267 resultados para lithosphere
Recent isotopic and biochronologic dating has demonstrated that the Gets nappe contains remnants of the oldest part of the oceanic crust of the Alpine Tethys. The ophiolites are associated with deep sea sediments, platform carbonates and continental crustal elements suggesting a transitional environment between continental and oceanic crust. Therefore, the ophiolites from the Gets nappe provide the opportunity to assess the nature of mantle source and the magma evolution during the final rifting stage of the European lithosphere. Trace clement analyses of mafic rocks can he divided into two sets: (1) P, Zr and Y contents are consistent with those of mid-ocean ridge basalts and REE patterns have a P-MORB affinity. (2) P,Zr Ti and Y contents are compatible with within-plate basalts and are characterized by REE spectra similar to that of T-MORB. Both have Nd isotopic compositions similar to those of synrift magma of the Red Sea and to the Rhine Graben. The model ages are in agreement with an LREE-enriched subcontinental mantle source derived from depleted mantle 800 to 900 Ma ago. Minor, trace element and Sm-Nd compositions suggest that these rocks are basaltic relies of an earliest stage of oceanic spreading i.e. an embryonic ocean. Comparison between REE patterns, Nd and Sr isotope compositions, isotopic and biochronologic ages from different Alpine Tethys ophiolites shows that samples with enriched LREE are from the older ophiolitic suites and are relies of the embryonic ocean floor. Later phases of ocean spreading are characterized by basalts that are depleted in LREE.
A 1 200 km-long linear magmatic belt extends along the Mediterranean coast the Maghreb from Eastern Tunisia to Morocco. This belt is mainly composed of Langan calc-alkaline metaluminous to peraluminous granitoids and associated andesites/cites Central and Eastern Algeria. In Tunisia and Oranie/Western Morocco, calc alkaline activity started later (during the Serravallian) and was followed by the placement of alkali basalts and basanites since the Tortonian to the Pliocene and, in me places, the Pleistocene. Available data on the tectonic setting, petrology, age and biochemistry of this belt show that most of its striking features, e.g. (1) very low magma production rate, subduction-related geochemical imprint, extensive crustal contamination the calc-alkaline magmatism and (2) progressive magmatic change from calc-alkaline alkaline, are consistent with magma generation during a slab breakoff process as proposed Carminati et al, in 1998. The magmatism associated with this breakoff started in Central Eastern Algeria at 16 Ma, then propagated eastwards and westwards, The upward of asthenospheric enriched plume-type mantle through the tear in the downgoing first triggered melting of the overlying lithospheric mantle which had been metasomatised during a previous subduction period. Heat supply from this uprising asthenosphere may have warmed up the continental crust and made its involvement in assimilation processes easier. As the asthenosphere ascended through the `window' in the slab, partial melting occurred at the uprising boundary between asthenosphere and lithosphere, generating basalts with transitional characteristics between those of calc-alkaline and alkaline basalts. As the asthhenospheric upwelling proceeded partial:melting then occurred in the sole asthenospheric mantle, producing alkali basalts. (C) 2000 Academie des sciences Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.
Deformation of the Circum-Rhodope Belt Mesozoic (Middle Triassic to earliest Lower Cretaceous) low-grade schists underneath an arc-related ophiolitic magmatic suite and associated sedimentary successions in the eastern Rhodope-Thrace region occurred as a two-episode tectonic process: (i) Late Jurassic deformation of arc to margin units resulting from the eastern Rhodope-Evros arc-Rhodope terrane continental margin collision and accretion to that margin, and (ii) Middle Eocene deformation related to the Tertiary crustal extension and final collision resulting in the closure of the Vardar ocean south of the Rhodope terrane. The first deformational event D-1 is expressed by Late Jurassic NW-N vergent fold generations and the main and subsidiary planar-linear structures. Although overprinting, these structural elements depict uniform bulk north-directed thrust kinematics and are geometrically compatible with the increments of progressive deformation that develops in same greenschist-facies metamorphic grade. It followed the Early-Middle Jurassic magmatic evolution of the eastern Rhodope-Evros arc established on the upper plate of the southward subducting Maliac-Meliata oceanic lithosphere that established the Vardar Ocean in a supra-subduction back-arc setting. This first event resulted in the thrust-related tectonic emplacement of the Mesozoic schists in a supra-crustal level onto the Rhodope continental margin. This Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous tectonic event related to N-vergent Balkan orogeny is well-constrained by geochronological data and traced at a regional-scale within distinct units of the Carpatho-Balkan Belt. Following subduction reversal towards the north whereby the Vardar Ocean was subducted beneath the Rhodope margin by latest Cretaceous times, the low-grade schists aquired a new position in the upper plate, and hence, the Mesozoic schists are lacking the Cretaceous S-directed tectono-metamorphic episode whose effects are widespread in the underlying high-grade basement. The subduction of the remnant Vardar Ocean located behind the colliding arc since the middle Cretaceous was responsible for its ultimate closure, Early Tertiary collision with the Pelagonian block and extension in the region caused the extensional collapse related to the second deformational event D-2. This extensional episode was experienced passively by the Mesozoic schists located in the hanging wall of the extensional detachments in Eocene times. It resulted in NE-SW oriented open folds representing corrugation antiforms of the extensional detachment surfaces, brittle faulting and burial history beneath thick Eocene sediments as indicated by 42.1-39.7 Ma Ar-40/Ar-39 mica plateau ages obtained in the study. The results provide structural constraints for the involvement components of Jurassic paleo-subduction zone in a Late Jurassic arc-continental margin collisional history that contributed to accretion-related crustal growth of the Rhodope terrane. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Global mass wasting during the Middle Ordovician: Meteoritic trigger or plate-tectonic environment ?
Mass wasting at continental margins on a global scale during the Middle Ordovician has recently been related to high meteorite influx. Although a high meteorite influx during the Ordovician should not be neglected, we challenge the idea that mass wasting was mainly produced by meteorite impacts over a period of almost 10 Ma. Having strong arguments against the impact-related hypothesis, we propose an alternative explanation, which is based on a re-evaluation of the mass wasting sites, considering their plate-tectonic distribution and the global sea level curve. A striking and important feature is the distribution of most of the mass wasting sites along continental margins characterised by periods of magmatism, terrane accretion and continental or back-arc rifting, respectively, related to subduction of oceanic lithosphere. Such processes are commonly connected with seismic activity causing earthquakes, which can cause downslope movement of sediment and rock. Considering all that, it seems more likely that most of this mass wasting was triggered by earthquakes related to plate-tectonic processes, which caused destabilisation of continental margins resulting in megabreccias and debris flows. Moreover, the period of mass wasting coincides with sea level drops during global sea level lowstand. In some cases, sea level drops can release pore-water overpressure reducing sediment strength and hence promoting instability of sediment at continental margins. Reduced pore-water overpressure can also destabilise gas hydrate-bearing sediment, causing slope failure, and thus resulting in submarine mass wasting. Overall, the global mass wasting during the Middle Ordovician does not need meteoritic trigger. (C) 2010 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A continental subduction-related and multistage exhumation process for the Tso Morari ultra-high pressure nappe is proposed. The model is constrained by published thermo-barometry and age data, combined with new geological and tectonic maps. Additionally, observations on the structural and metamorphic evolution of the Tso Morari area and the North Himalayan nappes are presented. The northern margin of the Indian continental crust was subducted to a depth of >90 km below Asia after continental collision some 55 Ma ago. The underthrusting was accompanied by the detachment and accretion of Late Proterozoic to Early Eocene sediments, creating the North Himalayan accretionary wedge, in front of the active Asian margin and the 103-50 Ma Ladakh arc batholith. The basic dikes in the Ordovician Tso Morari granite were transformed to eclogites with crystallization of coesite, some 53 Ma ago at a depth of >90 kin (>27 kbar) and temperatures of 500 to 600 degrees C. The detachment and extrusion of the low density Tso Morari nappe, composed of 70% of the Tso Morari granite and 30% of graywackes with some eclogitic dikes, occurred by ductile pure and simple shear deformation. It was pushed by buoyancy forces and by squeezing between the underthrusted Indian lithosphere and the Asian mantle wedge. The extruding Tso Morari nappe reached a depth of 35 km at the base of the North Himalayan accretionary wedge some 48 Ma ago. There the whole nappe stack recrystallized under amphibolite facies conditions of a Barrovian regional metamorphism with a metamorphic field gradient of 20 degrees C/km. An intense schistosity with a W-E oriented stretching lineation L, and top-to-the E shear criteria and crystallization of oriented sillimanite needles after kyanite, testify to the Tso Morari nappe extrusion and pressure drop. The whole nappe stack, comprising from the base to top the Tso Morari, Tetraogal, Karzok and Mata-Nyimaling-Tsarap nappes, was overprinted by new schistosities with a first N-directed and a second NE-directed stretching lineation L-2 and L-3 reaching the base of the North Himalayan accretionary wedge. They are characterized by top-to-the S and SW shear criteria. This structural overprint was related to an early N- and a younger NE-directed underthrusting of the Indian plate below Asia that was accompanied by anticlockwise rotation of India. The warping of the Tso Morari dome started already some 48 Ma ago with the formation of an extruding nappe at depth. The Tso Morari dome reached a depth of 15 km about 40 Ma ago in the eastern Kiagar La region and 30 Ma ago in the western Nuruchan region. The extrusion rate was of about 3 cm/yr between 53 and 48 Ma, followed by an uplift rate of 1.2 mm/yr between 48 and 30 Ma and of only 0.5 mm/yr after 30 Ma. Geomorphology observations show that the Tso Morari dome is still affected by faults, open regional dome, and basin and pull-apart structures, in a zone of active dextral transpression parallel to the Indus Suture zone.
A Ilha Brava (64 km2) localiza-se no extremo oeste do alinhamento meridional do arquipélago de Cabo Verde, sendo constituída por três unidades vulcanoestratigráficas que testemunham uma história vulcânica de cerca de 3 Ma. Foi escolhida como objecto de estudo na tentativa de contribuir para a melhor compreensão da origem e local de residência de alguns dos componentes mantélicos, das relações genéticas entre magmas silicatados e carbonatíticos, dos processos de desgaseificação de magmas carbonatíticos e da origem do carbono neles contido, da variabilidade geoquímica espaço-temporal do ponto quente de Cabo Verde, e da profundidade de enraizamento da sua pluma mantélica. A Brava contrasta com as outras ilhas do arquipélago por definir dois grupos geoquímicos distintos. As amostras do Complexo Basal, sendo menos radiogénicas Sr e He e mais em Nd e Pb que a unidade mais recente, são idênticas às ilhas do norte e explicáveis pela mistura de um componente do tipo HIMU (crosta oceânica reciclada com 1.3 Ga) e manto inferior (3He/4He até 12.85 Ra), carreados para a “superfície” pela pluma mantélica. Tal como é usual nas ilhas do sul, a Unidade Superior sugere, em adição, o envolvimento de um componente com afinidade EM-1, aqui considerado representativo de fragmentos de litosfera subcontinental dispersos na astenosfera. Os carbonatitos definem dois grupos com assinaturas isotópicas semelhantes às das rochas silicatadas contemporâneas. Os calciocarbonatitos resultaram de imiscibilidade líquida produzindo magmas nefeliníticos e carbonatíticos, enquanto os magnesiocarbonatitos representam líquidos residuais após a fraccionação de calcite a partir de um magma carbonatítico. As muito baixas razões 4He/40Ar* (≈ 0.25) que caracterizam a fonte dos carbonatitos do Complexo Basal indicam uma evolução a partir de razões K/U muito mais elevadas que o conjunto dos reservatórios silicatados da Terra. Sendo estes valores, também incompatíveis com a reciclagem de componentes crostais, foram aqui interpretados como podendo reflectir a contribuição do “missing Ar reservoir” para a fonte mantélica dos carbonatitos.
Coarse-grained gabbros from two different localities in the Gets nappe (Upper Prealps) have been dated by U-Pb and Ar-40/Ar-39 isotopic analyses. Zircons from both gabbros gave identical concordant U-Pb ages of 166 +/- 1 Ma (Fig. 4). Amphibole from one of them gave an Ar-40/Ar-39 plateau age of 165.9 +/- 2.2 Ma (Fig. 5). This concordance implies that 166 +/- 1 Ma is the age of magmatic crystallization of these gabbros. The Gets wildflysch with its mafic and ultramafic lenses is an ophiolitic melange, that we infer to come from a proximal part of the accretionary prism at the foot of the active SE margin of the Piemont ocean. In this position we can expect to find remnants of the oldest parts of the Piemont oceanic crust. These are the first high-precision dates using modern techniques from an Alpine ophiolite and are in excellent agreement with the following: 1) The few, somewhat younger, reliable ages on ophiolites from the probable continuation of the Piemont basin into the Apennines and Corsica; 2) Recent data on the age of the first supra-ophiolitic sediments (Late Bathonian to Early Callovian radiolarites); 3) The structural and stratigraphic evolution of the Brianconnais (s.s.) domain, the future NW margin of the Piemont ocean. We note a remarkable coincidence, in Late Bajocian time, between: (A) the end of tensile fracturing in the Brianconnais continental crust; (B) the beginning of its subsidence; (C) the age of the Gets ophiolites. This coincidence is consistent with an ocean opening mechanism based on a combination of subhorizontal extension and thermally driven vertical movements of the lithosphere.
The end of an orogenic Wilson cycle corresponds to amalgamation of terranes into a Pangaea and is marked by widespread magmatism dominated by granitoids. The post-collision event starts with magmatic processes still influenced by subducted crustal materials. The dominantly calc-alkaline suites show a shift from normal to high-K to very high-K associations. Source regions are composed of depleted and later enriched orogenic subcontinental lithospheric mantle, affected by dehydration melting and generating more and more K- and LILE-rich magmas. In the vicinity of intra-crustal magma chambers, anatexis by incongruent melting of hydrous minerals may generate peraluminous granitoids bearing mafic enclaves. The post-collision event ends with emplacement of bimodal post-orogenic (PO) suites along transcurrent fault zones. Two suites are defined, (i) the alkali-calcic monzonite-monzogranite-syenogranite-alkali feldspar granite association characterised by [biotite + plagioclase] fractionation and moderate [LILE + HFSE] enrichments and (ii) the alkaline monzonite-syenite-alkali feldspar granite association characterised by [amphibole + alkali feldspar] fractionation and displaying two evolutionary trends, one peralkaline with sodic mafic mineralogy and higher enrichments in HFSE than in LILE, and the other aluminous biotite-bearing marked by HFSE depletion relative to LILE due to accessory mineral precipitation. Alkali-calcic and alkaline suites differ essentially in the amounts of water present within intra-crustal magma chambers, promoting crystallisation of various mineral assemblages. The ultimate enriched and not depleted mantle source is identical for the two PO suites. The more primitive LILE and HFSE-rich source rapidly replaces the older orogenic mantle source during lithosphere delamination and becomes progressively the thermal boundary layer of the new lithosphere. Present rock compositions are a mixture of major mantle contribution and various crustal components carried by F-rich aqueous fluids circulating within convective cells created around magma chambers. In favourable areas, PO suites pre-date a new orogenic Wilson cycle. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The discovery of exhumed continental mantle and hyper-extended crust in present-day magma-poor rifted margins is at the origin of a paradigm shift within the research field of deep-water rifted margins. It opened new questions about the strain history of rifted margins and the nature and composition of sedimentary, crustal and mantle rocks in rifted margins. Thanks to the benefit of more than one century of work in the Alps and access to world-class outcrops preserving the primary relationships between sediments and crustal and mantle rocks from the fossil Alpine Tethys margins, it is possible to link the subsidence history and syn-rift sedimentary evolution with the strain distribution observed in the crust and mantle rocks exposed in the distal rifted margins. In this paper, we will focus on the transition from early to late rifting that is associated with considerable crustal thinning and a reorganization of the rift system. Crustal thinning is at the origin of a major change in the style of deformation from high-angle to low-angle normal faulting which controls basin-architecture, sedimentary sources and processes and the nature of basement rocks exhumed along the detachment faults in the distal margin. Stratigraphic and isotopic ages indicate that this major change occurred in late Sinemurian time, involving a shift of the syn-rift sedimentation toward the distal domain associated with a major reorganization of the crustal structure with exhumation of lower and middle crust. These changes may be triggered by mantle processes, as indicated by the infiltration of MOR-type magmas in the lithospheric mantle, and the uplift of the Brianconnais domain. Thinning and exhumation of the crust and lithosphere also resulted in the creation of new paleogeographic domains, the Proto Valais and Liguria-Piemonte domains. These basins show a complex, 3D temporal and spatial evolution that might have evolved, at least in the case of the Liguria-Piemonte basin, in the formation of an embryonic oceanic crust. The re-interpretation of the rift evolution and the architecture of the distal rifted margins in the Alps have important implications for the understanding of rifted margins worldwide, but also for the paleogeographic reconstruction of the Alpine domain and its subsequent Alpine compressional overprint.
The Cenozoic sedimentary record revealed by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program's Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX) to the Lomonosov Ridge microcontinent in 2004 is characterized by an unconformity attributed to the period 44-18 Ma. According to conventional thermal kinematic models, the microcontinent should have subsided to >1 km depth owing to rifting and subsequent separation from the Barents-Kara Sea margin at 56 Ma. We propose an alternative model incorporating a simple pressure-temperature (P-T) relation for mantle density. Using this model, we can explain the missing stratigraphic section by post-breakup uplift and erosion. The pattern of linear magnetic anomalies and the spreading geometry imply that the generation of oceanic crust in the central Eurasia Basin could have been restricted and confined by non-volcanic thinning of the mantle lithosphere at an early stage (ca. 56-40 Ma). In response to a rise in temperature, the mantle mineral composition may have changed through breakdown of spinet peridotite and formation of less dense plagioclase peridotite. The consequence of lithosphere heating and related mineral phase transitions would be post-breakup uplift followed by rapid subsidence to the deep-water environment observed on the Lomonosov Ridge today.
Melt-rock reaction in the upper mantle is recorded in a variety of ultramafic rocks and is an important process in modifying melt composition on its way from the source region towards the surface. This experimental study evaluates the compositional variability of tholeiitic basalts upon reaction with depleted peridotite at uppermost-mantle conditions. Infiltration-reaction processes are simulated by employing a three-layered set-up: primitive basaltic powder ('melt layer') is overlain by a 'peridotite layer' and a layer of vitreous carbon spheres ('melt trap'). Melt from the melt layer is forced to move through the peridotite layer into the melt trap. Experiments were conducted at 0.65 and 0.8 GPa in the temperature range 1,170-1,290 degrees C. In this P-T range, representing conditions encountered in the transition zone (thermal boundary layer) between the asthenosphere and the lithosphere underneath oceanic spreading centres, the melt is subjected to fractionation, and the peridotite is partially melting (T (s) similar to 1,260 degrees C). The effect of reaction between melt and peridotite on the melt composition was investigated across each experimental charge. Quenched melts in the peridotite layers display larger compositional variations than melt layer glasses. A difference between glasses in the melt and peridotite layer becomes more important at decreasing temperature through a combination of enrichment in incompatible elements in the melt layer and less efficient diffusive equilibration in the melt phase. At 1,290A degrees C, preferential dissolution of pyroxenes enriches the melt in silica and dilutes it in incompatible elements. Moreover, liquids become increasingly enriched in Cr(2)O(3) at higher temperatures due to the dissolution of spinel. Silica contents of liquids decrease at 1,260 degrees C, whereas incompatible elements start to concentrate in the melt due to increasing levels of crystallization. At the lowest temperatures investigated, increasing alkali contents cause silica to increase as a consequence of reactive fractionation. Pervasive percolation of tholeiitic basalt through an upper-mantle thermal boundary layer can thus impose a high-Si 'low-pressure' signature on MORB. This could explain opx + plag enrichment in shallow plagioclase peridotites and prolonged formation of olivine gabbros.
The existence of fluids and partial melt in the lower crust of the seismically active Kutch rift basin (on the western continental margin of India) owing to underplating has been proposed in previous geological and geophysical studies. This hypothesis is examined using magnetotelluric (MT) data acquired at 23 stations along two profiles across Kutch Mainland Uplift and Wagad Uplift. A detailed upper crustal structure is also presented using twodimensional inversion of MT data in the Bhuj earthquake (2001) area. The prominent boundaries of reflection in the upper crust at 5, 10 and 20 km obtained in previous seismic reflection profiles correlate with conductive structures in our models. The MT study reveals 1-2 km thick Mesozoic sediments under the Deccan trap cover. The Deccan trap thickness in this region varies from a few meters to 1.5 km. The basement is shallow on the northern side compared to the south and is in good agreement with geological models as well as drilling information. The models for these profiles indicate that the thickness of sediments would further increase southwards into the Gulf of Kutch. Significant findings of the present study indicate 1) the hypocentre region of the earthquake is devoid of fluids, 2) absence of melt (that is emplaced during rifting as suggested from the passive seismological studies) in the lower crust and 3) a low resistive zone in the depth range of 5-20 km. The present MT study rules out fluidsand melt (magma) as the causative factors that triggered the Bhuj earthquake. The estimated porosity value of 0.02% will explain 100-500 ohm·m resistivity values observed in the lower crust. Based on the seismic velocities and geochemical studies, presence of garnet is inferred. The lower crust consists of basalts - probably generated by partial melting of metasomatised garnet peridotite at deeper depths in the lithosphere - and their composition might be modified by reaction with the spinel peridotites.
At subduction zones, oceanic lithosphere that has interacted with sea water is returned to the mantle, heats up during descent and releases fluids by devolatilization of hydrous minerals. Models for the formation of magmas feeding volcanoes above subduction zones require largescale transport of these fluids into overlying mantle wedges(1-3). Fluid flow also seems to be linked to seismicity in subducting slabs. However, the spatial and temporal scales of this fluid flow remain largely unknown, with suggested timescales ranging from tens to tens of thousands of years(3-5). Here we use the Li-Ca-Sr isotope systems to consider fluid sources and quantitatively constrain the duration of subduction-zone fluid release at similar to 70 km depth within subducting oceanic lithosphere, now exhumed in the Chinese Tianshan Mountains. Using lithium-diffusion modelling, we find that the wall-rock porosity adjacent to the flowpath of the fluids increased ten times above the background level. We show that fluids released by devolatilization travelled through the slab along major conduits in pulses with durations of about similar to 200 years. Thus, although the overall slab dehydration process is continuous over millions of years and over a wide range of pressures and temperatures, we conclude that the fluids produced by dehydration in subducting slabs are mobilized in short-lived, channelized fluid-flow events.