65 resultados para multipulse rectifiers


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This paper proposal presents the development and the experimental analysis of a new single-phase hybrid rectifier structure with high power factor (PF) and low harmonic distortion of current (THDI), suitable for application in traction systems of electrical vehicles pulled by electrical motors (trolleybus), which are powered by urban distribution network. This front-end rectifier structure is capable of providing significant improvements in trolleybuses systems and in the urban distribution network costs, and efficiency. The proposed structure is composed by an ordinary single-phase diode rectifier with parallel connection of a switched converter. It is outlined that the switched converter is capable of composing the input line current waveform assuring high power factor (HPF) and low THDI, as well as ordinary front-end converter. However, the power rating of the switched converter is about 34% of the total output power, assuring robustness and reliability. Therefore, the proposed structure was named single-phase HPF hybrid rectifier. A prototype rated at 15kW was developed and analyzed in laboratory. It was found that the input line current harmonic spectrum is in accordance with the harmonic limits imposed by IEC61000-3-4. The principle of operation, the mathematical analysis, the PWM control strategy, and experimental results of a 15kW prototype are also presented in this paper. © 2009 IEEE.


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This paper presents the development and the experimental analysis of a new single-phase hybrid rectifier structure with high power factor (PF) and low harmonic distortion of current (THDI), suitable for application in traction systems of electrical vehicles pulled by electrical motors (trolleybus), which are powered by urban distribution network. This front-end rectifier structure is capable of providing significant improvements in trolleybuses systems and in the urban distribution network costs, and efficiency. The proposed structure is composed by an ordinary single-phase diode rectifier with parallel connection of a switched converter. It is outlined that the switched converter is capable of composing the input line current waveform assuring high power factor (HPF) and low THDI, as well as ordinary front-end converter. However, the power rating of the switched converter is about 34% of the total output power, assuring robustness and reliability. Therefore, the proposed structure was named single-phase HPF hybrid rectifier. A prototype rated at 15kW was developed and analyzed in laboratory. It was found that the input line current harmonic spectrum is in accordance with the harmonic limits imposed by IEC61000-3-4. The principle of operation, the mathematical analysis, the PWM control strategy, and experimental results are also presented in this paper. © 2009 IEEE.


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This paper presents the development and experimental analysis of a special input stage converter for a Trolleybus type vehicle allowing its operation in AC (two wires, single-phase) or DC distribution networks. The architecture of proposed input stage converter is composed by five interleaved boost rectifiers operating in discontinuous conduction mode. Furthermore, due to the power lines characteristics, the proposed input power structure can act as AC to DC or as DC to DC converter providing a proper DC output voltage range required to the DC bus. When operation is AC to DC, the converter is capable to provide high power factor with reduced harmonic distortion for the input current, complying with the restrictions imposed by IEC 61000-3-4 standard. Finally, the main experimental results are presented in order to verify the feasibility of the proposed converter, demonstrating the benefits and the possibility for AC feeding system for trolleybus type vehicle. © 2010 IEEE.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Nas últimas décadas, diversos pesquisadores têm tentado empregar moléculas em dispositivos eletrônicos de nanoescala. Por este motivo, diferentes parâmetros eletro/ópticos, que regem o transporte eletrônico em moléculas orgânicas, precisam ser analisados. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um estudo de transporte de carga para o composto Vermelho de Propila, popularmente utilizado como indicador de pH. A motivação para estudá-lo resulta de sua estrutura constituída por subunidades doadora-aceitadora, acopladas via grupo azo (N=N), uma característica bem conhecida em retificadores moleculares. A metodologia utilizada para tratar o sistema em equilíbrio é baseada em métodos de Mecânica Molecular e Hartree-Fock. Sendo que, para simular o sistema em não-equilíbrio, foi empregado o formalismo de Landauer-Büttiker. Através desses métodos, as curvas características do sistema molecular foram traçadas e comparadas. O resultado da comparação permitiu explicar os fenômenos que regem o transporte eletrônico na nanoestrutura. Além disso, foram analisados os efeitos de contatos metálicos, ligados a molécula na presença de campo elétrico externo.


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Neste trabalho apresentamos um estudo teórico da estrutura eletrônica de uma molécula do tipo Doador-dinitrobenzene e um grupo Aceitador-dihydrophenazine (D-A) com pontes poliênicas variando de π = 0 à π = 10. Trata-se de um sistema promissor para o desenvolvimento de retificadores moleculares, que sob dopagem química podem vir a adquirir propriedades elétricas de material condutor. E ainda, sob ação de campo elétrico externo apresenta comportamento equivalente ao de dispositivos usuais, mas com inúmeras vantagens como, por exemplo, tamanho extremamente reduzido e intensa resposta ótica em regime não-linear. Para estudar esse sistema, fizemos otimizações de geometria sistematicamente, levando em conta cálculos de ZINDO/S-CIS (Zerner´s Intermediate Neglect of Differential Orbital/Spectroscopic – Configuration Interaction Single) que utilizam 220 configurações em média. Observamos uma transferência eletrônica calculada por métodos derivados de Hartree-Fock. Nossos resultados mostram uma delocalização bem definida dos Orbitais Moleculares de Fronteira (OMFs) HOMO[LUMO] nos grupos D[A] para molécula com ponte poliênica relativamente grande. Para estruturas com ponte poliênica relativamente pequena o contrário é observado, e uma uniformidade dos OMFs nos terminais DA é verificada. O que indicaria que somente as estruturas com ponte poliênica relativamente grande seriam promissoras pra criação de dispositivos, tendo LUMO como canal de condução. Um estudo detalhado do rearranjo de carga molecular para a mesma estrutura, sob a ação de um campo elétrico externo mostrou que o transporte de carga no grupo D[A] independe do tamanho da ponte poliênica. A voltagem aplicada é intensa o bastante para criar um potencial de saturação para este sistema com grupos DA muito próximos (evidenciando uma região de saturação e uma região de operação para sistemas com pontes pequenas), normalmente presente e sistemas com ponte molecular relativamente grande e nos dispositivos semicondutores macroscópicos. Acreditamos que o OMF LUMO desempenha um papel importante no que diz respeito ao transporte de carga em estruturas relativamente grandes, seguido de falhas em estruturas moleculares onde o grupo D está muito próximo do A. Nossos resultados mostram que temos um retificador molecular que pode trabalhar corretamente como um retificador macroscópico.


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This paper presents a novel single-phase high power factor PWM boost rectifier, featuring soft commutation of the active switches at zero-current (ZCS). It incorporates the most desirable properties of the conventional PWM and the soft-switching resonant techniques. The input current shaping is achieved with average current mode control, and continuous inductor current mode. This new PWM converter provides ZCS turn-on and turn-off of the active switches, and it is suitable for high power applications employing IGBTs. Principle of operation, theoretical analysis, a design example, and experimental results from a laboratory prototype rated at 1600 W with 400 Vdc output voltage are presented. The measured efficiency and power factor were 96.2% and 0.99 respectively, with an input current THD equal to 3.94%, for an input voltage THD equal to 3.8%, at rated load.


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Recently there has been an important increase in electric equipment, as well as, electric power demand in aircrafts applications. This prompts to the necessity of efficient, reliable, and low-weight converters, especially rectifiers from 115VAC to 270VDC because these voltages are used in power distribution. In order to obtain a high efficiency, in aircraft application where the derating in semiconductors is high, normally several semiconductors are used in parallel to decrease the conduction losses. However, this is in conflict with high reliability. To match both goals of high efficiency and reliability, this work proposes an interleaved multi-cell rectifier system, employing several converter cells in parallel instead of parallel-connected semiconductors. In this work a 10kW multi-cell isolated rectifier system has been designed where each cell is composed of a buck type rectifier and a full bridge DC-DC converter. The implemented system exhibits 91% of efficiency, high power density (10kW/10kg), low THD (2.5%), and n−1 fault tolerance which complies, with military aircraft standards.


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Free radical-induced oxidant stress has been implicated in a number of physiological and pathophysiological states including ischemia and reperfusion-induced dysrhythmia in the heart, apoptosis of T lymphocytes, phagocytosis, and neurodegeneration. We have studied the effects of oxidant stress on the native K+ channel from T lymphocytes and on K+ channels cloned from cardiac, brain, and T-lymphocyte cells and expressed in Xenopus oocytes. The activity of three Shaker K+ channels (Kv1.3, Kv1.4, and Kv1.5), one Shaw channel (Kv3.4), and one inward rectifier K+ channel (IRK3) was drastically inhibited by photoactivation of rose bengal, a classical generator of reactive oxygen species. Other channel types (such as Shaker K+ channel Kv1.2, Shab channels Kv2.1 and Kv2.2, Shal channel Kv4.1, inward rectifiers IRK1 and ROMK1, and hIsK) were completely resistant to this treatment. On the other hand tert-butyl hydroperoxide, another generator of reactive oxygen species, removed the fast inactivation processes of Kv1.4 and Kv3.4 but did not alter other channels. Xanthine/xanthine oxidase system had no effect on all channels studied. Thus, we show that different types of K+ channels are differently modified by reactive oxygen species, an observation that might be of importance in disease states.


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"Credit is largely due to Frank D. Graham ... for the authorship of the Guides, and for the original sketches illustrating electrical principles and construction."--Pref. to no. 1.


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"August 1956."