141 resultados para mortgages


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Robert Campbell was the son of Robert Campbell and Jannette Miller, born about 1836 in Pelham North Township. He married Elizabeth Ann Ingram on Saturday, September 7, 1878 in Pelham Township, and they had 2 sons: Robert Carson Campbell and George D. Campbell. He died on February 27, 1908 in Malahide Township, Norfolk County, Ontario.


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George William Schram (1809-1885), son of Garrett Schram and Leah Van Etten, married Orpha Pearson on Nov.13, 1835. His son Marsena John Schram (farmer) was born in May of 1840, in Canada. He died on Nov. 17, 1926 in Wexford County, Michigan. He was married in 1867 to Sarah (1825-1887).Marsena married again on April 18, 1910 to Ann Clarinda Warner (1861-1924). He was working as a carpenter at this time. They had another son, William who was born about 1838 and he married Sabina Chambers on Jan. 21, 1862. The 1861 census for Wainfleet lists siblings of Marsena John Schram as Sarah J. (age 14), Georgiana (age 5), and William (age 21). The Schrams lived on Concession 5 and owned approximately 144 acres of land. David Thompson was born Feb. 4, 1873 and died Feb. 19, 1951. He married Sally Ann Wilson on Sept. 7, 1825 in Pelham. She died about 1840 in Indiana Ontario (near Cayuga). Lemuel Victor Hogue was born Dec.1, 1854 and died Jan. 12, 1929. He was married to Elizabeth Wills who was born Aug. 2, 1861 and died Mar. 8, 1926. Sources: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=99294842 http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=seadragon5&id=I91708


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Letter to C. Sauble [?] from Henry Miller [?] regarding mortgages, n.d.


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L’objectif de ce papier est de déterminer les facteurs susceptibles d’expliquer les faillites bancaires au sein de l’Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine (UEMOA) entre 1980 et 1995. Utilisant le modèle logit conditionnel sur des données en panel, nos résultats montrent que les variables qui affectent positivement la probabilité de faire faillite des banques sont : i) le niveau d’endettement auprès de la banque centrale; ii) un faible niveau de comptes disponibles et à vue; iii) les portefeuilles d’effets commerciaux par rapport au total des crédits; iv) le faible montant des dépôts à terme de plus de 2 ans à 10 ans par rapport aux actifs totaux; et v) le ratio actifs liquides sur actifs totaux. En revanche, les variables qui contribuent positivement sur la vraisemblance de survie des banques sont les suivantes : i) le ratio capital sur actifs totaux; ii) les bénéfices nets par rapport aux actifs totaux; iii) le ratio crédit total sur actifs totaux; iv) les dépôts à terme à 2 ans par rapport aux actifs totaux; et v) le niveau des engagements sous forme de cautions et avals par rapport aux actifs totaux. Les ratios portefeuilles d’effets commerciaux et actifs liquides par rapport aux actifs totaux sont les variables qui expliquent la faillite des banques commerciales, alors que ce sont les dépôts à terme de plus de 2 ans à 10 ans qui sont à l’origine des faillites des banques de développement. Ces faillites ont été considérablement réduites par la création en 1989 de la commission de réglementation bancaire régionale. Dans l’UEMOA, seule la variable affectée au Sénégal semble contribuer positivement sur la probabilité de faire faillite.


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L’Islam interdit le riba , mot arabe signifiant à la fois usure et intérêt. L’interdiction du rib figure dans la loi islamique, née dans l’Arabie du Moyen Âge. Elle est à la base de la finance islamique qui connut une expansion remarquable durant la deuxième moitié du XX e siècle. Nous nous interrogeons sur les origines de cette interdiction, sur les problèmes que connaît actuellement la finance islamique et sur ses perspectives d’avenir.


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This paper studies the impact of banks' liability for environmental damages caused by their borrowers. Laws or court decisions that declare banks liable for environmental damages have two objectives : (1) finding someone to pay for the damages and (2) exerting a pressure on a firm's stakeholders to incite them to invest in environmental risk prevention. We study the effect that such legal decisions can have on financing relationships and especially on the incentives to reduce environmental risk in an environment where banks cannot commit to refinance the firm in all circumstances. Following an environmental accident, liable banks more readily agree to refinance the firm. We then show that bank liability effectively makes refinancing more attractive to banks, therefore improving the firm's risk-sharing possibilities. Consequently, the firm's incentives to invest in environmental risk reduction are weakened compared to the (bank) no-liability case. We also show that, when banks are liable, the firm invests at the full-commitment optimal level of risk reduction investment. If there are some externalities such that some damages cannot be accounted for, the socially efficient level of investment is greater than the privately optimal one. in that case, making banks non-liable can be socially desirable.


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This paper studies the impact of banks' liability for environmental damages caused by their borrowers. Laws or court decisions that declare banks liable for environmental damages have two objectives : (1) finding someone to pay for the damages and (2) exerting a pressure on a firm's stakeholders to incite them to invest in environmental risk prevention. We study the effect that such legal decisions can have on financing relationships and especially on the incentives to reduce environmental risk in an environment where banks cannot commit to refinance the firm in all circumstances. Following an environmental accident, liable banks more readily agree to refinance the firm. We then show that bank liability effectively makes refinancing more attractive to banks, therefore improving the firm's risk-sharing possibilities. Consequently, the firm's incentives to invest in environmental risk reduction are weakened compared to the (bank) no-liability case. We also show that, when banks are liable, the firm invests at the full-commitment optimal level of risk reduction investment. If there are some externalities such that some damages cannot be accounted for, the socially efficient level of investment is greater than the privately optimal one. in that case, making banks non-liable can be socially desirable.


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Este documento presenta una perspectiva de como una economía pequeña y abierta (en temas comerciales y de inversión) como la colombiana, se ve afectada por choques que sufren economías grandes como la estadounidense. Durante el periodo de estudio la economía de Estados Unidos sufrió dos choques: primero la crisis de las hipotecas subprime en los años 2007-2008; luego la crisis de deuda soberana de Estados Unidos en 2011. Estos dos choques afectaron la economía colombiana. En ambos casos, se puede establecer un hecho clave que detonó las crisis. En el primero, la entrada en el capítulo 11 de protección a bancarrotas por parte de Lehman Brothers, el 15 de septiembre de 2008. En el segundo, el detonante fue la baja de la calificación de la deuda soberana de Estados Unidos por parte de Standard and Poor´s el 5 de agosto de 2011. Estos días claves en las crisis, afectaron los principales índices de la bolsa de Estados Unidos, especialmente los relacionados con la actividad financiera, luego es de suponer que posiblemente también afectaron fundamentales de la economía colombiana como lo es la tasa de cambio peso-dólar (USD/COP). Este documento tiene como objeto principal, establecer el impacto de las crisis Norteamericana de 2007-2008 y de 2011, sobre la economía colombiana, específicamente sobre la tasa de cambio USD/COP. El documento también, analiza las causas que generaron dichas crisis en Estados Unidos, haciendo énfasis en la falta de regulación y control por parte de las instituciones del gobierno en la crisis de las hipotecas subprime. De igual forma se analiza el papel de las firmas calificadoras de riesgo, en la crisis de deuda estadounidense.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar la evolución de las políticas de vivienda en Colombia, así como hacer un acercamiento a las crisis del mercado hipotecario por las que ha pasado el país en el último siglo. Igualmente se analizan las opciones que trae el leasing habitacional como alternativa al crédito hipotecario y se identifica para qué segmentos de la población se ajusta cada tipo de financiación. Los análisis y las conclusiones de éste trabajo apuntan a explicar cómo las diferentes opciones de crédito pueden disminuir el déficit habitacional en Colombia.


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The recent global economic crisis is often associated with the development and pricing of mortgage-backed securities (i.e. MBSs) and underlying products (i.e. sub-prime mortgages). This work uses a rich database of MBS issues and represents the first attempt to price commercial MBSs (i.e. CMBSs) in the European market. Our results are consistent with research carried out in the US market and we find that bond-, mortgage-, real estate-related and multinational characteristics show different degrees of significance in explaining European CMBS spreads at issuance. Multiple linear regression analysis using a databank of CMBSs issued between 1997 and 2007 indicates a strong relationship with bond-related factors, followed by real estate and mortgage market conditions. We also find that multinational factors are significant, with country of issuance, collateral location and access to more liquid markets all being important in explaining the cost of secured funding for real estate companies. As floater coupon tranches tend to be riskier and exhibit higher spreads, we also estimate a model using this sub-set of data and results hold, hence reinforcing our findings. Finally, we estimate our model for both tranches A and B and find that real estate factors become relatively more important for the riskier investment products.


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This paper constructs a housing market model to analyse conditions for different generations of households in the UK. Previous policy work has suggested that baby-boomers have benefitted at the expense of younger generations. The model relies on a form of financial accelerator in which existing homeowners reinvest a proportion of the capital gains on moving home. The model is extended to look at homeownership probabilities. It also explains why an increasing share of mortgages has gone to existing owners, despite market liberalisation and securitisation. In addition, the model contributes to the explanation of volatility.


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"CONTENTS: Concepts of Property; Possession and Title; Fixtures, Encroachment and Boundaries; Adverse Possession; The Doctrine of Tenure and Estates; Leases; Native Title; Equitable Interests; Priority Rules; The Torrens System; Unregistered Interests; Easements; Covenants; Mortgages; Co-ownership."--Provided by publisher.


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The article discusses the effect of the 2008 economic meltdown on self-reliance. Banks are noted to have honored credit default swaps and purchase mortgages as collateralized debt obligations (CDO) with the option of buy back at face value. Also discussed are the Wall Street Bailout, the Australian banking system and the overseas debt of Australia.