925 resultados para management training


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In recent years, the Internet has become the medium of choice in distance education, and a prominent delivery tool in many hospitality management programs. When students cannot be educated on site, web-based education has proven to be the next best thing to in-person instruction. The authors describe a project in which the Internet is used to educate National Park Service concession specialists, exploring the reasons the project was instigated, its development and funding, and educational challenges and solutions. Such web-based instruction can be used as a means to attract outside grants and revenues for hospitality management programs.


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The impact of service direction, service training and staff behaviours on perceptions of service delivery are examined. The impact of managerial behaviour in the form of internal market orientation (IMO) on the attitudes of frontline staff towards the firm and its consequent influence on their customer oriented behaviours is also examined. Frontline service staff working in the consumer transport industry were surveyed to provide subjective data about the constructs of interest in this study, and the data were analysed using structural equations modelling employing partial least squares estimation. The data indicate significant relationships between internal market orientation (IMO), the attitudes of the employees to the firm and their consequent behaviour towards customers. Customer orientation, service direction and service training are all identified as antecedents to high levels of service delivery. The study contributes to marketing theory by providing quantitative evidence to support assumptions that internal marketing has an impact on services success. For marketing practitioners, the research findings offer additional information about the management, training and motivation of service staff towards service excellence.


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Each year, organizations in Australian mining industry (asset intensive industry) spend substantial amount of capital (A$86 billion in 2009-10) (Statistics, 2011) in acquiring engineering assets. Engineering assets are put to use in operations to generate value. Different functions (departments) of an organization have different expectations and requirements from each of the engineering asset e.g. return on investment, reliability, efficiency, maintainability, low cost of running the asset, low or nil environmental impact and easy of disposal, potential salvage value etc. Assets are acquired from suppliers or built by service providers and or internally. The process of acquiring assets is supported by procurement function. One of the most costly mistakes that organizations can make is acquiring the inappropriate or non-conforming assets that do not fit the purpose. The root cause of acquiring non confirming assets belongs to incorrect acquisition decision and the process of making decisions. It is very important that an asset acquisition decision is based on inputs and multi-criteria of each function within the organization which has direct or indirect impact on the acquisition, utilization, maintenance and disposal of the asset. Literature review shows that currently there is no comprehensive process framework and tool available to evaluate the inclusiveness and breadth of asset acquisition decisions that are taken in the Mining Organizations. This thesis discusses various such criteria and inputs that need to be considered and evaluated from various functions within the organization while making the asset acquisition decision. Criteria from functions such as finance, production, maintenance, logistics, procurement, asset management, environment health and safety, material management, training and development etc. need to be considered to make an effective and coherent asset acquisition decision. The thesis also discusses a tool that is developed to be used in the multi-criteria and cross functional acquisition decision making. The development of multi-criteria and cross functional inputs based decision framework and tool which utilizes that framework to formulate cross functional and integrated asset acquisition decisions are the contribution of this research.


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The Wet Tropics region has a unique water asset and is also considered a priority region for the improvement of water quality entering the Great Barrier Reef due to a combination of high rainfall, intensive agricultural use, urban areas and the proximity of valuable reef assets to the coast. Agricultural activities are one of many identified threats to water quality and water flows in the Wet Tropics in terms of sediment and pollutant-related water quality decline. Information describing the current state of agricultural management practices across the region is patchy at best. Based on the best available information on agricultural management practices in the Wet Tropics in 2008, it is clear that opportunities exist to improve nutrient, sediment and pesticide management practice to reduce the impact on the water asset and the Great Barrier Reef. Based on current understandings of practices and the relationship between practices and reef water quality, the greatest opportunities for improved water quality are as follows: · nutrients – correct rate and the placement of fertilisers; · pesticides – improve weed control planning, herbicide rates and calibration practice; and · soil and sediment – implement new farming system practices. The 2008-09 Reef Rescue program sought to accelerate the rate of adoption of improved management practices and through Terrain invested $6.8M in the 2008-09 year for: · landholder water quality improvement incentive payments; · cross regional catchment repair of wetlands and riparian lands in areas of high sediment or nutrient loss; and · partnerships in the region to lever resources and support for on-ground practice change. The program delivered $3,021,999 in onground incentives to landholders in the Wet Tropics to improve farm practices from D or C level to B or A level. The landholder Water Quality Incentives Grants program received 300 individual applications for funding and funded 143 individual landholders to implement practice change across 36,098 ha of farm land. It is estimated that the Reef Rescue program facilitated practice change across 21% of the cane industry, and 20% of the banana industry. The program levered an additional $2,441,166 in landholder cash contributions and a further $907,653 in non-cash in-kind contributions bringing the total project value of the landholder grants program in the Wet Tropics to $6,370,819. Most funded projects targeted multiple water quality objectives with a focus on nutrient and sediment reduction. Of the 143 projects funded, 115 projects addressed nutrient management either as the primary focus or in combination with strategies that targeted other water quality objectives. Overall, 82 projects addressed two or more water quality targets. Forty-five percent of incentive funds were allocated to new farming system practices (direct drill legumes, zonal tillage equipment, permanent beds, min till planting equipment, GPS units, laser levelling), followed by 24% allocated to subsurface fertiliser applicators (subsurface application of fertiliser using a stool splitter or beside the stool, at the correct Six Easy Steps rate). As a result, Terrain estimates that the incentive grants achieved considerable reductions in nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment and pesticide loads. The program supported nutrient management training of 167 growers managing farms covering over 20% of the area harvested in 2008, and 18 industry advisors and resellers. This resulted in 115 growers (155 farms) developing nutrient management plans. The program also supported Integrated Weed Management training of 80 growers managing farms covering 8% of the area harvested in 2008, and 6 industry advisors and resellers. This report, which draws on the best available Reef Rescue Management Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting, and Improvement (MERI) information to evaluate program performance and impact on water quality outcomes, is the first in a series of annual reports that will assess and evaluate the impact of the Reef Rescue program on agricultural practices and water quality outcomes. The assessment is predominantly focused on the cane industry because of data availability. In the next stage, efforts will expand to: · improve practice data for the banana and grazing industry; · gain a better understanding of the water quality trends and the factors influencing them in the Wet Tropics; in particular work will focus on linking the results of the Paddock to Reef monitoring program and practice change data to assess program impact; · enhance estimations of the impact of practice change on pollutant loads from agricultural land use; · gain a better understanding of the extent of ancillary practice (change not directly funded) resulting from Reef Rescue training/ education/communication programs; and · provide a better understanding of the economic cost of practice change across the Wet Tropics region. From an ecological perspective, water quality trends and the factors that may be contributing to change, require further investigation. There is a critical need to work towards an enhanced understanding of the link between catchment land management practice change and reef water quality, so that reduced nutrient, sediment, and pesticide discharge to the Great Barrier Reef can be quantified. This will also assist with future prioritisation of grants money to agricultural industries, catchments and sub catchments. From a social perspective, the program has delivered significant water quality benefits from landholder education and training. It is believed that these activities are giving landholders the information and tools to implement further lasting change in their production systems and in doing so, creating a change in attitude that is supportive and inclusive of Natural Resource Management (NRM). The program in the Wet Tropics has also considerably strengthened institutional partnerships for NRM, particularly between NRM and industry and extension organisations. As a result of the Reef Rescue program, all institutions are actively working together to collectively improve water quality. The Reef Rescue program is improving water quality entering the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon by catalysing substantial activity in the Wet Tropics region to improve land management practices and reduce the water quality impact of agricultural landscapes. The solid institutional partnerships between the regional body, industry, catchment and government organisations have been fundamental to the successful delivery of the landholder grant and catchment rehabilitation programs. Landholders have generally had a positive perception and reaction to the program, its intent, and the practical, focused nature of grant-based support. Demand in the program was extremely high in 2008-09 and is expected to increase in 2009-2010.


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Pain is common in individuals living in residential aged care facilities (RACFs), and a number of obstacles have been identified as recurring barriers to adequate pain management. To address this, the Australian Pain Society developed 27 recommendations for comprehensive good practice in the identification, assessment, and management of pain. This study reviewed preexisting pain management practice at five Australian RACFs and identified changes needed to implement the recommendations and then implemented an evidence-based program that aimed to facilitate better pain management. The program involved staff training and education and revised in-house pain-management procedures. Reviews occurred before and after the program and included the assessment of 282 residents for analgesic use and pain status. Analgesic use improved after the program (P<.001), with a decrease in residents receiving no analgesics (from 15% to 6%) and an increase in residents receiving around-the-clock plus as-needed analgesics (from 24% to 43%). There were improvements in pain relief for residents with scores indicative of pain, with Abbey pain scale (P=.005), Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale (P=.001), and Non-communicative Patient's Pain Assessment Instrument scale (P<.001) scores all improving. Although physical function declined as expected, Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Survey bodily pain scores also showed improvement (P=.001). Better evidence-based practice and outcomes in RACFs can be achieved with appropriate training and education. Investing resources in the aged care workforce using this program improved analgesic practice and pain relief in participating sites. Further attention to the continued targeted pain management training of aged care staff is likely to improve pain-focused care for residents.


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[Excerpt] The effects of framing on decisions has been widely studied, producing research that suggests individuals respond to framing in predictable and fairly consistent ways (Bazerman, 1984, 1990; Tversky & Kahneman, 1986; Thaler, 1980). The essential finding from this body of research is that "individuals treat risks concerning perceived gains (for example, saving jobs and plants) differently from risks concerning perceived losses (losing jobs and plants)" (Bazerman, 1990, pp. 49-50). Specifically, individuals tend to avoid risks concerning gains, and seek risks concerning losses.


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Sustainable implementation of new workforce redesign initiatives requires strategies that minimize barriers and optimize supports. Such strategies could be provided by a set of guiding principles. A broad understanding of the concerns of all the key stakeholder groups is required before effective strategies and initiatives are developed. Many new workforce redesign initiatives are not underpinned by prior planning, and this threatens their uptake and sustainability. This study reports on a cross-sectional qualitative study that sought the perspectives of representatives of key stakeholders in a new workforce redesign initiative (extended-scope-of-practice physiotherapy) in one Australian tertiary hospital. The key stakeholder groups were those that had been involved in some way in the development, management, training, funding, and/or delivery of the initiative. Data were collected using semistructured questions, answered individually by interview or in writing. Responses were themed collaboratively, using descriptive analysis. Key identified themes comprised: the importance of service marketing; proactively addressing barriers; using readily understood nomenclature; demonstrating service quality and safety, monitoring adverse events, measuring health and cost outcomes; legislative issues; registration; promoting viable career pathways; developing, accrediting, and delivering a curriculum supporting physiotherapists to work outside of the usual scope; and progression from "a good idea" to established service. Health care facilities planning to implement new workforce initiatives that extend scope of usual practice should consider these issues before instigating workforce/model of care changes. © 2014 Morris et al.


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‘Sustainable Grazing in the Channel Country Floodplains’ was initiated by industry to redress the lack of objective information for sustainable management in the floodplains of Cooper Creek and the Diamantina and Georgina Rivers. The project has maintained links with the grazing community and has extensively drawn upon expert local experience and knowledge. The project has provided tools for managers to better anticipate the size of beneficial flooding arising from rains in the upper catchment and to more objectively assess the value of the pasture resulting from flooding. The latest information from the project has enabled customisation of the EDGENetwork™ Grazing Land Management training package for the Channel Country. In combination, these tools will assist in making earlier cattle stocking decisions, including when cattle may need to be mustered out of floodplain paddocks, how many additional cattle will be required to take advantage of the flood–grown pasture, and the timing of cattle turnoff. These will reduce costs by providing a greater lead time to plan cattle movements and purchases, and may enhance the sustainability of the resource base by better matching cattle numbers with the feed on offer.


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Nesta pesquisa procuramos avaliar a repercussão do Projeto e se os princípios da gestão democrática estão de fato sendo colocado em prática e identificar como os gestores que concluíram a especialização em Gestão Pública, através Programa de Capacitação a Distância para Gestores Escolares (PROGESTÃO), no Rio de Janeiro, estão fazendo uso de conceitos trabalhados em curso, tais como o processo de democratização e de socialização e a gestão democrática. Utilizando entrevistas estruturadas foram analisados os discursos produzidos pelos entrevistados: diretores, coordenador e tutor com o objetivo de avaliar a repercussão do Progestão e se os princípios da gestão democrática estão de fato sendo postos em prática. Abordamos a questão da gestão democrática no atual contexto educacional e os fundamentos conceituais e políticos para a formação de gestores escolares Progestão. Consideramos que os processos de formação de gestores precisam ser consolidados para que enfim a atitude democrática possa ser adotada no trabalho realizado no interior da escola. Acreditamos também que outros estudos que versem sobre os assuntos tratados nesta dissertação sejam realizados, pois existem os conflitos (nem sempre admitidos) entre o conservadorismo administrativo com cunho empresarial e a gestão democrática entre os gestores.


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Caminhos da formação de gestores de sistemas e serviços de saúde: uma análise da adequação entre teoria e a prática?. O cotidiano da gestão dos sistemas serviços de saúde é constituído de questões que perpassam o contexto das políticas econômicas, interagem com as faces das incorporações tecnológicas, estando intimamente relacionado ao componente regional e social. Nesse ambiente de alta labilidade torna-se importante a utilização de mecanismos que reforcem a interação entre educação e trabalho. A responsabilidade da formação profissional deve relacionar-se aos resultados das necessidades da assistência à saúde, guiadas pelos resultados de avaliações sistemáticas. O objetivo principal desta tese consistiu em analisar a adequação do conteúdo teórico representado nas dimensões de competências do Curso de Especialização em Gestão em Saúde do IMS/UERJ face às reais necessidades de aplicação das competências gerenciais dos egressos no desempenho de suas funções no dia a dia de trabalho. O estudo a adequação dos conteúdos educacionais ás necessidades contextuais dos processos de trabalho, importa na leitura das condições de enfrentamento dos problemas cotidianos, as dificuldades ou facilidades de soluções podem variar em função do nível de apropriação dos saberes trabalhados no processo aprendizagem. Ainda que as dificuldades da gestão no ambiente da saúde não resultem apenas de fatores ligados á formação profissional, essa vertente precisar ser monitorada visando contribuir com as reais necessidades de desempenho dos gerentes. Tais necessidades podem ser facilitadas pelo aumento da capacidade de análise contextuais e pelo domínio de manuseio de ferramentas técnicas que se configurem como instrumentos de resolução de problemas na realidade cotidianas. A partir do problema pesquisado, e dos resultados encontrados foi possível concluir, respondendo às questões de partida: (i) O curso de Especialização em gestão de saúde do IMS/UERJ atende as necessidades de desempenho profissional de seus egressos em suas funções cotidianas gerenciais considerando as respostas destes, classificando em mais 80% das dimensões de competência componentes do conteúdo programático como muito importante e indispensável no desempenho pratico de suas funções cotidianas. (ii) Os ajustes á serem inseridos ao conteúdo programático do Curso de Especialização em Gestão de Saúde, segundo seus egressos, e demais entrevistados para o atendimento das reais necessidades de capacitação dos gerentes de sistemas e serviços de saúde, está configurado nas considerações finais desta tese. Os resultados dessa tese oferecem subsídios para formulação de conteúdo programático que fomentem as necessidades de profissionalização da gestão na saúde. O estudo dessas situações, no campo prático, aponta perspectivas positivas com a busca de aperfeiçoamento de programa de capacitação de gestão de saúde e, por conseguinte representa um investimento importante para a melhoria da assistência à saúde da população.


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Early-onset child conduct problems are common and costly. A large number of studies and some previous reviews have focused on behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting interventions, but methodological limitations are commonplace and evidence for the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of these programmes has been unclear. To assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting programmes for improving child conduct problems, parental mental health and parenting skills. We searched the following databases between 23 and 31 January 2011: CENTRAL (2011, Issue 1), MEDLINE (1950 to current), EMBASE (1980 to current), CINAHL (1982 to current), PsycINFO (1872 to current), Social Science Citation Index (1956 to current), ASSIA (1987 to current), ERIC (1966 to current), Sociological Abstracts (1963 to current), Academic Search Premier (1970 to current), Econlit (1969 to current), PEDE (1980 to current), Dissertations and Theses Abstracts (1980 to present), NHS EED (searched 31 January 2011), HEED (searched 31 January 2011), DARE (searched 31 January 2011), HTA (searched 31 January 2011), mRCT (searched 29 January 2011). We searched the following parent training websites on 31 January 2011: Triple P Library, Incredible Years Library and Parent Management Training. We also searched the reference lists of studies and reviews. We included studies if: (1) they involved randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-randomised controlled trials of behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting interventions for parents of children aged 3 to 12 years with conduct problems, and (2) incorporated an intervention group versus a waiting list, no treatment or standard treatment control group. We only included studies that used at least one standardised instrument to measure child conduct problems. Two authors independently assessed the risk of bias in the trials and the methodological quality of health economic studies. Two authors also independently extracted data. We contacted study authors for additional information. This review includes 13 trials (10 RCTs and three quasi-randomised trials), as well as two economic evaluations based on two of the trials. Overall, there were 1078 participants (646 in the intervention group; 432 in the control group). The results indicate that parent training produced a statistically significant reduction in child conduct problems, whether assessed by parents (standardised mean difference (SMD) -0.53; 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.72 to -0.34) or independently assessed (SMD -0.44; 95% CI -0.77 to -0.11). The intervention led to statistically significant improvements in parental mental health (SMD -0.36; 95% CI -0.52 to -0.20) and positive parenting skills, based on both parent reports (SMD -0.53; 95% CI -0.90 to -0.16) and independent reports (SMD -0.47; 95% CI -0.65 to -0.29). Parent training also produced a statistically significant reduction in negative or harsh parenting practices according to both parent reports (SMD -0.77; 95% CI -0.96 to -0.59) and independent assessments (SMD -0.42; 95% CI -0.67 to -0.16). Moreover, the intervention demonstrated evidence of cost-effectiveness. When compared to a waiting list control group, there was a cost of approximately $2500 (GBP 1712; EUR 2217) per family to bring the average child with clinical levels of conduct problems into the non-clinical range. These costs of programme delivery are modest when compared with the long-term health, social, educational and legal costs associated with childhood conduct problems. Behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based parenting interventions are effective and cost-effective for improving child conduct problems, parental mental health and parenting skills in the short term. The cost of programme delivery was modest when compared with the long-term health, social, educational and legal costs associated with childhood conduct problems. Further research is needed on the long-term assessment of outcomes.


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On formal credit markets, access to formal credit and reasonable credit terms of smallholder farmers
in rural sub-Saharan Africa is limited due to adverse selection. Financial institutions operating in
rural areas often cannot distinguish between borrowers (farmers) that are creditworthy and those that
are not, thus, allocate limited resource to agriculture to reduce credit risk. In the presence of limited business quality signaling by smallholder farmers, financial institutions shall demand for collateral and/or offer unfavorable contract terms. Moreover, agricultural productivity of rural sub-Saharan
Africa, dominated by subsistence or small-scale farmers, is also negatively impacted by the adverse
effect of climate change. A strategy that may make the farming practices of smallholder farmer’s
climate resilient and profitable may also improve smallholder farmer's access to formal credit. This
study investigates to what extent participating in ecosystem and extension services (EES) programs
signals business quality of smallholders, thus granting them credit accessibility. We collected data
on 210 smallholder farmers in 2013, comprising farmers that receive payments for ecosystem
services (PES) and farm management training from the International Small Group Tree Planting
Program (TIST) Kenya to test the aforementioned theory empirically. We use game theory,
particularly a screening and sorting model, to illustrate the prospects for farmers with EES to access
formal credit and to improve their credit terms given that they receive PES and banking services
training. Furthermore, the PES’ long term duration (10 – 30 years) generates stable cash-flow which
may be perceived as collateral substitute. Results suggest that smallholder farmers in the TIST
program were less likely to be credit constraint compared to non-TIST farmers. Distance to market,
education, livestock and farm income are factors that determine access to credit from microfinance
institutions in rural Kenya. Amongst farmers that have obtained loans, those keeping business records
enjoy more favorable formal credit conditions. These farmers were observed to pay ca. 5 percent less
interest rate in microfinance charges. For TIST farmers, this type of farm management practices may
be attributed to the banking services and other training they receive within the program. While the
availability of classical collateral (farmlands) and PES may reduce interest rate, the latter was found
to be statistically insignificant. This research underlines the importance of an effective extension
services in rural areas of developing countries and the need to improve gains from conservation
agriculture and ensuing PES. The benefits associated with EES and PES may encompass agricultural


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PURPOSE. To explore factors potentially influencing the success or failure of rural Chinese hospitals in increasing cataract surgical output and quality. METHODS. Focus groups (FGs, n = 10) were conducted with hospital administrators, doctors, and nurses at 28 county hospitals in Guangdong Province. Discussions explored respondents' views on increasing surgical volume and quality and improving patient satisfaction. Respondents numerically ranked possible strategies to increase surgical volume and quality and patient satisfaction. FG transcripts were independently coded by two reviewers utilizing the constant comparative method following the grounded theory approach, and numerical responses were scored and ranked. RESULTS. Ten FGs and 77 ranking questionnaires were completed by 33 administrators, 23 doctors, and 21 nurses. Kappa values for the two coders were greater than 0.7 for all three groups. All groups identified a critical need for enhanced management training for hospital directors. Doctors and nurses suggested reducing surgical fees to enhance uptake, although administrators were resistant to this. Although doctors saw the need to improve equipment, administrators felt current material conditions were adequate. Respondents agreed that patient satisfaction was generally high, and did not view increasing patient satisfaction as a priority. CONCLUSIONS. Our findings highlight agreements and disagreements among the three stakeholder groups about improving surgical output and quality, which can inform strategies to improve cataract programs in rural China. Respondents' beliefs about high patient satisfaction are not in accord with other studies in the area, highlighting a potential area for intervention. © 2013 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.


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Herausgeberwerk (Litzcke & Schuh): 1. Modewellen des Managements 2. Wohin die Reise geht - Folgen des Wertewandels für die Führungskräfteentwicklung 3. Umgang mit Veränderungen - Psychologie für ein erfolgreiches Changemanagement 4. Weiterentwicklung des öffentlichen Dienstes durch Evaluation 5. Qualiätsmanagement im Bundesnachrichtendienst 6. Unternehmen BfV - Realität oder Trugschluss?


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Resumo Política(s) de saúde no trabalho: um inquérito sociológico às empresas portuguesas A literatura portuguesa sobre políticas, programas e actividades de Segurança, Higiene e Saúde no Trabalho (abreviadamente, SH&ST) é ainda escassa. Com este projecto de investigação pretende-se (i) colmatar essa lacuna, (ii) melhorar o conhecimento dos sistemas de gestão da saúde e segurança no trabalho e (iii) contribuir para a protecção e a promoção da saúde dos trabalhadores. Foi construída uma tipologia com cinco grupos principais de políticas, programas e actividades: A (Higiene & Segurança no Trabalho / Melhoria do ambiente físico de trabalho); B (Avaliação de saúde / Vigilância médica / Prestação de cuidados de saúde); C (Prevenção de comportamentos de risco/ Promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis); D (Intervenções a nível organizacional / Melhoria do ambiente psicossocial de trabalho); E (Actividades e programas sociais e de bem-estar). Havia uma lista de mais de 60 actividades possíveis, correspondendo a um índice de realização de 100%. Foi concebido e desenhado, para ser auto-administrado, um questionário sobre Política de Saúde no Local de Trabalho. Foram efectuados dois mailings, e um follow-up telefónico. O trabalho de campo decorreu entre a primavera de 1997 e o verão de 1998. A amostra (n=259) é considerada representativa das duas mil maiores empresas do país. Uma em cada quatro é uma multinacional. A taxa de sindicalização rondava os 30% da população trabalhadora, mas apenas 16% dos respondentes assinalou a existência de representantes dos trabalhadores eleitos para a SH&ST. A hipótese de investigação principal era a de que as empresas com um sistema integrado de gestão da SH&ST seriam também as empresas com um (i) maior número de políticas, programas e actividades de saúde; (ii) maior índice de saúde; (iii) maior índice de realização; e (iv) maior percentagem dos encargos com a SH&ST no total da massa salarial. As actividades de tipo A e B, tradicionalmente associadas à SH&ST, representavam, só por si, mais de 57% do total. Os resultados, correspondentes às respostas da Secção C do questionário, apontam, para (i) a hipervalorização dos exames de medicina do trabalho; e por outro para (ii) o subaproveitamento de um vasto conjunto de actividades (nomeadamente as de tipo D e E), que são correntemente levadas a cabo pelas empresas e que nunca ou raramente são pensadas em termos de protecção e promoção da saúde dos trabalhadores. As actividades e os programas de tipo C (Prevenção de comportamentos de risco/Promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis), ainda eram as menos frequentes entre nós, a seguir aos Programas sociais e de bem-estar (E). É a existência de sistemas de gestão integrados de SH&ST, e não o tamanho da empresa ou outra característica sociodemográfica ou técnico-organizacional, que permite predizer a frequência de políticas de saúde mais activas e mais inovadores. Os três principais motivos ou razões que levam as empresas portuguesas a investir na protecção e promoção da saúde dos seus trabalhadores eram, por ordem de frequência, (i) o absentismo em geral; (ii) a produtividade, qualidade e/ou competitividade, e (iii) a filosofia de gestão ou cultura organizacional. Quanto aos três principais benefícios que são reportados, surge em primeiro lugar (i) a melhoria da saúde dos trabalhadores, seguida da (ii) melhoria do ambiente do ambiente de trabalho e, por fim, (iii) a melhoria da produtividade, qualidade e/ou competitividade.Quanto aos três principais obstáculos que se põem, em geral, ao desenvolvimento das iniciativas de saúde, eles seriam os seguintes, na percepção dos respondentes: (i) a falta de empenho dos trabalhadores; (ii) a falta de tempo; e (iii) os problemas de articulação/ comunicação a nível interno. Por fim, (i) o empenho das estruturas hierárquicas; (ii) a cultura organizacional propícia; e (iii) o sentido de responsabilidade social surgem, destacadamente, como os três principais factores facilitadores do desenvolvimento da política de saúde no trabalho. Tantos estes factores como os obstáculos são de natureza endógena, susceptíveis portanto de controlo por parte dos gestores. Na sua generalidade, os resultados deste trabalho põem em evidência a fraqueza teóricometodológica de grande parte das iniciativas de saúde, realizadas na década de 1990. Muitas delas seriam medidas avulsas, que se inserem na gestão corrente das nossas empresas, e que dificilmente poderão ser tomadas como expressão de uma política de saúde no local de trabalho, (i) definida e assumida pela gestão de topo, (ii) socialmente concertada, (iii) coerente, (iv) baseada na avaliação de necessidades e expectativas de saúde dos trabalhadores, (v) divulgada, conhecida e partilhada por todos, (vi) contingencial, flexível e integrada, e, por fim, (vii) orientada por custos e resultados. Segundo a Declaração do Luxemburgo (1997), a promoção da saúde engloba o esforço conjunto dos empregadores, dos trabalhadores, do Estado e da sociedade civil para melhorar a segurança, a saúde e o bem-estar no trabalho, objectivo isso que pode ser conseguido através da (i) melhoria da organização e das demais condições de trabalho, da (ii) participação efectiva e concreta dos trabalhadores bem como do seu (iii) desenvolvimento pessoal. Abstract Health at work policies: a sociological inquiry into Portuguese corporations Portuguese literature on workplace health policies, programs and activities is still scarce. With this research project the author intends (i) to improve knowledge on the Occupational Health and Safety (shortly thereafter, OSH) management systems and (ii) contribute to the development of health promotion initiatives at a corporate level. Five categories of workplace health initiatives have been identified: (i) Occupational Hygiene and Safety / Improvement of Physical Working Environment (type A programs); (ii) Health Screening, Medical Surveillance and Other Occupational Health Care Provision (type B programs); (iii) Preventing Risk Behaviours / Promoting Healthy Life Styles (type C programs); (iv) Organisational Change / Improvement of Psycho-Social Working Environment (type D programs); and (v) Industrial and Social Welfare (type E programs). A mail questionnaire was sent to the Chief Executive Officer of the 1500 largest Portuguese companies, operating in the primary and secondary sectors (≥ 100 employees) or tertiary sector (≥ 75 employees). Response rate has reached about 20% (259 respondents, representing about 300 companies). Carried out between Spring 1997 and Summer 1998, the fieldwork has encompassed two direct mailings and one phone follow-up. Sample is considered to be representative of the two thousand largest companies. One in four is a multinational. Union membership rate is about 30%, but only 16% has reported the existence of a workers’ health and safety representative. The most frequent workplace health initiatives were those under the traditional scope of the OSH field (type A and B programs) (57% of total) (e.g., Periodical Medical Examinations; Individual Protective Equipment; Assessment of Working Ability). In SMEs (< 250) it was less likely to find out some time-consuming and expensive activities (e.g., Training on OSH knowledge and skills, Improvement of environmental parameters as ventilation, lighting, heating).There were significant differences in SMEs, when compared with the larger ones (≥ 250) concerning type B programs such as Periodical medical examinations, GP consultation, Nursing care, Other medical and non-medical specialities (e.g., psychiatrist, psychologist, ergonomist, physiotherapist, occupational social worker). With regard to type C programs, there were a greater percentage of programs centred on Substance abuse (tobacco, alcohol, and drug) than on Other health risk behaviours. SMEs representatives reported very few prevention- oriented programs in the field of Drug abuse, Nutrition, Physical activity, Off- job accidents, Blood pressure or Weight control. Frequency of type D programs included Training on Human Resources Management, Training on Organisational Behaviour, Total Quality Management, Job Design/Ergonomics, and Workplace rehabilitation. In general, implementation of this type of programs (Organisational Change / Improvement of Psychosocial Working Environment) is not largely driven by health considerations. Concerning Industrial and Social Welfare (Type E programs), the larger employers are in a better position than SMEs to offer to their employees a large spectrum of health resources and facilities (e.g., Restaurant, Canteen, Resting room, Transport, Infra-structures for physical activity, Surgery, Complementary social protection, Support to recreational and cultural activities, Magazine or newsletter, Intranet). Other workplace health promotion programs like Training on Stress Management, Employee Assistance Programs, or Self-help groups are uncommon in the Portuguese worksites. The existence of integrated OSH management systems, not the company size, is the main variable explaining the implementation of more active and innovative workplace health policies in Portugal. The three main prompting factors reported by employers for health protection and promotion initiatives are: (i) Employee absenteeism; (ii) Productivity, quality and/or competitiveness; and (iii) Corporate culture/management philosophy. On the other hand, (i) Improved staff’s health, (ii) Improved working environment and (iii) Improved productivity, quality and/or competitiveness were the three main benefits reported by companies’ representatives, as a result of successful implementation of workplace health initiatives. (i) Lack of staff commitment; (ii) Lack of time; and (iii) Problems of co-operation and communication within company or establishment (iii) are perceived to be the main barriers companies must cope with. Asked about the main facilitating factors, these companies have pointed out the following ones: (i) Top management commitment; (ii) Corporate culture; and (iii) Sense of social responsibility. This sociological research report shows the methodological weaknesses of workplace health initiatives, carried out by Portuguese companies during the last ‘90s. In many cases, these programs and actions were not part of a corporate health strategy and policy, (i) based on the assessment of workers’ health needs and expectancies, (ii) advocated by the employer or the chief executive officer, (ii) planned and implemented with the staff consultation and participation or (iv) evaluated according to a cost-benefit analysis. In short, corporate health policy and action were still rather based on more traditional OSH approaches and should be reoriented towards Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) approach. According to the Luxembourg Declaration of Workplace Health Promotion in the European Union (1997), WHP is “a combination of: (i) improving the work organisation and environment; (ii) promoting active participation; (iii) encouraging personal development”.Résumée Politique(s) de santé au travail: une enquête sociologique aux entreprises portugaises Au Portugal on ne sait presque rien des politiques de santé au travail, adoptés par les entreprises. Avec ce projet de recherche, on veut (i) améliorer la connaissance sur les systèmes de gestion de la santé et de la sécurité au travail et, au même temps, (ii) contribuer au développement de la promotion de la santé des travailleurs. Une typologie a été usée pour identifier les politiques, programmes et actions de santé au travail: A. Amélioration des conditions de travail / Sécurité au travail; B. Médecine du travail /Santé au travail; C. Prévention des comportements de risque / Promotion de styles de vie sains; D. Interventions organisationnelles / Amélioration des facteurs psychosociaux au travail; E. Gestion de personnel et bien-être social. Un questionnaire postal a été envoyé au représentant maximum des grandes entreprises portugaises, industrielles (≥ 100 employés) ou des services (≥ 75 employés). Le taux de réponse a été environ 20% (259 répondants, concernant trois centaines d’entreprises et d’établissements). La recherche de champ, conduite du printemps 1997 à l’été 1998, a compris deux enquêtes postales et un follow-up téléphonique. L´échantillon est représentatif de la population des deux miles plus grandes entreprises. Un quart sont des multinationales. Le taux de syndicalisation est d’environ 30%. Toutefois, il y a seulement 16% de lieux de travail avec des représentants du personnel pour la santé et sécurité au travail. Les initiatives de santé au travail les plus communes sont celles concernant le domaine plus traditionnel (types A et B) (57% du total): par exemple, les examens de médecine du travail, l’équipement de protection individuelle, les tests d’aptitude au travail. En ce qui concerne les programmes de type C, les plus fréquents sont le contrôle et la prévention des addictions (tabac, alcool, drogue). Les interventions dans le domaine de du système technique et organisationnelle du travail peuvent comprendre les courses de formation en gestion de ressources humaines ou en psychosociologie des organisations, l’ergonomie, le travail posté ou la gestion de la qualité totale. En général, la protection et la promotion de la santé des travailleurs ne sont pas prises en considération dans l’implémentation des initiatives de type D. Il y a des différences quand on compare les grandes entreprises et les moyennes en matière de politique de gestion du personnel e du bien-être (programmes de type E, y compris l’allocation de ressources humaines ou logistiques comme, par exemple, restaurant, journal d’entreprise, transports, installations et équipements sportifs). D’autres activités de promotion de la santé au travail comme la formation en gestion du stress, les programmes d’ assistance aux employés, ou les groupes de soutien et d’auto-aide sont encore très peu fréquents dans les entreprises portugaises. C’est le système intégré de gestion de la santé et de la sécurité au travail, et non pas la taille de l’entreprise, qui aide à prédire l’existence de politiques actives et innovatrices dans ce domaine. Les trois facteurs principaux qui encouragent les actions de santé (prompting factors, en anglais) sont (i) l’absentéisme (y compris la maladie), (ii) les problèmes liés à la productivité, qualité et/ou la compétitivité, et aussi (iii) la culture de l’entreprise/philosophie de gestion. Du coté des bénéfices, on a obtenu surtout l’amélioration (i) de la santé du personnel, (ii) des conditions de travail, et (iii) de la productivité, qualité et/ou compétitivité.Les facteurs qui facilitent les actions de santé au travail sont (i) l’engagement de la direction, (ii) la culture de l’entreprise, et (iii) le sens de responsabilité sociale. Par contre, les obstacles à surmonter, selon les organisations qui ont répondu au questionnaire, seraient surtout (i) le manque d’engagement des travailleurs et de leur représentants, (ii) le temps insuffisant, et (iii) les problèmes de articulation/communication au niveau interne de l’entreprise/établissement. Ce travail de recherche sociologique montre la faiblesse méthodologique des services et activités de santé et sécurité au travail, mis en place par les entreprises portugaises dans les années de 1990, à la suite des accords de concertation sociale de 1991. Dans beaucoup de cas, (i) ces politiques de santé ne font pas partie encore d’un système intégré de gestion, (ii) il n’a pas d’évaluation des besoins et des expectatives des travailleurs, (iii) c’est très bas ou inexistant le niveau de participation du personnel, (iv) on ne fait pas d’analyse coût-bénéfice. On peut conclure que les politiques de santé au travail sont plus proches de la médecine du travail et de la sécurité au travail que de la promotion de la santé des travailleurs. Selon la Déclaration du Luxembourg sur la Promotion de la Santé au Lieu de Travail dans la Communauté Européenne (1997), celle-ci « comprend toutes les mesures des employeurs, des employés et de la société pour améliorer l'état de santé et le bien être des travailleurs » e « ceci peut être obtenu par la concentration des efforts dans les domaines suivants: (i) amélioration de l'organisation du travail et des conditions de travail ; (ii) promotion d'une participation active des collaborateurs ; (iii) renforcement des compétences personnelles ».