning, the nanofibre and fibrous membrane properties and the performance evaluation in different applications.