172 resultados para melanin


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Neuromelanin is a complex polymer pigment found primarily in the dopaminergic neurons of the human substantia nigra, whose composition is complex including production of dopamine auto-oxidation, glutathione and a variety of amino acid. Neuromelanin forms stable complex with iron (111). We observed that 5,6-dihydroxyindole and its ramification possessed strong ability of chelating iron (111), and they are the production of dopamine auto-oxidation under physiological pH condition. In the present Of L-Cysteine, the relative yields of electrochemical oxidation of dopamine also had strong ability of chelating iron (111). The experimental results suggest that 5,6-dihydroxyindole and 5-S-cysteineldopamine play important roles in the process of synthetic neuromelanin chelating iron (111).


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海水经济鱼类的养殖在我国已经形成第四次海水养殖浪潮,经济效益显著,有力地推动了我国海水养殖的产业结构调整和可持续发展。然而在海水养殖发展过程中也存在着诸多问题,尤其是早期发育阶段的高死亡率,严重制约了我国海水养殖产业的稳定和健康发展。 海水鱼类养殖的关键为高质量,高存活率苗种的生产和培育,由于鱼类种类繁多,生物多样性丰富,对应实际的繁育技术,尤其是新品种的开发,必须要做出相应的调整。这就要求我们必须对每一种鱼类早期发育有所了解,并将形态和组织上的数据用于指导生产。 本文通过显微观察和组织学研究,主要描述和研究了我国北方三种重要的海水经济鱼类(条斑星鲽、杂交鲆、条石鲷)的早期发育生物学,并结合实际生产进一步阐明关键期的产生原因,机理以及采用相应的对策。具体结果如下: 1.条斑星鲽:作为冷温性鲆鲽鱼类,条斑星鲽早期发育过程的特征主要有: ① 条斑星鲽受精卵无油球,卵子呈半浮性;不同步卵裂现象提前,发生在第三次卵裂;卵裂期裂球大小差异大。孵化过程较长,在水温8 ± 0.3℃,盐度33的条件下,经9 d孵化。条斑星鲽胚胎发育的不同时期对温度的敏感性不同,其中原肠期对温度比较敏感。 ②在8-10℃,盐度33的条件下,8-9 dph开口摄食。且开口时,其吻前端出现有一点状黑褐色素,构成了条斑星鲽仔鱼“开口期”的重要标志。卵黄囊于消失。在后期仔鱼末期,背鳍和臀鳍上形成特有的黑褐色条斑带。 ③杯状细胞首先出现在咽腔后部和食道前段,胃腺和幽门盲囊出现于29 dph,变态期始于30dph。在条斑星鲽早期发育过程中,观察到其直肠粘膜层细胞质出现大量嗜伊红颗粒,为仔鱼肠道上皮吸收的蛋白质。 ④首先淋巴化的免疫器官是头肾,然后是胸腺和脾脏,这与大部分硬骨鱼类不同。条斑星鲽除头肾和脾脏外,胸腺实质也形成MMCs。其中以脾脏形成MMCs最为丰富,形态多样。 2. 杂交鲆:为同属的牙鲆和夏鲆间的远缘杂交种,其发育过程的特点为: ① 在温度为15.4~16.0℃,杂交鲆胚胎从受精到孵化所需的时间为76 h左右,胚孔关闭前期,胚胎先出现视囊及克氏囊,而后形成体节。孵出前胚体在卵膜内环绕不到1周。 ② 孵化后消失。杂交鲆群体变态间隔长(34-60 dph),且变态高峰期出现的冠状幼鳍不明显(与母本牙鲆相比),数量为7-8根。 ③组织学观察发现,其消化系统中胃腺出现较晚,且胃腺发育过程缓慢(与母本牙鲆相比)。甲状腺滤泡增生不明显,颜色较浅,数量较少。杂交鲆在早期发育过程中,并没有出现鳔原基。 3. 条石鲷作为岩礁性的暖水性鱼类,早期发育过程也较为特殊,包括外形以及内部的器官结构。主要特点有: ① 受精卵:受精卵卵黄上具有龟裂结构,为鱼卵的分类特征之一。 ② 初孵仔鱼:初孵仔鱼背鳍膜上的黑色素,从体背面向背鳍膜边缘移动,到3dph仔鱼基本消失,此为本种仔鱼发育所特有的特点。 ③ 后期仔鱼和稚鱼:肠道肌肉层加厚明显,仔稚鱼胃肠排空率急剧上升,死亡率增加,通过改善常规的投饵方式部分解决了这个死亡高峰的问题。在幼鱼初期,牙齿融合为骨喙,为石鲷科鱼类的特征。 ④胸腺上皮分泌细胞:类似的现象同样在虹鳟鱼中发现,但是虹鳟鱼胸腺上皮分泌细胞不如条石鲷的丰富,同样也不如条石鲷的排列整齐,而是零星分布在胸腺上皮与咽腔接触的表面。除了正常的造血器官—脾脏和头肾外,肝脏、胰腺和鳔等多种组织等也出现MMCs,此现象在硬骨鱼类不多见,一般发生在软骨鱼类。


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy readily discerns the two types of melanin pigments (eumelanin and pheomelanin), although fundamental details regarding the optical properties and pigment heterogeneity are more difficult to disentangle via analysis of the broad featureless absorption spectrum alone. We employed nonlinear transient absorption spectroscopy to study different melanin pigments at near-infrared wavelengths. Excited-state absorption, ground-state depletion, and stimulated emission signal contributions were distinguished for natural and synthetic eumelanins and pheomelanins. A starker contrast among the pigments is observed in the nonlinear excitation regime because they all exhibit distinct transient absorptive amplitudes, phase shifts, and nonexponential population dynamics spanning the femtosecond-nanosecond range. In this manner, different pigments within the pheomelanin subclass were distinguished in synthetic and human hair samples. These results highlight the potential of nonlinear spectroscopies to deliver an in situ analysis of natural melanins in tissue that are otherwise difficult to extract and purify.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is a gram-negative opportunistic pathogen that belongs to the Burkholderia cepacia complex. B. cenocepacia can survive intracellularly within phagocytic cells, and some epidemic strains produce a brown melanin-like pigment that can scavenge free radicals, resulting in the attenuation of the host cell oxidative burst. In this work, we demonstrate that the brown pigment produced by B. cenocepacia C5424 is synthesized from a homogentisate (HGA) precursor. The disruption of BCAL0207 (hppD) by insertional inactivation resulted in loss of pigmentation. Steady-state kinetic analysis of the BCAL0207 gene product demonstrated that it has 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid dioxygenase (HppD) activity. Pigmentation could be restored by complementation providing hppD in trans. The hppD mutant was resistant to paraquat challenge but sensitive to H2O2 and to extracellularly generated superoxide anions. Infection experiments in RAW 264.7 murine macrophages showed that the nonpigmented bacteria colocalized in a dextran-positive vacuole, suggesting that they are being trafficked to the lysosome. In contrast, the wild-type strain did not localize with dextran. Colocalization of the nonpigmented strain with dextran was reduced in the presence of the NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium, and also the inducible nitric oxide inhibitor aminoguanidine. Together, these observations suggest that the brown pigment produced by B. cenocepacia C5424 is a pyomelanin synthesized from an HGA intermediate that is capable of protecting the organism from in vitro and in vivo sources of oxidative stress.


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We studied an eye from a 73-year-old man with a sporadic type of retinal cone degeneration and choroidal melanoma. Histologic and ultrastructural studies of the nasal retina unaffected by the choroidal melanoma showed alterations at the outer retina predominantly involving the photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium. A wide spectrum of pathologic changes were observed, ranging from near normal retina showing only photoreceptor outer segment disease (distortion and kinking) to grossly pathologic regions where photoreceptor cell bodies were sparse and their outer segments absent. The retinal pigment epithelium in minimally affected regions of the retina showed an increased proportion of the melanin complement of the cell within complex granules. In severe disease, many cells showed only giant complex granules with no free melanin. Retinal pigment epithelial cell migration and relocation around blood vessels was also noted in severe disease.


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We studied both eyes of a 66-year-old man with retinal degeneration and oat cell carcinoma of the bronchus. Retinal degeneration was most marked peripheral to the parafovea where photoreceptor cells and their outer segments were absent. Within the parafovea, photoreceptor cells remained but rod outer segments were absent and cone outer segments were fragmented and disorganized. The retinal pigment epithelium contained many immature melanin granules within melanolysosomes, suggesting abnormal melanin synthesis and resorption. We suggest that a pharmacologically active substance resembling a hormone produced by the tumor increased melanin synthesis in the pigment epithelium and that the increased melanin content in these cells compromised their ability to phagocytose and maintain normal turnover of photoreceptor outer segments. We believe these changes led to photoreceptor outer segment loss and subsequent degeneration of the photoreceptor cells.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia Celular e Molecular), 18 de Novembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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RESUMO: A pele é o maior órgão do corpo humano e a sua pigmentação é essencial para a sua coloração e proteção contra os efeitos nocivos da radiação ultravioleta (UV). A pigmentação da pele resulta essencialmente de três processos: a síntese e o armazenamento de melanina pelos melanócitos, em organelos especializados denominados melanossomas; o transporte dos melanossomas dentro dos melanócitos; e finalmente, a transferência dos melanossomas para os queratinócitos adjacentes. Nos queratinócitos, a melanina migra para a região perinuclear apical da célula para formar um escudo protetor,responsável pela proteção do DNA dos danos causados pela radiação UV. Os melanócitos estão localizados na camada basal da epiderme e contactam com 30-40 queratinócitos. Em conjunto, estas células formam a “unidade melano-epidérmica”. Apesar dos processos de síntese e transporte de melanina nos melanócitos estarem bastante bem caracterizados, os mecanismos moleculares subjacentes à transferência inter-celular de melanina são menos conhecidos e ainda controversos. Dados preliminares obtidos pelo nosso grupo, que se basearam na observação de amostras de pele humana por microscopia electrónica, indicam que a forma predominante de transferência de melanina na epiderme consiste na exocitose dos melanossomas pelos melanócitos e subsequente endocitose da melanina por queratinócitos. Para além disso sabe-se que as proteínas Rab, que controlam o tráfego membranar, estão envolvidas em várias etapas de pigmentação da pele, nomeadamente na biogénese e no transporte de melanina. Assim, dado o seu papel fundamental nestes processos, questionámo-nos sobre o seu envolvimento na transferência de melanina. Com este trabalho, propomo-nos a expandir o conhecimento atual sobre a transferência de melanina na pele, através do estudo detalhado dos seus mecanismos moleculares, identificando as proteínas Rab que regulam o processo. Pretendemos também confirmar o modelo de exo/endocitose como sendo o mecanismo principal de transferência de melanina. Primeiro, explorámos a regulação da secreção de melanina pelos melanócitos e analisámos o papel de proteínas Rab neste processo. Os resultados foram obtidos recorrendo a um método in vitro, desenvolvido previamente no laboratório, que avalia a quantidade de melanina segregada para o meio de cultura por espectrofotometria, e ainda por microscopia, contando o número de melanossomas transferidos para os queratinócitos. Através de co-culturas de melanócitos e queratinócitos, verificou-se que os queratinócitos estimulam a libertação de melanina dos melanócitos para o meio extra-celular, bem como a sua transferência para os queratinócitos. Além disso, a proteína Rab11b foi identificada como um regulador da exocitose de melanina e da sua transferência para os queratinócitos. De facto, a diminuição da expressão de Rab11b em melanócitos provocou a redução da secreção de melanina estimulada por queratinócitos, bem como da transferência desta. Em segundo lugar, para complementar o nosso estudo, centrámos a nossa investigação na internalização de melanina por queratinócitos. Especificamente, usando uma biblioteca de siRNA, explorámos o envolvimento de proteínas Rab na captação de melanina por queratinócitos. Como primeira abordagem, usámos esferas fluorescentes como substituto de melanina, avaliando os resultados por citometria de fluxo. No entanto, este método revelou-se ineficaz uma vez que a internalização destas esferas é independente do recetor PAR-2 (recetor 2 ativado por protease), que foi previamente descrito como essencial na captação de melanina por queratinócitos Posteriormente, foi desenvolvido um novo protocolo de endocitose baseado em microscopia, usando melanossomas sem a membrana envolvente (melanocores) purificados do meio de cultura de melanócitos, incluindo um programa informático especialmente desenhado para realizar uma análise semi-automatizada. Após internalização, os melanocores acumulam-se na região perinuclear dos queratinócitos, em estruturas que se assemelham ao escudo supranuclear observado na pele humana. Seguidamente, o envolvimento do recetor PAR-2 na captação de melanocores por queratinócitos foi confirmado, utilizando o novo protocolo de endocitose desenvolvido. Para além disso, a necessidade de quatro proteínas Rab foi identificada na internalização de melanocores por queratinócitos. A redução da expressão de Rab1a ou Rab5b em queratinócitos diminuiu significativamente o nível de internalização de melanocores, enquanto o silenciamento da expressão de Rab2a ou Rab14 aumentou a quantidade de melanocores internalizados por estas células. Em conclusão, os resultados apresentados corroboram as observações anteriores, obtidas em amostras de pele humana, e sugerem que o mecanismo de transferência predominante é a exocitose de melanina pelos melanócitos, induzida por queratinócitos, seguida por endocitose pelos queratinócitos. A pigmentação da pele tem implicações tanto ao nível da cosmética, como ao nível médico, relacionadas com foto-envelhecimento e com doenças pigmentares. Assim sendo, ao esclarecer quais os mecanismos moleculares que regulam a transferência de melanina na pele, este trabalho pode conduzir ao desenvolvimento de novas estratégias para modular a pigmentação da pele.----------------ABSTRACT: Skin pigmentation is achieved through the highly regulated production of the pigment melanin in specialized organelles, termed melanosomes within melanocytes. These are transported from their site of synthesis to the melanocyte periphery before being transferred to keratinocytes where melanin forms a supra-nuclear cap to protect the DNA from UVinduced damage. Together, melanocytes and keratinocytes form a functional complex, termed “epidermal-melanin unit”, that confers color and photoprotective properties to the skin. Skin pigmentation requires three processes: the biogenesis of melanin; its intracelular transport within the melanocyte to the cell periphery; and the melanin transfer to keratinocytes. The first two processes have been extensively characterized. However, despite significant advances that have been made over the past few years, the mechanisms underlying inter-cellular transfer of pigment from melanocytes to keratinocytes remain controversial.Preliminary studies from our group using electron microscopy and human skin samples found evidence for a mechanism of coupled exocytosis-endocytosis. Rab GTPases are master regulators of intracellular trafficking and have already been implicated in several steps of skin pigmentation. Thus, we proposed to explore and characterize the molecular mechanisms of melanin transfer and the role of Rab GTPases in this process. Moreover, we investigated whether the exo/endocytosis model is the main mechanism of melanin transfer. We first focused on melanin exocytosis by melanocytes. Then, we started to investigate the key regulatory Rab proteins involved in this step by establishing an in vitro tissue culture model of melanin secretion. Using co-cultures of melanocytes and keratinocytes, we found that keratinocytes stimulate melanin release and transfer. Moreover, depletion of Rab11b decreases keratinocyte-induced melanin exocytosis by melanocytes. In order to determine whether melanin exocytosis is a predominant mechanism of melanin transfer, the amount of melanin transferred to keratinocytes was then assayed in conditions where melanin exocytosis was inhibited. Indeed, Rab11b depletion resulted in a significant decrease in melanin uptake by keratinocytes. Taken together, these observations suggest that Rab11b mediates melanosome exocytosis from melanocytes and transfer to keratinocytes. To complement and extend our study, we of melanin by keratinocytes. Thus, we aimed to explore the effect of depleting Rab GTPases on melanin uptake and trafficking within keratinocytes. As a first approach, we used fluorescent microspheres as a melanin surrogate. However, the uptake of microspheres was observed to be independent of PAR-2, a receptor that is required for melanin uptakecentred our attention in the internalization of melanin by keratinocytes. Thus, we aimed to explore the effect of depleting Rab GTPases on melanin uptake and trafficking within keratinocytes. As a first approach, we used fluorescent microspheres as a melanin surrogate. However, the uptake of microspheres was observed to be independent of PAR-2, a receptor that is required for melanin uptake.Therefore, we concluded that microspheres were uptaken by keratinocytes through a different pathway than melanin. Subsequently, we developed a microscopy-based endocytosis assay using purified melanocores (melanosomes lacking the limiting membrane) from melanocytes, including a program to perform a semi-automated analysis. Melanocores are taken up by keratinocytes and accumulate in structures in the perinuclear area that resemble the physiological supranuclear cap observed in human skin. We then confirmed the involvement of PAR-2 receptor in the uptake of melanocores by keratinocytes, using the newly developed assay. Furthermore, we identified the role of four Rab GTPases on the uptake of melanocores by keratinocytes. Depletion of Rab1a and Rab5b from keratinocytes significantly reduced the uptake of melanocores, whereas Rab2a, and Rab14 silencing increased the amount the melanocores internalized by XB2 keratinocytes. In conclusion, we present evidence supporting keratinocyte-inducedmelanosome exocytosis from melanocytes, followed by endocytosis of the melanin core by keratinocytes as the predominant mechanism of melanin transfer in skin. Although advances have been made, there is a need for more effective and safer therapies directed at pigmentation disorders and also treatments for cosmetic applications. Hence, the understanding of the above mechanisms of skin pigmentation will lead to a greater appreciation of the molecular machinery underlying human skin pigmentation and could interest the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.


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Melanoma antigen recognized by T cells 1 (MART-1) is a melanoma-specific antigen, which has been thoroughly studied in the context of immunotherapy against malignant melanoma and which is found only in the pigment cell lineage. However, its exact function and involvement in pigmentation is not clearly understood. Melanoma antigen recognized by T cells 1 has been shown to interact with the melanosomal proteins Pmel17 and OA1. To understand the function of MART-1 in pigmentation, we developed a new knockout mouse model. Mice deficient in MART-1 are viable, but loss of MART-1 leads to a coat color phenotype, with a reduction in total melanin content of the skin and hair. Lack of MART-1 did not affect localization of melanocyte-specific proteins nor maturation of Pmel17. Melanosomes of hair follicle melanocytes in MART-1 knockout mice displayed morphological abnormalities, which were exclusive to stage III and IV melanosomes. In conclusion, our results suggest that MART-1 is a pigmentation gene that is required for melanosome biogenesis and/or maintenance.


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Oxidative stress, determined by the balance between the production of damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant defences, is hypothesized to play an important role in shaping the cost of reproduction and life history trade-offs. To test this hypothesis, we manipulated reproductive effort in 94 breeding pairs of tawny owls (Strix aluco) to investigate the sex- and melanism-specific effects on markers of oxidative stress in red blood cells (RBCs). This colour polymorphic bird species shows sex-specific division of labour and melanism-specific history strategies. Brood sizes at hatching were experimentally enlarged or reduced to increase or decrease reproductive effort, respectively. We obtained an integrative measure of the oxidative balance by measuring ROS production by RBCs, intracellular antioxidant glutathione levels and membrane resistance to ROS. We found that light melanic males (the sex undertaking offspring food provisioning) produced more ROS than darker conspecifics, but only when rearing an enlarged brood. In both sexes, light melanic individuals had also a larger pool of intracellular antioxidant glutathione than darker owls under relaxed reproductive conditions (i.e. reduced brood), but not when investing substantial effort in current reproduction (enlarged brood). Finally, resistance to oxidative stress was differently affected by the brood size manipulation experiment in males and females independently of their plumage coloration. Altogether, our results support the hypothesis that reproductive effort can alter the oxidative balance in a sex- and colour-specific way. This further emphasizes the close link between melanin-based coloration and life history strategies.


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The present study provides an account of the occurrence and diversity of marine yeasts in the slope sediments of Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. It also gives a clear idea about the role of yeasts in the benthic realm of marine ecosystem. The lipolytic potential of the organisms indicate the presence of rich lipid moieties in the study area. The isolates, Candida sp. SD 302 and Pichia guilliermondii SD 337 were proved to have potential oil degrading property and can be employed as bioremediators of oil spill after further characterization. The black yeasts isolated during the study area were found to have high commercial value by virtue of the by-products obtained from them. The melanin and the melanin degrading enzyme extracted from these organisms are potential bioactive materials for application in cosmetology.


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Occurrence of black yeasts in the slope sediments of Bay of Bengal was investigated during FORV Sagar Sampada cruises 236 and 245. The black yeast population was found to be very scanty in the area and the isolates could be obtained from 200m to 1000m depth regions in the slope sediments. The isolates were identified as Hortaea werneckii by Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) sequencing. The biodegradation potential of these strains was found to be very high with all the strains exhibiting protease, lipase and amylase production. The optimum growth conditions were pH 8, salinity 30 ppt and temperature 30oC. The pigment melanin, in these organisms was identified to be of dihydroxynaphthalene type by NMR. The melanin was found to exhibit inhibitory activity against different human and fish pathogens. Melanin degrading enzyme could also be extracted from these organisms


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The thesis is comprised of seven chapters. Chapter 1 gives a general introduction to marine actinomycetes; Chapter 2 gives an account on the morphological, biochemical and physiological characterization of marine actinomycetes. Comprehensive description of molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis of actinomycetes is dealt with in Chapter 3. The antimicrobial property with special reference to antivibrio activity is described in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 explores the melanin production ability of marine actinomycetes, characterization of melanin and evaluation of its bioactivity. Chapter 6 illustrates the study on chitinolytic Streptomyces as antifungal and insecticidal agents. Summary and Conclusion of the study is presented in Chapter 7, followed by References and Appendices.The present study provides an insight into the various actinomycetes occurring in the sediments of Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Streptomyces was found to be the dominant group followed by Nocardiopsis. Eventhough generic level identification is possible by traditional phenotypic methods, species level identification necessitate a polyphasic approach including both phenotypic and genotypic characterization. Antibiotic production coupled with biogranulation property helped in the effective utilization of the actinomycetes for the control of vibrios. Melanin from Streptomyces bikiniensis was proved to be a promising antioxidant and photoprotectant. Marine actinomycetes were found to be a good source of hydrolytic enzymes and the chitinolytic isolates could be explored as biocontrol agents in terms of antifungal and insecticidal property. The present study explored the potential of marine actinomycetes especially Streptomycetes as a promising source of bioactive molecules for application in aquaculture and pharmaceutical industry.


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Sapintoxin A (SAP A), a naturally occurring biologically active but non-promoting phorbol ester, acts as an effective in vitro mitogen for freshly derived human melanocytes. Seven days after addition of 50 nM SAP A there was a four to fivefold increase in melanocyte number over that observed in untreated control cultures comparable to that achieved with a 50 nM concentration of 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA). The fluorescent stage 2 promoter sapintoxin D (SAP D) also supported the growth of these cells, with a 50 nM dose producing an increase in cell number comparable to that observed with 200 nM TPA. Similar results were obtained with an established, but non-tumorigenic, line of murine melanocytes. The same compounds exerted a potent anti-proliferative effect against transformed melanocyte lines of murine and human origin associated with morphological alterations and an increase in melanin production consistent with induced cytodifferentiation.