959 resultados para lithic artifacts


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Die vorliegende Arbeit hat das von 1969 – 1972 ergrabene Inventar der Magdalenahöhle bei Gerolstein unter kritischer Berücksichtigung der Originaldokumentation sowie der stratigraphischen und sedimentologischen Beschreibungen erneut untersucht und v.a. hinsichtlich zweier Arbeitshypothesen überprüft. Daneben fanden jedoch auch die Schmuckobjekte und in kursorischer Weise die Tierknochen Betrachtung. Die Elfenbeinobjekte setzen sich aus elf Fragmenten zusammen, die bereits in zerbrochenem Zustand in die Höhle gelangt sein müssen. Sie sind mit mehreren Linienbündeln verziert, die teilweise aus v- oder zickzack-förmigen Motiven bestehen. Auch gestanzte Punktreihen treten auf. In ihrer Größe und Form sind die Elfenbeinobjekte einzigartig. Lediglich aus der Csákvár-Höhle in Ungarn gibt es vergleichbare Stücke, deren genaue Altersstellung jedoch unklar ist. Daneben kommen in der Magdalenahöhle zwei vollständige durchlochte Hirschgrandeln sowie die Fragmente einer durchlochten Grandel sowie eines durchlochten Wolfzahns vor. Diese tragen teilweise Spuren einer Aufhängung bzw. Befestigung. Der Grund für ihre Niederlegung vor Ort ist indes nicht endgültig zu klären. Die überlieferten Tierknochen besitzen verschiedene Grade von Verfärbung und Erhaltung, lassen sich dadurch jedoch nicht verschiedenen Schichten zuordnen. Neben Modifikationen von Carnivoren, darunter v.a. durch Verdauungsprozesse, sind auch an einigen Exemplaren Schnittspuren festgestellt worden. Eine Bärenphalange aus der Fundschicht b1 eröffnet so die Perspektive, die menschliche Belegung erneut mit der Radiokohlenstoffmethode direkt zu datieren. Der Untere paläolithische Fundhorizont besteht aus relativ unspezifischen Quarzartefakten, die von einer opportunistischen Abschlags- und Werkzeugsgewinnung aus lokalen Schottern zeugen. Für den Oberen paläolithischen Fundhorizont zeigt die Steinartefaktanalyse, dass die Abschläge als Herstellungsreste dünner bifazieller Geräte angesprochen werden können. Während dieser Befund alleine auch im Zusammenhang mit den spätmittelpaläolithischen Blattspitzengruppen gesehen werden kann, sprechen die bereits erwähnten vergesellschafteten Schmuckobjekte, der Nachweis eines Klingenabbaus sowie die fast ausschließliche Verwendung exogenen Rohmaterials für einen jungpaläolithischen Kontext, d.h. für eine Affinität zum Solutréen. Die Steinartefakte der Magdalenahöhle zeugen gleichzeitig von einer sehr mobilen Lebensweise, da lediglich eine Phase des Herstellungsprozesses des bifaziellen Geräts vor Ort stattgefunden hat. Gleichzeitig wurden früher an anderem Ort gewonnene Abschläge mitgebracht und als Werkzeug verwendet. Ebenso wie der Kern selbst wurden Abschläge auch wieder abtransportiert. Insgesamt kann daher eine Rohmaterial konservierende Strategie rekonstruiert werden, in der neben dem Kern als Gerät selbst auch die Abschläge Verwendung finden. Da die Magdalenahöhle als östlicher Niederschlag des Solutréen und als Beleg für das maximale Verbreitungsgebiet dieses Technokomplexes gewertet werden muss, reiht sie sich in eine Reihe von Fundstellen und Argumenten ein, wonach das zentrale Mitteleuropa während des LGM s.l. nicht menschenleer war, sondern in sporadischen Exkursionen begangen wurde. Obwohl sich daran noch keine dauerhafte Wiederbesiedlung anschloss, muss vom Bild einer absoluten Siedlungsleere Abstand genommen werden. Weitere Fundstellen und absolutchronologische Datierungen, u.a. der Magdalenahöhle, könnten in Zukunft zu einem noch besseren Verständnis der menschlichen Anpassungsstragien an kaltzeitliche Umwelten beitragen.


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Reengineering and integrated development plat- forms typically do not list search results in a particularly useful order. PageRank is the algorithm prominently used by the Google internet search engine to rank the relative importance of elements in a set of hyperlinked documents. To determine the relevance of objects, classes, attributes, and methods we propose to apply PageRank to software artifacts and their relationship (reference, inheritance, access, and invocation). This paper presents various experiments that demonstrate the usefulness of the ranking algorithm in software (re)engineering.


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To compare ECG-gated and non-gated CT angiography of the aorta at the same radiation dose, with regard to motion artifacts (MA), diagnostic confidence (DC) and signal-to-noise-ratios (SNRs).


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OBJECTIVE: Besides DNA, dental radiographs play a major role in the identification of victims in mass casualties or in corpses with major postmortem alterations. Computed tomography (CT) is increasingly applied in forensic investigations and is used to scan the dentition of deceased persons within minutes. We investigated different restoration materials concerning their radiopacity in CT for dental identification purposes. METHODS: Extracted teeth with different filling materials (composite, amalgam, ceramic, temporary fillings) were CT scanned. Radiopacities of the filling materials were analyzed in extended CT scale images. RESULTS: Radiopacity values ranged from 6000-8500HU (temporary fillings), 4500-17000HU (composite fillings) and >30710HU (Amalgam and Gold). The values were used to define presets for a 3D colored volume rendering software. CONCLUSIONS: The effects of filling material caused streak artifacts could be distinctively reduced for the assessment of the dental status and a postprocessing algorithm was introduced that allows for 3D color encoded visualization and discrimination of different dental restorations based on postmortem CT data.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the neuroimaging quality and accuracy of prospective real-time navigator-echo acquisition correction versus untriggered intrauterine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. Twenty women in whom fetal motion artifacts compromised the neuroimaging quality of fetal MRI taken during the 28.7 +/- 4 week of pregnancy below diagnostic levels were additionally investigated using a navigator-triggered half-Fourier acquired single-shot turbo-spin echo (HASTE) sequence. Imaging quality was evaluated by two blinded readers applying a rating scale from 1 (not diagnostic) to 5 (excellent). Diagnostic criteria included depiction of the germinal matrix, grey and white matter, CSF, brain stem and cerebellum. Signal-difference-to-noise ratios (SDNRs) in the white matter and germinal zone were quantitatively evaluated. Imaging quality improved in 18/20 patients using the navigator echo technique (2.4 +/- 0.58 vs. 3.65 +/- 0.73 SD, p < 0.01 for all evaluation criteria). In 2/20 patients fetal movement severely impaired image quality in conventional and navigated HASTE. Navigator-echo imaging revealed additional structural brain abnormalities and confirmed diagnosis in 8/20 patients. The accuracy improved from 50% to 90%. Average SDNR increased from 0.7 +/- 7.27 to 19.83 +/- 15.71 (p < 0.01). Navigator-echo-based real-time triggering of fetal head movement is a reliable technique that can deliver diagnostic fetal MR image quality despite vigorous fetal movement.


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Electroencephalograms (EEG) are often contaminated with high amplitude artifacts limiting the usability of data. Methods that reduce these artifacts are often restricted to certain types of artifacts, require manual interaction or large training data sets. Within this paper we introduce a novel method, which is able to eliminate many different types of artifacts without manual intervention. The algorithm first decomposes the signal into different sub-band signals in order to isolate different types of artifacts into specific frequency bands. After signal decomposition with principal component analysis (PCA) an adaptive threshold is applied to eliminate components with high variance corresponding to the dominant artifact activity. Our results show that the algorithm is able to significantly reduce artifacts while preserving the EEG activity. Parameters for the algorithm do not have to be identified for every patient individually making the method a good candidate for preprocessing in automatic seizure detection and prediction algorithms.


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In spite of the facts that magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is applied as clinical tool in non-specialized institutions and that semi-automatic acquisition and processing tools can be used to produce quantitative information from MRS exams without expert information, issues of spectral quality and quality assessment are neglected in the literature of MR spectroscopy. Even worse, there is no consensus among experts on concepts or detailed criteria of quality assessment for MR spectra. Furthermore, artifacts are not at all conspicuous in MRS and can easily be taken for true, interpretable features. This article aims to increase interest in issues of spectral quality and quality assessment, to start a larger debate on generally accepted criteria that spectra must fulfil to be clinically and scientifically acceptable, and to provide a sample gallery of artifacts, which can be used to raise awareness for potential pitfalls in MRS.


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Nurses prepare knowledge representations, or summaries of patient clinical data, each shift. These knowledge representations serve multiple purposes, including support of working memory, workload organization and prioritization, critical thinking, and reflection. This summary is integral to internal knowledge representations, working memory, and decision-making. Study of this nurse knowledge representation resulted in development of a taxonomy of knowledge representations necessary to nursing practice.This paper describes the methods used to elicit the knowledge representations and structures necessary for the work of clinical nurses, described the development of a taxonomy of this knowledge representation, and discusses translation of this methodology to the cognitive artifacts of other disciplines. Understanding the development and purpose of practitioner's knowledge representations provides important direction to informaticists seeking to create information technology alternatives. The outcome of this paper is to suggest a process template for transition of cognitive artifacts to an information system.


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The aim of this study was to assess the potential of monoenergetic computed tomography (CT) images to reduce beam hardening artifacts in comparison to standard CT images of dental restoration on dental post-mortem CT (PMCT). Thirty human decedents (15 male, 58 ± 22 years) with dental restorations were examined using standard single-energy CT (SECT) and dual-energy CT (DECT). DECT data were used to generate monoenergetic CT images, reflecting the X-ray attenuation at energy levels of 64, 69, 88 keV, and at an individually adjusted optimal energy level called OPTkeV. Artifact reduction and image quality of SECT and monoenergetic CT were assessed objectively and subjectively by two blinded readers. Subjectively, beam artifacts decreased visibly in 28/30 cases after monoenergetic CT reconstruction. Inter- and intra-reader agreement was good (k = 0.72, and k = 0.73 respectively). Beam hardening artifacts decreased significantly with increasing monoenergies (repeated-measures ANOVA p < 0.001). Artifact reduction was greatest on monoenergetic CT images at OPTkeV. Mean OPTkeV was 108 ± 17 keV. OPTkeV yielded the lowest difference between CT numbers of streak artifacts and reference tissues (-163 HU). Monoenergetic CT reconstructions significantly reduce beam hardening artifacts from dental restorations and improve image quality of post-mortem dental CT.


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Abstract: Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) enables the non-invasive measurement of changes in hemodynamics and oxygenation in tissue. Changes in light-coupling due to movement of the subject can cause movement artifacts (MAs) in the recorded signals. Several methods have been developed so far that facilitate the detection and reduction of MAs in the data. However, due to fixed parameter values (e.g., global threshold) none of these methods are perfectly suitable for long-term (i.e., hours) recordings or were not time-effective when applied to large datasets. We aimed to overcome these limitations by automation, i.e., data adaptive thresholding specifically designed for long-term measurements, and by introducing a stable long-term signal reconstruction. Our new technique (“acceleration-based movement artifact reduction algorithm”, AMARA) is based on combining two methods: the “movement artifact reduction algorithm” (MARA, Scholkmann et al. Phys. Meas. 2010, 31, 649–662), and the “accelerometer-based motion artifact removal” (ABAMAR, Virtanen et al. J. Biomed. Opt. 2011, 16, 087005). We describe AMARA in detail and report about successful validation of the algorithm using empirical NIRS data, measured over the prefrontal cortex in adolescents during sleep. In addition, we compared the performance of AMARA to that of MARA and ABAMAR based on validation data.