957 resultados para mutations


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Mulibrey nanism is a hereditary developmental disorder, characterized by prenatal onset growth failure without postnatal catch-up growth, distinctive craniofacial features, progressive cardiopathy and failure of sexual maturation. In addition, the patients develop insulin resistance syndrome and type 2 diabetes and they have an increased risk of developing tumors. The TRIM37 gene that underlies mulibrey nanism encodes for a member of the tripartite motif (TRIM) protein family. The physiological function of TRIM37 and the pathogenetic mechanisms leading from TRIM37 dysfunction to the mulibrey nanism phenotype are unknown. However, TRIM37 localizes at least partially to peroxisomes, and possesses ubiquitin E3-ligase activity. Thus, it may mediate ubiquitin dependent protein degradation, suggesting that accumulation of yet unknown substrate proteins may underlie the disease pathogenesis. In this study, the TRIM37 gene was characterized in detail. A transcription initiation window, with several separate transcription start sites, was identified and the putative promoter region immediately upstream from the transcription initiation window was shown to possess basal promoter activity. Further, several alternative splice variants of the gene were identified, including a highly expressed testis specific variant, encoding for an identical protein product with the main transcript. Expression of TRIM37 mRNA was detected in several different tissues, with highest expression seen in testis and in brain, when the expression patterns of the two major transcripts in different human tissues were studied by quantitative real-time PCR. Several mulibrey nanism patients were studied and thirteen novel mutations in TRIM37 were found, including three mutations (p.Gly322Val, p.Cys109Ser, p.Glu271_Ser287), that are likely to express mutant TRIM37 proteins. These mutations were further shown to alter the subcellular localization of the mutant proteins. Most of the mulibrey nanism associated mutations however, lead to premature termination codons and degradation of mRNA. All the TRIM37 mutations identified to date predict loss-of-function alleles, and thus no phenotype-genotype correlation is seen among the patients. In order to understand the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying mulibrey nanism, an animal model for the disorder is needed. For the development of a Trim37 knock-out mouse, the mouse Trim37 gene was characterized. Alternative splice variants, were identified, including a testis specific variant predicting a longer protein product. Further, a strictly tissue and cell-specific pattern of Trim37 expression was observed in developing and adult mouse tissues, when studied by immunohistochemical methods. This distribution of Trim37 expression in mouse tissues is in agreement with the clinical findings in human mulibrey nanism patients. This thesis work gives new tools for the diagnostics of mulibrey nanism as well as for studying the molecular pathogenesis behind this interesting disorder.


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BACKGROUND: The ATM gene encoding a putative protein kinase is mutated in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T), an autosomal recessive disorder with a predisposition for cancer. Studies of A-T families suggest that female heterozygotes have an increased risk of breast cancer compared with noncarriers. However, neither linkage analyses nor mutation studies have provided supporting evidence for a role of ATM in breast cancer predisposition. Nevertheless, two recurrent ATM mutations, T7271G and IVS10-6T-->G, reportedly increase the risk of breast cancer. We examined these two ATM mutations in a population-based, case-control series of breast cancer families and multiple-case breast cancer families. METHODS: Five hundred twenty-five or 262 case patients with breast cancer and 381 or 68 control subjects, respectively, were genotyped for the T7271G and IVS10-6T-->G ATM mutations, as were index patients from 76 non-BRCA1/2 multiple-case breast cancer families. Linkage and penetrance were analyzed. ATM protein expression and kinase activity were analyzed in lymphoblastoid cell lines from mutation carriers. All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS: In case and control subjects unselected for family history of breast cancer, one case patient had the T7271G mutation, and none had the IVS10-6T-->G mutation. In three multiple-case families, one of these two mutations segregated with breast cancer. The estimated average penetrance of the mutations was 60% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 32% to 90%) to age 70 years, equivalent to a 15.7-fold (95% CI = 6.4-fold to 38.0-fold) increased relative risk compared with that of the general population. Expression and activity analyses of ATM in heterozygous cell lines indicated that both mutations are dominant negative. CONCLUSION: At least two ATM mutations are associated with a sufficiently high risk of breast cancer to be found in multiple-case breast cancer families. Full mutation analysis of the ATM gene in such families could help clarify the role of ATM in breast cancer susceptibility.


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Meleagrid herpesvirus 1 (MeHV-1 or turkey herpesvirus) has been widely used as a vaccine in commercial poultry. Initially, these vaccine applications were for the prevention of Marek’s disease resulting from Gallid herpesvirus 2 infections, while more recently MeHV-1 has been used as recombinant vector for other poultry infections. The construction of herpesvirus infectious clones that permit propagation and manipulation of the viral genome in bacterial hosts has advanced the studies of herpesviral genetics. The current study reports the construction of five MeHV-1 infectious clones. The in vitro properties of viruses recovered from these clones were indistinguishable from the parental MeHV-1. In contrast, the rescued MeHV-1 viruses were significantly attenuated when used in vivo. Complete sequencing of the infectious clones identified the absence of two regions of the MeHV-1 genome compared to the MeHV-1 reference sequence. These analyses determined the rescued viruses have seven genes, UL43, UL44, UL45, UL56, HVT071, sorf3 and US2 either partially or completely deleted. In addition, single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified in all clones compared with the MeHV-1 reference sequence. As a consequence of one of the polymorphisms identified in the UL13 gene, four of the rescued viruses were predicted to encode a serine/threonine protein kinase lacking two of three domains required for activity. Thus four of the recovered viruses have a total of eight missing or defective genes. The implications of these findings in the context of herpesvirus biology and infectious clone construction are discussed.


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Meleagrid herpesvirus 1 (MeHV-1 or turkey herpesvirus) has been widely used as a vaccine in commercial poultry. Initially, these vaccine applications were for the prevention of Marek’s disease resulting from Gallid herpesvirus 2 infections, while more recently MeHV-1 has been used as recombinant vector for other poultry infections. The construction of herpesvirus infectious clones that permit propagation and manipulation of the viral genome in bacterial hosts has advanced the studies of herpesviral genetics. The current study reports the construction of five MeHV-1 infectious clones. The in vitro properties of viruses recovered from these clones were indistinguishable from the parental MeHV-1. In contrast, the rescued MeHV-1 viruses were significantly attenuated when used in vivo. Complete sequencing of the infectious clones identified the absence of two regions of the MeHV-1 genome compared to the MeHV-1 reference sequence. These analyses determined the rescued viruses have seven genes, UL43, UL44, UL45, UL56, HVT071, sorf3 and US2 either partially or completely deleted. In addition, single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified in all clones compared with the MeHV-1 reference sequence. As a consequence of one of the polymorphisms identified in the UL13 gene, four of the rescued viruses were predicted to encode a serine/threonine protein kinase lacking two of three domains required for activity. Thus four of the recovered viruses have a total of eight missing or defective genes. The implications of these findings in the context of herpesvirus biology and infectious clone construction are discussed.


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This thesis presents a highly sensitive genome wide search method for recessive mutations. The method is suitable for distantly related samples that are divided into phenotype positives and negatives. High throughput genotype arrays are used to identify and compare homozygous regions between the cohorts. The method is demonstrated by comparing colorectal cancer patients against unaffected references. The objective is to find homozygous regions and alleles that are more common in cancer patients. We have designed and implemented software tools to automate the data analysis from genotypes to lists of candidate genes and to their properties. The programs have been designed in respect to a pipeline architecture that allows their integration to other programs such as biological databases and copy number analysis tools. The integration of the tools is crucial as the genome wide analysis of the cohort differences produces many candidate regions not related to the studied phenotype. CohortComparator is a genotype comparison tool that detects homozygous regions and compares their loci and allele constitutions between two sets of samples. The data is visualised in chromosome specific graphs illustrating the homozygous regions and alleles of each sample. The genomic regions that may harbour recessive mutations are emphasised with different colours and a scoring scheme is given for these regions. The detection of homozygous regions, cohort comparisons and result annotations are all subjected to presumptions many of which have been parameterized in our programs. The effect of these parameters and the suitable scope of the methods have been evaluated. Samples with different resolutions can be balanced with the genotype estimates of their haplotypes and they can be used within the same study.


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Mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes profoundly increase the risk of developing breast and/or ovarian cancer among women. To explore the contribution of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in the development of hereditary breast cancer among Indian women, we carried out mutation analysis of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in 61 breast or ovarian cancer patients from south India with a positive family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer. Mutation analysis was carried out using conformation-sensitive gel electrophoresis (CSGE) followed by sequencing. Mutations were identified in 17 patients (28.0%); 15 (24.6%) had BRCA1 mutations and two (3.28%) had BRCA2 mutations. While no specific association between BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations with cancer type was seen, mutations were more often seen in families with ovarian cancer. While 40% (4/10) and 30.8% (4/12) of families with ovarian or breast and ovarian cancer had mutations, only 23.1% (9/39) of families with breast cancer carried mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. In addition, while BRCA1 mutations were found in all age groups, BRCA2 mutations were found only in the age group of <= 40 years. Of the BRCA1 mutations, there were three novel mutations (295delCA; 4213T -> A; 5267T -> G) G) and three mutations that have been reported earlier. Interestingly, 185delAG, a BRCA1 mutation which occurs at a very high frequency in Ashkenazi Jews, was found at a frequency of 16.4% (10/61). There was one novel mutation (4866insT) and one reported mutation in BRCA2. Thus, our study emphasizes the importance of mutation screening in familial breast and/or ovarian cancers, and the potential implications of these findings in genetic counselling and preventive therapy.


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Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and the total number of cancer cases continues to increase. Many cancers, for example sinonasal cancer and lung cancer, have clear external risk factors and so are potentially preventable. The occurrence of sinonasal cancer is strongly associated with wood dust exposure and the main risk factor for lung cancer is tobacco smoking. Although the molecular mechanisms involved in lung carcinogenesis have been widely studied, very little is known about the molecular changes leading to sinonasal cancer. In this work, mutations in the tumour suppressor TP53 gene in cases of sinonasal cancer and lung cancer and the associations of these mutations with exposure factors were studied. In addition, another important mechanism in many cancers, inflammation, was explored by analyzing the expression of the inflammation related enzyme, COX-2, in sinonasal cancer. The results demonstrate that TP53 mutations are frequent in sinonasal cancer and lung cancer and in both cancers they are associated with exposure. In sinonasal cancer, the occurrence of TP53 mutation significantly increased in relation to long duration and high level of exposure to wood dust. Smoking was not associated with the overall occurrence of the TP53 mutation in sinonasal cancer, but was associated with multiple TP53 mutations. Furthermore, inflammation appears to play a part in sinonasal carcinogenesis as indicated by our results showing that the expression of COX-2 was associated with adenocarcinoma type of tumours, wood dust exposure and non-smoking. In lung cancer, we detected statistically significant associations between TP53 mutations and duration of smoking, gender and histology. We also found that patients with a tumour carrying a G to T transversion, a mutation commonly found in association with tobacco smoking, had a high level of smoking-related bulky DNA adducts in their non-tumorous lung tissue. Altogether, the information on molecular changes in exposure induced cancers adds to the observations from epidemiological studies and helps to understand the role and impact of different etiological factors, which in turn can be beneficial for risk assessment and prevention.


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Segmentation defects of the vertebrae (SDV) are caused by aberrant somite formation during embryogenesis and result in irregular formation of the vertebrae and ribs. The Notch signal transduction pathway plays a critical role in somite formation and patterning in model vertebrates. In humans, mutations in several genes involved in the Notch pathway are associated with SDV, with both autosomal recessive (MESP2, DLL3, LFNG, HES7) and autosomal dominant (TBX6) inheritance. However, many individuals with SDV do not carry mutations in these genes. Using whole-exome capture and massive parallel sequencing, we identified compound heterozygous mutations in RIPPLY2 in two brothers with multiple regional SDV, with appropriate familial segregation. One novel mutation (c.A238T:p.Arg80*) introduces a premature stop codon. In transiently transfected C2C12 mouse myoblasts, the RIPPLY2 mutant protein demonstrated impaired transcriptional repression activity compared with wild-type RIPPLY2 despite similar levels of expression. The other mutation (c.240-4T>G), with minor allele frequency <0.002, lies in the highly conserved splice site consensus sequence 5' to the terminal exon. Ripply2 has a well-established role in somitogenesis and vertebral column formation, interacting at both gene and protein levels with SDV-associated Mesp2 and Tbx6. We conclude that compound heterozygous mutations in RIPPLY2 are associated with SDV, a new gene for this condition. © The Author 2014.


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CONTEXT: The role and importance of circulating sclerostin is poorly understood. High bone mass (HBM) caused by activating LRP5 mutations has been reported to be associated with increased plasma sclerostin concentrations; whether the same applies to HBM due to other causes is unknown. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to determine circulating sclerostin concentrations in HBM. DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: In this case-control study, 406 HBM index cases were identified by screening dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) databases from 4 United Kingdom centers (n = 219 088), excluding significant osteoarthritis/artifact. Controls comprised unaffected relatives and spouses. MAIN MEASURES: Plasma sclerostin; lumbar spine L1, total hip, and total body DXA; and radial and tibial peripheral quantitative computed tomography (subgroup only) were evaluated. RESULTS: Sclerostin concentrations were significantly higher in both LRP5 HBM and non-LRP5 HBM cases compared with controls: mean (SD) 130.1 (61.7) and 88.0 (39.3) vs 66.4 (32.3) pmol/L (both P < .001, which persisted after adjustment for a priori confounders). In combined adjusted analyses of cases and controls, sclerostin concentrations were positively related to all bone parameters found to be increased in HBM cases (ie, L1, total hip, and total body DXA bone mineral density and radial/tibial cortical area, cortical bone mineral density, and trabecular density). Although these relationships were broadly equivalent in HBM cases and controls, there was some evidence that associations between sclerostin and trabecular phenotypes were stronger in HBM cases, particularly for radial trabecular density (interaction P < .01). CONCLUSIONS: Circulating plasma sclerostin concentrations are increased in both LRP5 and non-LRP5 HBM compared with controls. In addition to the general positive relationship between sclerostin and DXA/peripheral quantitative computed tomography parameters, genetic factors predisposing to HBM may contribute to increased sclerostin levels.