998 resultados para multimedia computing


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Multi-user videoconferencing systems offer communication between more than two users, who are able to interact through their webcams, microphones and other components. The use of these systems has been increased recently due to, on the one hand, improvements in Internet access, networks of companies, universities and houses, whose available bandwidth has been increased whilst the delay in sending and receiving packets has decreased. On the other hand, the advent of Rich Internet Applications (RIA) means that a large part of web application logic and control has started to be implemented on the web browsers. This has allowed developers to create web applications with a level of complexity comparable to traditional desktop applications, running on top of the Operating Systems. More recently the use of Cloud Computing systems has improved application scalability and involves a reduction in the price of backend systems. This offers the possibility of implementing web services on the Internet with no need to spend a lot of money when deploying infrastructures and resources, both hardware and software. Nevertheless there are not many initiatives that aim to implement videoconferencing systems taking advantage of Cloud systems. This dissertation proposes a set of techniques, interfaces and algorithms for the implementation of videoconferencing systems in public and private Cloud Computing infrastructures. The mechanisms proposed here are based on the implementation of a basic videoconferencing system that runs on the web browser without any previous installation requirements. To this end, the development of this thesis starts from a RIA application with current technologies that allow users to access their webcams and microphones from the browser, and to send captured data through their Internet connections. Furthermore interfaces have been implemented to allow end users to participate in videoconferencing rooms that are managed in different Cloud provider servers. To do so this dissertation starts from the results obtained from the previous techniques and backend resources were implemented in the Cloud. A traditional videoconferencing service which was implemented in the department was modified to meet typical Cloud Computing infrastructure requirements. This allowed us to validate whether Cloud Computing public infrastructures are suitable for the traffic generated by this kind of system. This analysis focused on the network level and processing capacity and stability of the Cloud Computing systems. In order to improve this validation several other general considerations were taken in order to cover more cases, such as multimedia data processing in the Cloud, as research activity has increased in this area in recent years. The last stage of this dissertation is the design of a new methodology to implement these kinds of applications in hybrid clouds reducing the cost of videoconferencing systems. Finally, this dissertation opens up a discussion about the conclusions obtained throughout this study, resulting in useful information from the different stages of the implementation of videoconferencing systems in Cloud Computing systems. RESUMEN Los sistemas de videoconferencia multiusuario permiten la comunicación entre más de dos usuarios que pueden interactuar a través de cámaras de video, micrófonos y otros elementos. En los últimos años el uso de estos sistemas se ha visto incrementado gracias, por un lado, a la mejora de las redes de acceso en las conexiones a Internet en empresas, universidades y viviendas, que han visto un aumento del ancho de banda disponible en dichas conexiones y una disminución en el retardo experimentado por los datos enviados y recibidos. Por otro lado también ayudó la aparación de las Aplicaciones Ricas de Internet (RIA) con las que gran parte de la lógica y del control de las aplicaciones web comenzó a ejecutarse en los mismos navegadores. Esto permitió a los desarrolladores la creación de aplicaciones web cuya complejidad podía compararse con la de las tradicionales aplicaciones de escritorio, ejecutadas directamente por los sistemas operativos. Más recientemente el uso de sistemas de Cloud Computing ha mejorado la escalabilidad y el abaratamiento de los costes para sistemas de backend, ofreciendo la posibilidad de implementar servicios Web en Internet sin la necesidad de grandes desembolsos iniciales en las áreas de infraestructuras y recursos tanto hardware como software. Sin embargo no existen aún muchas iniciativas con el objetivo de realizar sistemas de videoconferencia que aprovechen las ventajas del Cloud. Esta tesis doctoral propone un conjunto de técnicas, interfaces y algoritmos para la implentación de sistemas de videoconferencia en infraestructuras tanto públicas como privadas de Cloud Computing. Las técnicas propuestas en la tesis se basan en la realización de un servicio básico de videoconferencia que se ejecuta directamente en el navegador sin la necesidad de instalar ningún tipo de aplicación de escritorio. Para ello el desarrollo de esta tesis parte de una aplicación RIA con tecnologías que hoy en día permiten acceder a la cámara y al micrófono directamente desde el navegador, y enviar los datos que capturan a través de la conexión de Internet. Además se han implementado interfaces que permiten a usuarios finales la participación en salas de videoconferencia que se ejecutan en servidores de proveedores de Cloud. Para ello se partió de los resultados obtenidos en las técnicas anteriores de ejecución de aplicaciones en el navegador y se implementaron los recursos de backend en la nube. Además se modificó un servicio ya existente implementado en el departamento para adaptarlo a los requisitos típicos de las infraestructuras de Cloud Computing. Alcanzado este punto se procedió a analizar si las infraestructuras propias de los proveedores públicos de Cloud Computing podrían soportar el tráfico generado por los sistemas que se habían adaptado. Este análisis se centró tanto a nivel de red como a nivel de capacidad de procesamiento y estabilidad de los sistemas. Para los pasos de análisis y validación de los sistemas Cloud se tomaron consideraciones más generales para abarcar casos como el procesamiento de datos multimedia en la nube, campo en el que comienza a haber bastante investigación en los últimos años. Como último paso se ideó una metodología de implementación de este tipo de aplicaciones para que fuera posible abaratar los costes de los sistemas de videoconferencia haciendo uso de clouds híbridos. Finalmente en la tesis se abre una discusión sobre las conclusiones obtenidas a lo largo de este amplio estudio, obteniendo resultados útiles en las distintas etapas de implementación de los sistemas de videoconferencia en la nube.


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This paper presents the AMELIE Authoring Tool for e-health applications. AMELIE provides the means for creating video-based contents with a focus on e-learning and telerehabilitation processes. The main core of AMELIE lies in the efficient exploitation of raw multimedia resources, which may be already available at clinical centers or recorded ad hoc for learning purposes by health professionals. Three real use cases scenarios involving different target users are presented: (1) cognitive skills? training of surgeons in minimally invasive surgery (medical professionals), (2) training of informal carers for elderly home assistance and (3) cognitive rehabilitation of patients with acquired brain injury. Preliminary validation in the field of surgery hints at the potential of AMELIE; and its versatility in different medical applications is patent from the use cases described. Regardless, new validation studies are planned in the three main application areas identified in this work.


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A variety of current and future wired and wireless networking technologies can be transformed into a seamless communication environments through application of context-based vertical handovers. Such seamless communication environments are needed for future pervasive/ubiquitous systems. Pervasive systems are context aware and need to adapt to context changes, including network disconnections and changes in network Quality of Service (QoS). Vertical handover is one of many possible adaptation methods. It allows users to roam freely between heterogeneous networks while maintaining the continuity of their applications. This paper proposes a vertical handover mechanism suitable for multimedia applications in pervasive systems. The paper focuses on the handover decision making process which uses context information regarding user devices, user location, network environment and requested QoS. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper proposes an architecture for pervasive computing which utilizes context information to provide adaptations based on vertical handovers (handovers between heterogeneous networks) while supporting application Quality of Service (QoS). The future of mobile computing will see an increase in ubiquitous network connectivity which allows users to roam freely between heterogeneous networks. One of the requirements for pervasive computing is to adapt computing applications or their environment if current applications can no longer be provided with the requested QoS. One of possible adaptations is a vertical handover to a different network. Vertical handover operations include changing network interfaces on a single device or changes between different devices. Such handovers should be performed with minimal user distraction and minimal violation of communication QoS for user applications. The solution utilises context information regarding user devices, user location, application requirements, and network environment. The paper shows how vertical handover adaptations are incorporated into the whole infrastructure of a pervasive system


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Partial support of the Hungarian State Eötvös Scholarship, the Hungarian National Science Fund (Grant No. OTKA 42559 and 42706) and the Mobile Innovation Center, Hungary is gratefully acknowledged.


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This article presents the principal results of the doctoral thesis “Semantic-oriented Architecture and Models for Personalized and Adaptive Access to the Knowledge in Multimedia Digital Library” by Desislava Ivanova Paneva-Marinova (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics), successfully defended before the Specialised Academic Council for Informatics and Mathematical Modelling on 27 October, 2008.


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We present Dithen, a novel computation-as-a-service (CaaS) cloud platform specifically tailored to the parallel ex-ecution of large-scale multimedia tasks. Dithen handles the upload/download of both multimedia data and executable items, the assignment of compute units to multimedia workloads, and the reactive control of the available compute units to minimize the cloud infrastructure cost under deadline-abiding execution. Dithen combines three key properties: (i) the reactive assignment of individual multimedia tasks to available computing units according to availability and predetermined time-to-completion constraints; (ii) optimal resource estimation based on Kalman-filter estimates; (iii) the use of additive increase multiplicative decrease (AIMD) algorithms (famous for being the resource management in the transport control protocol) for the control of the number of units servicing workloads. The deployment of Dithen over Amazon EC2 spot instances is shown to be capable of processing more than 80,000 video transcoding, face detection and image processing tasks (equivalent to the processing of more than 116 GB of compressed data) for less than $1 in billing cost from EC2. Moreover, the proposed AIMD-based control mechanism, in conjunction with the Kalman estimates, is shown to provide for more than 27% reduction in EC2 spot instance cost against methods based on reactive resource estimation. Finally, Dithen is shown to offer a 38% to 500% reduction of the billing cost against the current state-of-the-art in CaaS platforms on Amazon EC2 (Amazon Lambda and Amazon Autoscale). A baseline version of Dithen is currently available at dithen.com.


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Mobile Notebooks, die einen campusweiten Zugriff auf das Hochschulnetzwerk erlauben, eröffnen neue Möglichkeiten der Integration netzbasierter Ressourcen in die reguläre Lehre. Es wird über Entwicklung und gebündelten Einsatz netzbasierter Tools in der psychologischen Grundlagenausbildung berichtet. Spezifische Funktionalitäten mobiler Notebooks wurden in vielfältigen Anwendungen – von Online-Feedback-Instrumenten bis zum virtuellen Experimentallabor – zur Förderung von Lehr-Lern-Prozessen nutzbar gemacht. Sie fördern die individuelle Wissenskonstruktion, indem sie selbstreguliertes und kooperatives Lernen vernetzen, unmittelbares Feedback gewährleisten sowie darüber hinaus die Entwicklung sozialer Bezugsnormen unterstützen. So schaffen sie einen Rahmen, in dem die Studierenden – dem Cognitive Apprenticeship Ansatz folgend – auf ihrem Weg in die wissenschaftliche Community experimentell arbeitender Psychologen von Mitlernenden und Lehrenden unterstützt werden. Innerhalb nur eines Semesters konnten mobile Notebooks und netzbasierte Tools erfolgreich in die reguläre Lehre integriert werden. Die kognitiven und affektiven Grundlagen einer nachhaltigen Verbesserung der Lehr-Lern-Qualität durch den Einsatz derartiger Instrumente werden diskutiert.(DIPF/Orig.)


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With the increasing popularity of utility-oriented computing where the resources are traded as services, efficient management of quality of service (QoS) has become increasingly significant to both service consumers and service providers. In the context of distributed multimedia content adaptation deployment on service-oriented computing, how to ensure the stringent QoS requirements of the content adaptation is a significant and immediate challenge. However, QoS guarantees in the distributed multimedia content adaptation deployment on service-oriented platform context have not been accorded the attention it deserves. In this paper, we address this problem. We formulate the SLA management for distributed multimedia content adaptation deployment on service-oriented computing as an integer programming problem. We propose an SLA management framework that enables the service provider to determine deliverable QoS before settling SLA with potential service consumers to optimize QoS guarantees. We analyzed the performance of the proposed strategy under various conditions in terms of the SLA success rate, rejection rate and impact of the resource data errors on potential violation of the agreed upon SLA. We also compared the proposed SLA management framework with a baseline approach in which the distributed multimedia content adaptation is deployed on a service-oriented platform without SLA consideration. The results of the experiments show that the proposed SLA management framework substantially outperforms the baseline approach confirming that SLA management is a core requirement for the deployment of distributed multimedia content adaptation on service-oriented systems.