881 resultados para low-heating-rate sintering


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Samples from New Zealand and Australia have been tested in an adiabatic oven to assess the effect of rank on the R-70 selfheating rate of coal. A non-linear relationship can be defined for coals from both countries using the revised Suggate rank (S-r) parameter. Subbituminous coals have the highest R-70 self-heating rate values, which are 20 times that of high volatile A bituminous coals on a dry mineral matter free basis (similar to 1 cf. 20 degrees C h(-1)). However, the moderating effects of moisture and mineral matter can reduce this difference to only 2-3 times for coal in-situ. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The need for low bit-rate speech coding is the result of growing demand on the available radio bandwidth for mobile communications both for military purposes and for the public sector. To meet this growing demand it is required that the available bandwidth be utilized in the most economic way to accommodate more services. Two low bit-rate speech coders have been built and tested in this project. The two coders combine predictive coding with delta modulation, a property which enables them to achieve simultaneously the low bit-rate and good speech quality requirements. To enhance their efficiency, the predictor coefficients and the quantizer step size are updated periodically in each coder. This enables the coders to keep up with changes in the characteristics of the speech signal with time and with changes in the dynamic range of the speech waveform. However, the two coders differ in the method of updating their predictor coefficients. One updates the coefficients once every one hundred sampling periods and extracts the coefficients from input speech samples. This is known in this project as the Forward Adaptive Coder. Since the coefficients are extracted from input speech samples, these must be transmitted to the receiver to reconstruct the transmitted speech sample, thus adding to the transmission bit rate. The other updates its coefficients every sampling period, based on information of output data. This coder is known as the Backward Adaptive Coder. Results of subjective tests showed both coders to be reasonably robust to quantization noise. Both were graded quite good, with the Forward Adaptive performing slightly better, but with a slightly higher transmission bit rate for the same speech quality, than its Backward counterpart. The coders yielded acceptable speech quality of 9.6kbps for the Forward Adaptive and 8kbps for the Backward Adaptive.


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Lead zir conyl oxalate hexahydrate (LZO) and lead titanyl zirconyl oxalate hydrate (LTZO) are prepared and characterized. Their thermal decompositions have been investigated by thermoanalytical and gas analysis techniques. The decomposition in air or oxygen has three steps — dehydration, decomposition of the oxalate to a carbonate and the decomposition of carbonate to PbZrO3. In non oxidising atmosphere, partial reduction of Pb(II) to Pb(0) takes place at the oxalate decomposition step. The formation of free metallic lead affects the stoichiometry of the intermediate carbonate and yields a mixture of Pb(Ti,Zr)O3 and ZrO2 as the final products. By maintaining oxidising atmosphere and low heating rate, direct preparation of stoichiometric, crystalline Pb(Ti,Zr)O3 at 550°C is possible from the corresponding oxalate precursor.


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A numerical method to estimate temperature distribution during the cure of epoxy-terminated poly(phenylene ether ketone) (E-PEK)-based composite is suggested. The effect of the temperature distribution on the selection of cure cycle is evaluated using a suggested alternation criterion. The effect of varying heating rate and thickness on the temperature distribution, viscosity distribution and distribution of the extent of cure reaction are discussed based on the combination of the here-established temperature distribution model and the previously established curing kinetics model and chemorheological model. It is found that, for a thin composite (<=10mm) and low heating rate (<=2.5K/min), the effect of temperature distribution on cure cycle and on the processing window for pressure application can be neglected. Low heating rate is of benefit to reduce the temperature gradient. The processing window for pressure application becomes narrower with increasing thicknesses of composite sheets. The validity of the temperature distribution model and the modified processing window is evaluated through the characterization of mechanical and physical properties of E-PEK-based composite fabricated according to different temperature distribution conditions.


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La synthèse de siliciures métalliques sous la forme de films ultra-minces demeure un enjeu majeur en technologie CMOS. Le contrôle du budget thermique, afin de limiter la diffusion des dopants, est essentiel. Des techniques de recuit ultra-rapide sont alors couramment utilisées. Dans ce contexte, la technique de nanocalorimétrie est employée afin d'étudier, in situ, la formation en phase solide des siliciures de Ni à des taux de chauffage aussi élevés que 10^5 K/s. Des films de Ni, compris entre 9.3 et 0.3 nm sont déposés sur des calorimètres avec un substrat de a-Si ou de Si(100). Des mesures de diffraction de rayons X, balayées en température à 3 K/s, permettent de comparer les séquences de phase obtenues à bas taux de chauffage sur des échantillons de contrôle et à ultra-haut taux de chauffage sur les calorimètres. En premier lieu, il est apparu que l'emploi de calorimètres de type c-NC, munis d'une couche de 340 nm de Si(100), présente un défi majeur : un signal endothermique anormal vient fausser la mesure à haute température. Des micro-défauts au sein de la membrane de SiNx créent des courts-circuits entre la bande chauffante de Pt du calorimètre et l'échantillon métallique. Ce phénomène diminue avec l'épaisseur de l'échantillon et n'a pas d'effet en dessous de 400 °C tant que les porteurs de charge intrinsèques au Si ne sont pas activés. Il est possible de corriger la mesure de taux de chaleur en fonction de la température avec une incertitude de 12 °C. En ce qui a trait à la formation des siliciures de Ni à ultra-haut taux de chauffage, l'étude montre que la séquence de phase est modifiée. Les phases riches en m étal, Ni2Si et théta, ne sont pas détectées sur Si(100) et la cinétique de formation favorise une amorphisation en phase solide en début de réaction. Les enthalpies de formation pour les couches de Ni inférieures à 10 nm sont globalement plus élevées que dans le cas volumique, jusqu' à 66 %. De plus, les mesures calorimétriques montrent clairement un signal endothermique à haute température, témoignant de la compétition que se livrent la réaction de phase et l'agglomération de la couche. Pour les échantillons recuits a 3 K/s sur Si(100), une épaisseur critique telle que décrite par Zhang et Luo, et proche de 4 nm de Ni, est supposée. Un modèle est proposé, basé sur la difficulté de diffusion des composants entre des grains de plus en plus petits, afin d'expliquer la stabilité accrue des couches de plus en plus fines. Cette stabilité est également observée par nanocalorimétrie à travers le signal endothermique. Ce dernier se décale vers les hautes températures quand l'épaisseur du film diminue. En outre, une 2e épaisseur critique, d'environ 1 nm de Ni, est remarquée. En dessous, une seule phase semble se former au-dessus de 400 °C, supposément du NiSi2.


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ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Tauglichkeit von Hybridmaterialien auf der Basis von Zinkphosphathydrat-Zementen zum Einsatz als korrosionshemmende anorganische Pigmente oder zur prothetischen und konservierenden Knochen- und Zahntherapie wird weltweit empirisch seit den neunziger Jahren intensiv erforscht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zuerst Referenzproben, d.h. alpha-und beta-Hopeite (Abk. a-,b-ZPT) dank eines hydrothermalen Kristallisationsverfahrens in wässerigem Milieu bei 20°C und 90°C hergestellt. Die Kristallstruktur beider Polymorphe des Zinkphosphattetrahydrats Zn3(PO4)2  4 H2O wurde komplett bestimmt. Einkristall-strukturanalyse zeigt, daß der Hauptunterschied zwischen der alpha-und beta-Form des Zinkphosphattetrahydrats in zwei verschiedenen Anordnungen der Wasserstoffbrücken liegt. Die entsprechenden drei- und zweidimensionalen Anordnungen der Wasserstoffbrücken der a-und b-ZPT induzieren jeweils unterschiedliches thermisches Verhalten beim Aufwärmen. Während die alpha-Form ihr Kristallwasser in zwei definierten Stufen verliert, erzeugt die beta-Form instabile Dehydratationsprodukt. Dieses entspricht zwei unabhängigen, aber nebeneinander ablaufenden Dehydratationsmechanismen: (i) bei niedrigen Heizraten einen zweidimensionalen Johnson-Mehl-Avrami (JMA) Mechanismus auf der (011) Ebene, der einerseits bevorzugt an Kristallkanten stattfindet und anderseits von existierenden Kristalldefekten auf Oberflächen gesteuert wird; (ii) bei hohen Heizraten einem zweidimensionalen Diffusionsmechanismus (D2), der zuerst auf der (101) Ebene und dann auf der (110) Ebene erfolgt. Durch die Betrachtung der ZPT Dehydratation als irreversibele heterogene Festkörperstufenreaktion wurde dank eines „ähnlichen Endprodukt“-Protokolls das Dehydratationsphasendiagramm aufgestellt. Es beschreibt die möglichen Zusammenhänge zwischen den verschiedenen Hydratationszuständen und weist auf die Existenz eines Übergangszustandes um 170°C (d.h. Reaktion b-ZPT  a-ZPT) hin. Daneben wurde auch ein gezieltes chemisches Ätzverfahren mit verdünnten H3PO4- und NH3 Lösungen angewendet, um die ersten Stufe des Herauslösens von Zinkphosphat genau zu untersuchen. Allerdings zeigen alpha- und beta-Hopeite charakteristische hexagonale und kubische Ätzgruben, die sich unter kristallographischer Kontrolle verbreitern. Eine zuverlässige Beschreibung der Oberfächenchemie und Topologie konnte nur durch AFM und FFM Experimente erfolgen. Gleichzeitig konnte in dieser Weise die Oberflächendefektdichte und-verteilung und die Volumenauflösungsrate von a-ZPT und b-ZPT bestimmt werden. Auf einem zweiten Weg wurde eine innovative Strategie zur Herstellung von basischen Zinkphosphatpigmenten erster und zweiter Generation (d.h. NaZnPO4  1H2O und Na2ZnPO4(OH)  2H2O) mit dem Einsatz von einerseits oberflächenmodifizierten Polystyrolatices (z.B. produziert durch ein Miniemulsionspolymerisationsverfahren) und anderseits von Dendrimeren auf der Basis von Polyamidoamid (PAMAM) beschritten. Die erhaltene Zeolithstruktur (ZPO) hat in Abhängigkeit von steigendem Natrium und Wassergehalt unterschiedliche kontrollierte Morphologie: hexagonal, würfelförmig, herzförmig, sechsarmige Sterne, lanzettenförmige Dendrite, usw. Zur quantitativen Evaluierung des Polymereinbaus in der Kristallstruktur wurden carboxylierte fluoreszenzmarkierte Latices eingesetzt. Es zeigt sich, daß Polymeradditive nicht nur das Wachstum bis zu 8 µm.min-1 reduzierten. Trotzdem scheint es auch als starker Nukleationsbeschleuniger zu wirken. Dank der Koordinationschemie (d.h. Bildung eines sechszentrigen Komplexes L-COO-Zn-PO4*H2O mit Ligandenaustausch) konnten zwei einfache Mechanismen zur Wirkung von Latexpartikeln bei der ZPO Kristallisation aufgezeigt werden: (i) ein Intrakorona- und (ii) ein Extrakorona-Keimbildungsmechanismus. Weiterhin wurde die Effizienz eines Kurzzeit- und Langzeitkorrosionschutzes durch maßgeschneiderte ZPO/ZPT Pigmente und kontrollierte Freisetzung von Phosphationen in zwei Näherungen des Auslösungsgleichgewichts abgeschätzt: (i) durch eine Auswaschungs-methode (thermodynamischer Prozess) und (ii) durch eine pH-Impulsmethode (kinetischer Prozess. Besonders deutlich wird der Ausflösungs-Fällungsmechanismus (d.h. der Metamorphismus). Die wesentliche Rolle den Natriumionen bei der Korrosionshemmung wird durch ein passendes zusammensetzungsabhängiges Auflösungsmodell (ZAAM) beschrieben, das mit dem Befund des Salzsprühteste und der Feuchtigkeitskammertests konsistent ist. Schließlich zeigt diese Arbeit das herausragende Potential funktionalisierter Latices (Polymer) bei der kontrollierten Mineralisation zur Herstellung maßgeschneiderter Zinkphosphat Materialien. Solche Hybridmaterialien werden dringend in der Entwicklung umweltfreundlicher Korrosionsschutzpigmente sowie in der Dentalmedizin benötigt.


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Pyrolysis and gasification of two different sludges coming from a Spanish refinery have been performed at different experimental conditions. A physico-chemical (PC) and a biological (BIO) sludge have been studied. Runs at different heating rates (approx. 4 and 10 K/s) and with different contact time between gases and decomposed sludge have been performed. In general, the ratio H2/CO is higher in pyrolytic runs. The highest ratio is obtained in the pyrolysis at low heating rate and parallel flow, using both sludges. The maximum emission of CO, i.e. the worst combustion conditions, is given in the runs where contact time is minimized and at high heating rates.


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Electroless nickel-phosphorus deposits with 5-8 wt% P and 3-5 wt% P were analysed for the effects of continuous heating on the crystallization kinetics and phase transformation behaviour of the deposits. The as-deposited coatings consist of a mixture of amorphous and microcrystalline nickel phases, featuring in their X-ray diffraction patterns. Continuous heating processes to 300C-800C at 20C/min were carried out on the deposits in a differential scanning calorimetric apparatus. The subsequent X-ray diffraction analyses show that the sequence of phase transformation process was: amorphous phase + microcrystalline nickel, f.c.c. nickel + Ni3P stable phases. Preferred orientation of nickel {200} plane developed in the deposits after the heating processes. Differential scanning calorimetry of the deposits indicates that the crystallization temperatures increased with decreasing phosphorus content, and increasing heating rate. Crystallization activation energies of the deposits (230 and 322 kJ/mol, respectively) were calculated using the peak temperatures of crystallization process, from the differential scanning calorimetric curves at the heating rates ranging from 5 to 50C/min. It was found that the deposit with lower phosphorus content has higher activation energy.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The main aim of the work is to investigate sequential pyrolysis of willow SRC using two different heating rates (25 and 1500 °C/min) between 320 and 520 °C. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and pyrolysis - gas chromatography - mass spectroscopy (Py-GC-MS) have been used for this analysis. In addition, laboratory scale processing has been undertaken to compare product distribution from fast and slow pyrolysis at 500 °C. Fast pyrolysis was carried out using a 1 kg/h continuous bubbling fluidized bed reactor, and slow pyrolysis using a 100 g batch reactor. Findings from this study show that heating rate and pyrolysis temperatures have a significant influence on the chemical content of decomposition products. From the analytical sequential pyrolysis, an inverse relationship was seen between the total yield of furfural (at high heating rates) and 2-furanmethanol (at low heating rates). The total yield of 1,2-dihydroxybenzene (catechol) was found to be significant higher at low heating rates. The intermediates of catechol, 2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)phenol (eugenol); 2-methoxyphenol (guaiacol); 4-Hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde (syringaldehyde) and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde (vanillin), were found to be highest at high heating rates. It was also found that laboratory scale processing alters the pyrolysis bio-oil chemical composition, and the proportions of pyrolysis product yields. The GC-MS/FID analysis of fast and slow pyrolysis bio-oils reveals significant differences. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A series of nanostructured Ni-Zn ferrites Ni1-xZnxFe2O4 (x=0, 0.5 and 1) with a grain size from 24 to 65 nm have been prepared with a sol-gel method. The effect of composition and sintering temperature on morphology, magnetic properties, Curie temperature, specific heating rate at 295 kHz and hysteresis loss have been studied. The highest coercivity of 50 and 40 Oe, were obtained for NiFe2O4 and Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 samples with the grain size of 35 and 29 nm, respectively. The coercivity of Ni and Ni-Zn mixed ferrites decreased with temperature. The Bloch exponent was 1.5 for all samples. As the grain size increased, the Curie temperature of NiFe2O4 increased from 849 to 859 K. The highest saturation magnetization of 70 emu/g at 298 K and the highest specific heating rate of 1.6 K/s under radiofrequency heating at 295 kHz were observed over NiFe2O4 calcined at 1073 K. Both the magnitude of the hysteresis loss and the temperature dependence of the loss are influenced by the sintering temperature and composition.


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This paper discusses the design, implementation and synthesis of an FFT module that has been specifically optimized for use in the OFDM based Multiband UWB system, although the work is generally applicable to many other OFDM based receiver systems. Previous work has detailed the requirements for the receiver FFT module within the Multiband UWB ODFM based system and this paper draws on those requirements coupled with modern digital architecture principles and low power design criteria to converge on our optimized solution particularly aimed at a low-clock rate implementation. The FFT design obtained in this paper is also applicable for implementation of the transmitter IFFT module therefore only needing one FFT module in the device for half-duplex operation. The results from this paper enable the baseband designers of the 200Mbit/sec variant of Multiband UWB systems (and indeed other OFDM based receivers) using System-on-Chip (SoC), FPGA and ASIC technology to create cost effective and low power consumer electronics product solutions biased toward the very competitive market.


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Metal powder sintering appears to be promising option to achieve new physical and mechanical properties combining raw material with new processing improvements. It interest over many years and continue to gain wide industrial application. Stainless steel is a widely accepted material because high corrosion resistance. However stainless steels have poor sinterability and poor wear resistance due to their low hardness. Metal matrix composite (MMC) combining soft metallic matrix reinforced with carbides or oxides has attracted considerable attention for researchers to improve density and hardness in the bulk material. This thesis focuses on processing 316L stainless steel by addition of 3% wt niobium carbide to control grain growth and improve densification and hardness. The starting powder were water atomized stainless steel manufactured for Höganäs (D 50 = 95.0 μm) and NbC produced in the UFRN and supplied by Aesar Alpha Johnson Matthey Company with medium crystallite size 16.39 nm and 80.35 nm respectively. Samples with addition up to 3% of each NbC were mixed and mechanically milled by 3 routes. The route1 (R1) milled in planetary by 2 hours. The routes 2 (R2) and 3 (R3) milled in a conventional mill by 24 and 48 hours. Each milled samples and pure sample were cold compacted uniaxially in a cylindrical steel die (Ø 5 .0 mm) at 700 MPa, carried out in a vacuum furnace, heated at 1290°C, heating rate 20°C stand by 30 and 60 minutes. The samples containing NbC present higher densities and hardness than those without reinforcement. The results show that nanosized NbC particles precipitate on grain boundary. Thus, promote densification eliminating pores, control grain growth and increase the hardness values


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This masther dissertation presents a contribution to the study of 316L stainless steel sintering aiming to study their behavior in the milling process and the effect of isotherm temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties. The 316L stainless steel is a widely used alloy for their high corrosion resistance property. However its application is limited by the low wear resistance consequence of its low hardness. In previous work we analyzed the effect of sintering additives as NbC and TaC. This study aims at deepening the understanding of sintering, analyzing the effect of grinding on particle size and microstructure and the effect of heating rate and soaking time on the sintered microstructure and on their microhardness. Were milled 316L powders with NbC at 1, 5 and 24 hours respectively. Particulates were characterized by SEM and . Cylindrical samples height and diameter of 5.0 mm were compacted at 700 MPa. The sintering conditions were: heating rate 5, 10 and 15◦C/min, temperature 1000, 1100, 1200, 1290 and 1300◦C, and soaking times of 30 and 60min. The cooling rate was maintained at 25◦C/min. All samples were sintered in a vacuum furnace. The sintered microstructure were characterized by optical and electron microscopy as well as density and microhardness. It was observed that the milling process has an influence on sintering, as well as temperature. The major effect was caused by firing temperature, followed by the grinding and heating rate. In this case, the highest rates correspond to higher sintering.


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Lead zirconate powder, with Zr/Ti ratio of 50/50 was prepared by polymeric precursor method and doped with 3, 5 and 7 mol% of Sr+2 Or Ba+2, as well as by 0.2 to 5 mol% of Nb+5. The powder was calcined at 750 degrees C by 4 hours and milled during 1.5 h in isopropilic alcohol. Powders were characterized by surface area measurements (BET method), by infrared spectroscopy and by X-ray diffraction to characterize the crystal structure. Isostatically pressed samples were sintered in a dilatometer furnace by using a constant heating rate of 10 degrees C/min from ambient to 1200 degrees C. Synthetic air and air with water vapor were used as atmospheres. Both Sr+2 and Ba+2 substitute Pb+2 and favor the formation of rhombohedral phase. Otherwise, Nb+5 substitute preferentially Zr+4 favoring tetragonal phase. The concentration of dopants and the atmosphere influence the densification and the microstructure of the PZT, which alters the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of the ceramics.