112 resultados para liveable Yarra


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Rail operators recognize a need to increase ridership in order to improve the economic viability of rail service, and to magnify the role that rail travel plays in making cities feel liveable. This study extends previous research that used cluster analysis with a small sample of rail passengers to identify five salient perspectives of rail access (Zuniga et al, 2013). In this project stage, we used correlation techniques to determine how those perspectives would resonate with two larger study populations, including a relatively homogeneous sample of university students in Brisbane, Australia and a diverse sample of rail passengers in Melbourne, Australia. Findings from Zuniga et al. (2013) described a complex typology of current passengers that was based on respondents’ subjective attitudes and perceptions rather than socio-demographic or travel behaviour characteristics commonly used for segmentation analysis. The typology included five qualitative perspectives of rail travel. Based on the transport accessibility literature, we expected to find that perspectives from that study emphasizing physical access to rail stations would be shared by current and potential rail passengers who live further from rail stations. Other perspectives might be shared among respondents who live nearby, since the relevance of distance would be diminished. The population living nearby would thus represent an important target group for increasing ridership, since making rail travel accessible to them does not require expansion of costly infrastructure such as new lines or stations. By measuring the prevalence of each perspective in a larger respondent pool, results from this study provide insight into the typical socio-demographic and travel behaviour characteristics that correspond to each perspective of intra-urban rail travel. In several instances, our quantitative findings reinforced Zuniga et al.’s (2013) qualitative descriptions of passenger types, further validating the original research. This work may directly inform rail operators’ approach to increasing ridership through marketing and improvements to service quality and station experience. Operators in other parts of Australia and internationally may also choose to replicate the study locally, to fine-tune understanding of diverse customer bases. Developing regional and international collaboration would provide additional opportunities to evaluate and benchmark service and station amenities as they address the various access dimensions.


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Understanding ethics and law in health care is an essential part of nurses’ and midwives’ professional standards. Ethics, Law and Health Care focuses on teaching applied ethics and law in a manner that illustrates the real world applications of these core components of the nursing and midwifery curriculum and practice. It equips readers with the ability to recognise and address legal and ethical issues that will arise in their professional practice. The book uses the four principles of biomedical ethics (autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice) together with the use of both the Nursing and Midwifery Codes of Ethics and Codes of Professional Conduct, issued by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, as a central means through which to analyse and approach ethical and legal issues. Ethics, Law and Health Care is scaffolded to assist readers in understanding legal and ethical principles, to integrate them in the context of a particular issue within professional practice, and provide them with a decision-making framework to take action in a professional context by utilising the Codes as well as state and federal law. Aided by pedagogical features such as case studies, review questions, further reading and a glossary of common terms, this book is an essential resource for students, academics and practitioners.


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As planners work to create more sustainable and liveable urban environments, a priority is to transition away from prioritising the automobile and towards enhancing the pedestrian experience. Thus, this research explores the experience of pedestrian accessibility in inner-urban higher-density Brisbane in Australia, drawing on findings from semi-structured in-depth interviews with 24 residents and over 100 hours of public place observations in three case-study neighbourhoods. The interviews took place in residents homes and explored their experience of higher density living and their neighbourhood, whilst observations were recorded through a combination of methods including photographs, sketch maps, recordings and field journals. Observation locations included retail and commercial space, roads, parkland and open space, with multiple observations at each location. A thematic analysis identified common themes in both interviews and the observations, with this paper focusing on residents’ lived experience in urban built environments. This analysis revealed that pedestrian accessibility is linked to access to local amenities and direct routes, aesthetics, sense of community, ownership of space and safety. In particular, observations revealed how pedestrian accessibility and route-taking works with, against or in spite of the design features of urban environments, as well as the importance of the social use of the built environment. Residents spoke about although walking quick and preferred for local amenities, the decision to walk was moderated by factors such as time of day and perceived safety. Measures to ensure and improve the pedestrian accessibility of urban areas needs to take into account the propensity for people to prefer and improvise direct routes (often to the detriment of traffic safety considerations), the importance of ongoing maintenance and upgrading of walking infrastructure and the importance of aesthetically pleasing and safe walking environments. By combining interviews and observations, this research highlights the current dominance of the automobile culture in Brisbane and the layers of meaning, experiences and complexity hidden within the pedestrian experience.


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Significant attention has been given in urban policy literature to the integration of land-use and transport planning and policies—with a view to curbing sprawling urban form and diminishing externalities associated with car-dependent travel patterns. By taking land-use and transport interaction into account, this debate mainly focuses on how a successful integration can contribute to societal well-being, providing efficient and balanced economic growth while accomplishing the goal of developing sustainable urban environments and communities. The integration is also a focal theme of contemporary urban development models, such as smart growth, liveable neighbourhoods, and new urbanism. Even though available planning policy options for ameliorating urban form and transport-related externalities have matured—owing to growing research and practice worldwide—there remains a lack of suitable evaluation models to reflect on the current status of urban form and travel problems or on the success of implemented integration policies. In this study we explore the applicability of indicator-based spatial indexing to assess land-use and transport integration at the neighbourhood level. For this, a spatial index is developed by a number of indicators compiled from international studies and trialled in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. The results of this modelling study reveal that it is possible to propose an effective metric to determine the success level of city plans considering their sustainability performance via composite indicator methodology. The model proved useful in demarcating areas where planning intervention is applicable, and in identifying the most suitable locations for future urban development and plan amendments. Lastly, we integrate variance-based sensitivity analysis with the spatial indexing method, and discuss the applicability of the model in other urban contexts.


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The Acacia Light Wall is a permanent public artwork within the 3 stage Eden on the Yarra – a residential / commercial development on Victoria Street Abbotsford, Melbourne. The work was commissioned by the Hampton Group for Acacia Place, the first building in the development. The stylised screen was inspired by tangled wattle trees (Australia’s most common Acacia). The work consists of two walls, made from laser cut aluminium screen, acrylic ‘windows” Philips Colour Kinetic controllable LED (1250 nodes), Philips Colour Kinetics control ‘iPlayers”. One wall is 10 m long x 3 to 5 metres and the second is 12m by 3m. The windows are lit by an array of 600+ LED’s in each wall. These lights change colour from week to week marking the progress of the seasons. We worked with the project horticulturalist to develop a palate of colours for each week’s ‘light show’ that was drawn from local flowers and foliage likely to be in bloom that week. The lighting display is not static but rather a very slow moving (morphing) light show. It isn’t fast and flashy. Instead it’s restful and profound.


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Introduction: Built environment interventions designed to reduce non-communicable diseases and health inequity, complement urban planning agendas focused on creating more ‘liveable’, compact, pedestrian-friendly, less automobile dependent and more socially inclusive cities.However, what constitutes a ‘liveable’ community is not well defined. Moreover, there appears to be a gap between the concept and delivery of ‘liveable’ communities. The recently funded NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) in Healthy Liveable Communities established in early 2014, has defined ‘liveability’ from a social determinants of health perspective. Using purpose-designed multilevel longitudinal data sets, it addresses five themes that address key evidence-base gaps for building healthy and liveable communities. The CRE in Healthy Liveable Communities seeks to generate and exchange new knowledge about: 1) measurement of policy-relevant built environment features associated with leading non-communicable disease risk factors (physical activity, obesity) and health outcomes (cardiovascular disease, diabetes) and mental health; 2) causal relationships and thresholds for built environment interventions using data from longitudinal studies and natural experiments; 3) thresholds for built environment interventions; 4) economic benefits of built environment interventions designed to influence health and wellbeing outcomes; and 5) factors, tools, and interventions that facilitate the translation of research into policy and practice. This evidence is critical to inform future policy and practice in health, land use, and transport planning. Moreover, to ensure policy-relevance and facilitate research translation, the CRE in Healthy Liveable Communities builds upon ongoing, and has established new, multi-sector collaborations with national and state policy-makers and practitioners. The symposium will commence with a brief introduction to embed the research within an Australian health and urban planning context, as well as providing an overall outline of the CRE in Healthy Liveable Communities, its structure and team. Next, an overview of the five research themes will be presented. Following these presentations, the Discussant will consider the implications of the research and opportunities for translation and knowledge exchange. Theme 2 will establish whether and to what extent the neighbourhood environment (built and social) is causally related to physical and mental health and associated behaviours and risk factors. In particular, research conducted as part of this theme will use data from large-scale, longitudinal-multilevel studies (HABITAT, RESIDE, AusDiab) to examine relationships that meet causality criteria via statistical methods such as longitudinal mixed-effect and fixed-effect models, multilevel and structural equation models; analyse data on residential preferences to investigate confounding due to neighbourhood self-selection and to use measurement and analysis tools such as propensity score matching and ‘within-person’ change modelling to address confounding; analyse data about individual-level factors that might confound, mediate or modify relationships between the neighbourhood environment and health and well-being (e.g., psychosocial factors, knowledge, perceptions, attitudes, functional status), and; analyse data on both objective neighbourhood characteristics and residents’ perceptions of these objective features to more accurately assess the relative contribution of objective and perceptual factors to outcomes such as health and well-being, physical activity, active transport, obesity, and sedentary behaviour. At the completion of the Theme 2, we will have demonstrated and applied statistical methods appropriate for determining causality and generated evidence about causal relationships between the neighbourhood environment, health, and related outcomes. This will provide planners and policy makers with a more robust (valid and reliable) basis on which to design healthy communities.


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Edited by thought leaders of the fields of urban informatics and urban interaction design, this book brings together case studies and examples from around the world to discuss the role that urban Interfaces, citizen action, and city making play in the quest to create and maintain not only secure and resilient, but productive, sustainable, and liveable urban environments. The book debates the impact of these trends on theory, policy, and practice. The chapters in this book are sourced from blind peer reviewed contributions by leading researchers working at the intersection of the social / cultural, technical / digital, and physical / spatial domains of urbanism scholarship. The book appeals not only to research colleagues and students, but also to a vast number of practitioners in the private and public sector interested in accessible accounts that clearly and rigorously analyse the affordances and possibilities of urban interfaces, mobile technology, and location-based services to engage people towards open, smart and participatory urban environments.


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The responses of 95 barley lines and cultivars to spot form of net blotch (SFNB) caused by Pyrenophora teres f. maculata were analyzed as seedlings and adults in Australia and Canada. Cluster analyses revealed complex reaction responses. Only 2 lines (Esperance Orge 289 and TR3189) were resistant to all isolates at the seedling stage, whereas 15 lines and cultivars (81-82/033, Arimont, BYDV-018, CBSS97M00855T-B2-M1-Y1-M2-Y-1M-0Y, C19776, Keel, Sloop, Torrens, TR326, VB0111, Yarra, VB0229, WI-2477, WI2553, and Wisconsin Pedigree) were resistant toward the two Canadian isolates and mixture of Australian isolates at the adult stages. In Australian field experiments, the effectiveness of SFNB resistance in three barley cultivars (Barque. Cowabbie, and Schooner) and one breeding line (VB9104) with a different source of resistance was tested. Barque, which possessed a resistance gene that provided complete resistance to SFNB, was the most effective and showed no effect on grain yield or quality in the presence of inoculum. Generally, cultivars with seedling or adult resistance had less disease and better grain quality than the susceptible control. Dash, but they were not as effective as Barque. A preliminary differential set of 19 barley lines and cultivars for P teres I. maculata is proposed.


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Influential creative industries and creative place thinkers Richard Florida and Charles Landry agree that creativity is necessary for a prospering liveable and, therefore, sustainable city. Following Florida’s work, the ‘creative class’ has become central to what has turned out to be city-centre-centric growth policies. However, until the Queensland University of Technology’s Australian Research Council sponsored research into “creative suburbia”, few researchers had demonstrated – let alone challenged – the notion that a substantial cohort of creative industries workers might prefer to live and work at home in the suburbs rather than in city centres. The “creative suburb” work builds on the creative suburbia research. In a practice-led and property development industry embedded inquiry, the creative suburb draws on significant primary research with suburban, home-based, creative industries workers, vernacular architecture, and town planning in the Toowoomba region, in the state of Queensland, Australia, as inspiration for a series of new building and urban designs available for innovators operating in new suburban greenfield situations and suburban areas undergoing a refit in Queensland and possibly further afield. This paper focuses on one building design informed by this inquiry, with the intention of its construction as a ’showcasestudy’ ‘homeworkhouse’, suitable for creative industries workers in the Toowoomba region.


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The future of civic engagement is characterised by both technological innovation as well as new technological user practices that are fuelled by trends towards mobile, personal devices; broadband connectivity; open data; urban interfaces; and cloud computing. These technology trends are progressing at a rapid pace, and have led global technology vendors to package and sell the “Smart City” as a centralised service delivery platform predicted to optimise and enhance cities’ key performance indicators – and generate a profitable market. The top-down deployment of these large and proprietary technology platforms have helped sectors such as energy, transport, and healthcare to increase efficiencies. However, an increasing number of scholars and commentators warn of another “IT bubble” emerging. Along with some city leaders, they argue that the top-down approach does not fit the governance dynamics and values of a liberal democracy when applied across sectors. A thorough understanding is required, of the socio-cultural nuances of how people work, live, play across different environments, and how they employ social media and mobile devices to interact with, engage in, and constitute public realms. Although the term “slacktivism” is sometimes used to denote a watered down version of civic engagement and activism that is reduced to clicking a “Like” button and signing online petitions, we believe that we are far from witnessing another Biedermeier period that saw people focus on the domestic and the non-political. There is plenty of evidence to the contrary, such as post-election violence in Kenya in 2008, the Occupy movements in New York, Hong Kong and elsewhere, the Arab Spring, Stuttgart 21, Fukushima, the Taksim Gezi Park in Istanbul, and the Vinegar Movement in Brazil in 2013. These examples of civic action shape the dynamics of governments, and in turn, call for new processes to be incorporated into governance structures. Participatory research into these new processes across the triad of people, place and technology is a significant and timely investment to foster productive, sustainable, and liveable human habitats. With this article, we want to reframe the current debates in academia and priorities in industry and government to allow citizens and civic actors to take their rightful centrepiece place in civic movements. This calls for new participatory approaches for co-inquiry and co-design. It is an evolving process with an explicit agenda to facilitate change, and we propose participatory action research (PAR) as an indispensable component in the journey to develop new governance infrastructures and practices for civic engagement. We do not limit our definition of civic technologies to tools specifically designed to simply enhance government and governance, such as renewing your car registration online or casting your vote electronically on election day. Rather, we are interested in civic media and technologies that foster citizen engagement in the widest sense, and particularly the participatory design of such civic technologies that strive to involve citizens in political debate and action as well as question conventional approaches to political issues. The rationale for this approach is an alternative to smart cities in a “perpetual tomorrow,” based on many weak and strong signals of civic actions revolving around technology seen today. It seeks to emphasise and direct attention to active citizenry over passive consumerism, human actors over human factors, culture over infrastructure, and prosperity over efficiency. First, we will have a look at some fundamental issues arising from applying simplistic smart city visions to the kind of a problem a city poses. We focus on the touch points between “the city” and its civic body, the citizens. In order to provide for meaningful civic engagement, the city must provide appropriate interfaces.


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Acoustic feature based speech (syllable) rate estimation and syllable nuclei detection are important problems in automatic speech recognition (ASR), computer assisted language learning (CALL) and fluency analysis. A typical solution for both the problems consists of two stages. The first stage involves computing a short-time feature contour such that most of the peaks of the contour correspond to the syllabic nuclei. In the second stage, the peaks corresponding to the syllable nuclei are detected. In this work, instead of the peak detection, we perform a mode-shape classification, which is formulated as a supervised binary classification problem - mode-shapes representing the syllabic nuclei as one class and remaining as the other. We use the temporal correlation and selected sub-band correlation (TCSSBC) feature contour and the mode-shapes in the TCSSBC feature contour are converted into a set of feature vectors using an interpolation technique. A support vector machine classifier is used for the classification. Experiments are performed separately using Switchboard, TIMIT and CTIMIT corpora in a five-fold cross validation setup. The average correlation coefficients for the syllable rate estimation turn out to be 0.6761, 0.6928 and 0.3604 for three corpora respectively, which outperform those obtained by the best of the existing peak detection techniques. Similarly, the average F-scores (syllable level) for the syllable nuclei detection are 0.8917, 0.8200 and 0.7637 for three corpora respectively. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The concept of exospace, as an alternative liveable structure, is discussed in this article to improve our comprehension of architectural space. Exospace is a man-made space designed for living beyond Earth’s atmosphere. Humankind has developed outerspace technologies to build the International Space Station as a significant experiment in exospace design. The ISS is a new building type for scientific experiments and for testing human existence in outerspace.

A fictional example of exospace, on the other hand, is Discovery 1 spaceship in Stanley Kubrick’s legendary science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). It is a ship travelling to Jupiter with a crew of five astronauts and HAL9000, the artificial intelligence controlling the ship. I will first discuss the ISS, and the space stations built before, from a spatial point of view. A spatial study of Discovery 1 will follow. Finally, through an understanding of exospace, I will return to architectural space with a critical appraisal. The comparison of architectural space with exospace will add to the discussion of space theories from a technological approach.

Exospace creates an alternative reality to architectural space. Architects cannot consider exospaces without comparing them with the spaces they design on Earth. The different context of outerspace shows that a work of terrestrial architecture is very much dependent on its context. A building is not an ‘object’ that can be located anywhere; it is designed for its site. Architectural space is a real, material, continuous, static and extroverted habitable space designed for and used in the specific physical context of Earth. The existence of exospace in science opens a new discussion in architectural theory, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial.