514 resultados para mandíbula nodular
In this study, it is proposed to evaluate the anteroposterior position of mandible in children with Angle Class II, division 1 malocclusions, to compare two different methods of evaluating the jaw position and verifying the correlation between these two methods. We selected 26 Brazilian children with vertical growth pattern and Angle Class II, division 1 malocclusions, aged between 7 years and 8 months to 9 years and 6 months. The evaluation of the anteroposterior position of the mandible was performed with the use of lateral cephalograms by cephalometric angular SNB and linear Pog-Nperp. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the SNB identified more children with mandibular retrusion than Pog-Nperp; the increased tip of the SN plane may have decreased values of SNB; Pog-Nperp minimizes the possibility of error in the anteroposterior position of the mandible, since it eliminates the variable tip of the anterior skull base (SN plane); none of the cephalometric measurements used are able to eliminate the influence of the nasion point in the anterior-posterior and vertical position; correlation between SNB and Pog-Nperp is very low.
The rehabilitation of edentulous areas with osseointegrated dental implants is a well-documented, predictable procedure in the literature, with high success rates. However, the lack of bone at the recipient bed or proximity to anatomic structures limits the rehabilitation procedure especially at the posterior mandible. Thus, short implants are an alternative treatment for such cases of severe bone resorption. The purpose of this study was to review the success rate of short implants, especially those based in the posterior mandible and to show a clinical case. A literature review was made on electronic databases PubMed and Bireme with articles published between the years 2005 to 2012, using the keywords "short dental implants". It was concluded that the success rates of short implants are similar to those presented by conventional implants but still related to their geometry and surface treatment. Also, short implants can be considered as a viable alternative for the rehabilitation of severely resorbed jaws. However, many authors consider that more research is necessary when a short implant is compared to a long dental implant.
Purpose: Trying to provide more anatomical data to the oral and maxillofacial surgeons regarding to orthognathic surgery, specifically about sagittal split osteotomy, the authors accomplished an anatomical study in dry human jaws, measuring the thickness in four previously established points of the body and mandibular ramus, at the usual spots used for the internal fixation by screws. Material and Methods: The authors also use the data collected to evaluate if there are significant differences between the group I (human dry mandibles with teeth) and group II (edentulous human dry mandibles). Results: For the group I the authors found the following results: x1 = 14,48, x2 = 14,94, x3=12,82 and x4 = 9,41, being the x2 the thickest point, and the least thick the x4. However in the group II, the found medium values were: x1 = 13,38, x2 = 13,08, x3 = 11,63 and x4 = 12,18, being the thickest point in that group the x1 and the least thick x3. The coefficient of simple correlation between the variables (group I and II) revealed a value of 0,6194, being this difference no significant at the meaning level of 95%.
This research evaluated the surgical stabilily in patients with mandibular prognathism and retrognathism in which was used sagital split technic to correct those detormities. Twelve patients were selected from the clinic of only one experienced surgeon. Six patients presenter a Class III 6 a Class II molar relationship. A comparative cefalometric analysis using linear and angular measurements was performed of pre-surgery, imediate pós-surgery and 1 year follow-up. The following conclusions were obtained. 1 The Dal Pont sagital split technic modified by Epker to correct mandibular prognathisn and retroghnatism is a stable technic and must be indicated to correct those deformities. 2 Small relapses are easily corrected by the post-surgical orthodontic treatment. 3 A small over correction is advised in cases of large mandibular advancements or set bascks. 4 In those cases which a large amount of mandibular retrusion on advancement need to be performed, a combination of maxillary and mandibular surgery should be used. Rigid fixation technic is also indicated in those cases
Rotational panoramic radiograpy is a widely used procedure for examination of the jaws. Then, the aim of this study was analyse the mandibular growth from images obtained on panoramic radiographs of male and female children with chronological age between 7-10 years old. Craniometrics points were identifyed and linear measurements obtained from mandibular body and ramus. The results showed an increase in mandibular body lenght and mandibular ramus height in both sexes. Statistically significant correlation was found between the total mandibular lenght (from codilion to mental) and mandibular body lenght (from gonion to mental), in male and female children.
A displasia cemento-óssea é o tipo mais comum dentre as lesões fibro-ósseas, podendo apresentar-se de 3 maneiras: periapical, focal e florida. Paciente parda, de 53 anos, compareceu com queixa de “secreção na gengiva” e histórico de exodontia na região há 8 meses. À inspeção apresentou uma leve tumefação na região vestibular posterior esquerda da mandíbula e uma pequena fístula drenando pus. Realizou-se uma radiografia panorâmica, que revelou uma lesão de radiopacidade mista na região de molares inferiores direitos, medindo 2 cm de diâmetro; outra lesão radiopaca na região de pré-molares esquerdos, de 6mm de diâmetro - ambas bem delimitadas; e outra área radiolúcida com radiopacidade central, com halo radiopaco na região infectada, medindo 1,5 cm de diâmetro. O diagnóstico presuntivo foi de displasia cemento-óssea infectada, cisto periapical infectado associado à displasia e osteomielite. Após antibioticoterapia, realizou-se biópsia e curetagem da área. Microscopicamente apresentou áreas de tecido cemento-ósseo em forma trabecular e no local onde deveria haver tecido fibroso, presença de biofilme bacteriano, conteúdo hemorrágico e restos necróticos. No tecido de granulação removido observou-se intenso infiltrado inflamatório e áreas de calcificação cementóide. As características microscópicas juntamente com os achados clínicos e radiográficos levaram ao diagnóstico de osteomielite aguda supurativa secundária a lesão fibro-óssea, sugestiva de displasia cemento-óssea florida.
This case report shows how the prognosis of severe mandibular atrophy can be improved with the use of short dental implants. A Caucasian 54 years-old male patient received four dental implants in the anterior mandibular region. Four months later, the definitive prosthesis was delivered. At the 8-year follow-up period, no complaints or loss of integration were reported. Short dental implants with complete, fixed definitive prosthesis can be a successful treatment in the mandibular arch.
Amyloidosis is part of a group of deposition diseases. Nodular amyloidosis is a rare form of primary cutaneous amyloidosis. It affects men and women, usually over the age of 60 years. Presenting manifestation of the disease are yellowish-erythematous or brownish nodules or plaques in single or multiple infiltrates. Systemic evaluation should be performed to rule out involvement of other organs. Follow-up of the patient is important because the condition may progress to systemic amyloidosis. We report a case of nodular amyloidosis in which the lesion had a corymbiform aspect without systemic involvement and no recurrence after two years of follow-up.
O cisto ósseo traumático é uma entidade patológica caracterizada pela presença de uma cavidade óssea assintomática desprovida de revestimento epitelial, sendo raramente encontrado nos maxilares. OBJETIVO: Descrever as características clínico-cirúrgicas e radiográficas dos cistos ósseos traumáticos. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo de caráter retrospectivo dos pacientes diagnosticados com cisto ósseo traumático em um serviço de patologia oral no período de 1992 a 2007. Informações referentes às características clínicas, radiográficas e cirúrgicas foram coletadas. RESULTADOS: Vinte e seis casos de cisto ósseo traumático foram diagnosticados no período de 15 anos, 17 pertencentes ao sexo masculino e 09 ao sexo feminino. A maioria dos pacientes afetados pertencia às duas primeiras décadas de vida, não relatava sintomatologia dolorosa, bem como história de trauma na região da lesão. O padrão multilocular foi observado em apenas sete casos, dando às lesões uma aparência radiográfica tumoral. A presença de ar no interior da cavidade patológica foi relatada em aproximadamente 70% dos casos, sendo rara a presença de conteúdo serossanguíneo e seroso. CONCLUSÃO: A maior prevalência de casos em pacientes jovens, a infrequente história de trauma e o pequeno número de lesões com conteúdo serossanguíneo refletem a necessidade de se discutir a real patogênese do cisto ósseo traumático.
A 7 mo old female English springer spaniel was presented with diarrhea, vomiting, apathy, and hyperthermia. Further examinations revealed generalized lymphadenomegaly consistent with sterile neutrophilic-macrophagic lymphadenitis and pulmonary involvement. Subcutaneous nodules developed one day after presentation. Histology was consistent with sterile idiopathic nodular panniculitis and vasculitis. No infectious organism was isolated. The dog responded to prednisolone, but relapsed during medication tapering. Cyclosporine had to be added to control the disease. No further relapse had occurred 98 wk after the first presentation. This is an unusual presentation of a systemic sterile neutrophilic-macrophagic lymphadenitis with nodular panniculitis and vasculitis associated with gastrointestinal and pulmonary signs.
Nodular thyroid disease is a common problem. We present clinical guidelines for the management of patients with thyroid nodules, multinodular goiters and thyroid cysts for use by primary physicians. In the initial evaluation ultrasonography of the thyroid and fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is recommended. FNAB has become the cornerstone in the evaluation of solitary thyroid nodules, cysts and dominant nodules within multinodular goiters. If the procedure is done properly, it should have a false-negative rate of less than 5% and a false-positive rate of not more than 1%. Thyroid radionuclide scans are less frequently used in the initial evaluation of a nodular goiter. Surgery is the primary therapy for patients with nodular thyroid disease. Other available treatment options are radioiodine and TSH-suppression with thyroxine. The main indications for surgery in euthyroid patients with thyroid nodule or with nontoxic multinodular goiter are recently documented or suspected malignancy, compression of the trachea and esophagus, significant growth of the nodule, recurrence of a cyst after aspiration, neck discomfort and cosmetic concern.
Patients with skin nodules characterized by the infiltrate of pleomorphic small/medium T lymphocytes are currently classified as "primary cutaneous CD4+ small-/medium-sized pleomorphic T-cell lymphoma" (SMPTCL) or as T-cell pseudolymphoma. The distinction is often arbitrary, and patients with similar clinicopathologic features have been included in both groups. We studied 136 patients (male:female = 1:1; median age: 53 years, age range: 3-90 years) with cutaneous lesions that could be classified as small-/medium-sized pleomorphic T-cell lymphoma according to current diagnostic criteria. All but 3 patients presented with solitary nodules located mostly on the head and neck area (75%). Histopathologic features were characterized by nonepidermotropic, nodular, or diffuse infiltrates of small- to medium-sized pleomorphic T lymphocytes. A monoclonal rearrangement of the T-cell receptor-gamma gene was found in 60% of tested cases. Follow-up data available for 45 patients revealed that 41 of them were alive without lymphoma after a median time of 63 months (range: 1-357 months), whereas 4 were alive with cutaneous disease (range: 2-16 months). The incongruity between the indolent clinical course and the worrying histopathologic and molecular features poses difficulties in classifying these cases unambiguously as benign or malignant, and it may be better to refer to them with a descriptive term such as "cutaneous nodular proliferation of pleomorphic T lymphocytes of undetermined significance," rather than forcing them into one or the other category. On the other hand, irrespective of the name given to these equivocal cutaneous lymphoid proliferations, published data support a nonaggressive therapeutic strategy, particularly for patients presenting with solitary lesions.
Fil: Juárez, Laura Susana. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.