987 resultados para microwave network analyzer


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Systems equipped with multiple antennas at the transmitter and at the receiver, known as MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) systems, offer higher capacities, allowing an efficient exploitation of the available spectrum and/or the employment of more demanding applications. It is well known that the radio channel is characterized by multipath propagation, a phenomenon deemed problematic and whose mitigation has been achieved through techniques such as diversity, beamforming or adaptive antennas. By exploring conveniently the spatial domain MIMO systems turn the characteristics of the multipath channel into an advantage and allow creating multiple parallel and independent virtual channels. However, the achievable benefits are constrained by the propagation channel’s characteristics, which may not always be ideal. This work focuses on the characterization of the MIMO radio channel. It begins with the presentation of the fundamental results from information theory that triggered the interest on these systems, including the discussion of some of their potential benefits and a review of the existing channel models for MIMO systems. The characterization of the MIMO channel developed in this work is based on experimental measurements of the double-directional channel. The measurement system is based on a vector network analyzer and a two-dimensional positioning platform, both controlled by a computer, allowing the measurement of the channel’s frequency response at the locations of a synthetic array. Data is then processed using the SAGE (Space-Alternating Expectation-Maximization) algorithm to obtain the parameters (delay, direction of arrival and complex amplitude) of the channel’s most relevant multipath components. Afterwards, using a clustering algorithm these data are grouped into clusters. Finally, statistical information is extracted allowing the characterization of the channel’s multipath components. The information about the multipath characteristics of the channel, induced by existing scatterers in the propagation scenario, enables the characterization of MIMO channel and thus to evaluate its performance. The method was finally validated using MIMO measurements.


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Investigations on the design and development of certain new hollow dielectric hom antennas of rectangular cross section have been carried out. The main shortcoming of the existing ordinary hollow dielectric hom antenna (HDH) is the abrupt discontinuity at the feed-end. A new launching technique using a dielectric rod is introduced to overcome this limitation. Also a strip loading technique is employed for further modification of the antenna. Radiation parameters of new I-IDH antennas of Eplane sectoral, H-plane sectoral and pyramidal types were studied and are found to be very attractive. Theoretical approach based on Marcatili’s principle and two aperture theory along with diffraction theory and image theory is used to support the experimental findings. The HDH is considered as solid horn of effective dielectric constant and the aperture field is evaluated. The antenna is excited by the open waveguide in the dominant TE1o mode and so the existence of any hybrid mode is mled-out. The theoretical results are observed to be in good agreement with the experimental results.


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The microstrip antennas are in constant evidence in current researches due to several advantages that it presents. Fractal geometry coupled with good performance and convenience of the planar structures are an excellent combination for design and analysis of structures with ever smaller features and multi-resonant and broadband. This geometry has been applied in such patch microstrip antennas to reduce its size and highlight its multi-band behavior. Compared with the conventional microstrip antennas, the quasifractal patch antennas have lower frequencies of resonance, enabling the manufacture of more compact antennas. The aim of this work is the design of quasi-fractal patch antennas through the use of Koch and Minkowski fractal curves applied to radiating and nonradiating antenna s edges of conventional rectangular patch fed by microstrip inset-fed line, initially designed for the frequency of 2.45 GHz. The inset-fed technique is investigated for the impedance matching of fractal antennas, which are fed through lines of microstrip. The efficiency of this technique is investigated experimentally and compared with simulations carried out by commercial software Ansoft Designer used for precise analysis of the electromagnetic behavior of antennas by the method of moments and the neural model proposed. In this dissertation a study of literature on theory of microstrip antennas is done, the same study is performed on the fractal geometry, giving more emphasis to its various forms, techniques for generation of fractals and its applicability. This work also presents a study on artificial neural networks, showing the types/architecture of networks used and their characteristics as well as the training algorithms that were used for their implementation. The equations of settings of the parameters for networks used in this study were derived from the gradient method. It will also be carried out research with emphasis on miniaturization of the proposed new structures, showing how an antenna designed with contours fractals is capable of a miniaturized antenna conventional rectangular patch. The study also consists of a modeling through artificial neural networks of the various parameters of the electromagnetic near-fractal antennas. The presented results demonstrate the excellent capacity of modeling techniques for neural microstrip antennas and all algorithms used in this work in achieving the proposed models were implemented in commercial software simulation of Matlab 7. In order to validate the results, several prototypes of antennas were built, measured on a vector network analyzer and simulated in software for comparison


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This work aims to present how the application of fractal geometry to the elements of a log-periodic array can become a good alternative when one wants to reduce the size of the array. Two types of log-periodic arrays were proposed: one with fed by microstrip line and other fed by electromagnetic coupling. To the elements of these arrays were applied fractal Koch contours, at two levels. In order to validate the results obtained some prototypes were built, which were measured on a vector network analyzer and simulated in a software, for comparison. The results presented reductions of 60% in the total area of the arrays, for both types. By analyzing the graphs of return loss, it was observed that the application of fractal contours made different resonant frequencies appear in the arrays. Furthermore, a good agreement was observed between simulated and measured results. The array with feeding by electromagnetic coupling presented, after application of fractal contours, radiation pattern with more smooth forms than the array with feeding by microstrip line


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This work presents a theoretical and experimental analysis about the properties of microstrip antennas with integrated frequency selective surfaces (Frequency Selective Surface - FSS). The integration occurs through the insertion of the FSS on ground plane of microstrip patch antenna. This integration aims to improve some characteristics of the antennas. The FSS using patch-type elements in square unit cells. Specifically, the simulated results are obtained using the commercial computer program CST Studio Suite® version 2011. From a standard antenna, designed to operate in wireless communication systems of IEEE 802.11 a / b / g / n the dimensions of the FSS are varied to obtain an optimization of some antenna parameters such as impedance matching and selectivity in the operating bands. After optimization of the investigated parameters are built two prototypes of microstrip patch antennas with and without the FSS ground plane. Comparisons are made of the results with the experimental results by 14 ZVB network analyzer from Rohde & Schwarz ®. The comparison aims to validate the simulations performed and show the improvements obtained with the FSS in integrated ground plane antenna. In the construction of prototypes, we used dielectric substrates of the type of Rogers Corporation RT-3060 with relative permittivity equal to 10.2 and low loss tangent. Suggestions for continued work are presented


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This work aims to investigate the behavior of fractal elements in planar microstrip structures. In particular, microstrip antennas and frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) had changed its conventional elements to fractal shapes. For microstrip antennas, was used as the radiating element of Minkowski fractal. The feeding method used was microstrip line. Some prototypes were built and the analysis revealed the possibility of miniaturization of structures, besides the multiband behavior, provided by the fractal element. In particular, the Minkowski fractal antenna level 3 was used to exploit the multiband feature, enabling simultaneous operation of two commercial tracks (Wi-Fi and WiMAX) regulated by ANATEL. After, we investigated the effect of switches that have been placed on the at the pre-fractal edges of radiating element. For the FSSs, the fractal used to elements of FSSs was Dürer s pentagon. Some prototypes were built and measured. The results showed a multiband behavior of the structure provided by fractal geometry. Then, a parametric analysis allowed the analysis of the variation of periodicity on the electromagnetic behavior of FSS, and its bandwidth and quality factor. For numerical and experimental characterization of the structures discussed was used, respectively, the commercial software Ansoft DesignerTM and a vector network analyzer, Agilent N5230A model


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In wood processing industries, which use electrical equipment in the production process, in most cases these are badly scaled or operate under inadequate conditions, resulting directly in industrial energy efficiency, which proves important because besides having technological innovation, also with practices and policies, aims to decrease power consumption. So in a wiring project should take into account the variables that influence energy efficiency. Thus this work has been reviewed and subsequently calculated some of these variables, such as active power, power factor and demand for the entire industry (global) and also for specific equipment, the chipper. The network analysis was performed in a wood processing industry in the city of Taquarivaí - SP, and evaluated these variables with a network analyzer and also by analysis on energy bills, which were found in both analysis levels below those found in literature. These factors are due to poor design, improper use, storage of equipment or even by characteristic of the production process, ie, the equipment running on empty because of the volatility of production


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Questo lavoro di tesi tratta il tema delle reti complesse, mostrando i principali modelli di rete complessa quali: il modello Random, il modello Small-World ed il modello Scale-free; si introdurranno alcune metriche usate per descrivere le reti complesse quali la Degree centrality, la Closeness centrality e la Betweenness centrality; si descriveranno i problemi da tenere in considerazione durante la definizione e l’implementazione di algoritmi su grafi; i modelli di calcolo su cui progettare gli algoritmi per risolvere i problemi su grafi; un’analisi prestazionale degli algoritmi proposti per calcolare i valori di Beweenness centrality su grafi di medio-grandi dimensioni. Parte di questo lavoro di tesi è consistito nello sviluppo di LANA, LArge-scale Network Analyzer, un software che permette il calcolo e l’analisi di varie metriche di centralità su grafo.


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Six-port network is an interesting radiofrequency architecture with multiple possibilities. Since it was firstly introduced in the seventies as an alternative network analyzer, the six-port network has been used for many applications, such as homodyne receivers, radar systems, direction of arrival estimation, UWB (Ultra-Wide-Band), or MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) systems. Currently, it is considered as a one of the best candidates to implement a Software Defined Radio (SDR). This thesis comprises an exhaustive study of this promising architecture, where its fundamentals and the state-of-the-art are also included. In addition, the design and development of a SDR 0.3-6 GHz six-port receiver prototype is presented in this thesis, which is implemented in conventional technology. The system is experimentally characterized and validated for RF signal demodulation with good performance. The analysis of the six-port architecture is complemented by a theoretical and experimental comparison with other radiofrequency architectures suitable for SDR. Some novel contributions are introduced in the present thesis. Such novelties are in the direction of the highly topical issues on six-port technique: development and optimization of real-time I-Q regeneration techniques for multiport networks; and search of new techniques and technologies to contribute to the miniaturization of the six-port architecture. In particular, the novel contributions of this thesis can be summarized as: - Introduction of a new real-time auto-calibration method for multiport receivers, particularly suitable for broadband designs and high data rate applications. - Introduction of a new direct baseband I-Q regeneration technique for five-port receivers. - Contribution to the miniaturization of six-port receivers by the use of the multilayer LTCC (Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic) technology. Implementation of a compact (30x30x1.25 mm) broadband (0.3-6 GHz) six-port receiver in LTTC technology. The results and conclusions derived from this thesis have been satisfactory, and quite fruitful in terms of publications. A total of fourteen works have been published, considering international journals and conferences, and national conferences. Aditionally, a paper has been submitted to an internationally recognized journal, which is currently under review.


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A lo largo de este proyecto se han tratado las diferentes fases que tienen lugar durante el desarrollo del programa de Diseño y Verificación de una Bocina en Banda C destinada a un satélite comercial de comunicaciones. En un primer lugar, se introduce el proyecto en el mundo real realizando una pequeña aproximación a los satélites artificiales y su historia. Después, en una primera fase, se describen los diversos puntos de la etapa de diseño y los resultados de la simulación de nuestra Antena. Se estudian por separado los diferentes elementos que componen el equipo, y además, se realiza un análisis de los parámetros eléctricos que se deben tener en cuenta durante el diseño para adaptar el comportamiento de la Antena a los requisitos solicitados por el cliente. Antes de realizar la verificación de la Antena, se procede a la definición de los ensayos, que se debe realizar sobre el equipo con el fin de simular las condiciones a las que se verá sometido. Pruebas y medidas, niveles de test, etc. que nos ayudan a demostrar que nuestra Antena está preparada para realizar su misión en el espacio. Se hará una descripción sobre la forma de realizar de los ensayos y de las instalaciones donde se van a llevar a cabo, además del orden que llevaremos durante la campaña. Una vez determinados los test y con la Antena fabricada y lista, se procede a la Verificación de nuestro equipo mediante la Campaña de Ensayos con el objetivo de caracterizar por completo el funcionamiento de nuestra Antena en cualquier circunstancia. Se muestran los resultados obtenidos en los test siguiendo el orden establecido por el Test Plan. Medidas en Laboratorio y Radiación, los test de vibración y las pruebas ambientales en las Cámaras Térmicas de Vacío, y medidas eléctricas en condiciones extremas de temperatura y presión. Y una vez realizada la Campaña, se vuelve a medir la Antena para comprobar el funcionamiento tras soportar todos los ensayos. Se analizan los resultados obtenidos en cada una de las pruebas y se comparan con las simulaciones obtenidas durante la fase de diseño. Finalmente, se realiza un pequeño resumen de los valores más importantes obtenidos durante la Verificación y exponen las Conclusiones que se desprende de dicho proceso. Como último punto del proyecto, se estudian las correcciones y mejoras que se podrán llevar a cabo en futuros programas gracias a lo que hemos aprendido en este proyecto. Abstract This project presents a C Band Horn Antenna for a commercial communications satellite. All the different phases from Design to Verification are presented. First of all, an introduction to artificial satellites and their history is presented to put this project into perspective. Next, the electrical design of the Antenna is presented. Taking into account the theoretical fundamentals, each element that comprises this Antenna was designed. Their electrical performances, obtained from analysis using commercial software, are presented in the simulation results. In the design of each element of the antenna, some critical parameters are set and optimized in order to be compliant with the global requirements requested by the customer. After the design is completed, it is necessary to define the Test Campaign that has to be carried out in order to verify the validity of the designed and manufactured Antenna. Therefore, a Test Plan and the Electrical and Environmental Test Procedures are defined. This Test Campaign must be representative of the same conditions of the real space mission. Considering this, the following are defined: parameters for the network analyzer and radiation patterns measurements; test levels for the environmental test; definition of the RF measurements to be carried out and the temperatures to be applied in the thermal vacuum cycling. If the Antenna surpasses these tests, it will be ready to perform its mission in space over the entire satellite’s life cycle. The facilities where the tests are performed, as well as the sequence of the tests along the campaign are described too. After that, the Test Campaign is performed to fully characterize the Antenna in the space simulated conditions. Following the order established in the Test Plan, a radiation pattern and laboratory parameters are measured to correlate its electrical response with the simulations. Then, vibration and thermal vacuum tests are performed to verify its behavior in extreme environmental conditions. Last, if the final electrical results are the same as the initial ones, it can be stated that the antenna has successfully passed the Test Campaign. And finally, conclusions obtained from the data simulation design and Test Campaign results are presented. Status of Compliance with the specification is shown to demonstrate that the Antenna fulfills the requested requirements. Although the purpose of this project is to design and verify the response of C Band Horn Antenna, it is important to highlight improvements for future developments and the lessons learnt during this project.


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Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera está destinado a la ilustración y aprendizaje del uso de varios dispositivos de los laboratorios del Departamento de Ingeniería Audiovisual y Comunicaciones, de la Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación, de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, en forma de vídeos tutoriales basados en mediciones y prácticas habituales de las asignaturas del departamento para que puedan ser utilizados por los alumnos de la escuela como apoyo a las explicaciones del profesor en ocasiones puntuales. En concreto se han realizado hasta seis vídeos tutoriales en los que se explica: el diseño de un circuito impreso y la creación y fabricación de éste. Por otro lado, también se ha explicado el fenómeno del ruido de fase y cómo es el proceso de su medida, como una de las muchas características de un analizador de espectros. A modo de análisis, se ha realizado otro tutorial acerca de la modulación en FM, sus características y sus aplicaciones. Por último se ha hecho un estudio del comportamiento de un analizador de redes, exponiendo su funcionamiento y explicando su proceso de calibración. Para la realización de estos tutoriales se han utilizado diferentes aplicaciones sobre creación de vídeos multimedia, animación, producción de audio y narración. En especial se han usado: Sprint-Layout 5.0, Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5, Camtasia studio 7, Corel VideoStudio Pro X4, Loquendo TTS7 y WinPlot. Para el apartado de las grabaciones de las diferentes escenas se ha necesitado el uso de distintos instrumentos de medida del laboratorio tales como: analizador de espectros, analizador de redes, generador de señal, generador de funciones, osciloscopio y otros equipos adicionales como: cámara de vídeo y trípode del departamento. Para la composición de los diferentes tutoriales se ha comenzado creando un guion, para cada uno de ellos, estableciendo la aparición de las imágenes, vídeos, y locución. A continuación se exponen los diferentes temas en los que se han basado estos tutoriales de laboratorio, uno a uno. ABSTRACT. This Project is destined to learn the use of several devices at the laboratory of “Ingeniería Audiovisual y Comunicaciones” Department at “Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería técnica de Telecomunicaciones” of “Universidad Politécnica de Madrid”, on the way as tutorial videos base on the subjects from this department to be used by the college students as help of the teacher’s explanations. In this project you will find up to six tutorial videos, showing: printed circuit design, printed circuit board manufacture. You can also find an explanation about the phenomenon of phase noise and how it’s its measurement process, as one of the many features of a spectrum analyzer. Another tutorial video is based on FM modulation, its features and applications. The last tutorial explains the networks analyzer functionalities and its calibration process. To carry out these tutorials different applications have been used to create multimedia videos, animation, audio production and storytelling. Such as Sprint Layout 5.0, Camtasia 7.0, Corel VideoStudio Pro X4, Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5, Loquendo TTS7 y WinPlot. About the recording side of the different scenes, several equipment have been required at the laboratory, such as spectrums analyzer, signal generator, oscilloscope, function generator, network analyzer and other additional devices, such as: a video camera with its tripod. The composition of the different tutorials has begun creating a script, for each of them, setting the times of appearance of images, video, speech and music. After this abstract, the different topics of the tutorials are showed, one by one.


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A comunicação e transmissão de informação sem fios tornou - se uma realidade cada vez mais utilizada pelas sociedades contemporâneas. A nível profissional, as forças armadas de cada país acharam conveniente modernizar os seus meios, por forma a aumentar a eficiência e a segurança em determinadas tarefas. Nesse sentido, o Exército português adquiriu um robot (ROVIM) cuja função é desempenhar ações de reconhecimento e vigilância de modo a obter informações de forma segura. O objetivo desta dissertação é dimensionar e construir uma antena para controlo wireless do robot (ROVIM). As especificações técnicas desta antena requerem dois modos de operação, um com uma largura de feixe larga e outro com uma largura de feixe estreita. Para alcançar esses objetivos dimensionou-se e construiu-se duas antenas. Na dissertação são construídas duas antenas, a primeira é uma antena Yagi – Uda convencional e a segunda é uma antena com uma estrutura nova que permite a regulação do ganho e da largura de feixe a -3 dB. A primeira antena será o modelo base da segunda antena, que apresenta a inovação do controlo das caraterísticas de radiação. Esse controlo é possível através da introdução de díodos e do respetivo circuito de polarização na estrutura da antena. Inicialmente, as antenas foram dimensionadas e simuladas recorrendo ao programa de simulação CST MWS, de modo a operarem na banda dos 2,4 GHz. Após a construção das antenas, as caraterísticas de radiação foram medidas recorrendo à câmara anecoica e ao network analyzer, permitindo assim a comparação dos resultados medidos com os simulados.


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This work presents the development of an in-plane vertical micro-coaxial probe using bulk micromachining technique for high frequency material characterization. The coaxial probe was fabricated in a silicon substrate by standard photolithography and a deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) technique. The through-hole structure in the form of a coaxial probe was etched and metalized with a diluted silver paste. A co-planar waveguide configuration was integrated with the design to characterize the probe. The electrical and RF characteristics of the coaxial probe were determined by simulating the probe design in Ansoft's High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS). The reflection coefficient and transducer gain performance of the probe was measured up to 65 GHz using a vector network analyzer (VNA). The probe demonstrated excellent results over a wide frequency band, indicating its ability to integrate with millimeter wave packaging systems as well as characterize unknown materials at high frequencies. The probe was then placed in contact with 3 materials where their unknown permittivities were determined. To accomplish this, the coaxial probe was placed in contact with the material under test and electromagnetic waves were directed to the surface using the VNA, where its reflection coefficient was then determined over a wide frequency band from dc-to -65GHz. Next, the permittivity of each material was deduced from its measured reflection coefficients using a cross ratio invariance coding technique. The permittivity results obtained when measuring the reflection coefficient data were compared to simulated permittivity results and agreed well. These results validate the use of the micro-coaxial probe to characterize the permittivity of unknown materials at high frequencies up to 65GHz.


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In this dissertation, are presented two microstrip antennas and two arrays for applications in wireless communication systems multiband. Initially, we studied an antenna and a linear array consisting of two elements identical to the patch antenna isolated. The shape of the patch used in both structures is based on fractal geometry and has multiband behavior. Next a new antenna is analyzed and a new array such as initial structure, but with the truncated ground plane, in order to obtain better bandwidths and return loss. For feeding the structures, we used microstrip transmission line. In the design of planar structures, was used HFSS software for the simulation. Next were built and measures electromagnetic parameters such as input impedance and return loss, using vector network analyzer in the telecommunications laboratory of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The experimental results were compared with the simulated and showed improved return loss for the first array and also appeared a fourth band and increased directivity compared with the isolated antenna. The first two benefits are not commonly found in the literature. For structures with a truncated ground planes, the technique improved impedance matching, bandwidth and return loss when compared to the initial structure with filled ground planes. Moreover, these structures exhibited a better distribution of frequency, facilitating the adjustment of frequencies. Thus, it is expected that the planar structures presented in this study, particularly arrays may be suitable for specific applications in wireless communication systems when frequency multiband and wideband transmission signals are required.


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This work aims to investigate the behavior of fractal and helical elements structures in planar microstrip. In particular, the frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) had changed its conventional elements to fractal and helical formats. The dielectric substrate used was fiberglass (FR-4) and has a thickness of 1.5 mm, a relative permittivity 4.4 and tangent loss equal to 0.02. For FSSs, was adopting the Dürer’s fractal geometry and helical geometry. To make the measurements, we used two antennas horns in direct line of sight, connected by coaxial cable to the vector network analyzer. Some prototypes were select for built and measured. From preliminary results, it was aimed to find practical applications for structures from the cascading between them. For FSSs with Dürer’s fractal elements was observed behavior provided by the multiband fractal geometry, while the bandwidth has become narrow as the level of iteration fractal increased, making it a more selective frequency with a higher quality factor. A parametric analysis allowed the analysis of the variation of the air layer between them. The cascading between fractal elements structure were considered, presented a tri-band behavior for certain values of the layer of air between them, and find applications in the licensed 2.5GHz band (2.3-2.7) and 3.5GHz band (3.3-3.8). For FSSs with helical elements, six structures were considered, namely H0, H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5. The electromagnetic behavior of them was analyzed separately and cascaded. From preliminary results obtained from the separate analysis of structures, including the cascade, the higher the bandwidth, in that the thickness of the air layer increases. In order to find practical applications for helical structures cascaded, the helical elements structure has been cascaded find applications in the X-band (8.0-12.0) and unlicensed band (5.25-5.85). For numerical and experimental characterization of the structures discussed was used, respectively, the commercial software Ansoft Designer and a vector network analyzer, Agilent N5230A model.