940 resultados para motor skills


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To examine associations between fundamental movement skills and weekday and weekend physical activity among preschool children living in deprived communities.


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-Given that children with low movement skill competence engage in less physical activity, it is important to understand how children's perceptions relate to actual movement competence. This study examined relationships between (i) children's self-perception and objective assessments of their movement skills (object control and locomotor) and (ii) parents' perceptions of the children's movement skills and objective assessment. Children's skill perceptions were assessed using the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence for Young Children. Parent perceptions of their child's skills were assessed using a modified version of this instrument. The Test of Gross Motor Development-2nd edition assessed children's skills objectively. Participants were 136 Australian children (51% boys; M = 6.5 yr., SD = 1.1) and 133 parents. Regression analyses (by sex) examined the relationship between perceptions and children's scores for actual skilled performance. Boys' perceptions were associated with their actual object control ability. Parents accurately perceived boys' object control ability and girls' locomotor ability, but not the reverse. This suggests interventions aiming to improve children's movement skills could target parents and be designed to teach parents how to recognize good and poor skill performance in their children.


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This cross-sectional study examined fundamental movement skill competency among deprived preschool children in Northwest England and explored sex differences. A total of 168 preschool children (ages 3-5 yr.) were included in the study. Twelve skills were assessed using the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Motor Skills Protocol and video analysis. Sex differences were explored at the subtest, skill, and component levels. Overall competence was found to be low among both sexes, although it was higher for locomotor skills than for object-control skills. Similar patterns were observed at the component level. Boys had significantly better object-control skills than girls, with greater competence observed for the kick and overarm throw, while girls were more competent at the run, hop, and gallop. The findings of low competency suggest that developmentally appropriate interventions should be implemented in preschool settings to promote movement skills, with targeted activities for boys and girls.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa, de delineamento quase-experimental, foi verificar a influência de um Programa de Intervenção Motora Inclusiva (PIMI) no desenvolvimento motor (DM) e social (DS) de crianças, portadoras (PNEE) e não portadoras de necessidades educacionais especiais (n-PNEE), com atrasos motores. A amostra desta pesquisa foi não probabilística, intencional, composta por 76 crianças (43 meninos e 33 meninas), com idades de 4 a 10 anos (M=7,00, DP=1,44), sendo 24 (31,6%) crianças PNEE e 52 (68,4%) crianças n-PNEE, que apresentaram desempenho motores inferiores a seus pares, configurando atrasos motores, avaliados por meio do Test of Gross Motor Development- 2 (TGMD-2) (ULRICH, 2000). Trinta e cinco crianças constituíram o Grupo de Intervenção (GI) e quarenta e uma crianças constituíram o Grupo Controle (GC). Para a avaliação do DM das crianças dos grupos foi utilizado o TGMD-2 e para a avaliação do DS das crianças do GI foi utilizado a estrutura de Níveis de Responsabilidade Social e Pessoal (HELLISON, 2003). O PIMI foi desenvolvido em 14 semanas, implementando os princípios do Contexto Motivacional para a Maestria e os pressupostos da estrutura TARGET. General Linear Model com medidas repetidas no fator tempo foi conduzida para avaliar os efeitos do PIMI no DM das crianças. Para a análise do DS foi utilizado o teste de Friedman. Os resultados indicaram que (1) crianças, PNEE e n- PNEE, do GI demonstraram ganhos significantes em habilidades de locomoção e de controle de objeto do pré-teste para o pós-teste, enquanto que para as crianças, PNEE e n-PNEE, do GC mudanças significativas não foram encontradas, (2) crianças, PNEE e n-PNEE, do GI demonstraram desempenho significantemente superior em habilidades de locomoção e de controle de objeto comparadas as crianças, PNEE e n-PNEE, do GC no pós-teste, (3) crianças PNEE, do GI, demonstraram padrões de mudanças positivas e significativas do pré-teste para o pós-teste nas habilidades de locomoção e de controle de objeto semelhantes aos seus pares n-PNE do mesmo grupo, (4) crianças PNEE, do GI, demonstraram no pós-teste desempenho significantemente superior nas habilidades de locomoção e controle de objetos comparadas aos seus pares PNEE do GC, (5) crianças n-PNEE, do GI, demonstraram no pós-teste desempenho significantemente superior nas habilidades de locomoção e de controle de objeto comparadas aos seus pares n-PNEE do GC, (6) crianças, PNEE e n-PNEE, do GI, demonstraram mudanças positivas e significativas no DS no contexto de aprendizagem por meio da conquista de níveis de responsabilidade social e pessoal mais elevados, no decorrer do PIMI, (7) crianças PNEE, do GI, demonstraram padrões de mudanças positivas e significativas no DS semelhantes aos seus pares n-PNEE do mesmo grupo. E mais, a implementação do Contexto Motivacional para a Maestria possibilitou a participação cooperativa e efetiva de todas as crianças indiferentemente dos níveis de habilidade motora.


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The central aims of this study were: (1) to construct age- and gender-specific percentiles for motor coordination (MC), (2) to analyze the change, stability, and prediction of MC, (3) to investigate the relationship between motor performance and body fatness, and (4) to evaluate the relationships between skeletal maturation and fundamental motor skills (FMS) and MC. The data collected was from the ‘Healthy Growth of Madeira Children Study’ and from the ‘Madeira Child Growth Study’. In these studies, MC, FMS, skeletal age, growth characteristics, motor performance, physical activity, socioeconomic status, and geographical area were assessed/measured. Generalized additive models for location, scale and shape, mixed between-within subjects ANOVA, multilevel models, and hierarchical regression (blocks) were some of the statistical procedures used in the analyses. Scores on walking backwards and moving sideways improved with age. It was also found that boys performed better than girls on moving sideways. Normal-weight children outperformed obese peers in almost all gross MC tests. Inter-age correlations were calculated to be between 0.15 and 0.60. Age was associated with a better performance in catching, scramble, speed run, standing long jump, balance, and tennis ball throwing. Body mass index was positively associated with scramble and speed run, and negatively related to the standing long jump. Physical activity was negatively associated with scramble. Semi-urban children displayed better catching skills relative to their urban peers. The standardized residual of skeletal age on chronological age (SAsr) and its interaction with stature and/or body mass accounted for the maximum of 7.0% of variance in FMS and MC over that attributed to body size per se. SAsr alone accounted for a maximum of 9.0% variance in FMS and MC over that attributed to body size per se and interactions between SAsr and body size. This study demonstrates the need to promote FMS, MC, motor performance, and physical activity in children.


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The aim of this Study was to compare the learning process of a highly complex ballet skill following demonstrations of point light and video models 16 participants divided into point light and video groups (ns = 8) performed 160 trials of a pirouette equally distributed in blocks of 20 trials alternating periods of demonstration and practice with a retention test a day later Measures of head and trunk oscillation coordination d1 parity from the model and movement time difference showed similarities between video and point light groups ballet experts evaluations indicated superiority of performance in the video over the point light group Results are discussed in terms of the task requirements of dissociation between head and trunk rotations focusing on the hypothesis of sufficiency and higher relevance of information contained in biological motion models applied to learning of complex motor skills


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TEMA: a literatura aponta para a influência da postura corporal sobre as habilidades orais em crianças com desenvolvimento sensório-motor alterado. em crianças normais existem poucos estudos sobre essa relação. OBJETIVO: estudar em crianças a termo a relação entre habilidades motoras e habilidades motoras orais, desde 1 dia de vida até 24 meses de idade. MÉTODO: 42 crianças foram filmadas com 1 dia, 1 mês, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9,12 e 24 meses nas posições supino, prono, sentado e em pé e durante alimentação com amamentação / mamadeira (até 5 meses), uso de colher para alimentação pastosa (3 aos 12 meses), uso de copo para água ou suco (6 aos 24 meses) e alimento sólido (6 aos 24 meses). Estabeleceram-se escores de quantificação para o desenvolvimento corporal e habilidades orais e utilizou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson para o estudo estatístico, adotando-se nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: os resultados do desenvolvimento motor apontaram para semelhança de dados entre supino e prono e sentado e em pé; para as habilidades orais (durante a alimentação com mamadeira/amamentação, colher, copo, mastigação) constatou-se em cada modalidade de alimentação, homogeneidade de aquisição de habilidades para lábios, língua e mandíbula. Houve associação entre habilidades motoras e orais; resultados apontam que o desenvolvimento motor (habilidades motoras) se deu antes das orais desde o 5° ao 24° mês e que as habilidades de mandíbula em copo e colher ocorreram antes das habilidades de lábios e língua. CONCLUSÃO: houve crescente aquisição de habilidades motoras e orais, variabilidade de habilidades em idades entre 3 e 24 meses e associação entre habilidades motoras e orais.


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A set of constraints on the performance of motor skills is a determinant factor of success in many sport modalities that require from the athlete continuous adaptation to changes in the game context. Taking into account Newell's model of organism (or performer), task and environmental constraints in the acquisition of motor skills (NEWELL, 1986), the focus of this study is the set of changes that take place in motor behavior from the beginner to the high level athlete. In specific, the focus is toward changes in sports settings in which the ball is the center of the game, responsible for the relationship among athletes of the same team as well as between opponents, as in volleyball. The ball, in its trajectory, carries on a set of constraints to the player's behavior. To be able of imposing constraints on the opponent's behavior is so important as to know how to deal with a ball sent to you by the opponent in an unpredictable trajectory.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Motor development is influenced by many factors such as practice and appropriate instruction, provided by teachers, even in preschool and elementary school. The goal of this paper was to discuss the misconception that maturation underlies children's motor skill development and to show that physical education, even in early years of our school system, is critical to promote proficiency and enrolment of children's in later motor activities. Motor skill development, as a curricular focus, has been marginalized in many of our physical education proposal and in doing so, we have not promote motor competence in our children who lack proficiency to engage and to participate in later motor activities such as sport-related or recreational.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Gross motor (GM) deficits are often reported in children with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), but their prevalence and the domains affected are not clear. The objective of this review was to characterize GM impairment in children with a diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) or moderate to heavy maternal alcohol intake.METHODS: A systematic review with meta-analysis was conducted. Medline, Embase, Allied and Complementary Medicine Database, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PsycINFO, PEDro, and Google Scholar databases were searched. Published observational studies including children aged 0 to <= 18 years with (1) an FASD diagnosis or moderate to heavy PAE, or a mother with confirmed alcohol dependency or binge drinking during pregnancy, and (2) GM outcomes obtained by using a standardized assessment tool. Data were extracted regarding participants, exposure, diagnosis, and outcomes by using a standardized protocol. Methodological quality was evaluated by using Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology guidelines.RESULTS: The search recovered 2881 articles of which 14 met the systematic review inclusion criteria. The subjects' mean age ranged from 3 days to 13 years. Study limitations included failure to report cutoffs for impairment, nonstandardized reporting of PAE, and small sample sizes. The meta-analysis pooled results (n = 10) revealed a significant association between a diagnosis of FASD or moderate to heavy PAE and GM impairment (odds ratio: 2.9; 95% confidence interval: 2.1-4.0). GM deficits were found in balance, coordination, and ball skills. There was insufficient data to determine prevalence.CONCLUSIONS: The significant results suggest evaluation of GM proficiency should be a standard component of multidisciplinary FASD diagnostic services.


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In the presence of developmental dyslexia, there is high probability of motor difficulties being present as well purposes: The purposes of this study were to characterize and compare the motor performance of students with dyslexia with students with good academic performance and to identify the presence of the DCD (developmental coordination disorder) co-occurring with developmental dyslexia. A total of 79 students participated in the research, both genders, from 8 to 11 years old, from 3rd to 5th grades, and were divided into Group I: 19 students with developmental dyslexia and Group II: 60 students with good academic performance. All the students were assessed using “The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency” (second edition), to measure the motor skills and the pattern and differences between groups. The results of this study showed that the motor performance of Group II students was superior to the performance of students of Group I in almost all motor areas assessed but both groups performed less well than they should have for their chronological age. The results of this study indicate that occupational therapists, speech therapists and educators need to be aware of the presence of motor impairments and the need for early intervention in both the academic and clinical environments, in order to ensure that early identification and diagnosis of possible co-occurrences, such as DCD, and the impact on learning to guarantee more appropriate clinical and educational assistance for this population. This may also indicate that increased exposure to movement may be important to limit some of the secondary health consequences in children in Brazil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)