120 resultados para malachite


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ABSTRACT: In this work we described theoretical calculations on the electronic structure and optical properties of the dyes crystal violet and malachite green based in semiempirical methods (Parametric Method 3 and Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap / Spectroscopic - Configuration Interaction) and the synthesis of a new hybrid material based upon the incorporation of these dyes in an aluminum polyphosphate gel network. The samples are nearly transparent, free-standing thick films. The optical properties of the entrapped dyes are sensitive to chemical changes within the matrix caused either by gel aging or external stimulli such as exposition to acidic and basic vapors that can percolate within the matrix. Our theoretical modeling is in good agreement with the experimental results for the dyes.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A criptosporidiose, é a enfermidade de veiculação hídrica, possui como agravante a dificuldade de prevenção da contaminação ambiental e ausência de medidas terapêuticas eficazes. Com acentuada importância na bovinocultura, ocasiona inflamação e atrofia das vilosidades intestinais resultando em perda da superfície de absorção. Este estudo teve como objetivo realizar a caracterização molecular da infecção por Cryptosporidium spp. em bezerros do Município de Formiga, Minas Gerais. Um total de 300 amostras de fezes de bezerros holandeses, Nelore e sem raça definida saudáveis foram avaliadas pela técnica de coloração contraste negativo de verde malaquita e por meio da reação de Nested-PCR para amplificação de fragmentos de DNA da subunidade 18S do gene do RNA ribossômico. Ocorrência de 5,33% (16/300) pelo verde malaquita e 4,66% (14/300), pela PCR foi observada, sendo que nenhuma correlação foi verificada entre a positividade e as variáveis estudadas. Por meio da caracterização molecular foram identificadas as espécies Cryptosporidium andersoni e Cryptosporidium ryanae. Como conclusão, observou-se baixa ocorrência da infecção e eliminação de oocistos por Cryptosporidium spp, ausência de sinais clínicos nos animais, houve forte concordância entre os resultados obtidos por meio das duas técnicas utilizadas e pela caracterização molecular (Nested-PCR) foram diagnosticadas as espécies C. andersoni e C. ryanae, presentes em faixas etárias não relatadas na literatura. Estas duas espécies de Cryptosporidium supracitadas são descritas pela primeira vez, parasitando bovinos no estado de Minas Gerais.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this study, carra sawdust pre-treated with formaldehyde was used to adsorb reactive red 239 (RR239). The effects of several experimental conditions, including the concentration of dye, sorbent dosage, temperature, ionic strength, stirring speed and solution pH, on the kinetics of the adsorption process have been studied, and the experimental data were fitted to pseudo-second-order model. A study of the intra-particle diffusion model indicates that the mechanism of dye adsorption using carra sawdust is rather complex and is most likely a combination of external mass transfer and intra-particle diffusion. The experimental data obtained at equilibrium were analyzed using the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models, and the results indicated that at this concentration range, both models can be applied for obtaining the equilibrium parameters. The maximum dye uptake obtained at 298 K was found to be 15.1 mg g(-1). In contrast to the usual systems, the reactive dye studied in the present work is strongly attached to the sawdust even after several washes with water, allowing it to be discarded as a solid waste.


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In a previous work, succinylated sugarcane bagasse (SCB 2) was prepared from sugarcane bagasse (B) using succinic anhydride as modifying agent. In this work the adsorption of cationic dyes onto SCB 2 from aqueous solutions was investigated. Methylene blue, MB, and gentian violet, GV, were selected as adsorbates. The capacity of SCB 2 to adsorb MB and GV from aqueous single dye solutions was evaluated at different contact times, pH, and initial adsorbent concentration. According to the obtained results, the adsorption processes could be described by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. Adsorption isotherms were well fitted by Langmuir model. Maximum adsorption capacities for MB and GV onto SCB 2 were found to be 478.5 and 1273.2 mg/g, respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Continental porphyry Cu‐Mo mine, located 2 km east of the famous Berkeley Pit lake of Butte, Montana, contains two small lakes that vary in size depending on mining activity. In contrast to the acidic Berkeley Pit lake, the Continental Pit waters have near-neutral pH and relatively low metal concentrations. The main reason is geological: whereas the Berkeley Pit mined highly‐altered granite rich in pyrite with no neutralizing potential, the Continental Pit is mining weakly‐altered granite with lower pyrite concentrations and up to 1‐2% hydrothermal calcite. The purpose of this study was to gather and interpret information that bears on the chemistry of surface water and groundwater in the active Continental Pit. Pre‐existing chemistry data from sampling of the Continental Pit were compiled from the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology and Montana Department of Environmental Quality records. In addition, in March of 2013, new water samples were collected from the mine’s main dewatering well, the Sarsfield well, and a nearby acidic seep (Pavilion Seep) and analyzed for trace metals and several stable isotopes, including dD and d18O of water, d13C of dissolved inorganic carbon, and d34S of dissolved sulfate. In December 2013, several soil samples were collected from the shore of the frozen pit lake and surrounding area. The soil samples were analyzed using X‐ray diffraction to determine mineral content. Based on Visual Minteq modeling, water in the Continental Pit lake is near equilibrium with a number of carbonate, sulfate, and molybdate minerals, including calcite, dolomite, rhodochrosite (MnCO3), brochantite (CuSO4·3Cu(OH)2), malachite (Cu2CO3(OH)2), hydrozincite (Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6), gypsum, and powellite (CaMoO4). The fact that these minerals are close to equilibrium suggests that they are present on the weathered mine walls and/or in the sediment of the surface water ponds. X‐Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis of the pond “beach” sample failed to show any discrete metal‐bearing phases. One of the soil samples collected higher in the mine, near an area of active weathering of chalcocite‐rich ore, contained over 50% chalcanthite (CuSO4·5H2O). This water‐soluble copper salt is easily dissolved in water, and is probably a major source of copper to the pond and underlying groundwater system. However, concentrations of copper in the latter are probably controlled by other, less‐soluble minerals, such as brochantite or malachite. Although the acidity of the Pavilion Seep is high (~ 11 meq/L), the flow is much less than the Sarsfield Well at the current time. Thus, the pH, major and minor element chemistry in the Continental Pit lakes are buffered by calcite and other carbonate minerals. For the Continental Pit waters to become acidic, the influx of acidic seepage (e.g., Pavilion Seep) would need to increase substantially over its present volume.


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This paper reports the results of a preliminary palaeomagnetic investigation of the Admiralty Intrusives complex of northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. The samples were collected at Mt. Supernal and Inferno Peak, two pinions mainly formed of granodiorite and minor tonalite and emplaced at ab. 350 Ma at a high crustal level, as shown by amphibole geobarometric data and occurrence of miarolitic cavities. Microprobe and isothermal remanence analyses showed that magnetite. characterized by low coercivity and Curic point in the range 550-570 °C is the only primary ferromagnetic mineral. Stepwise thermaldemagnetization succeeded in isolatingamagnetization component. stable up to 530 °C. The virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs) of the two plutons are different. That of Inferno Peak is consistent with the Australian palaeopoles of late Devonian-early Carboniferous age, whereas the location of the Mt. Supernal VGP probably results from the tectonic activity which affected the Ross Sea region during the Cenozoic.