931 resultados para low noise amplifier (LNA)


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En los últimos tiempos, los radares han dejado de ser instrumentos utilizados únicamente en aviación, defensa y detección de velocidad. El avance de la tecnología de radiofrecuencia ha permitido la reducción de coste, tamaño y consumo de los componentes radar. Esto ha permitido que cada sea más frecuente el uso del radar en elementos de nuestra vida cotidiana tales como la automoción, la seguridad, la medida de líquidos… Este proyecto se basa en uno de estos nuevos componentes de bajo coste y pequeño tamaño, el transceptor BGT24MTR11. El BGTR24MTR11 integra transmisor, VCO y receptor, los elementos principales para la creación de un radar Doppler en la banda de frecuencia ISM 24-24,25 GHz. A partir de la placa de evaluación de ese transceptor, se aborda el diseño de un prototipo/demostrador de radar Doppler CW en la banda de 24 GHz. Para la generación de frecuencia se utiliza la placa de evaluación del PLL HMC702 y se ha diseñado un PCB a medida cuyas funciones son las de alimentación, programación y amplificación de las señales recibidas por el prototipo. Por último, se comprueba el correcto funcionamiento del prototipo y se verifica su funcionamiento mediante la simulación de dos escenarios de prueba. ABSTRACT. In the recent times, radar systems have changed of being tools used only in aviation, defence and speed detection. Radiofrequency technology improvements have allowed a cost, size and power consumption of the radar components. This is the reason because each time is more frequent the use of radar in elements of our daily life such as automotive, security, liquid measurements… This Project is base don one of this low power and size components, the MMIC transceptor BGT24MTR11. This transceptor integrates the main components needed to make a Doppler radar in the ISM Band (24-24 GHz), the transmitter, the receiver with the low noise amplifier and the VCO. Using the evaluation board of this transceptor, this Project approach the design of a CW Doppler radar prototype/demonstrator in the frequency band of 24 GHz. The frequency generation is based on the use of the HMC702 PLL evaluation board. Moreover, it has been designed a custom PCB whose funcionts are the power supply, programation and amplification of the signals received by the prototype. At the end, the correct operation of the prototype is verified and it is tested simulating two different test scenarios.


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Frequency Domain Spectroscopy (FDS) is one of the major techniques used for determining the condition of the cellulose based paper and pressboard components in large oil/paper insulated power transformers. This technique typically makes use of a sinusoidal voltage source swept from 0.1 mHz to 1 kHz. The excitation test voltage source used must meet certain characteristics, such as high output voltage, high fidelity, low noise and low harmonic content. The amplifier used; in the test voltage source; must be able to drive highly capacitive loads. This paper proposes that a switch-mode assisted linear amplifier (SMALA) can be used in the test voltage source to meet these criteria. A three level SMALA prototype amplifier was built to experimentally demonstrate the effectiveness of this proposal. The developed SMALA prototype shows no discernable harmonic distortion in the output voltage waveform, or the need for output filters, and is therefore seen as a preferable option to pulse width modulated digital amplifiers. The lack of harmonic distortion and high frequency switching noise in the output voltage of this SMALA prototype demonstrates its feasibility for applications in FDS, particularly on highly capacitive test objects such as transformer insulation systems.


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We investigate how sensitive Gallager's codes are, when decoded by the sum-product algorithm, to the assumed noise level. We have found a remarkably simple function that fits the empirical results as a function of the actual noise level at both high and low noise levels. © 2004 Elsevier B.V.


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We investigate how sensitive Gallager's codes are, when decoded by the sum-product algorithm, to the assumed noise level. We have found a remarkably simple function that fits the empirical results as a function of the actual noise level at both high and low noise levels. ©2003 Published by Elsevier Science B. V.


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A polarization-insensitive semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) with a very thin active tensile-strained InGaAs bulk has been fabricated. The polarization sensitivity of the amplifier gain is less than 1 dB over both the entire range of driving current and the 3 dB optical bandwidth of more than 80 nm. For optical signals of 1550 nm wavelength, the SOA exhibits a high saturation output power +7.6 dBm together with a low noise figure of 7.5 dB, fibre-to-fibre gain of 11.5 dB, and low polarization sensitivity of 0.5 dB. Additionally, at the gain peak 1520 nm, the fibre-to-fibre gain is measured to be 14.1 dB.


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A transimpedance amplifier (TIA) is used, in radiation detectors like the positron emission tomography(PET), to transform the current pulse produced by a photo-sensitive device into an output voltage pulse with a desired amplitude and shape. The TIA must have the lowest noise possible to maximize the output. To achieve a low noise, a circuit topology is proposed where an auxiliary path is added to the feedback TIA input, In this auxiliary path a differential transconductance block is used to transform the node voltage in to a current, this current is then converted to a voltage pulse by a second feedback TIA complementary to the first one, with the same amplitude but 180º out of phase with the first feedback TIA. With this circuit the input signal of the TIA appears differential at the output, this is used to try an reduced the circuit noise. The circuit is tested with two different devices, the Avalanche photodiodes (APD) and the Silicon photomultiplier (SIPMs). From the simulations we find that when using s SIPM with Rx=20kΩ and Cx=50fF the signal to noise ratio is increased from 59 when using only one feedback TIA to 68.3 when we use an auxiliary path in conjunction with the feedback TIA. This values where achieved with a total power consumption of 4.82mv. While the signal to noise ratio in the case of the SIPM is increased with some penalty in power consumption.


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ALICE is one of four major experiments of particle accelerator LHC installed in the European laboratory CERN. The management committee of the LHC accelerator has just approved a program update for this experiment. Among the upgrades planned for the coming years of the ALICE experiment is to improve the resolution and tracking efficiency maintaining the excellent particles identification ability, and to increase the read-out event rate to 100 KHz. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to update the Time Projection Chamber detector (TPC) and Muon tracking (MCH) detector modifying the read-out electronics, which is not suitable for this migration. To overcome this limitation the design, fabrication and experimental test of new ASIC named SAMPA has been proposed . This ASIC will support both positive and negative polarities, with 32 channels per chip and continuous data readout with smaller power consumption than the previous versions. This work aims to design, fabrication and experimental test of a readout front-end in 130nm CMOS technology with configurable polarity (positive/negative), peaking time and sensitivity. The new SAMPA ASIC can be used in both chambers (TPC and MCH). The proposed front-end is composed of a Charge Sensitive Amplifier (CSA) and a Semi-Gaussian shaper. In order to obtain an ASIC integrating 32 channels per chip, the design of the proposed front-end requires small area and low power consumption, but at the same time requires low noise. In this sense, a new Noise and PSRR (Power Supply Rejection Ratio) improvement technique for the CSA design without power and area impact is proposed in this work. The analysis and equations of the proposed circuit are presented which were verified by electrical simulations and experimental test of a produced chip with 5 channels of the designed front-end. The measured equivalent noise charge was <550e for 30mV/fC of sensitivity at a input capacitance of 18.5pF. The total core area of the front-end was 2300?m × 150?m, and the measured total power consumption was 9.1mW per channel.


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With the advantages and popularity of Permanent Magnet (PM) motors due to their high power density, there is an increasing incentive to use them in variety of applications including electric actuation. These applications have strict noise emission standards. The generation of audible noise and associated vibration modes are characteristics of all electric motors, it is especially problematic in low speed sensorless control rotary actuation applications using high frequency voltage injection technique. This dissertation is aimed at solving the problem of optimizing the sensorless control algorithm for low noise and vibration while achieving at least 12 bit absolute accuracy for speed and position control. The low speed sensorless algorithm is simulated using an improved Phase Variable Model, developed and implemented in a hardware-in-the-loop prototyping environment. Two experimental testbeds were developed and built to test and verify the algorithm in real time.^ A neural network based modeling approach was used to predict the audible noise due to the high frequency injected carrier signal. This model was created based on noise measurements in an especially built chamber. The developed noise model is then integrated into the high frequency based sensorless control scheme so that appropriate tradeoffs and mitigation techniques can be devised. This will improve the position estimation and control performance while keeping the noise below a certain level. Genetic algorithms were used for including the noise optimization parameters into the developed control algorithm.^ A novel wavelet based filtering approach was proposed in this dissertation for the sensorless control algorithm at low speed. This novel filter was capable of extracting the position information at low values of injection voltage where conventional filters fail. This filtering approach can be used in practice to reduce the injected voltage in sensorless control algorithm resulting in significant reduction of noise and vibration.^ Online optimization of sensorless position estimation algorithm was performed to reduce vibration and to improve the position estimation performance. The results obtained are important and represent original contributions that can be helpful in choosing optimal parameters for sensorless control algorithm in many practical applications.^


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Noise can be defined as unwanted sound. It may adversely affect the health and well-being of individuals. Noise sensitivity is a personality trait covering attitudes towards noise in general and a predictor of noise annoyance. Noise sensitive individuals are more affected by noise than less sensitive individuals. The determinants and characteristics related to noise sensitivity are rather poorly known. The risk of health effects caused by noise can be hypothesized to be higher for noise sensitive individuals compared to those who are not noise sensitive. A cardiovascular disease may be an example of outcomes. The general aim of the present study was to investigate the association of noise sensitivity with specific somatic and psychological factors, including the genetic component of noise sensitivity, and the association of noise sensitivity with mortality. The study was based on the Finnish Twin Cohort of same-sex twin pairs born before 1958. In 1988 a questionnaire was sent to twin pairs discordant for hypertension. 1495 individuals (688 men, 807 women) aged 31 88 years replied, including 573 twin pairs. 218 of the subjects lived in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. Self-reported noise sensitivity, lifetime noise exposure and hypertension were obtained from the questionnaire study in 1988 and other somatic and psychological factors from the questionnaire study in 1981 for the same individuals. In addition, noise map information (1988 1992) from the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and mortality follow-up 1989 2003 were used. To evaluate the stability and validity of noise sensitivity, a new questionnaire was sent in 2002 to a sample of the subjects who had replied to the 1988 questionnaire. Of all subjects who had answered the question on noise sensitivity, 38 % were noise sensitive. Noise sensitivity was independent of noise exposure levels indicated in noise maps. Subjects with high noise sensitivity reported more transportation noise exposure than subjects with low noise sensitivity. Noise sensitive subjects reported transportation noise exposure outside the environmental noise map areas almost twice as often as non-sensitive subjects. Noise sensitivity was associated with hypertension, emphysema, use of psychotropic drugs, smoking, stress and hostility, even when lifetime noise exposure was adjusted for. Monozygotic twin pairs were more similar with regards noise sensitivity than dizygotic twin pairs, and quantitative genetic modelling indicated significant familiality. The best fitting genetic model provided an estimate of heritability of 36 %. Follow-up of subjects in the case-control study showed that cardiovascular mortality was significantly increased among noise sensitive women, but not among men. For coronary heart mortality the interaction of noise sensitivity and lifetime noise exposure was statistically significant in women. In conclusion, noise sensitivity has both somatic and psychological components. It does aggregate in families and probably has a genetic component. Noise sensitivity may be a risk factor for cardiovascular mortality in women.


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This paper explores the mechanism of triggering in a simple thermoacoustic system, the Rijke tube. It is demonstrated that additive stochastic perturbations can cause triggering before the linear stability limit of a thermoacoustic system. When triggering from low noise amplitudes, the system is seen to evolve to self-sustained oscillations via an unstable periodic solution of the governing equations. Practical stability is introduced as a measure of the stability of a linearly stable state when finite perturbations are present. The concept of a stochastic stability map is used to demonstrate the change in practical stability limits for a system with a subcritical bifurcation, once stochastic terms are included. The practical stability limits are found to be strongly dependent on the strength of noise.


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This paper describes the conceptual ideas, the theoretical validation, the laboratory testing and the field trials of a recently patented fuel-air mixing device for use in high-pressure ratio, low emissions, gaseous-fueled gas turbines. By making the fuel-air mixing process insensitive to pressure fluctuations in the combustion chamber, it is possible to avoid the common problem of positive feedback between mixture strength and the unsteady combustion process. More specifically, a mixing duct has been designed such that fuel-air ratio fluctuations over a wide range of frequencies can be damped out by passive design means. By scaling the design in such a way that the range of damped frequencies covers the frequency spectrum of the acoustic modes in the combustor, the instability mechanism can be removed. After systematic development, this design philosophy was successfully applied to a 35:1 pressure ratio aeroderivative gas turbine yielding very low noise levels and very competitive NOx and CO measurements. The development of the new premixer is described from conceptual origins through analytic and CFD evaluation to laboratory testing and final field trials. Also included in this paper are comments about the practical issues of mixing, flashback resistance and autoignition.


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Broadband supercontinuum spectra are generated in a microstructured fiber using femtosecond laser pulses. Noise properties of these spectra are studied through experiments and numerical simulations based on a generalized stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equation. In particular, the relative intensity noise as a function of wavelength across the supercontinuum is measured over a wide range of input pulse parameters, and experimental results and simulations are shown to be in good quantitative agreement. For certain input pulse parameters, amplitude fluctuations as large as 50% are observed. The simulations clarify that the intensity noise on the supercontinuum arises from the amplification of two noise inputs during propagation - quantum-limited shot noise on the input pulse, and spontaneous Raman scattering in the fiber. The amplification factor is a sensitive function of the input pulse parameters. Short input pulses are critical for the generation of very broad supercontinua with low noise.


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Esta tese tem como foco principal a análise dos principais tipos de amplificação óptica e algumas de suas aplicações em sistemas de comunicação óptica. Para cada uma das tecnologias abordadas, procurou-se definir o estado da arte bem como identificar as oportunidades de desenvolvimento científico relacionadas. Os amplificadores para os quais foi dirigido alguma atenção neste documento foram os amplificadores em fibra dopada com Érbio (EDFA), os amplificadores a semicondutor (SOA) e os amplificadores de Raman (RA). Este trabalho iniciou-se com o estudo e análise dos EDFA’s. Dado o interesse científico e económico que estes amplificadores têm merecido, apenas poucos nichos de investigação estão ainda em aberto. Dentro destes, focá-mo-nos na análise de diferentes perfis de fibra óptica dopada de forma a conseguir uma optimização do desempenho dessas fibras como sistemas de amplificação. Considerando a fase anterior do trabalho como uma base de modelização para sistemas de amplificação com base em fibra e dopantes, evoluiu-se para amplificadores dopados mas em guias de onda (EDWA). Este tipo de amplificador tenta reduzir o volume físico destes dispositivos, mantendo as suas características principais. Para se ter uma forma de comparação de desempenho deste tipo de amplificador com os amplificadores em fibra, foram desenvolvidos modelos de caixa preta (BBM) e os seus parâmetros afinados por forma a termos uma boa modelização e posterior uso deste tipo de amplificiadores em setups de simulação mais complexos. Depois de modelizados e compreendidos os processo em amplificadores dopados, e com vista a adquirir uma visão global comparativa, foi imperativo passar pelo estudo dos processos de amplificação paramétrica de Raman. Esse tipo de amplificação, sendo inerente, ocorre em todas as bandas de propagação em fibra e é bastante flexível. Estes amplificadores foram inicialmente modelizados, e algumas de suas aplicações em redes passivas de acesso foram estudadas. Em especial uma série de requisitos, como por exemplo, a gama de comprimentos de onda sobre os quais existem amplificação e os altos débitos de perdas de inserção, nos levaram à investigação de um processo de amplificação que se ajustasse a eles, especialmente para buscar maiores capacidades de amplificação (nomeadamente longos alcances – superiores a 100 km – e altas razões de divisão – 1:512). Outro processo investigado foi a possibilidade de flexibilização dos parâmetros de comprimento de onda de ganho sem ter que mudar as caractísticas da bomba e se possível, mantendo toda a referenciação no transmissor. Este processo baseou-se na técnica de clamping de ganho já bastante estudada, mas com algumas modificações importantes, nomeadamente a nível do esquema (reflexão apenas num dos extremos) e da modelização do processo. O processo resultante foi inovador pelo recurso a espalhamentos de Rayleigh e Raman e o uso de um reflector de apenas um dos lados para obtenção de laser. Este processo foi modelizado através das equações de propagação e optimizado, tendo sido demonstrado experimentalmente e validado para diferentes tipos de fibras. Nesta linha, e dada a versatilidade do modelo desenvolvido, foi apresentada uma aplicação mais avançada para este tipo de amplificadores. Fazendo uso da sua resposta ultra rápida, foi proposto e analisado um regenerador 2R e analisada por simulação a sua gama de aplicação tendo em vista a sua aplicação sistémica. A parte final deste trabalho concentrou-se nos amplificadores a semiconductor (SOA). Para este tipo de amplificador, os esforços foram postos mais a nível de aplicação do que a nível de sua modelização. As aplicações principais para estes amplificadores foram baseadas em clamping óptico do ganho, visando a combinação de funções lógicas essenciais para a concepção de um latch óptico com base em componentes discretos. Assim, com base num chip de ganho, foi obtido uma porta lógica NOT, a qual foi caracterizada e demonstrada experimentalmente. Esta foi ainda introduzida num esquema de latching de forma a produzir um bi-estável totalmente óptico, o qual também foi demonstrado e caracterizado. Este trabalho é finalizado com uma conclusão geral relatando os subsistemas de amplificação e suas aplicacações.


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Low noise surfaces have been increasingly considered as a viable and cost-effective alternative to acoustical barriers. However, road planners and administrators frequently lack information on the correlation between the type of road surface and the resulting noise emission profile. To address this problem, a method to identify and classify different types of road pavements was developed, whereby near field road noise is analyzed using statistical learning methods. The vehicle rolling sound signal near the tires and close to the road surface was acquired by two microphones in a special arrangement which implements the Close-Proximity method. A set of features, characterizing the properties of the road pavement, was extracted from the corresponding sound profiles. A feature selection method was used to automatically select those that are most relevant in predicting the type of pavement, while reducing the computational cost. A set of different types of road pavement segments were tested and the performance of the classifier was evaluated. Results of pavement classification performed during a road journey are presented on a map, together with geographical data. This procedure leads to a considerable improvement in the quality of road pavement noise data, thereby increasing the accuracy of road traffic noise prediction models.


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The scope of this work is the fundamental growth, tailoring and characterization of self-organized indium arsenide quantum dots (QDs) and their exploitation as active region for diode lasers emitting in the 1.55 µm range. This wavelength regime is especially interesting for long-haul telecommunications as optical fibers made from silica glass have the lowest optical absorption. Molecular Beam Epitaxy is utilized as fabrication technique for the quantum dots and laser structures. The results presented in this thesis depict the first experimental work for which this reactor was used at the University of Kassel. Most research in the field of self-organized quantum dots has been conducted in the InAs/GaAs material system. It can be seen as the model system of self-organized quantum dots, but is not suitable for the targeted emission wavelength. Light emission from this system at 1.55 µm is hard to accomplish. To stay as close as possible to existing processing technology, the In(AlGa)As/InP (100) material system is deployed. Depending on the epitaxial growth technique and growth parameters this system has the drawback of producing a wide range of nano species besides quantum dots. Best known are the elongated quantum dashes (QDash). Such structures are preferentially formed, if InAs is deposited on InP. This is related to the low lattice-mismatch of 3.2 %, which is less than half of the value in the InAs/GaAs system. The task of creating round-shaped and uniform QDs is rendered more complex considering exchange effects of arsenic and phosphorus as well as anisotropic effects on the surface that do not need to be dealt with in the InAs/GaAs case. While QDash structures haven been studied fundamentally as well as in laser structures, they do not represent the theoretical ideal case of a zero-dimensional material. Creating round-shaped quantum dots on the InP(100) substrate remains a challenging task. Details of the self-organization process are still unknown and the formation of the QDs is not fully understood yet. In the course of the experimental work a novel growth concept was discovered and analyzed that eases the fabrication of QDs. It is based on different crystal growth and ad-atom diffusion processes under supply of different modifications of the arsenic atmosphere in the MBE reactor. The reactor is equipped with special valved cracking effusion cells for arsenic and phosphorus. It represents an all-solid source configuration that does not rely on toxic gas supply. The cracking effusion cell are able to create different species of arsenic and phosphorus. This constitutes the basis of the growth concept. With this method round-shaped QD ensembles with superior optical properties and record-low photoluminescence linewidth were achieved. By systematically varying the growth parameters and working out a detailed analysis of the experimental data a range of parameter values, for which the formation of QDs is favored, was found. A qualitative explanation of the formation characteristics based on the surface migration of In ad-atoms is developed. Such tailored QDs are finally implemented as active region in a self-designed diode laser structure. A basic characterization of the static and temperature-dependent properties was carried out. The QD lasers exceed a reference quantum well laser in terms of inversion conditions and temperature-dependent characteristics. Pulsed output powers of several hundred milli watt were measured at room temperature. In particular, the lasers feature a high modal gain that even allowed cw-emission at room temperature of a processed ridge wave guide device as short as 340 µm with output powers of 17 mW. Modulation experiments performed at the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) showed a complex behavior of the QDs in the laser cavity. Despite the fact that the laser structure is not fully optimized for a high-speed device, data transmission capabilities of 15 Gb/s combined with low noise were achieved. To the best of the author`s knowledge, this renders the lasers the fastest QD devices operating at 1.55 µm. The thesis starts with an introductory chapter that pronounces the advantages of optical fiber communication in general. Chapter 2 will introduce the fundamental knowledge that is necessary to understand the importance of the active region`s dimensions for the performance of a diode laser. The novel growth concept and its experimental analysis are presented in chapter 3. Chapter 4 finally contains the work on diode lasers.