953 resultados para mass-transport deposits


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Long undersea debris runout can be facilitated by a boundary layer formed by weak marine sediments under a moving slide mass. Undrained loading of such offshore sediment results in a profound drop of basal shear resistance, compared to subaerial shear resistance, enabling long undersea runout. Thus large long-runout submarine landslides are not truly enigmatic (Voight and Elsworth 1992, 1997), but are understandable in terms of conventional geotechnical principles. A corollary is that remoulded undrained strength, and not friction angle, should be used for basal resistance in numerical simulations. This hypothesis is testable via drilling and examining the structure at the soles of undersea debris avalanches for indications of incorporation of sheared marine sediments, by tests of soil properties, and by simulations. Such considerations of emplacement process are an aim of ongoing research in the Lesser Antilles (Caribbean Sea), where multiple offshore debris avalanche and dome-collapse debris deposits have been identified since 1999 on swath bathymetric surveys collected in five oceanographic cruises. This paper reviews the prehistoric and historic collapses that have occurred offshore of Antilles arc islands and summarizes ongoing research on emplacement processes.


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High-resolution seismic profiles and sediment cores from Lake Ledro combined with soil and riverbed samples from the lake's catchment area are used to assess the recurrence of natural hazards (earthquakes and flood events) in the southern Italian Alps during the Holocene. Two well-developed deltas and a flat central basin are identified on seismic profiles in Lake Ledro. Lake sediments have been finely laminated in the basin since 9000 cal. yr BP and frequently interrupted by two types of sedimentary events (SEs): light-coloured massive layers and dark-coloured graded beds. Optical analysis (quantitative organic petrography) of the organic matter present in soil, riverbed and lacustrine samples together with lake sediment bulk density and grain-size analysis illustrate that light-coloured layers consist of a mixture of lacustrine sediments and mainly contain algal particles similar to the ones observed in background sediments. Light-coloured layers thicker than 1.5 cm in the main basin of Lake Ledro are synchronous to numerous coeval mass-wasting deposits remoulding the slopes of the basin. They are interpreted as subaquatic mass-movements triggered by historical and pre-historical regional earthquakes dated to AD2005, AD1891, AD1045 and 1260, 2545, 2595, 3350, 3815, 4740, 7190, 9185 and 11 495 cal. yr BP. Darkcoloured SEs develop high-amplitude reflections in front of the deltas and in the deep central basin. These beds are mainly made of terrestrial organic matter (soils and lignocellulosic debris) and are interpreted as resulting from intense hyperpycnal flood event. Mapping and quantifying the amount of soil material accumulated in the Holocene hyperpycnal flood deposits of the sequence allow estimating that the equivalent soil thickness eroded over the catchment area reached up to 5mm during the largest Holocene flood events. Such significant soil erosion is interpreted as resulting from the combination of heavy rainfall and snowmelt. The recurrence of flash flood events during the Holocene was, however, not high enough to affect pedogenesis processes and highlight several wet regional periods during the Holocene. The Holocene period is divided into four phases of environmental evolution. Over the first half of the Holocene, a progressive stabilization of the soils present through the catchment of Lake Ledro was associated with a progressive reforestation of the area and only interrupted during the wet 8.2 event when the soil destabilization was particularly important. Lower soil erosion was recorded during the mid-Holocene climatic optimum (8000-4200 cal. yr BP) and associated with higher algal production. Between 4200 and 3100 cal. yr BP, both wetter climate and human activities within the drainage basin drastically increased soil erosion rates. Finally, from 3100 cal. yr BP to the present-day, data suggest increasing and changing human land use.


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Mass flows on volcanic islands generated by volcanic lava dome collapse and by larger-volume flank collapse can be highly dangerous locally and may generate tsunamis that threaten a wider area. It is therefore important to understand their frequency, emplacement dynamics, and relationship to volcanic eruption cycles. The best record of mass flow on volcanic islands may be found offshore, where most material is deposited and where intervening hemipelagic sediment aids dating. Here we analyze what is arguably the most comprehensive sediment core data set collected offshore from a volcanic island. The cores are located southeast of Montserrat, on which the Soufriere Hills volcano has been erupting since 1995. The cores provide a record of mass flow events during the last 110 thousand years. Older mass flow deposits differ significantly from those generated by the repeated lava dome collapses observed since 1995. The oldest mass flow deposit originated through collapse of the basaltic South Soufriere Hills at 103-110 ka, some 20-30 ka after eruptions formed this volcanic center. A ∼1.8 km3 blocky debris avalanche deposit that extends from a chute in the island shelf records a particularly deep-seated failure. It likely formed from a collapse of almost equal amounts of volcanic edifice and coeval carbonate shelf, emplacing a mixed bioclastic-andesitic turbidite in a complex series of stages. This study illustrates how volcanic island growth and collapse involved extensive, large-volume submarine mass flows with highly variable composition. Runout turbidites indicate that mass flows are emplaced either in multiple stages or as single events.


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The aim of this study is to propose a method to assess the long-term chemical weathering mass balance for a regolith developed on a heterogeneous silicate substratum at the small experimental watershed scale by adopting a combined approach of geophysics, geochemistry and mineralogy. We initiated in 2003 a study of the steep climatic gradient and associated geomorphologic features of the edge of the rifted continental passive margin of the Karnataka Plateau, Peninsular India. In the transition sub-humid zone of this climatic gradient we have studied the pristine forested small watershed of Mule Hole (4.3 km(2)) mainly developed on gneissic substratum. Mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical investigations were carried out (i) in characteristic red soil profiles and (ii) in boreholes up to 60 m deep in order to take into account the effect of the weathering mantle roots. In addition, 12 Electrical Resistivity Tomography profiles (ERT), with an investigation depth of 30 m, were generated at the watershed scale to spatially characterize the information gathered in boreholes and soil profiles. The location of the ERT profiles is based on a previous electromagnetic survey, with an investigation depth of about 6 m. The soil cover thickness was inferred from the electromagnetic survey combined with a geological/pedological survey. Taking into account the parent rock heterogeneity, the degree of weathering of each of the regolith samples has been defined using both the mineralogical composition and the geochemical indices (Loss on Ignition, Weathering Index of Parker, Chemical Index of Alteration). Comparing these indices with electrical resistivity logs, it has been found that a value of 400 Ohm m delineates clearly the parent rocks and the weathered materials, Then the 12 inverted ERT profiles were constrained with this value after verifying the uncertainty due to the inversion procedure. Synthetic models based on the field data were used for this purpose. The estimated average regolith thickness at the watershed scale is 17.2 m, including 15.2 m of saprolite and 2 m of soil cover. Finally, using these estimations of the thicknesses, the long-term mass balance is calculated for the average gneiss-derived saprolite and red soil. In the saprolite, the open-system mass-transport function T indicates that all the major elements except Ca are depleted. The chlorite and biotite crystals, the chief sources for Mg (95%), Fe (84%), Mn (86%) and K (57%, biotite only), are the first to undergo weathering and the oligoclase crystals are relatively intact within the saprolite with a loss of only 18%. The Ca accumulation can be attributed to the precipitation of CaCO3 from the percolating solution due to the current and/or the paleoclimatic conditions. Overall, the most important losses occur for Si, Mg and Na with -286 x 10(6) mol/ha (62% of the total mass loss), -67 x 10(6) mol/ha (15% of the total mass loss) and -39 x 10(6) mol/ha (9% of the total mass loss), respectively. Al, Fe and K account for 7%, 4% and 3% of the total mass loss, respectively. In the red soil profiles, the open-system mass-transport functions point out that all major elements except Mn are depleted. Most of the oligoclase crystals have broken down with a loss of 90%. The most important losses occur for Si, Na and Mg with -55 x 10(6) mol/ha (47% of the total mass loss), -22 x 10(6) mol/ha (19% of the total mass loss) and -16 x 10(6) mol/ha (14% of the total mass loss), respectively. Ca, Al, K and Fe account for 8%, 6%, 4% and 2% of the total mass loss, respectively. Overall these findings confirm the immaturity of the saprolite at the watershed scale. The soil profiles are more evolved than saprolite but still contain primary minerals that can further undergo weathering and hence consume atmospheric CO2.


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Theoretical approaches are of fundamental importance to predict the potential impact of waste disposal facilities on ground water contamination. Appropriate design parameters are generally estimated be fitting theoretical models to data gathered from field monitoring or laboratory experiments. Transient through-diffusion tests are generally conducted in the laboratory to estimate the mass transport parameters of the proposed barrier material. Thes parameters are usually estimated either by approximate eye-fitting calibration or by combining the solution of the direct problem with any available gradient-based techniques. In this work, an automated, gradient-free solver is developed to estimate the mass transport parameters of a transient through-diffusion model. The proposed inverse model uses a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm that is based on the social behavior of animals searching for food sources. The finite difference numerical solution of the forward model is integrated with the PSO algorithm to solve the inverse problem of parameter estimation. The working principle of the new solver is demonstrated and mass transport parameters are estimated from laboratory through-diffusion experimental data. An inverse model based on the standard gradient-based technique is formulated to compare with the proposed solver. A detailed comparative study is carried out between conventional methods and the proposed solver. The present automated technique is found to be very efficient and robust. The mass transport parameters are obtained with great precision.


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A mathematical model is developed to simulate oxygen consumption, heat generation and cell growth in solid state fermentation (SSF). The fungal growth on the solid substrate particles results in the increase of the cell film thickness around the particles. The model incorporates this increase in the biofilm size which leads to decrease in the porosity of the substrate bed and diffusivity of oxygen in the bed. The model also takes into account the effect of steric hindrance limitations in SSF. The growth of cells around single particle and resulting expansion of biofilm around the particle is analyzed for simplified zero and first order oxygen consumption kinetics. Under conditions of zero order kinetics, the model predicts upper limit on cell density. The model simulations for packed bed of solid particles in tray bioreactor show distinct limitations on growth due to simultaneous heat and mass transport phenomena accompanying solid state fermentation process. The extent of limitation due to heat and/or mass transport phenomena is analyzed during different stages of fermentation. It is expected that the model will lead to better understanding of the transport processes in SSF, and therefore, will assist in optimal design of bioreactors for SSF.


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Arteries are heterogeneous, composite structures that undergo large cyclic deformations during blood transport. Presence, build-up and consequent rupture of blockages in blood vessels, called atherosclerotic plaques, lead to disruption in the blood flow that can eventually be fatal. Abnormal lipid profile and hypertension are the main risk factors for plaque progression. Treatments span from pharmacological methods, to minimally invasive balloon angioplasty and stent procedures, and finally to surgical alternatives. There is a need to understand arterial disease progression and devise methods to detect, control, treat and manage arterial disease through early intervention. Local delivery through drug eluting stents also provide an attractive option for maintaining vessel integrity and restoring blood flow while releasing controlled amount of drug to reduce and alleviate symptoms. Development of drug eluting stents is hence interesting albeit challenging because it requires an integration of knowledge of mechanical properties with material transport of drug through the arterial wall to produce a desired biochemical effect. Although experimental models are useful in studying such complex multivariate phenomena, numerical models of mass transport in the vessel have proved immensely useful to understand and delineate complex interactions between chemical species, physical parameters and biological variables. The goals of this review are to summarize literature based on studies of mass transport involving low density lipoproteins in the arterial wall. We also discuss numerical models of drug elution from stents in layered and porous arterial walls that provide a unique platform that can be exploited for the design of novel drug eluting stents.


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Accurate estimation of mass transport parameters is necessary for overall design and evaluation processes of the waste disposal facilities. The mass transport parameters, such as effective diffusion coefficient, retardation factor and diffusion accessible porosity, are estimated from observed diffusion data by inverse analysis. Recently, particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm has been used to develop inverse model for estimating these parameters that alleviated existing limitations in the inverse analysis. However, PSO solver yields different solutions in successive runs because of the stochastic nature of the algorithm and also because of the presence of multiple optimum solutions. Thus the estimated mean solution from independent runs is significantly different from the best solution. In this paper, two variants of the PSO algorithms are proposed to improve the performance of the inverse analysis. The proposed algorithms use perturbation equation for the gbest particle to gain information around gbest region on the search space and catfish particles in alternative iterations to improve exploration capabilities. Performance comparison of developed solvers on synthetic test data for two different diffusion problems reveals that one of the proposed solvers, CPPSO, significantly improves overall performance with improved best, worst and mean fitness values. The developed solver is further used to estimate transport parameters from 12 sets of experimentally observed diffusion data obtained from three diffusion problems and compared with published values from the literature. The proposed solver is quick, simple and robust on different diffusion problems. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with the thermo-physical changes that a droplet undergoes when it is radiatively heated in a levitated environment. The heat and mass transport model has been developed along with chemical kinetics within a cerium nitrate droplet. The chemical transformation of cerium nitrate to ceria during the process is predicted using Kramers' reaction mechanism which justifies the formation of ceria at a very low temperature as observed in experiments. The rate equation modeled by Kramers is modified suitably to be applicable within the framework of a droplet, and predicts experimental results well in both bulk form of cerium nitrate and in aqueous cerium nitrate droplet. The dependence of dissociation reaction rate on droplet size is determined and the transient mass concentration of unreacted cerium nitrate is reported. The model is validated with experiments both for liquid phase vaporization and chemical reaction. Vaporization and chemical conversion are simulated for different ambient conditions. The competitive effects of sensible heating rate and the rate of vaporization with diffusion of cerium nitrate is seen to play a key role in determining the mass fraction of ceria formed within the droplet. Spatially resolved modeling of the droplet enables the understanding of the conversion of chemical species in more detail.


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This paper reports on the mass transport behavior of infinitely extended, continuous, and very thin metallic films under the influence of electric current. Application of direct current of high densities (> 10(8) A/m(2)) results in visible melting of thin film at only one of the electrodes, and the melt then flows towards the other electrode in a circularly symmetric fashion forming a microscale ring pattern. For the two tested thin film systems, namely Cr and Al, of thicknesses ranging from 4 to 20 nm, the above directional flow consistently occurred from cathode to anode and anode to cathode, respectively. Furthermore, application of alternating electric current results in flow of the liquid material from both the electrodes. The dependence of critical flow behavior parameters, such as flow direction, flow velocity, and evolution of the ring diameter, are experimentally determined. Analytical models based on the principles of electromigration in liquid-phase materials are developed to explain the experimental observations.


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The problem of predicting sediment transportation by water waves is treated analytically with the rate of wave energy dissipation or wave damping. With resorting to the theory of shallow water waves and the basis of Yamamoto’s Coulomb-damped poroelastic model, the Boussinesq-type equation has been derived over a variation depth bed. For convenience Cnoidal wave is just discussed, The Cnoidal wave with complex wave length and wave velocity, which are as a function of wave frequency, water depth, permeability, Poisson’s ratio and complex elastic moduli of bed soil, is applied to analyse the rate of sediment transportation. Considering the sediment transportation depended on the shear stress near-bed or the horizontal velocity, the conclusion of Yamamoto’s experiment in clay bed has been extended to general situation. It could be figured out that the model should provide a method to avoid the undistinguishable factors during sediment transport processes and relate mass transport with the sediment peculiarities.


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Physical vapor transport studies of GeSe(x)Te1 - x (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4) solid solutions demonstrated, that individual, large single crystals of these materials can be grown in closed ampoules. A compositional analysis of the grown crystals revealed, that the mass transport (crystal growth) process under steady-state conditions is pseudo-congruent and controlled by diffusion processes in the source material. From these experiments, the degree of non-stoichiometry (Ge-vacancy concentrations) of GeSe(x)Te1 - x single crystals could be estimated. The effects of the cubic to rhombohedral phase transformation during cooling on the microstructure and morphology of the grown mixed crystals are observed. This work provides the basis for subsequent defect studies and electrical measurements on these crystals.


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A numerical model that combines mass transport and surface kinetics was applied, for the first time, to the chemical vapor epitaxy of GexSi1-x. The temperature, velocity and concentration fields were calculated from the conservation equations for energy, momentum and species coupled with the boundary conditions on the growth surface which were determined by surface kinetics. The deposition rates of Si and Ge were assumed to be limited, respectively, by surface kinetics and mass transport. A theoretical relation between the initial conditions and the Ge composition in the solid was established. The calculated growth rate as well as the Ge composition in the solid and its dependence on growth temperature agree well with experimental data.


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Post-steam-treatment is a facile and effective method for improving the catalytic performances of Mo/HZSM-5 catalysts in methane dehydroaromatization under nonoxidative conditions. The treatment can enhance the stability of the catalyst and also give a higher methane conversion and a higher yield of light aromatics, as well as a decrease in the formation rate of carbonaceous deposits. (27)Al, (29)Si, and (1)H multinuclear magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis measurements as well as catalytic reaction evaluations were employed to conduct comparative studies on the properties of the catalysts before and after the post-steam-treatment. The results revealed that the number of free Bronsted acid sites per unit cell decreased, while more Mo species migrated into the HZSM-5 channels for the 6Mo/HZSM-5 catalysts after the post-steam-treatment. In addition, the average pore diameter was also larger for the post-steam-treated catalysts, and this was advantageous for mass transport of the reaction products. However, a severe post-steam-treatment, i.e., with longer treating time, of the 6Mo/HZSM-5 catalyst will lead to the formation of the Al(2)(MoO(4))(3) phases, which is detrimental to the reaction.


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The convective-diffusive transport of sub-micron aerosols in an oscillatory laminar flow within a 2-D single bifurcation is studied, using order-of-magnitude analysis and numerical simulation using a commercial software (FEMLAB®). Based on the similarity between momentum and mass transfer equations, various transient mass transport regimes are classified and scaled according to Strouhal and beta numbers. Results show that the mass transfer rate is highest at the carinal ridge and there is a phase-shift in diffusive transport time if the beta number is greater than one. It is also shown that diffusive mass transfer becomes independent of the oscillating outer flow if the Strouhal number is greater than one.